- Leans Toward You

A Starlight's Dream

 A/N: PCR Manager – Production Casting Recruiting Manager - the same person that you've met at the fan event. Let's continue with the story...


You walk inside behind the PCR Manager into the same room Joon-Ho step in. She softly apologizes give small bows to those already sitting down. You do a few bows trying not to give too much attention and take a seat in the back of what looks like a meeting room with a large long table and chairs around it. Additional chairs were put in place to accommodate the overflow of people sitting down already. “There's got to be about 30ish people in here.” you thought looking around you notice all the actors and actresses sitting at the table with scripts in front of them. “Ah, this is a meeting for script reading. Interesting.”

“Are we all here?” a middle-age man stated with authority in his voice. He stood up from his seat at the head of the table and looked around. He continued. “Due to Seo-Hyeon's schedule she will come in about 15 minutes from now. If we're here we can get started.”

“We're missing Miss Wickerston, Director.” a random guy said quickly.

The Director looks down at his clipboard on the table and flips through a few pages. “Writer Lee, did she not get a phone call? She's the person you invited to play the part.”

“She did however she isn't here. I'll contact her.” the guy answered again.

I glad she's not here.” you thought regarding Seo-Hyeon. You look at the director and lock eyes with him. You instantly look and turn away to the folder you were holding. He made a short sigh and picking up his clipboard. “Please get in contact with Miss Wickerston. We cannot wait any longer since it is hard for everyone to come together before we start filming.”

“If Miss Wickerston isn't here now who will read her parts?” said a guy in front of you. His back was to you so you didn't notice who it until he spoke. The random guy that spoke to the director left the room looking at his phone. “Good point, Han Joon-Ho. Since most of what she says is in English it's best if we have someone that speaks English to do her part.” another actor says after.

The director looks at the PCR Manager and she turns to you. You meet eyes with her and the director. “Uh-oh.” you thought getting nervous. She speaks up saying, “I have someone that speaks English here.” The actors you were behind turn their heads to look at you. You look at everyone and give a small greeting bowing a few times. You lock eyes with Joon-Ho.

“___________ we meet again.” he says with a friendly smile.

“You know this person?” the director asks.

“We just met today.” Joon-Ho answers. “How about we get officially started before we run out of time.”

“Correct. Hand that young lady a script.” the director says. The random guy comes back inside and whispers something in the director's ear. The same chubby guy you saw earlier hands you a script and a pen. “Miss Wickerston has fallen ill however it is nothing serious. Let's introduce ourselves.”




After everyone makes their introductions, Seo-Hyeon steps inside with her manager. She starts walking giving off a diva-like strut to the seat next to Joon-Ho. You look over the opposite way hoping that they didn't see you. She slowly takes off her sunglasses placing them in a case before putting them on the table and the manager helps her take of her jacket. He proceeds to take a seat in one of the other additional chairs for extra staff.

“Excuse me.” Seo-Hyeon said with an attitude. “Why is a thief here?”

Your eyes grew as everyone looked around. Whispers and small scatter filled the room. “Quiet everyone.” the director shouted. “Who is this thief you speak of?”


Seo-Hyeon's manicured index finger points to you and your mouth drops. She answers with a simple, “Her.”


“That's a big misunderstanding.” you reply quickly without using too much emotion.


“Of course a thief would say that.” Seo-Hyeon yelled. She folded her arms and rolled her eyes. “Call security and take her out of here now!”


The door opens and a male comes in saying, “There's no need for that.”










“Cha Hak-Yeon!”





Cha Hak-Yeon? Is that really N?” you thought as you turned your head to him. Your eyes grew a little as your heart skipped a beat. You take in a deep breath and hold it to contain your excitement. You let out an slow uneven breath while gripping the script in your hands. Thoughts flooded in of the memory you obtained at the fan meeting and interacting with N.

A sound of a paper being slammed on the table snapped you back to reality. Seo-Hyeon stands up and says angrily, “What do you mean?”

“You were at the airport a few days ago right?” Hak-Yeon asks.

“Yeah, so what?”

“That's the day you lost your phone is it not?

“Ok, so get to the point.”

“Before you got your phone back. She accidentally called me from your phone and briefly clarified the situation. She found your phone at the airport.” He explained. He turned to you and gave a small smile. “Is it not what happened?”

“Yes. It was when you bumped into me when your phone was misplaced. My friend found your phone behind my lugagge.” you added. “She thought the phone was mine at the time and kept it. Don't worry Miss Seo-Hyeon. We didn't do anything to it.”

Seo-Hyeon folded her arms again and gave a huff. “I didn't bump into anyone at the airport.” she lied taking her seat. “I would have remembered. Stop wasting time and lets get on with this reading.”

“Agreed.” Hak-Yeon added while taking a seat near another actress.

“Well that's not how I wanted you to come in Hak-Yeon but it's fine. Since everyone that we need are here, let's start.”, the director said. Hak-Yeon gave you a small smile and a wink. You couldn't help but shyly smile. Joon-Ho saw what Hak-Yeon did, turned to you, and saw your reaction. He spoke up saying, “Since ______ is temporary filling in for Miss Wickerston, should be here at the table? She may not have many lines but it must be uncomfortable being behind everyone.”

“Ah, no no.” you say worried. “I'm fine where I am.”

“That's not a bad idea.“ a person sitting beside the PCR Manager agreed. “Writer Lee, how about it?”

“She's only temporary.” Seo-Hyeon chimes in nonchalantly. “I don't see why she needs to sit with us. I'm getting hungry so let's hurry this up.”

“Thank you for your suggestion Joon-Ho but seriously, I'm fine where I am.” you say before looking at the director. “Please go ahead and start.”


. . . 3 hours later . . .



“We shall end it here. Thank you everyone. This read-through had it's ups and downs but everyone works well together.” Writer Lee stated getting up from his seat. “Director any last words before we conclude?”

“I wanted to give special thanks to _______ for filling in and providing us the English parts.” the director said giving a clap. His clapping made everyone clap as well. You couldn't help but clap back and smile while nodding. “We have also identified problem areas in the script and other parts that need to be addressed as well. Please check with your schedule regarding the first filming location and times. That is all.”

Everyone including you stand up and mingle a bit. You notice Seo-Hyeon and her manager talk with the writers. “Although I was nervous, I guess I did ok enough for the director to acknowledge me.” you thought. You pulled out her phone to see several messages missed. Before you could look at them, Joon-Ho hands you a water bottle. “Good job, ______. Was this your first time?” he said curiously.

“Honestly, it's my first for everything.”

“Not bad. I was so nervous my first time I started having hiccups.”

You  laughed at him doing hiccup motions. All of a sudden, you felt someone watching you and looked over to Hak-Yeon's direction. He was watching you until someone started speaking with him. That gave you a warm feeling inside. “Excuse me, ________.” the PCR Manager said. “I need to talk with a writer. Please take the script and the folder I gave you and wait outside the door.” You gave a nod and waved to Joon-Ho before leaving out. You saw other actors and people with them leaving the room gradually. Your phone started vibrating and saw that it was Monica. You answered, “Hello?”

“FINALLY! I've been trying to reach you for HOURS!”

“You don't have to yell.”

“Where are you at now? There's tons of fans outside now looking for idols. If I didn't get here earlier I probably wouldn't have been able to get in. I had to hide in the bathroom.”

“There's people here but how would they know about this place?”

“The power of a fan's heart is way beyond anyone's comprehension. I thought you were just getting some paperwork.”

“I thought so too.” You say sighing. You explain to her details without giving too much away. She said that she was downstairs but the secretary wouldn't let her go up because she had no appointment. As a joke you advised her to mention the name of web drama with the director name. A second later you hear some muffled words until it cleared up.

“OMG she let me go up.” Monica whispered. “It's the 6th floor right?”

“Seriously? That was a joke! I didn't mean for you to actually do it.”

“Well what's done is done. I'm in front of the elevators. See you in a second.”

You end the call and shake your head giving a small laugh. “Of course that's Monica for you.” you thought looking toward the two elevators. “Hey you.” you hear on the other side of you. You turn to see Seo-Hyeon's manager standing there. His height and stern look slightly overwhelms you. Behind him you see the person that actually spoke to you.

“Yes Seo-Hyeon?” you ask politely.

“I hope you know you're not going to be part of MY drama.”

"That's not really up to-"

“After today, we won't be seeing each other thief. I'll make sure of it.” she said cutting you off. She puts on her sunglasses and walking toward the elevators. You lean on the wall and watched as her leave and her manager follow behind. You looked back toward the meeting door and see Vixx's leader walk toward you. Butterflies found their way inside of you and you stand up straight. You felt your body temperature rise.

“Don't let her get to you, _________. I overheard the director and staff say they that you've been a great help and very professional to work with. ” Hak-Yeon said giving a flirtatious smile. He touched your shoulder lightly speaking again. “Maybe you can help me with some English lines I have.” His smile and soft words melted your heart. You couldn't help but blush a little which made him smirk and snicker. “Ah stop! You're making me blush. ” you say as you playfully push him.

“But, you look cute that way.”

“If any of your Starlights heard that, I'd be in trouble.”

“But you're a Starlight as well, right?”

“You're right. I am a Starlight.” you answer proudly. “ But.. I rather not be attacked by crazy fangirls though.”

Suddenly, someone rushes out of the meeting room, not paying attention, and bumps into Hak-Yeon from behind. Hak-Yeon's body leans toward you in a slight falling motion. As he wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling you close and slams his other hand against the wall to stop himself from moving and you hitting the back of your head.

You eyes grow bigger and you feel as time stopped for a moment. His arm around you felt soft but strong as if he was holding something extremely fragile....



Your breath became slow and deep.


Your mind became blank.


You felt his breath on the side of your neck.


When he let out a small sigh, it gave you the chills.

You found it hard to control your balance and held on to Hak-Yeon. 



To be so close to someone you've had feelings for made your temperature rise and made your heartbeat increase.  Of course there was a time that you daydreamed about a moment similar to this. To actually experience it first hand gave you a full feeling of delightful bliss. “A-are you ok, _______?” Hak-Yeon asked releasing his grip. He shook you a little leaning in to look at you. You closed your eyes for a second and blinked a little to get a hold of yourself. “I..a-am.” you reply softly still holding him. You noticed how intense his eyes were because of how close he was to you. You quickly let go of him. He backed away from your face quickly and took a step back. “Sorry about that. Someone bumped me.” he said looking around for the culprit.

“It's ok.”

“You didn't hit your head did you?”

“No. I'm fine.”

Hak-Yeon gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you for worrying about me.” you added shyly. The director comes out the room with Hak-Yeon's company staff. “I thought I would have to give you an audition but I saw what just happened and looks like you fit Ms. Wickerston's spot perfectly. Welcome to the team. ”



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RachAlexandrea #1
Chapter 10: At least he didn't fall for that. So happy.
_ariey04 #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the next chapter
Cyber_girl4427 #3
Chapter 9: N is not my bias but your work has upgraded him to my bias wrecker
RachAlexandrea #4
Chapter 9: I love this. I'm fangirling so much hahaa
Cyber_girl4427 #5
Chapter 8: I can't even
RachAlexandrea #6
Chapter 7: This story is so creative :D