02: Invisible

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[Byunghun's Point of View]

"The answer is k is an element between zero and a half inclusive, excluding a quarter." 

"As expected, you're right Chunji."

I placed a red tick mark next to my correct answer on my work book. 

"You can always trust Chunji to have the right answer." I heard the girl behind me whisper and giggle to her friend.

"I know. Not only is he hot, he's also smart too. I can only wish for someone like him to even look at someone like me."

"I bet if he tutored me in Maths, I would be able to be as smart as him too."

If you stopped wasting your time by fantasising about him then maybe you would be as smart as him.

Their gossiping was both distracting and annoying.

What do they see in that Chunji guy anyway? Sure he's smart, good-looking, athletic and gifted at singing, but I'm sure he's just a self centred selfish bastard behind that stupid smile of his.

Not being able to stand their constant giggling any longer I turned around and gave them a warning, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"I'm sorry but can you please keep your voices down. I'm trying to learn here."

Turning back around to face the front, I noticed that the teacher had moved onto the next question. From behind me, I could still hear the girls still chatting.

"Wow. The new guy spoke! I never knew he could speak!"

I tried to ignore the girl's comment and giggling by focusing on the teacher.

"Does anyone know the answer to the next question, question 5?"

I slowly raised my hand as the teacher gazed around the classroom, looking for a student that was not asleep.

"Yes Byunghun."

Her voice was less enthusiastic compared to when she spoke to Chunji.

"Is it k is an element of all real numbers except two?"

The teacher nodded, wrote my answer on the board then proceeding to explain the answer.

Chunji gets praised and I just get a nod. Typical.

I glanced back to the back corner of the room and spied Chunji nonchalantly gazing out the window. He clearly wasn't paying attention in class.

He could at least pretend to be concentrating.

Ever since day one, I've been watching him. He's one of those typical popular guys. I walked into the classroom and there he was at his desk by the window with a swarm of girls surrounding him. He simply greeted them all with a sweet smile and had them all swooning. At first, I just brushed him off as one of those cocky rich kids who treated school as their playground, but by the end of the day my perception of him had changed. Well, changed a little bit. I didn't see him as a cocky rich kid anymore. No, he was a cocky rich GENIUS. Every single class that we had together, he would excel at it and have the teachers crawling at his feet. Well not literally crawling. He got the credit for everything and my efforts were tossed aside unnoticed. By now, I have noticed that he was one of those effortless achievers. He could do anything without even trying or lifting a single finger. He would just calming relax at the back of the classroom while I was slaving away here at the front, just trying to keep up. 

When I transferred here from America, they introduced me as the son of a board director of the school. Everyone just assumed that I had gotten into Jawoon High School due to my connections. In reality, I had to work really hard just to be even considered. My father offered to help me and pull a few strings at the school but I rejected. I was never the type to take advantage of connections. I had to prove to myself that I was good enough to attend this school. So after putting myself through countless nights of continuous studying, I came to Korea and was accepted into Jawoon as a scholarship student after passing the test. It was only afterwards that they discovered who my father was and introduced me with that title instead of introducing me as "the scholarship student". Not revealing anything about my scholarship, my efforts went unrecognised and unacknowledged. I was just a normal student in everyone's eye. I wasn't anything special, just normal. Even after trying to show my abilities at school for the first month, I was overshadowed by Chunji. No one cared as they were all blinded by Chunji's "perfection". He held everyone's attention while I had none of it. What makes matters worse is that there are four more of them! They make up some sort of group called 'Teen Top' or something. From what I've heard it's just like a group of five Chunji's. They're all over-achieving cocky bastards.

I guess I should be used to it by now. Even in America, it was this way. There was a clear distinction between the popular and not so popular. I obviously was in the "not so popular" category. I guess popularity is the same in every country. The popular had everything. They had the intelligence, the athletic and musical ability, the looks, the girls... Of course they had the girls. Every popular guy had his own girl. It was practically a prerequisite for being noticed. The amount of acknowledgement you got from the student body was directly proportional to the number of girlfriends you've had. They didn't need to try hard to get a girlfriend either. If you were worthy, the girls would automatically come to you. It's not like I've never tried to talk to girls. They just brush me off and the guys tend to ignore me. It was like I was invisible.

Since I've never actually had a girlfriend before, my popularity was obviously... not very high. I'm smart and I'm good at sport... well I

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[Dating Game] I'm sorry I haven't updated in more than 5 months but I'm currently taking a break from writing. I'll be back soon I promise!


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i wish u'll still update it. Author-nim :)
Chapter 15: I know it's been a while, but I really hope you update this soon! It is quality work. :)
RandomRitings #3
Chapter 15: Reading this 2 years later, it's still good. Wish there will be an update sometime in the future
Chapter 15: ;A; man i want to know the rest of the story.
wishful_promises #5
Chapter 15: If it were any other situation, I would probably hunk of Moonchul as a pretty obnoxious but well meaning guy. Doesn't mean I will don't find him a bit annoying, but he's cool. In here though, the secrets he's hiding make me wonder about him. And maybe Moonchul was Chunji's friend in the past or something. Maybe that's why Chunji's insisten on Byunghun staying away from him. I don't know.

I'll be waiting for the next update!
Chapter 15: OMGGGG, THIS STORY IS BEYOND PERFECTION ALREADY ♥♥♥ AND IT HAS A FREAKIN AWESOME STORYLINE!!! Pleeeaaase come back, we miss you like heck! </3 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 12: Why couldn't Byunghun be seen with Moonchul...?
teentopukfan #8
I love this fan fic!!! One of the best ones!!
Chapter 15: Please update<3 kkkk~ I'm a new reader btw! I love your story! :3 goodluck in your exams or something<3 we will be waiting for you ~^^~
I was just suddenly wondering this, is ChunJi going to like take on Shuuji's personality?

Like Shuji's personality of -> Always putting other's feelings before himself??