Sehun: Holding Out

Bad For You

At first it’d started out as some stupid challenge, but for some reason, Sehun had compelled me to go along with it. Besides that, I’m honestly curious about what he’s going to do, what will make this worth it? And if I really can quit, does that mean I can move on, that I can finally put that part of my life away?

I knock on my neighbor’s door, my first time doing so. I wait patiently, I’m put off and on edge even more when it isn’t Sehun who answers. “Hi,” I say awkwardly, this wasn’t something I’d been expecting. I mean I should have, god knows how many are living in there. It isn’t like Sehun is living alone, I know that and yet here I am. Still taken by surprise when it isn’t Sehun who answers the door.

The boy who answers stares at me with this shocked expression. “Hi, umm, hi?” He mumbles, the look of shock doesn’t wear off at all. “Henley, right, you’re our neighbor. Are we being too loud?” The guy asks nervously, glancing back into the not very loud apartment. I’m fairly sure this is their leader, but I could be wrong, I’m not exactly sure who is who.

I shake my head and let out a nervous sigh. “Yeah, no you guys aren’t being loud, I just was wondering if Sehun was here.” I say awkwardly.

The guy blinks sort of falling even more into shock it would seem. “Yeah, come on in.” He says opening the door even wider. I stand in the entry hall awkwardly. “He’s asleep, are you going to wait here?” He asks when I refuse to move any further into this apartment.

“Yeah, umm, I just need to ask him something is all.” I say nervously. “I don’t want to intrude.” I say as I take a deep breath. Honestly I’ve held out for a week. I didn’t want to come over here, I didn’t want to have to ask, even though, I do want to. Though I’m not going to admit that.

I watch as the boy disappears into the apartment. I wait staring down at my feet. I hear some commotion, but honestly I’m not paying enough attention to know why or if there is even a reason for me to know why the people living here have just gotten louder.

Sehun comes out in sweats and a plain black shirt, his hair a mess, though it honestly doesn’t look bad. “You held out for a while.” Sehun says reaching into his pocket. He sounds fairly impressed.

I nod my head as I bite my lip. “I wasn’t sure if you’d actually be home or not, of if it’d be convenient for you.” I say trying to rationalize why I’d wait so long. Being honest would mean admitting to something that I rather not think about.

“Well, here you are then.” He says handing me one cigarette and putting the pack back into his pocket out of sight. “You lasted a lot longer than I thought you would.” He says softly. I realize that his voice is different, he sounds tired, and oddly enough this only makes me even more uneasy. Sehun seems to sense this and smirks at me, though this might just be the face he makes. “Henley, you do realize you’re just staring at me right?”

Embarrassed I turn and leave. “Bye Sehun.” I mutter as I open the door.

I barely hear him say, “Bye Henley.” I do however here the teasing chuckle, I hear that stupid laugh and it makes me nervous, it puts me on edge all the more.

I hurry into my own apartment and head to the veranda. Once outside I light the cigarette, the feeling of the smoke I exhale calming me tremendously. Though the thought of having to do that again works me up all over again. I do have to admit though, Sehun is thrilling.

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Chapter 1: I like the tone of this so far. Looking forward to more :)