09: Changing Times

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[Please note that they following chapter contains some coarse language.]


[Chanhee’s Point of View]

It’s already been a week since Byunghun and I started playing the Game. In a week, I must say that I was surprised about his rapid and unexpected improvement. In a week he has managed to break the awkward aura that surrounded him and opened up to everyone else around him. I don’t know what motivation he has exactly, but he seems to thrive off it. There are still obvious flaws but his social skills are definitely much better. Each afternoon, I would pick his outfit for the next day and each morning we would check that it all matched and I gave him any clothes to borrow from my own wardrobe. The routine was definite and precise. Appearance wise, he was still as appealing as the first time he came to school with his renewed look.  

I never was the type of person to break rules, especially so early on but I think it was for the better. We decided to change the first rule of the Game. We were now allowed to associate within school as long as we maintained the secret of the Game and no one else knew about our association. This fit better with our needs as I often found that I needed to communicate with him throughout the day to give him tips and advice. In that emergency lesson that we had on Thursday, I gave him a crash course on social etiquette and expectations. What he should say in certain situations, common useful phrases he could say to get people to respect and acknowledge him and phrases that I often used to please the teachers. He seemed to understand them well and didn’t question them at all and promised to try to be aware of such expectations at all times and try to use the phrases as required. He was peculiarly cooperative. In comparison to my previous encounters with him, he wasn’t as hot tempered and sarcastic, nor did he seem to hate me as much as he said he did, which is always a good thing I guess.

The next day before school, I gave him a compilation of current popular music groups, actors and actresses, films and books, making a particular focus on idol groups. I told him to research them, listen to them, like them and bring them up in conversations when he felt like he didn’t know what to say. Once again, he was strangely accepting of my orders. This attitude that he has sure makes things a lot easier. After the weekend, he came back to school as an expert on everything related to current pop culture. He had even obtained extensive knowledge on topics that was not on the list that I gave him. The moment he opened his mouth on Monday morning, he was an instant hit. People just couldn’t get enough of him. Combined with everything that I had taught him on Thursday afternoon, he became a more witty and sociable version of his former self. When I ask him if it’s all too much to take in too quickly, he just calmly brushes it all off and tells me that it’s all actually a lot more interesting than he originally thought. As his teacher, I give him a proud A+.

We were progressing very well. Everything is going to plan. As instructed, he tries to talk to the neighbouring students during the short breaks between each lesson in the day. At first, he hesitated to take the initiative to start the conversation but soon he didn’t need to as people would just flock to his side once the bell rung. The classroom quickly becomes two small cluttered groups during breaks; one around Byunghun’s desk and one around mine. I could tell he preferred and was more comfortable to guys but he did try to make an effort with the girls if they approached him.

I subtly smiled to myself as I peered over the classroom to see Byunghun laughing and cheerful discussing the latest album released by SNSD yesterday. The bell sounded for the end of our five minute break and the beginning of the next class, English. I didn’t mind English itself and since our English teacher was actually American, it was advantageous excluding the fact that I absolutely hated his voice. His monotonous voice just made me want to fall asleep so I dreaded English classes every single day. That’s why I was slightly relieved when another teacher walked into the classroom instead.

“Okay everyone quieten down please. An urgent family matter came up this morning so Mr. Turner is unable to take this class so it will now be self study. Please use this time wisely to quietly get some work done.”

The class cheered over the fact that English was cancelled before we were all silenced by the substitute teacher. I pretended to get out a workbook from my bag while I glanced over in Byunghun’s direction. I was wondering if I could make up an excuse to leave with Byunghun so we could possibly get started on the next phase. Clearly though, I wasn’t the only one who had such ideas. Byunghun was already busy whispering away with the guy next to him. Squinting a little, I realised that it was Moonchul.

Why does it have to be him out of all people?

I groaned a little as I facepalmed myself.

I guess we need a little more work than I thought.

I quickly scribbled a note for Byunghun to meet me out of the roof top while I raised my hand and thought of an excuse to leave. I guess my attempts were pointless as at that exact mo

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[Dating Game] I'm sorry I haven't updated in more than 5 months but I'm currently taking a break from writing. I'll be back soon I promise!


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i wish u'll still update it. Author-nim :)
Chapter 15: I know it's been a while, but I really hope you update this soon! It is quality work. :)
RandomRitings #3
Chapter 15: Reading this 2 years later, it's still good. Wish there will be an update sometime in the future
Chapter 15: ;A; man i want to know the rest of the story.
wishful_promises #5
Chapter 15: If it were any other situation, I would probably hunk of Moonchul as a pretty obnoxious but well meaning guy. Doesn't mean I will don't find him a bit annoying, but he's cool. In here though, the secrets he's hiding make me wonder about him. And maybe Moonchul was Chunji's friend in the past or something. Maybe that's why Chunji's insisten on Byunghun staying away from him. I don't know.

I'll be waiting for the next update!
Chapter 15: OMGGGG, THIS STORY IS BEYOND PERFECTION ALREADY ♥♥♥ AND IT HAS A FREAKIN AWESOME STORYLINE!!! Pleeeaaase come back, we miss you like heck! </3 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 12: Why couldn't Byunghun be seen with Moonchul...?
teentopukfan #8
I love this fan fic!!! One of the best ones!!
Chapter 15: Please update<3 kkkk~ I'm a new reader btw! I love your story! :3 goodluck in your exams or something<3 we will be waiting for you ~^^~
I was just suddenly wondering this, is ChunJi going to like take on Shuuji's personality?

Like Shuji's personality of -> Always putting other's feelings before himself??