Chapter 2

Love Clues

Mei and her mom are enjoying dinner while watching the news. Mom looks at Mei poking her food, something is in her mind that disturbing her. Maybe it is about SeHun or she still cannot adapt living in Seoul? But she was so happy about living in Seoul before,right? And now it is her mom's turn poking her food. Mei looks at her mom as if she knows that mom is worried about her. She smiles and starts eating her food. Mom still in her thought. "Mom, you better eat your food!", Mei said. Mom yelps and stares at Mei, they laugh together. It is their first night in Seoul. 


Mei wakes up early today because she wants to register at her new college, Seoul Art College. Yes, she wants to be friend with SeHun. He seems nice and handsome to her. As she walking in front of their house, she takes a peek in front of SeHun's house, hoping to walk with him to college. "Are you waiting for me?", SeHun suddenly appears from nowhere. Mei jumps and turns her back, SeHun looks at her weirdly. "Oh! Good morning,SeHun! I just...uh..Yes!",Mei stutters and her face blushes too much. SeHun smirks and looks away. He walks into his house and rides his car. "Let's go", he said. Mei does not want to be late so she just obey him.

When they arrive the college, SeHun helps Mi with her registerations and send her to her class. Mei feels shy because everyone is looking at her,she grabs SeHun's sleeve because she does not want to be left alone. "Mei, everything will be okay, believe me okay?", SeHun looks deep into her eyes. Mei can feels something in his eyes that make her want to stare at it forever. "O..Okay.",Mei nods and slowly enters her class. SeHun bids goodbye and go to his class. And there is Mei, standing in front of the class. She looks around, wow... Everyone looks to well-dressed and good looking and smart. ''H-H-Hi! I'm Mei Adrian from UK. I'm your new friend, please take a good care of me!", Mei introduces herself and quickly sit on her seat. "Okay! Students! It's your self study class so use your time wisely.", the lecturer said.

Mei takes out her books and starts taking notes. "Hey!", a weird looking guy sits next to her. "Hi...",well that is not so good Mei. "Ouukaaayyy, I'm Chen! I'll be sitting beside you! by the way, you're a friend of that SeHun guy?'', Chen asks.''Yes,why?", Mei looks at him. "I'm just asking you. Because he always alone and I never seen him smilling. But just now, he smiled at you like there's no tomorrow.",Chen explains. "Oh...",she responds.

During breaks, she sits under a big mushroom statue enjoying the breeze and her food. When she is about to bite her food... "Oi! That's my spot!", a tall guy and a bunch of girls standing in front of her. She stops and packs all of her stuff, she does not want to get bulied again here so it is better to leave. "I'm sorry", she apologizes. The guy just cannot believe what he heard. " Hey! How could steal his Kai's spot! You,look at that! You made this place dirty!", all the girls suddenly bombing her with filthy words. "Hey hey calm down babes,she's new here right? Miss Mei?", Kai asks as he reaching her hand. Mei quickly steps back and looks at them for awhile, then she runs away. Kai just cannot believe what is happening. This is the first time a girl running away from him.

"I heard Kai was targeting you.", SeHun says out of nowhere. "Yeek! SeHun! I didn't see you come.", Mei jumps. "Be careful with him. He's not that good." SeHun warns Mei. "I'll be okay! Don't worry!",Mei laughs and when she sees Kai stands in front of her class, she stops and run away again. 

"Where is Mei Andrian?", Kai walks in and looks around the class. "Oh... she's playing hide-n-seek.",he smirks.

Mei is curling herself in the sport store with SeHun. "Um... Why are you pulling me with you?", SeHun asks bluntly. "Because I was so scare to I just bring you along with me! Geez! That guy is so scary!", Mei continues complaining to SeHun. Suddenly SeHun senses something and hugs Mei. "Shhh!", Mei is so nervous. It is her first time being so close to a guy. And on his chest, so hard yet so warm and smells nice. SeHun hugs her tighter that she cannot breath well, suddenly a shadow passing by them. "She's not here!", a voice that belongs to Kai breaks the silence in the hall. Kai walks away and SeHun let her go. Mei looks into his eyes, he looks back and smiles.

"I guess your smiles belong to me"

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