Chapter 2

The Groom Hunt

Chapter - 2


It was one of the rare days when workload was relatively less and Chanyeol and Jongin were heading out of office a little early. The receptionist interrupted Chanyeol for handing some important envelopes and when Chanyeol went back to join Jongin a couple of minutes later, he found him engaged in a conversation with Seolhyun. Seolhyun was an intern who had joined the company just a month back and anyone with a pair of eyes could see that she was smitten by Jongin, anyone except Jongin that is. He seemed totally clueless about the longing stares and sweet smiles Seolhyun sent his way. Chanyeol decided not to interrupt their conversation, and had no option but to wait without being noticed even though he could overhear them.

“Oppa, I have a friend who has two passes for the Sunday Final league matches. I am not really interested in Football. But then suddenly I remembered you like Football so much. So should I take the passes? I wont find it so boring if I have company… and you work so hard, you could really use a break.” Seolhyun asked hopefully.

“Aniya! It’s an absolute waste of time!!  The best team, Chelsea is already out, thanks to that unfair Referee. And both teams which have made it  to the finals are equally terrible. Good thing that you asked me. They are so bad that you would have passed out due to boredom, had you went. It is 10 times better to sleep at home than to watch that mockery in the name of Football.” Jongin ranted like any truly wounded fan would. But Seolhyun of course failed to appreciate his sentiments, and her face at Jongins response was more miserable than the (un)fairly kicked out Chelsea team. Chanyeol was having the hardest time controlling his laughter. Not that he wanted to mock Seolhyun. But this was not the first time he was witness to Jongin’s unenviable social skills. Jongin could be such a dork sometimes, and everytime he did something like this Chanyeol found his attitude tragical, comical and adorable all at once. The best part was of course that Jongin was oblivious about what he had done. Chanyeol wondered, not for the first time, that how can someone who is so smart and efficient when it comes to professional matters, could be so clueless and awkward when it comes to personal matters?


“What is the problem in meeting once?” Chanyeol groaned internally, because he knew what was about to come. This was the downside of reaching home early and inviting his mother over. Apparently her mother had a lot of free time, and the best way for her to kill time was to hunt matchmaking proposals for her only son. He was too tired right now to invent excuses and Mrs. Park decided that it was best time to get him to agree to her brilliant idea.

 “I don’t want to meet any new people. And you know I am not going to agree for an arranged marriage", Chanyeol replied with as much energy as he could muster.

“Who said anything about marriage? I am just asking for a simple meeting.” Chanyeol just rolled his eyes at her unconvincing argument.

But Mrs. Park didn’t seem to be in a mood to relent tonight. “I am serious Yeollie. I am not going to force you into anything that you don’t want. But what is the harm in meeting them just once with an open mind. If you don’t like them, matter would be ended there.” Mrs. Park was met with a cold silence, and she decided to try once again, a little gently.

“Do you like someone Yeollie?  Or is someone interested in you? Are you waiting for someone?” An image flashed in Chanyeol’s mind at these words, but he chose to remain silent. “Tell me if it so, I won’t have any problem with your choice. But if that is not the case please give a serious thought to what I have said.” And with this she left, ensuring that Chanyeol had a sleepless night.


Next morning when Jongin entered the office, he was surprised to find the door unlocked and Chanyeol already sitting in his chair.

"You are before time," Jongin almost accused forgetting the customary greeting.

"Couldn't sleep well last night", Chanyeol replied with a half smile.

"Why? Is there a problem?', Jongin wanted to ask so much, but decided against it. Instead he said something about arranging the office and started sorting the documents and files.

Chanyeol went through last night's conversation for the umpteenth time in his head, and couldnt help but stare at Jongin intently. Fact is that Chanyeol has suspected for quite sometime that Jongin has developed a liking for him. Of course he had no proof, Jongin never made it obvious. But the anxiety in his eyes when Chanyeol was over stressed or didnt feel too well, the reassuring smile when he felt low or nervous, his genuine happiness whenever Chanyeol had a major success; told him other wise. It was like Jongin was attuned to his every emotion and just knew the right gesture to comfort him. There were so many little things he did subtly and almost imperceptibly that made Chanyeol feel that he was more than just an employer for Jongin. Perhaps he really did care for him. But then again it could also be that Jongin was just being considerate, and he was misreading his concern. They were together all the time, and there were so many moments when Jongin could have tried to forge a more personal relationship with him, or atleast gave some hints, if he indeed wanted their relationship to be something more. But Jongin never tried to overstep their predefined relationship. If anything, Jongin was extra cautious, almost wary of encroaching his personal boundaries. Jongin's feelings had become a puzzle for him, and for some reason he wanted to solve this puzzle so badly...

Chanyeol could feel Jongin becoming increasingly uneasy under his intense scrutiny, but he was still trying his best to hide his discomfort. Not anymore.

"Do you think it is the right time for me to consider marriage?"

Jongin almost dropped the paperweight from his hand at Chanyeol's question before recovering hastily and putting it back.

"I... What?"

" I said, do you think it is right time for me to consider marriage?" Chanyeol repeated, slowly this time.

" I... I dont know...Why are you asking me this question all of a sudden?", Jongin somehow managed to reply.

"Its not all of a sudden. My mom has been pestering me for months to meet some guys" Chanyeol replied nonchalantly.

"I have no idea. Its...Its your personal matter. How can I say anything?", Jongin answered, unable to make head or tail of this conversation.

"Of course you can. You know that I value your opinion a lot." Chanyeo tried again.

" Its not in my place to comment on such matters". Jongin said firmly this time, and Chanyeol was almost hurt at what his answer implied.

" So you are saying that you have nothing to say on the issue of my marriage?" Chanyeol asked a little more harshly this time.

"Right Sir", Jongin answered with what he hoped was his most convincing tone.

" Fine then. So be it. Make sure to have some free time in my schedule this weekend. I am going to meet the guys my mom suggested." Chanyeol said, looking straight in his eyes.

"It will be done, Sir", Jongin answered unwaveringly.


Jongin only wavered after reaching back his cabin. He felt as if his heart was sinking and it was becoming impossible to blink back his tears. Not that he didnt know that it would happen someday. But to actually see it happening, to let the one person he treasured so much slip away silentlywas so much harder than he imagined. He wanted to break down and felt terrible for feeling this way. But perhaps this was for the best. Perhaps he would finally get over his stupid crush in the face of harsh reality, Jongin thought before wiping away his tears.


A/N: So there it is... the second chapter. Longer one and with some action and movement. Do share your thoughts on how story is progressing. And a big thank you  to my subscribers.

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inkanara #1
Chapter 3: Hi, author-nim. I'm new here. I really love this story and I love Chankai. They are one of my favourite OTP. And D.O is so funny. Hihihi.
I hope you can update soon. Hwaiting!!
Chapter 3: i need jongin to confess his feelings alr
jantih #3
Chapter 3: Authornim please up date the story...
Seoulqueenka #4
Chapter 3: DO was funny to me. He wasn't interested in Chanyeol but what Chanyeol could do for him!!!!!!!! Kai someone needs to light a match under that so you can confess!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Hey author-nim,new reader here!
And i must say THAT you got me hooked already!!
I always LOVE shy nini and chankai is one OF my guilty pleasure xD
Anticipating for the next update :)
Hope nini can confesss his love already heeee
Fighting author nim!
prinprin #6
Chapter 3: As a reader I certainly am not a fan of cliffhangers because I'm really impatient but as a writer, cliffhangers are your best friend. It allows you to continue the story and also maintain a reader's interest. This story is flowing smoothly and it's really nice that you care about the reader's input. Thanks for the update!
Chapter 3: Oh no cliffhanger. I like chapters that come to a natural end story wise regardless of length as long as the chapter is not too short
bcksbcks #8
I am really loving this FF. I adore shy! Jongin, and he is so precious in this fic. Loving Chanyeol too. Why did it have to end on such a cliffhanger! And DO was really funny. Perfect Businessman material... Eagerly waiting for next update.
Chapter 3: oh god such a cliffhanger , i'm really pleased to hear that you want your readers feedback , so i'm gonna give my own special feedback hh ;) i really want yeollie to start noticing nini's feeling little by little , uh while reading the part of do date i though about this scenario in my head : chanyeol and jongin and some other member like yixing in a restaurant but the plot twist is that yixing start checking out jongin in front of chanyeol and forgot about the proposal with chanyeol , also jongin found some things in common with yixing like dancing and got carried away without noticing so yeol will get jealous and after that incident he will start to notice his little attraction towards jongin . excuse me author_nim my imagination run a little bit too wild