Friend or foe

A Path To Happiness

At times like this, I didn't know how to approach Jae Ha. This wasn't the first time he had distanced himself from the rest of us. Exo was everywhere. Usually I would let him deal with it himself, I knew better than to show my sympathy. But this time was different. Jae Ha had looked more distraught than before, and I assumed that I was a major cause. And of course I felt guilty and battered myself for causing this. I shouldn't have been so thoughtless, so careless about being so selfish in thinking about my own desires than that of my friend. 

With his hands in his pockets, Jae Ha walked silently beside me as I tried desperately to think of something to break the awkward silence between us,

"So, Jae Ha, what's on your schedule today?" I asked weakly, which was pointless as I already knew the answer. "anything special?" I added.

"Oh, nah nothing new." And like that not another word was spoken between us until we reached the station. Since I was in high school and Jae Ha was in University, we had to take different trains. Before we were to part ways, he took hold of my wrist and spun me around to face him,

"Look, Yoo Mi, I know you're trying to comfort me and stuff, but, honestly I'm fine. Stop worrying yourself over me, alright?" Jae Ha said before walking away. Although he tried to hide it, but I could tell he was about to cry.

School in Korea was much different than Australia. The foreign managers at the company had suggested I'd go to the international school despite being fluent in Koren saying that Korean high schools were difficult for even Koren foreigners to adjust to. But even though international school was meant to be universal for all international students, there were few similarities to what I was used to back home.  One of the hardest things to adjust to was the drastically long school hours. Eventually I did get used to school here, but everytime I set foot on campus, I couldn't help but feel homesick.

Besides the long hours and the homesickness, I enjoyed school. My grades were on top and I actaully liked the subjects being taught and I had friends (besides Jae Ha) that I didn't consider my competition. 

I looked down at my timetable for my first class, advanced Mathematics. Despite being a challenging subject, I actaully didn't mind maths, mostly because I had my friends in that class too.

I walked into class with both the textbook and maths book heavy in my arms. My eyes analysed the classroom to find my friends and when I did, I walked over to them.

"Yoo Mi, are you sick? You're eyes are really red," Kylie asked. She was one of the first friends I made at school. She was also an Australian transfer and came here when her father was promoted to the South Korean office of the company he worked at. Her pale blue eyes glimmered in the lights as she looked at me as if I were going to faint at any second,

"Oh, oh yeah I was just studying till late. Don't worry I'm okay, just tired," I lied. Majority of my time was spent training and training and training. If we wanted to get a wink of sleep, studying was left to do at school. Our contract policy restricted us from telling people about our trainee lives. Although Kylie showed disbelief, she brushed it aside. 

"Anyway did you hear, Exo is having a special concert for their fourth year anniversary," Kylie squealed. Of course I had known, it was all the trainees could talk about, especially the dancers who were eager to make it on stage even as back up dancers,

"Wow really? Are you gonna go?" 

"Well nah, we need to be at this concert,"


"You are going, right?"  she asked. I shook my head in reply. It's not that I didn't want to go, it was more about the fact that seeing Exo knowing Jae Ha's condition held my heart down. And on top of that, our monthly trainee evaluations were just around the corner. Training was my top priority,

"Come on! What about Chanyeol?" Teased Kylie. I shook my head once more in reply. My feelings were mixed when it now came to Chanyeol. Something about the way he watched Jae Ha and I leave the cafeteria. It looked as if he had been hurt by a long time friend. Chanyeol didn't seem the type to dwell on the past though. Or had Jae Ha and Chanyeol been really good friends prior to the Exo debut? Was Jae Ha close to any of the members? Did they still consider him as a friend? Or did four years of fame cause them to become obnoxious. I'd hate to think of my idols that way, but not some cases it did happen. Such questions peaked my curiosity, but no, that was their business, not mine.

She looked at me, again unsure whether to take my words but she nodded in understanding,

"Next time then. Don't worry, I'll get you something, okay?" She smiled. Kylie was one of the few friends I treasured, she  could read people well enough to know when enough was enough and where it to cross the line, and I appreciated that.

After school was vocal training. 3hrs of it. I sighed heavily at the thought of having to work my vocal cords for three hours straight, but training was training, and I had a promise to keep.

I hopped onto the train as the sun was beginning to set on the horizon. As the last warm shards of sunlight began to disappear, I shoved my hands in my pockets, hoping it would disguise my trembling hands.

"You know, if you're cold, you should've brought more than a jacket," someone whispered behind my ear. If it weren't for the public setting, I would have fly kicked whoever it was in the face. Instead I let out a high pitched squeal that drew all attention on me. 
I looked up to the smirking face of Jae Ha who was using all his efforts from refraining from bursting out with laughter.

I rolled my eyes at him and turn to the crowed carriage and apologised for the disturbance. My warm smile melted and revealed a look of rage as I raised my hand to hit Jae Ha. Unexpectedly, he grabbed my freezing hands into his large warm ones. Out of his pockets he drew out two hand warmers, one for each hand. 

"Why am I the one who has to look after you?" Jae Ha whispered disapprovingly. I rolled my eyes at him but the wide smile on my face said otherwise. It lifted my heart to know that the happy and cheerful Jae Ha was back.

Since there were no swarms of fans waiting for their beloved idols, is trainees were free to use the main enterance of the SM building. 

"See you at dinner," I told Jae Ha as we went off to complete our seperate schedules. He waved me off and headed to his dance practice.  Meanwhile I took the stairs to reach the third  floor for vocal training.

When I reached the third floor, music flowed out from the composing rooms at the front end of the hall. I cocked my head to the side, in the month that I've been a trainee, I could have sworn there were no composting sessions at this time. Having nothing better to do, I peeped into every room through a small rectangle glass window, investigating for the source of the music.

I reached the third composing room where the music was at its loudest, 

"Bingo," I uttered while I looked through the window. Inside I saw a tall figure at the keyboard, his finger glided along the keys to create a soft yet complicated melody, one which I had not heard of before. I pressed my face against the glass, trying to get at an angle so I could identify the figure. Names rolled through my head as I tried to guess who it was. 

Unfortunately for me, I chose the best sneakers to wear today. I pushed my face harder against the glass until that I was up against the window so hard that my shoes lost grip and made the most spine chilling, ear splitting squeak that I'm sure even Jae Ha on the top level would've heard. 

His head whipped around at the speed of lightning. I muffled myself from screaming and dropped to the floor. 

"I'm done for," I grunted as I scrambled back to the stairs and took cover behind the wall. I didn't dare breathe or even move a muscle. The door of the composing room swung open and heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway,

"Hello?" A deep, rich voice asked in Korean. I cupped my mouth at the sound of his voice and one name blared in my mind.  

"Chanyeol." I mouthed. Chanyeol's footsteps approached my hideout and I knew I was in for it. Who knew how Chanyeol oils react to being stalked by a trainee, not that I was really stalking him. My heart beated faster and faster and faster at all the possible outcomes I had in stall for me, none of which had a positive ending. 

Chanyeol came closer and closer but then stopped. A sweet moment of relief ended harshly when I saw a dark shadow towering over me,

"Chanyeol sunbae," I muttered.

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December28th #1
Chapter 3: LOL, I will love to see Chan Yeol's reaction next chapter.
December28th #2
Chapter 2: Hmm, I'm assuming that Jae Ha has some kind of history with EXO. If Jae Ha is nineteen in 2016 and he joined SM at the age of twelve, that means that he joined in 2009. He should have at least met one EXO member during the three years before EXO debuted. I think he knows Su Ho.

I'm interested to know what will happen next and Jae Ha's story. Good luck! I look forward to the next chapter!