- This Can't Be Real

A Starlight's Dream

“If this is Seo-Hyeon's phone, she needs a better lock on it.” Monica said unlocking it and looking at the apps smirking. You two were waiting for Seo-Hyeon's manager at the meetup spot. “No one should use a square as a lock. That's just dumb.”

“Where did you even get her phone anyway?” you ask looking around for a car to pull up.

“At the airport. I thought it was yours since it was beside your luggage after you bumped into that chick. What was she doing with Seo-Hyeon's phone?”

“Monica! Really?” you say as you grab the phone. “You're invading her privacy.”

“She's a public idol so her privacy isn't that private anyway! Oh I should get her number! She gotta have numbers from top celebrities too.”

“Monica!” you shout as you move your arm to prevent her from grabbing it back. You here a faint male voice from the phone and look down to see that you accidentally call someone. Although you're familiar with speaking Korean because of Monica teaching you and watching a few Korean dramas, but reading it is a different story. “Hello?” you answer softly.

“Hello? Seo-Hyeon?”

“I'm sorry Miss Seo-Hyeon isn't at the phone right now.” You explain quickly. “I am meeting with her now to return it.”

“Return it?”

“Yes.” you answer. “She has misplaced her phone while she was at the airport. I apologize for calling you. It was an accident. I must go now.”

“Who is that?” Monica asks as you hang up with the unknown caller. You shrug your shoulders and see a car pulling up. You step back from the curb and steps out a clean-cut very attractive male from the drivers seat. Looking inside the car you notice a female wearing sunglasses in the backseat looking the opposite way. “Are you Monica and ______?”


“You may hand over the phone.”

“Not until you see this and pay up!” Monica chimes in handing over receipts. He gives her a dull stare and sighs. Pulling out his wallet and pulls out more than enough and gives Monica money and returns the receipts.

“The phone.”

As you hand him the phone you look up at him. He gives an emotionless nod before returning to the drivers side. “Ah wait!” you say as he gets in. The female puts the back window down and turns to look over at Monica as you finish what you where going to say, “I wanted to tell him about the call I made by accident.”

“What did JUST you say?!?” the female asked. She gets out the car quickly and the male does the same moving over to her side. She looks down at her phone to see the lock screen. She proceeds to take off her glasses and fold her arms. Monica gives a small gasp starts hitting you.

“That hurts you know.” You say rubbing your arm.

“Miss Seo-Hyeon? You're like the hottest actress right now!” Monica says while trying to pull out her phone. “Can you take a picture with me?!”

Seo-Hyeon's manager steps in and places his arm between the two. “Look here. First you take my phone and even call someone from it. How dare you ask me that!”

“I was a holding it and accidentally dial a number.” You answered. “No need to be rude. We didn't do anything else with it.”

“Miss Seo-Hyeon no need to concern yourself. We need to leave now. You have your phone and you're late for an event.” the manager stated as he opened the door for her. He gives a small bow. “Please forget what you saw on the phone and us meeting. Goodbye.”




“Daebak! I only meet kpop singers!” Monica stated as she watched the car drive away with the actress inside. She hugs you and you hug back curious to why she did that. “All of this happened in one day thanks to you!”

“Uh.. but I didn't do anything.”

“Of course you did. But wait a second.” Monica says pulling out a piece of paper. You look at it and see Seo-Hyeon's name in English.

“No way. That can't be the same Seo-Hyeon.”

Monica slowly puts on a grin on her face. Suddenly, you thought about it. “If Monica is thinking what I'm thinking then I'm sure she's the same person I saw at the airport and I'll have to be part of her drama.” After recalling the memory, you shake your head in disbelief, grab your friend, and go home.


~ 2 days later ~


“Ugh! I can't believe I made a wrong turn!” you say under your breath. “I swear I followed Monica's directions exactly but I ended up at a coffee shop.” You look down at your phone and typed in the address that was on the paper that was given to you a few days ago from the production recruiter. It had Monica's handwriting in English translating what it said. After a moment, you look around and see the tall building that matched the information on your phone and headed there.

“Welcome to XYZ Entertainment Headquarters, did you have an appointment?” the secretary asked as you walked to her station.

“I'm here as an extra for the new drama, ______. I was told to meet here.” you reply handing her the paper.

She stares at it seeing all Monica's scribbles written all over it and you can't help but get a little embarrassed. She nods, looks up at you handing you a yellow card, and points to the elevators. “Make your way to the 6th floor. Go 3 doors down and you should be where you need to be.”

“That went smoother than I thought.” You say under your breath as you head for the elevators. You see one closing to go up and say, “Hold the elevator please!” As you rush in, looking down at the card, and stand next to the one holding the elevator for you. “Thank you so much.” you say graciously.

“No problem. What floor?”

“The 6th floor please.” you reply as you look up and turn to the person speaking with you. You see a handsome man looking back at you. You stare at his captivating eyes that are a slightly lighter shade of dark brown. He gives off a model vibe with a welcoming presence and gave you the feeling like you stared at him too long. Realizing that, you quickly look away and he gives a small chuckle.

“Don't feel too embarrassed.” he said quickly to ease your awkwardness. You notice his voice is was bold and slightly robust. “I get that look at lot.”

You give a small grin and say softly, “I'm sure. Sorry about that.”

“No need to apologize. Looks like we're here.” he says looking up at the numbers on the elevator wall. The elevator dings and opens the door. The man gives you a gesture to allow you out first. You step out of the elevator and look at both paths presented to you. You look down a the yellow card in confusion. “Which way?” you thought. “Too bad Monica had to turn in school work and couldn't be here with me. I can't read Korean.”

“Did you need help?” the male asked.

“Well, I have this card however, other than my name I can't read it.”

You hand over the card to him but before he could read it, a short and chubby guy with a cap and gray hoodie opens a door nearby. “ Han Joon-Ho! You said you were going to the restroom!” He storms toward the two of you and grabs Joon-Ho, and proceeds back to the same room taking the young model-like man with him.

“Ah my card!” you say aloud before someone else opens a door on the other side behind you.

“Where is this girl? I'm going to be scolded for being late for the meeting.” says a familiar voice.

You heard the female behind you and turn around. You let out a sigh of relief seeing that she's the same person you spoke with after the Vixx fan meeting. She sees you and you two walk over to each other. “Look I don't have time to give you details. Come with me and we'll discuss everything after this meeting. ” she says handing you a folder with paperwork inside. “Keep this and do not say a word. Ugh.. I'm not even suppose to bring you in there since you're an extra, but I don't have time for you to sign paperwork. I'll be in big trouble if you leave since you know too much already”

 "This can't be real." you thought following her. "What did I get myself into?" 

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RachAlexandrea #1
Chapter 10: At least he didn't fall for that. So happy.
_ariey04 #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the next chapter
Cyber_girl4427 #3
Chapter 9: N is not my bias but your work has upgraded him to my bias wrecker
RachAlexandrea #4
Chapter 9: I love this. I'm fangirling so much hahaa
Cyber_girl4427 #5
Chapter 8: I can't even
RachAlexandrea #6
Chapter 7: This story is so creative :D