- Whole New Experience

A Starlight's Dream

“Did you see how y Leo was?!?! I can't believe they're doing a signing too!” Monica exclaimed while holding a printed picture of Leo waiting in line with you. “This is why I love Vixx. They even do small fan events like this for their Starlights!” You nod your head in agreement. You couldn't help but feel butterflies again after thinking about how kind and considerate N was before the concert. During the concert, every once in a while he would look at you as if he was talking or singing directly to you for a moment before looking elsewhere. It seemed like he showed off more than he would normally do but you figured that he was just doing his job and quickly shook the thought away. Your gut feeling couldn't be wrong right? He seemed to show off a different vibe from when he interacted with other fans which was friendly and approachable but distant. But with you... it changed.

After giving your greetings to the other members of Vixx, you step up to their leader who gave you a bright smile on his face. You were slightly taken aback personally seeing a cheerful side after seeing how serious and cold he looked during his performance. “ Compared to watching him online and in person, this is a whole new experience.” you thought returning his smile with yours.

“How are your legs?” he asked with concern.

“They're fine. Thank you for helping me up.” you answered shyly.

“That's good. I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt...” he said as grabbed a picture of himself and turned it over to the back. “And whom do I have the pleasure of meaning today?”

“My name is _____.”

“Ah, ________. A very pretty name for a beautiful girl like you.” he said sweetly. You give out a small laugh of tiny disbelief.

“Thank you but you say that to every fan don't you?.” you say boldly with a grin. “I must say that you're handsome as well

“You found out my secret!” he said reciprocating the laugh you made which made you hold your breath to hold back from getting excited. He signs the picture after writing some Korean on it and continued, “Seriously, I don't hear names like yours too often and it's true that you are beautiful.”

You couldn't help but softly bite your lower lip and smile. He saw what you did and looked down shyly with a smile for a moment gaining his composure back. “By the way, your Korean is very good. Are you-”

“OK MOVE IT ALONG.” a crew member shouted as you looked at N with a blank face. He must have read your mind as you both laughed at the same time. “Nice to meet you, ______. I hope we meet again.” N said with a cool tone. He gave you his autographed picture. “Thank you for coming.”

“Of course.” you said with a smile. “I hope so too.”

~ ~

You kept replaying the fan event in your head. Thinking about that had gave you the feeling of floating on a cloud. Although the conversation you had with N was brief, it was natural and enchanting. “Hello!? Earth to ____! Are you listening” Monica said losing your thoughts. “I was trying to say that Leo is going to be my husband one day.”

“Yeah.. ok. Good luck with that.' you say in a sarcastic tone. “Let's get some food. I'm starving! I haven't eaten much since we came from the airport.”

“Excuse me.” you and your friends hear from behind and turn around. A young woman was holding a piece of paper and looked up at you. “Can I speak to you for a moment.” 




“So let me get this straight... after seeing me interact with Cha Hak-Yeon, you want me to play a minor role in a drama?” you said summarizing her words. You thought it was a joke and looked around for cameras. She nodded and handed you the paper she was holding. Monica and you look down at it. Monica snatches the paper out of your hands in disbelief.

“Daebak!” she shouted and started reading the paper out loud. “Company: XYZ Entertainment. - Title: Untitled/To Be Determened - Scripted for Television. New drama starting hot upcoming actress Ro Seo-Hyeon, top young actor Han Joon-Ho, and special k-pop idol from Jellyfish Entertainment. Casting male and female extras to play as foreigners, abroad students, and additional characters that fulfill requirements. Ages:18-30. Wait a moment... K-pop Idol?!”

“Although we've already had our casting auditions. We're looking for more people to play as extras.” the scout explained. “Do you speak English?”

“Yes, that's my native language.” you answered confidently. "But I'm sure-"

“Great! Please follow the scheduled time on the paper. You'll have to come in and do a headshot and sign paperwork.” she said with a smile.

“Is the kpop idol from Jellyfish Entertainment, Leo!? I'm an abroad student too!” Monica ask getting in the production staff member's face and starts speaking random English words. The young lady gave Monica a nervous look, heard her name in the distance, and ran off.

“I should join them and finish breaking down this event.” Jun-Su said walking toward the stage that was being broken down. “Congrats. It's extremely rare that they recruit anyone on the spot.”

~ ~

“I can't believe it! You've only been for like what... 5 hours and you get an acting job?” Monica said while grilling meat. She took you to a nearby local restaurant. She mentioned on the way there that she's familiar with the owners and even worked there a few times. You took a sip of your drink and sighed. “I can't believe it myself!” you said putting meat on a piece of lettuce. “I know stand out here because I'm a foreigner but I was not expecting that at all.”

“I know right?! Plus it's a drama with Han Joon-Ho. If I wasn't into Leo so much, I would-”

You raise an eyebrow seeing your friend stop mid-sentence. Monica pulls out the same phone she held in her hand earlier in the car coming from the airport. The phone vibrates in her hand as she looks at the screen curious about the what was on it. “Manager?” she asked handing you the phone. “You came here for an acting job?”

“What?!” you answered with semi-shocked face. “I told you this isn't my phone.”

“I thought we were here to have fun together?!” Monica cried and she starts showing fake sobs and eating grilled meat. You answer the phone and place it on your ear. “UGH Finally! I've been calling all day!” a female voice says. Her voice sounded oddly familiar even though you do not know who it is.


“Look here. I've been calling all day! You have my phone and I call the police on you for stealing it.”

“Miss Seo-Hyeon! Give me the phone. I'll handle this.” you hear in the background as the phone was passed to the male that made the previous statement. “Hello? This is Miss Seo-Hyeon's manager. Who am I speaking with?”

“My name is _____ and I did not steal this phone. We found it.”

“To get to the point. This phone is extremely important and we must obtain it very quickly.” the manager explained with a stern masculine voice. “I would like to meet up with you so we can retrieve it.”

“Who am I speaking with?” you asked. “Miss Seo-Hyeon's Manager?”

Monica's eyes grew as soon as she heard the name and grabbed the phone from you. “Miss Seo-Hyeon? The upcoming new actress everyone has been talking about?” she said with excitement puting the phone to her ear. “Can I speak to her? She's in a new drama right? My friend is going to act in it too.”

“Monica! Chill!”

“Mmhmm. Oh, I know that place!” she said calming down a little. “We're eating right now so we can leave after eati- You need it right now? But I'm not wasting- Oh really? Can you pay for cab fare too? Gotcha. We'll meet you there.”

Monica looked up and shouted to the shop owner, “Halmoni! We want one order each of all the good stuff! Give us a receipt and I'll pay you when we come back!”




A/N: All dialogue will be considered as Korean just because of the fact the location is in South Korea. Any other language would be most likely changed by color.

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RachAlexandrea #1
Chapter 10: At least he didn't fall for that. So happy.
_ariey04 #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the next chapter
Cyber_girl4427 #3
Chapter 9: N is not my bias but your work has upgraded him to my bias wrecker
RachAlexandrea #4
Chapter 9: I love this. I'm fangirling so much hahaa
Cyber_girl4427 #5
Chapter 8: I can't even
RachAlexandrea #6
Chapter 7: This story is so creative :D