Extra #2

My Heart is a Ghost Town

2. In which Wonwoo and Mingyu attempt to cook


Wonwoo didn’t cook much. Most likely due to the incident where he managed to set the microwave on fire making toast. 

This didn’t mean that he didn’t want to cook, just that he didn’t know how to. Regardless, the point of the matter was that he wanted to cook for Mingyu. He wasn’t certain if it was due to the fact that he was a closeted hopeless romantic or if he had been indoctrinated by the countless dramas he spent his Wednesday afternoons marathoning, that he held onto the strong belief that there was something incredibly and undeniably intimate about one preparing a meal for their significant other. 

The only problem that remained was that he was completely physically and perhaps mentally incapable at cooking, which considering the issue should had been enough of a red card to alert him that pursing his rose tinted dreams of preparing a heartfelt home cooked meal would only end in blackened burning chaos. And also most likely a series of emergency vehicles whirring up to his block. 

Wonwoo, however, despite spending thirty minutes pondering about this decision on his Wednesday afternoon somehow concluded with a blazing determination to prepare such a meal for his boyfriend. He was unreasonably confident that he would be able to pull off something simple, though a voice in the back of his mind did remind him in anxious whispers, that not a lot was simpler than making toast. Regardless, he believed that he could trust the guidance of love to bring his cooking plans to a success two days later. 



Two days later on Friday night, Mingyu stands at the kitchen island chopping onions while Wonwoo sits across him swinging restlessly on a stool and pouting. 

Wonwoo’s plan to make a heartfelt dinner had been put to an end by Mingyu around 30 minutes earlier when he had walked into the kitchen to witness his boyfriend attempt to peel a carrot using a plastic knife. Nevertheless the scene was quite comically adorable and the effort was appreciated, filling Mingyu with a peculiar sense of domestic bliss though he knew that if they were to eat dinner tonight he would have to take over. 

Wonwoo, however continues to insist that, “I could have handled it, you know?” 

Mingyu smiles because how could he resist the other’s distraught puppy face, “Yes, you could’ve.”

“See, exactly. So why did you stop m-”

“If we wanted to eat dinner next year. Babe, you were trying to peel a carrot with a plastic knife. You weren’t getting anywhere.” At this point, Wonwoo goes red and mumbles, “Well I was trying my best. At least I didn’t set anything on fire.”

“Yeah and I’m proud of you for that.” Mingyu says before leaning over and pecking Wonwoo on the head. “I also appreciate you trying to cook for me, you know.”

“I know, I know. One day, I’ll learn how to cook for you. Also since you stopped me today, don’t expect me to hug you when you start crying because of the onions.”

“Okay, okay.” Mingyu laughs, while admiring his boyfriend’s blushing face. He turns around to dump the carrots, potatoes and onions into the pot on the stove, before turning back to see Wonwoo now looking puzzled.

“What is it?”

Wonwoo snaps of his daze and shakes his head, the blush spreading up to his ears. “It’s nothing. I mean, it’s just why are you so good at everything. I mean you’re good looking, smart, can cook and stuff…”

At this point Mingyu is little surprised but smirks and says, “To make up for my boyfriend, of course.”

Wonwoo immediately looks up, “Hey, what do you-”

“Nothing, nothing.” Mingyu leans down to Wonwoo’s face, before moving in to kiss him softly on the lips. He then turns back around to tend to the now bubbling pot, “Dinner will be ready soon.”


“Yeah, okay.”

He hears Wonwoo stand up abruptly behind him and shuffle around to get bowls from the shelves. 


Mingyu smiles to himself. 





A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another extra for these guys. I think I will probably write one to two more extras for this story and maybe just clarify their ghost/human relationship. But I feel I just wrote these guys are boyfriends in this chapter and completely ignored the fact that one of them is a ghost but oh well. Anyways thank you guys for reading my story and for your comments (highly appreciated - you have no idea) and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Look forward to the next update. c:

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Chapter 3: You make me foegot for a moment that Mingyu is actually a ghost
fenomena94 #2
Chapter 3: ih my god you should totally dwell more into their ghost/hunan relationship because it’s so interesting!!!!
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 2: lol. so like instead of love will prevail itll be meanie will prevail kind of stuff huh
Chapter 2: scREAMS this is sO ADORABLE !!! the domestic feels in this is so so str o n g - i'm almost scared about what'll happen if mingyu suddenly,, , idK goes to the other sIDE?? ?? mmHM
BubbleLightBaek #5
Chapter 2: super cute lol you should continue writing them doing domestic boyfriend stuff in the apartment or something that'll probably be adorable haha :)
Blueberryhinata12 #6
Chapter 2: cuute
243 streak #7
Chapter 2: Please continue!!!
243 streak #8
Chapter 1: This was just the first part but I’m so hooked !
cassiejoyz #9
Chapter 2: That was really cute. Keep writing please ^^
cassiejoyz #10
Chapter 1: Im so in love with this fic. Ghostmingyu is hot and cute and i wann keep him. Can i keep him?