Extra #1

My Heart is a Ghost Town
  1. In which Wonwoo and Mingyu watch a movie 


They’re sitting cross-legged on the couch, knees touching and snacks in hand on this particular Saturday night. 

A horror movie is playing on the screen, its eerie opening music immediately dampening Wonwoo’s courage and has him inching closer to his boyfriend and clutching the bowl in his lap a little tighter. Mingyu, on the other hand, doesn’t look the slightest bit fazed and Wonwoo supposed that that is to be expected as he himself is something that might as well of waltzed out of the movie playing on their screen.


Twenty minutes in and Wonwoo has finally abandoned all feigned confidence. His hands are now clutched around Mingyu’s arm, face buried into his collar bones, practically whimpering every time a wall, door or thing creaks or moves. Mingyu, at this point, remains still completely unfazed though a smirk adorns his lips as he feels his boyfriend fidgeting beside him. 


Thirty five minutes in and Mingyu suddenly shifts beside Wonwoo, which has the latter reeling back in surprise and a look of shock, fear, betrayal, relief and embarrassment crosses his face. Mingyu is incredibly amused.

“Mingyu you-, you scared me.”

“I moved like this much.”

“Yeah, well you could have warned me.”

“So now I have to tell you every time I make any sort of movement.” 

Wonwoo huffs, then pouts. Mingyu is even more amused, if possible. 

“Well babe, I would like to inform you that I am going to get some more popcorn.” There is an evident teasing lilt in Mingyu’s tone and Wonwoo ignores it though his cheeks seem to redden under the dim glow of the screen.


Thirty eight minutes in and Mingyu still has not returned from his popcorn seeking journey leaving Wonwoo to tackle the past two minutes of uncensored gore and suspense alone. Someone’s head flies off and Wonwoo immediately winces into the pillow that he has essentially buried himself into, cursing his boyfriend for taking so long while simultaneously shuddering at the spilt blood and organs. 


Thirty seven and a half minutes in and Mingyu has already returned from the kitchen, choosing to stand behind the couch and watch his boyfriend cower behind pillows. Mingyu thinks that there is something very clearly endearing about this and is almost certain that Wonwoo had let out a quiet whimper at the last character’s death. However its been too long and his boyfriend still has yet to notice him so Mingyu reaches out to touch the latter’s shoulder. 


Forty minutes in and Wonwoo feels something tap him on the shoulder. He screams. 


Forty two minutes in and Wonwoo and Mingyu are lying wrapped up together on the couch, with Mingyu’s shoulder feeling sore from when Wonwoo had punched him. The movie is now long forgotten and Wonwoo mumbles tiredly into Mingyu’s chest while the latter plays with his hair. 


“We’re never doing this again.”

“Okay babe.”

“Hey, no I’m serious.”

“So am I, babe.”

“Also we’re going to cuddle the entire night because I’m not sure if I can sleep if we don’t.”

“Okay, Wonwoo.”


A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry that I haven't been on this website for legit a year and a half. I just sort of drifted out of kpop and only recently was inspired to write an extra for this series since I still super love this couple. Anyways I am planning to write some more extras for this story so if you guys have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments and I will strive to write them lol. Regardless, thank you all so much for reading and sticking with this story. c:

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Chapter 3: You make me foegot for a moment that Mingyu is actually a ghost
fenomena94 #2
Chapter 3: ih my god you should totally dwell more into their ghost/hunan relationship because it’s so interesting!!!!
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 2: lol. so like instead of love will prevail itll be meanie will prevail kind of stuff huh
Chapter 2: scREAMS this is sO ADORABLE !!! the domestic feels in this is so so str o n g - i'm almost scared about what'll happen if mingyu suddenly,, , idK goes to the other sIDE?? ?? mmHM
BubbleLightBaek #5
Chapter 2: super cute lol you should continue writing them doing domestic boyfriend stuff in the apartment or something that'll probably be adorable haha :)
Blueberryhinata12 #6
Chapter 2: cuute
243 streak #7
Chapter 2: Please continue!!!
243 streak #8
Chapter 1: This was just the first part but I’m so hooked !
cassiejoyz #9
Chapter 2: That was really cute. Keep writing please ^^
cassiejoyz #10
Chapter 1: Im so in love with this fic. Ghostmingyu is hot and cute and i wann keep him. Can i keep him?