10: Operation Steal the Show

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[Chanhee's Point of View]

"So what are we doing today?" Byunghun chucked his bag onto the ground and sat down beside me. He avoided eye contact with me, his voice laced with annoyance, as if he was still angry at me after our little "incident."

"Oh come on Byunghun." I playfully hit his left arm. "You can't still be pissed off. Trust me, he's not worth it."

"Can I be the judge of whether or not he's worth it or not?"

"Suit yourself. It's just a friendly warning."

"Hurry up. I want to go home." 

"There's no use being impatient. Take a chill pill." I stood up slowly and picked up both of our bags in the process. "Just follow me."

Obediently he followed me down the stairs and into the neighbouring building. 

"What are we doing in the music building?" He asked curiously.

Without answering his question, I led him to the final room and pushed the door open and gestured for him to enter. 

"Welcome to Music Room 5." He smiled, hoping that he would understand what I was alluding to.

"I'll ask you again. What are we going here Chanhee?" The anger and frustration still lingered in his voice.

"Can you play any of these?" I gestured around the room as I watched his eyes glance around. His eyes darted past the drums in the back corner and the several guitars propped up against the wall and headed straight for the grand piano that stood at the side of the room. His eyes softened as he nodded. "Piano? I didn't exactly pick you as the pianist type." I pushed him from behind up to the piano and forced him to sit down on the stool. He stared at the keys for a moment, as if he had momentarily forgotten how to play it. "Well go ahead. Show me what you can do."

He brought his hand up and brushed his fingers gently over the ebony keys. "What do you want me to play?" He spoke softly, as if he didn't want me to hear. 

"Just play anything." His sudden change was strange. Just a moment ago he was giving me some attitude and how he was completely docile. I folded my arms and stood behind him as he pressed down on one of the keys, checking that it worked, and then resumed the silence again straight after. 

Letting my plan mull over in my mind, I waited for any sign of progress. Just when the silence was about drive me insane, a familiar tune filled the air.  

"Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Movement Three." I whispered. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqSulR9Fymg&feature=related]

I held my breath in anticipation as I peered down at Byunghun's hands. His fingers lightly danced across the keys, swiftly and accurately. The smooth motions and flicks of the wrists were controlled yet powerful. Even though I was a singer, I could pick a good pianist when I saw one. Byunghun was definitely a good pianist. Better than good. Magical.

As the piece progressed, I trailed up to his eyes. His stare was piercingly intense. His eyes darted along with the movement of his fingers. His mind whirled in uttermost concentration as he carefully calculated his next movement. Despite his concentration, he made it seem like it was second nature. His hands would just innately move and brush up against the keys at each precise moment. 

I closed my eyes and let the sound fill me. 

Yes. This is it. This could work very nicely.

All the tension surrounding us dissipated along with the music. 

If he's this good, why doesn't he show it? 

The song ended with a strong finish and the room once again proceeded into a quiet silence.

"Sorry. I was a bit out of time. I haven't practiced in a while."

"No it's fine. That was... Wow. That was amazing."

He closed the lid of the piano as he sighed. 

"I probably haven't touched a piano since I left America."

"Why?" He sighed again, reluctant to answer. "You're clearly some musically prodigy."

"There's only so much a person can put up with. All the competitions, trophies, awards and practice hours don't mean anything. It takes more than a few pieces of gold plastic to impress people. You probably wouldn't understand."

"Are you saying that you only learnt piano to impress people? Is music only a game to you!?"

"That's not it!" He exploded again, staring me straight in the eye. "Music was the only thing I had! I was fine with playing just for fun! But...." He trailed off, breaking eye contact again. "Forget it." His voice softened. "You won't get it anyway."

"Make me understand then."

He stood up, walked towards the door and pushed the handle down. "Even before Jawoon, I expect you were popular at your old school, even if it wasn't to this extent, so let me tell you something. For those invisible people like me, you can only be ignored for so long."

So that's what this is about. The purpose behind this whole game. Behind those quick and witty remarks, this is the real Lee Byunghun. An invisible boy who just wants to be seen for who he is. 

"Wait!" I stopped him before he could go storming off. "That song. There's a school concert next week on Wednesday night. Practice it and play it. I'll organize your registration, so just practice it and be ready. Make them see Byunghun. E

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[Dating Game] I'm sorry I haven't updated in more than 5 months but I'm currently taking a break from writing. I'll be back soon I promise!


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i wish u'll still update it. Author-nim :)
Chapter 15: I know it's been a while, but I really hope you update this soon! It is quality work. :)
RandomRitings #3
Chapter 15: Reading this 2 years later, it's still good. Wish there will be an update sometime in the future
Chapter 15: ;A; man i want to know the rest of the story.
wishful_promises #5
Chapter 15: If it were any other situation, I would probably hunk of Moonchul as a pretty obnoxious but well meaning guy. Doesn't mean I will don't find him a bit annoying, but he's cool. In here though, the secrets he's hiding make me wonder about him. And maybe Moonchul was Chunji's friend in the past or something. Maybe that's why Chunji's insisten on Byunghun staying away from him. I don't know.

I'll be waiting for the next update!
Chapter 15: OMGGGG, THIS STORY IS BEYOND PERFECTION ALREADY ♥♥♥ AND IT HAS A FREAKIN AWESOME STORYLINE!!! Pleeeaaase come back, we miss you like heck! </3 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 12: Why couldn't Byunghun be seen with Moonchul...?
teentopukfan #8
I love this fan fic!!! One of the best ones!!
Chapter 15: Please update<3 kkkk~ I'm a new reader btw! I love your story! :3 goodluck in your exams or something<3 we will be waiting for you ~^^~
I was just suddenly wondering this, is ChunJi going to like take on Shuuji's personality?

Like Shuji's personality of -> Always putting other's feelings before himself??