
My Heart is a Ghost Town

Wonwoo has been skeptical about many things in his life. 


Like when Seungkwan swears that he isn’t dating Vernon and yet he sees the way their fingers curl around each other’s during a movie. Or when Jun returns with no hamburgers in his hands though Wonwoo specifically remembers asking him to buy ten. 


And as of right now, he is about ten hundred percent sure that he had placed that flimsy cardboard box on the right side of the couch and not the left. Yet it appears that box has somehow managed to magically manoeuvre itself across the two metre span of the couch. Wonwoo narrows his eyes at it. 


It is at this time that Jeonghan walks through the door of Wonwoo’s new apartment (as he had so graciously offered to help him move unlike other lazy people coughseungkwancough) to find his younger friend staring intensely at a cardboard box sitting innocently on the bright purple couch, which by the way he has to say, was a dreadful colour choice. 




“Err.. Wonwoo-ah, are you okay?”


“No hyung, I am not.” Now, Jeonghan’s just confused and a tad curious because it’s not very often that the emotionless Wonwoo sounds very much like a lost puppy. So he simply tilts his head and waits for the other to continue. 


“The box.”


“What box?”


“That one on the couch.” 


“Yeah, what about it?”


“It moved.”




“But hyung I’m not crazy i’m sure that it moved. I placed it on that side of the couch but now it’s on this side.”








“You don’t believe me do you?”




Jeonghan looks at Wonwoo’s pouting face and pats his head consolingly. “I’m have to get home now. Get some sleep kiddo. This moving thing must be tiring you out.”


Wonwoo just continues to pout at the box.




Something similar to a mixture of regret and dread seems to settle at the bottom of his stomach after three weeks of what can only be described as unusual happenings. Wonwoo had realised that the box moving incident had only been the beginning and what had followed had made him 100% convinced that his new apartment was haunted.


On the night of his arrival sometime between two and three in the morning, he thinks he hears someone murmuring from the living room but sleep overpowers him and so he attempts to drift off again. However, the murmuring gradually increases in volume until it is no longer murmuring but instead Wonwoo is positive that someone is rapping, quite well might he add, in his living room. Unable to ignore the noise, he grudgingly gets up from the warm comfort of his bed and trudges slowly down the hall. 


If he was being honest, he didn’t know if he was really expecting to find some stranger spitting out rap in his messy living at three in the morning. And of course, there was no one in his living room only numerous cardboard boxes and his ugly purple couch. And of course it’s silent, no murmuring, no whispering and most definitely no rapping. 


Wonwoo feels stupid and so just huffs and pouts before seeking out the comfort of his bed once again. 


The next two weeks don’t go any better. His television flicks on at random moments, he hears his fridge door being closed when his is brushing his teeth in the bathroom, his milk also disappears from the carton. Wonwoo honestly starts to believe that he is slowly descending into insanity after he thinks he hears a low chuckle behind him as he groans to discover that his pillows have been knocked off his couch for the fifth time. 


However it isn’t until almost four weeks in, when he is seriously contemplating to ditch this place that he meets him. 


It’s early in the morning when Wonwoo slowly shuffles into the kitchen and makes himself a bowl of cereal all the while dreading his class in twenty minutes. When he reaches out to grab a spoon from the drawer, he feels his hand pass through something cold and hears a ‘ahem’ sounding from above him. He pauses and lifts his head up.


Of all the things he would have thought would have greeted him, this was not it. A man, no a shirtless pale man floats in front of him with an amused smirk set upon his features.


“What the hell?”


The floating man frowns, just a little,” I should be asking you that, it’s rude to stick hand through someone’s abs, you could have just asked me to move.”


That’s the point when Wonwoo decides that he has probably gone insane and it’s all this apartment’s fault that he is now talking to shirtless floating man about whether or not sticking your hand through someone is courteous or not. And somewhere in between it’s probably Seungkwan’s fault, because it always is. 




The man introduces himself as “Kim Mingyu but you can call me Kim Mingyu” and that he is also a ghost and that this used to be his apartment. Wonwoo doesn’t know whether to be afraid or annoyed that out of all the apartments he could have moved into, he had chosen the one that had to be haunted by some rapping ghost. He is also sure that he should be concerned for his mental health because up until ten minutes ago he was pretty sure that ghosts didn’t exist and yet as of right now he is eating cereal with one. 


Having given up on attending his class due more pressing and supernatural issues at hands, he attempts to make conversation. 


“So what are doing here? I mean, sorry that came out rude. I meant like, why are you like here instead of like where you know like the other people are.” Wonwoo thinks that he really needs to expand his vocabulary. And work on his conversation skills while he’s at it. 


The ghost, or rather Mingyu just laughs at his most likely cringing face and says, “ I mean I can go and move on whenever I like. It’s just that I don’t know really know what’s over there and I was like I can stay here for a little longer and stuff just to -you know wrap my head around everything.”


Wonwoo nods his head in understanding, “You mean like how your dead and stuff.” Before shutting himself up and turning bright red because he is pretty sure he just offended the ghost real bad and damn- this is why people tell him is really insensitive. 


Mingyu, however just laughs like he said a joke. “It’s fine, don’t stress it.”


Wonwoo sighs in relief and gives the other a small smile only to have the said male grin widely back, eyes curving. And Wonwoo can feel himself choking. Are all ghost this good looking?


He coughs to cover up his flustered state and attempts to change the topic. “So can everyone like see you or is it just like me?”


If Mingyu notices his embarrassment, he doesn’t mention it. “ Well, I can make myself visible to people if I want but otherwise they wouldn’t be able to see me or feel me either. Like if they touched me. Before with the spoon incident, I had made myself visible which is why you could feel me when your hand passed through.” 


“Oh.” is all Wonwoo can offer. 


Mingyu just chuckles and gives him another giant grin, “It all comes with the super abilities of being a ghost.” Wonwoo thinks that there should  probably be a law to stop Mingyu from smiling because this dead soul is making him feel more warm than any alive person ever has. 


“So what else can you do?” Wonwoo asks and as an afterthought realises he probably doesn’t want to know all the disturbing things ghosts are capable of.


“Well I can make my self solid if I wanted. It’s kinda like I can adjust my solidity level.”


“Oh, so that’s why my hand went through you before but now you look like you’re fully solid…” 


Mingyu nods and says, “Yep, you could word it like that.” 


“But hey, look if all this ghost crap is freaking you out , I could leave.” Mingyu says while gesturing to the door. “I should probably move on anyways or you know maybe find another apartment to haunt.”


Wonwoo is quick to shake his head and blurt out, “No!” He doesn’t know why he is so determined to keep this ghost in his apartment (read: life) but it might having something to do with how comfortable he feel around the other, how well the conversation is flowing or maybe how Mingyu’s smile seems to light up his whole apartment. 


Wonwoo knows he is staring and quickly goes to explain himself. “What I means is that you shouldn’t pressure yourself because it’s er bad for your health and you know I don’t really mind, since i don’t I've with anyone else…” he trails off as he realises he just talked about health to a dead person and resists the urge to slap himself. 


No one says anything for a while and Wonwoo wonders if he just went too far. But when he looks up from his lap he finds Mingyu smirking at him from across the table.


“Huh, what?” 


Mingyu just starts laughing and mutters,” Someone’s desperate to keep me around.” 


Wonwoo goes bright red and tries his best not to stutter, “Hey  I was just-“  But Mingyu cuts him off, “it’s okay babe, I find you hot too.” Wonwoo goes redder if even possible and opens his mouth to retort while wondering if ghosts also had mind reading abilities. But Mingyu just winks at him before floating down the hallway while chuckling and for whatever reason Wonwoo finds that he doesn’t really mind. 




Wonwoo has been skeptical about many things in his life. Like whether or not moving in to a haunted apartment and letting a rapping ghost invade his daily life is a good idea, but he is glad he done’s it anyway. 



A/N: I don’t know how this ghost/human relationship will work but since this is meanie we are talking about I’m sure they will find a way to be together 

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Chapter 3: You make me foegot for a moment that Mingyu is actually a ghost
fenomena94 #2
Chapter 3: ih my god you should totally dwell more into their ghost/hunan relationship because it’s so interesting!!!!
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 2: lol. so like instead of love will prevail itll be meanie will prevail kind of stuff huh
Chapter 2: scREAMS this is sO ADORABLE !!! the domestic feels in this is so so str o n g - i'm almost scared about what'll happen if mingyu suddenly,, , idK goes to the other sIDE?? ?? mmHM
BubbleLightBaek #5
Chapter 2: super cute lol you should continue writing them doing domestic boyfriend stuff in the apartment or something that'll probably be adorable haha :)
Blueberryhinata12 #6
Chapter 2: cuute
243 streak #7
Chapter 2: Please continue!!!
243 streak #8
Chapter 1: This was just the first part but I’m so hooked !
cassiejoyz #9
Chapter 2: That was really cute. Keep writing please ^^
cassiejoyz #10
Chapter 1: Im so in love with this fic. Ghostmingyu is hot and cute and i wann keep him. Can i keep him?