I Dont Know What to Title This Chapter...So I Guess I'll Call it"Titleless Chapter" ;)

Love, Pain, and Lying


"My name is GiKwang. What's your's?",

"My name is Mi Young. Nice to meet you.", i answered back and put my hand out for a handshake.

Instead of shacking my hand, he grabbed me in for a VERY tight bear hug.

"U-h i-i ca-ant b-breath!", i tried saying.

"OH!! IM SORRY!", he said and let me go immediatly.

I smiled at hime, signaling its alright.

"Have you made a knew friend Mi Young?", Key asked me from behind.

"Yeah! His name is Gikwang."

"So is this yout boyfriend??", Gikwang asked me.

"Errr yeah!! This is my loving boyfriend!!", i said and hugged Key.

I looked at Key and his face was like O_O.

What am i gonna do???


~Key's POV~

What did she just say!? I am happy but why all the sudden?! And why without me knowing!?

"You know what?? You guys make a pretty cute couple.", Gikwang said and winked at Mi Young.

"Yeah, we do, dont we??", Mi Young replied and smiled at him.

"Mi Young-ah, can i talk to you privately?", i asked her.

"Yah sure. Let's go over there.', she said and pulled me behind a tree that is like i dont know.....20 feet away??

~Gikang's POV~
'This doesnt seem right. He looked so shocked when she said that......Maybe they aren't really together. I need to stick around and see. I want Mi Young to be mine. She's so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!', i thought.

~Key's POV~

"Why did you say that?!", asked her when we reached the tree.

"I thought you'd be happy to hear that you were my boyfriend...", she said looking down.

"I AM SO HAPPY!! It's just that it doesnt make any sence.", i said and scratched my neck.

"Ohh okay ill tell you what happened. When you were gone doing your business, he came up to me and it seemed like he was trying to hook up with me. I dont like that so i told him i had a boyfriend, which was you.", she said and looked at me.

"Ohhhhhh that makes sence!!", i said.


"Let's go back to him.", i said and put my arm on her waist.

We walked over to him, and i looked at Mi Young's face. She was blushing!!!!! She must love it when she's close to me. HAHAHA

"Oppa-ah!! What are you thinking about!?', Mi Young asked me trying to pull away.

I held on to her and said, "Nothing~!"

~Gikwang's POV~

They came back and Key's arm was around Mi Young's waist. I narrowed my eyes at him. He seemed to notice and sticked his tongue out.

GASP!! That guy!!

~Mi Young's POV~

Gikwang narrowed his eyes at Key and Key stuck his tongue out at him. Key is so immature!

"So, Gikwang, are you here all by yourself?", Key asked him, smirking.

"Yes i am. I guess i'll just leave you guys alone.", Gikwang replied with a sad face and turned around to leave.

"Why don't you hang out with us?", i asked him holding his arm.

~Key's POV~

Did she just ask him to hang out with us?! No way!! SHIROOO~!!!!!!!

~Gikwang's POV~

She just asked me to hang out with her!!! YAY!!!!!
"I'd love to!!!!", i screamed, turned around and hugged her.

It was a bit awkward since Key's arm was around her too.

I looked at him....his nostrils were flaring!! HAHA!! It looks so funny!
I let go of her and he turn back to nornal.

~Mi Young's POV~

Gikwang hugged me...i wonder what Key looks like now...
When Gikwang let go of me i said, "Let's go on the rides now!!!"

"Alright!!', Gikwang answered cheerfully.

"Yeah lets go.", Key answered dully.

We passed my the ride that i wanted to go on first. I kept on staring at it. I couldn't help it!! It looked way too fun!!!

"Do you wanna go on that ride Mi Young??", Gikwang asked me.

I nodded slowly and he grabbed my hand and we an to the ride.

When i got on the ride i was so excited!!!! AHH!!!

The ride started....

"WOOOOOO-HOOOO!!!", Gikwang and I screamed.
"That was so fun!!!", i screame when i got off of the ride.

"I know right!!??", he screamed.

I feel like i forgot something or someone...OH NO!! KEY!!!

I looked around for Key. I couldnt find him anywhere!!
Than i saw him....he was with some girl.... Why am i disappointed?? We arent really together and i dont like him...

I walked up to them.

"Oppa-ah! Mianhe!!!!!!", i apologized and hugged his arm.

He shoock me of and gave me a mean glare. I dont know what to do....

"Are you Mi Young??", the girl beside us asked me.

"Y-yes i am. Who are you?", i asked back.

"Oh im am Key's ex-girlfriend, Yoona.", she replied and smirked,

Key's head whipped to look at Yoona.

"Oh that's great. Well im his new girlfriend.", i said and held Key's hand.

"What kind of girlfriend leaves her boyfriend for some kiddy ride??", she said a bit too bratty.

"YAH! Don't talk to her like that!", Gikwang defended me.

Key just stood there doing nothing. I thought he like me...I'm starting to like Key. Why isnt he defending me?
"It seems like Key doesnt want to be with you anymore.", she said.

"YAH!! What did i tell you!!??", Gikwang said raising his voice.

"You wouldn't know that!!! Right Oppa-ah??", i said and looked at him.

He didnt answer, he just shrugged.

My eyes widened. He really doesnt like me anymore.

I let go of his hand and ran away from them. I dont know what to do....


Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

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bubbystar1 #1
Isn't tiffany and miyoung the same person
deardiaryyou #2
xsweetoothx #3
steeeppphh come back to this profile too!~ D:
missmaknae #4
NOOOOOOB. SUTEPANIE! you should update :) kay bye.<br />
<br />
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-said with love, Amy XD
xsweetoothx #5
lol i did :P luv you too steph XD
kpopwoohoo #6
@xsweetoothx:<br />
ahaha!! sorry i forgot to type the thank you<br />
i was scared my comp will turn off and im kinda busy<br />
atleast i made you the co- author!!!<br />
make meee~!
xsweetoothx #7
haha thanks for giving me credit steph -_- you barely did the typing! haha good chapter anyways~
awww.. jonghyun why do have to ruin it.. argghh!!.. haha<br />
.. well anywys the truth always comes out.. it will never be a secret.. hehehe.. UPDATE SOON~!!^^ <br />
vikKiBeoMin #9
OMG JongHyun!!! bad Jjongie~ >_<<br />
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update soon!kekeke~^^
i-like-food #10
Lol, Fany is out of control. sorryy....