
Turning Tables

"Ouch, watch where you're going! Tsk." Kyungsoo retorts as he look up at the taller male infront of him who's wearing a cap and a mask on his mouth.

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"Oh, you're both here, come in we'll start reading lines." Director Suho push both of them inside the room.

"Please be seated everyone. Before we start, I want you all to formally introduce yourself and your role to each other, its better this way even if some of you were already acquaintances." Suho started as soon as everyone was seated. The introduction began from the supporting actors to the lead actors.

"Hi, i'm Krystal Jung, I will be acting as the bestfriend's girlfriend in the movie, I'm looking forward to work with all of you" The pretty face, as Do Kyungsoo address her in his mind.

"Hello, i'm Kim Jongin, I will be acting as the bestfriend and the leading man in the story. Please take care of me." He said as he remove his mask and cap. Kyungsoo was not paying attention to the introduction as he scans the script but this one made his eyes wide.

Kim freaking Jongin is his leading man in the film!

Gathering himself again, Kyungsoo speaks "I'm Do Kyungsoo, I am taking the lead role in the story, I expect to work smoothly with everyone here, lets make this movie a hit." Kyungsoo flash his famous fake smile as he scrutinize Jongin who's sitting across from him in the round table.

"As expected to our lead Actor. I'll let you all read your lines so that when we start filming next week you'll be much familiar with it and please memorize your lines quickly." After the read-ons the actors as well as Suho left but Kyungsoo stayed inside the room, back pressed to the chair and eyes looking blankly at the ceiling as he let out a long sigh.

"What have I gotten my self into."

"Ahm, excuse me?" Kyungsoo quickly regain his posture to look where the voice came from.

"Yes? I thought everybody went home, why are you still here? Kai, right?" Kyungsoo said as he recognize the handsome face as Kai ,the one he bump with a while ago and the same star that has been Kyungsoo's rival when it comes to popularity nowadays.

"I just wanted to talk to you, I knew you'll stay after this so I waited for everyone to leave. Please don't be mad at me." The younger guy bows as he walk towards Kyungsoo and sit one chair away from him.

"I won't, what do you want us to talk about?" Kyungsoo said because he doesn't really like to stay long with Kai's presence, He don't really like the aura that he's emmiting, the boy is just so manly and too y for him and the fact that he's a threat is another reason for Kyungsoo to dislike him.

"Ah, I want us to get along with each other because you know, we'll be working together. To be straight, what I wanted to say is that you shouldn't be uncomfortable when we're acting together as bestfriends or even lovers, I want our actions to be as natural as it can be, and I think if we will be intimidated by each other we will not bring the best of ourselves. I'm really looking forward to work with you, please take care of me." Kyungsoo should be mad at this guy right now but the older thinks that this boy look so sincere with everything he said and plus the fact that Kai's smile right now is not doing any good to Kyungsoo's heart beat. Yeah right, so this is his charm.

"To be honest I think its both our first time to act like what this story suggest, I'll do my best so don't worry about it, worry about yourself, we're being paid to act right? That's what we should do." Kyungsoo thought that saying something so blunt like this will turn down Kai's smile but it didn't and its unnerving him so he just stood and left Kai after saying that, anyway he wouldn't see this actor until next week so he doesn't have to be bothered until then.


 "Hell Baek, that Kim Jongin will be my leading man? Seriously, this movie is really crazy. I don't know what Suho thinks that he paired me with that boy." Kyungsoo slams onto his couch as he entered his house wih Baekhyun.

"Well, except from you, he's the hottest name in the industry, but I'm surprised he accepted the role since its included there in the contract that you will both agree with the kissing scene." Baekhyun sits on the other couch at Kyungsoo's right.

"I don't know either, I don't want to be stressed by anything right now, i'll cross the bridge when I get there, but for now I'll just memorize this freaking script." -


"How's it? How's your first meeting with your idol?" The tall male teases as he elbow Jongin's side.

"I don't know? He really doesn't talk that much like what others says, I think he's the type who wants to work alone. But sorry, I will not let that happen, not when I have the opportunity to be close to him." Jongin said smiling a bit to himself

"Why? Do you like him that much huh Kim Jongin?"

"Don't look at me like that, I don't have any bad intention towards him, its just that, when I am still a trainee I happen to meet him and I just felt that I like him."

"Wow Kai, is that love at first sight? Haha are you trying to make me laugh, everytime I see him I feel like his going to kill me with his dark glare and everybody in the industry know how snobbish he is when he is not infront of the camera. His smile is fake, you should know that." Chanyeol said wrapping his arms around himself as if pretending to be frightened.

"But you always look at his manager aren't you?" Its now Kai's turn to tease Chanyeol.

"Whatever King Jongin"

"Whatever Park Chanyeol"


A week had passed so quickly that Kyungsoo have to roll his eyes as he's now walking towards the set of the movie, he's wearing a simple outfit which he'll be using for the scene.

"Hi Kyungsoo, you look different." Jongin greets him joyfully as he went towards where all the cast of the movie are.

"Probably because its your first time to see me not wearing a suit." Kyungsoo nanchalantly said.

"No, that's not what I meant to say, you look beautifully different in person to see you with less make-up on." Kai's eyes turned to crescents and Kyungsoo was awestruck to this view upclose and was taken aback by the sudden compliment.

"I-i don't need your compliment." Kyungsoo turned his back to Kai, he thought if things are going to be like this everyday, he don't know how he's going to handle it, especially when his stomach is doing weird backflips when Kai is like that.

The filming went particularly well in Kyungsoo's view except that the actress who's Kai's girlfriend in the movie always forgets her line when its her and Kai's turn to act that makes their filming time took longer than expected.

"Okay, good take, let's retire for today, nice work everybody!" The director said as his assistant, Yixing went to his side. Everything on the acting side is going as expected, Kyungsoo doesn't really find it difficult to look jealous with Kai's girlfriend, its just like his normal movies the only difference is that this time he's not jealous because of a boy but because of a girl, until he realize that the scenes that he's bound to dislike is getting closer and closer.


"Lee Song In! Is there something wrong with us?" The taller male took a hold of the smaller male's wrist as he forces the male to face him.

" no.. There's nothing wrong.. i-i just wanted to be alone.." Song In's voice slightly fades as he avoids eye contact.

"You wanted to be alone? You've been running away all this time without telling me what's wrong with us. I'm your bestfriend I should know you more than anyone else." his gaze not faltering as his grip on the other male's right wrist tightens.

"Cut the crap Jungho, telling you or not telling you my problem wouldn't make any change! What would you do? Solve my problem as always? But what if the problem is not something that can be solve by just buying an icecream from a store or by just tapping my back to tell me its all right and that you're here?" He yells at Jungho looking directly at him with teary eyes.

"Then thats an enough reason for you to tell me, we've been through a lot of things Song In so please don't break our friendship like this." Jungho cups Song In's face with his hands and wipes the tears that flows from his eyes using his thumb.

"Maybe you should go back, your girlfriend might be looking for you." As he said this he remove Jungho's hand in his face and walk away from him.


"Okay cut! Good take!" Suho's voice is the only one which can be heard above the dead silence from all of the production staffs and the rest of the actors and actresses on the set. Claps emerges from the whole set as both Kyungsoo and Jongin bowed. Kyungsoo let out a deep sigh and inhale a bunch of new air, the of the movie is approaching, he can already feel the excitement and the growing nervous in his nerves.

"Kyungsoo, you did a very good job." Jongin said as he sits beside Kyungsoo's chair and hands the smaller male a bottled water.

"Thanks, for the water and for the compliment." Kyungsoo can feel a smile tugging on his lips as he said this. He can't still imagine how he looks like while acting like a pathetic guy in the scene.

"Its okay, you've done this to me before." Kai said without looking at him.

"Huh? Which one? The compliment or the water?" Kyungsoo asks puzzled by Jongin's answer.

"The botted water, you once gave me a bottled water when i'm still a trainee, I think you don't remember anymore, it was right before you debut as an actor, at the practice studio."

"Are you-are you that one who cried because your foot hurt and you sprained it while you're practicing a dance?" The older male's eyes widens in surprise

"Yeah, haha its pretty lame though." Kyungsoo thinks that Jongin's soft chuckle is a very nice music in his ears, its soothing and calming.

"No, thats okay." Was the only thing Kyungsoo managed to say.

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Chapter 6: Aww.. What a sweet story. Kaisoo for life O(≧▽≦)O
Chapter 6: I just finished reading the whole fic! I love it so much but I'm sad it had to end so soon :( but it's ok! It's still awesome! ^^
Chapter 1: I've only read the first 5 pharagraph sod the first chap lol and I have to say I've never fallen in love with a fic this fast! Imma go read the rest lol
It was so cute tho if you get this on paragraphs it'll be just perfect.
Great thingy you have here anyway.
HoBaekHun #5
Chapter 3: No offense, but you may want to build some paragraphs in order for your readers to understand the story. This is a good story, you just need to separate them by paragraphs is all :)
Chapter 6: weeeee!!!!! this is cute!!!!! oh my god...i'm getting meeeeee!!!!