Chapter 1

Love Clues

It is the end of her high school this year. Mei is preparing for her college which is far away from United Kingdom. It is Korea! She wants to study in Korea so badly that she is willing to do anything so that she can stay away from those useless people.

"Is everything ready?", mom asks. "Everything is totally ready! Let's go! We're gonna be late!", Mei shouts as she pulls her mom who is busy counting and observing all their stuff.

They ride taxi to the airport, you can see the joy on Mei's face. She just cannot wait to go to her new college in Seoul. 

"Come on, mom!! You're so slow!", Mei whines while her mom was still busy checking their stuff. She ran to the counter to check in and ran to the departure hall. As soon as she stop, she sits on the chair waiting for the calling. When the first call is announced, she quickly takes out her passport and queue herself in the line. She just cannot wait no more. Mom can only smiles and sigh at the same time.

They arrived at Seoul about eleven hours. After checking all of their stuff , Mei runs out of the airport and takes and breath of South Korea. 

"So this is the smell of Seoul!!!",she shouts and everyone laugh at her weird action. When her mom sees that she grabs her daughter and pull her into a taxi to their house. Mei is sitting at the backseat enjoying the view, she asks a lot of questions to the taxi driver that himself cannot answer. Mom tells her to shut up but she keeps asking. Well, she is a 'kid' and she loves new things.

The taxi stops in front of their new home. Mei gets off the taxi and walks into the gate to see their new home. As soon as she steps in,her jaws drop. " too heaven!!!", she screams and look at her mom. "Well, it's a gift from my manager for getting a new job here!", her mom says. Well, her mom is a top designer. She got her own building at Seoul since a lot of Korean loves buying her clothes and designs.

"So, Mei. Later we will greet our neighbors with dumplings okay? Now go to your room and change your clothes.'', her mom says. Mei just nod and goes to her new room upstairs. She opens the door and sees all of these fancy stuff, king size bed, big windows with glittering curtain, a clean and luxurious bathroom and a huge closet. Her eyes turn into diamond and  she screams as loud as she could. " Wow!!! I don't wanna get out of this house!"

"Mei! Let's go!", her mom shouts. "Okay mom! Wait for me!", Mei gets up and run downstairs to join her mom greets their neighbors. As they walk along the street, her mom stops and point at the house, "So, this is only neighbor we had ?" . " Seems like it...", Mei nods. The house is huge just like theirs. She presses the bell and the gates open.

They walk into the house and notice a man is watering the flowers. " Hello Sir, I'm your new neighbors!", Mei interupts. The man turns around. Mei is amused by his looks, the way he dresses, his smooth hair, y eyes and thin lips. "Oh...Hello, new neighbor. I'm SeHun. How you?". Wow that was quick she thinks. "I'm Mei and that's my mom. We're just moved here. By the way we're from UK", she says while pointing at her mom whose talking to SeHun's mom. "Oh... uh... I lived here since I'm four, my mom is a doctor ,she works near our house, oh! she has her own office here, so if you sick you can come and ask her to check on you. And..uh I'm studying in Seoul Art College. And... uh how about you?", he looks down and blushes. Mei laughs and they starts talking chatting with their moms.

''Oh look it's almost six! Mei let's go home now! We still have a lot to do at our home!", her mom says and they bid goodbye to Oh's family. "Mei, thank you. I had a lot of fun talking with you.",SeHun smiles. "Yeah.. Me too. Bye!", she blushes and walks away. Mrs. Oh smiles when she sees her son makes new friend. "It's nice having you here Mei! SeHun won't be lonely anymore!", she said. "Oh! I suggest you to study in Seoul Art College together with SeHun. He has no friends there... If you haven't made any plan", she says with a said voice. Mei looks at SeHun pulling his mom and nods. "I would love too!". She smiles.

SeHun's face turns pale and it seems like he is angry. What is about SeHun that Mei doesn't know?


Notes-Hi guys! So how's the first chap? Well, it's base on my own experience actually. But I just change the characters. Hope U enjoy!!!

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