Danger Is Her Middle Name

Cake By The Ocean

Sumi adjusted her grip as she calculated her next move. The wind was blowing, snapping her hair back and whipping it in her face which wasn't helping her situation much. She made a mental note to tie it up the next time she decided to scale a building before swinging herself over to the next balcony.

"Let's take a break," she breathed, looking down at the eleven floors she had already conquered. And with one final push of effort, she hefted herself over the railing and onto the solid ground before plopping down on the chair that occupied the small space.

Sure, climbing up to the roof sounded like a great idea in her head, especially when there was no one there to stop her. It was only thirteen floors with plenty of balconies and windows to use as footholds. She'd probably done more dangerous climbs before for things much less rewarding than watching the sun set over the ocean.

Looking out at the sea from her perch on an eleventh floor balcony, Sumi squinted at the rapidly sinking sun. She glanced up at the two balconies above her and could just see the edge of the roof. If she was going to make it up there before the sun set, she was going to have to get moving.

With a huff, Sumi stood up and rubbed her palms on her shirt to dry them. Reaching up, she grabbed onto the railing of the balcony on the next floor and pulled herself up. She could feel the strain in her tired arms, but she refused to give up without reaching that perfect sunset watching spot.

When she reached the thirteenth floor, Sumi was shocked to come across a pair of shoes in her field of vision as she just cleared the bottom of the balcony. 

"What the hell?" A voice from above her cried out before she herself could react.

"Korean?" She mumbled to herself, looking up at the man standing above her with confusion. 

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked the girl who was clinging to his balcony. Was she a fan crazy enough to scale up to the thirteenth floor just to get a glimpse of BTS?

"What are you doing here?" She countered. Yoongi dully noted that she had replied in Korean, but there was something slightly strange about the way she said it.

"You're the one dangling from the thirteenth floor." Yoongi pointed at her emphatically. He was worried she would fall, but was hesitant about inviting her onto his side of the balcony.

"I'm hardly dangling." She rolled her eyes. "I've got a foothold."

Yoongi paused a moment to look down at where her feet were firmly placed between the bars of the balcony railing. In this same moment, Yoongi took in this girl that he could only describe as crazy. She was covered in a sheen of sweat for obvious reasons and he could see the slightly labored rise and fall of her chest. She seemed athletically built with strong arms; he was greatful she had strong arms, it comforted him. 

"The hotel register says this room is empty, and there are no upcoming reservations." Her voice snapped Yoongi back into focus and he looked into her curious eyes. "So you better have a good reason why you're in here."

"Are you okay out there?" A voice from inside, probably Jimin, called out.

"Oh, I see." She smirked although Yoongi couldn't imagine what she could possibly see. "You and a couple buddies thought it'd be fun to break into the penthouse, have a little party?" 

She raised her eyebrow at Yoongi like she had him all figured out as she began to climb over the railing to Yoongi's side of the balcony.

"Hey," he instinctively cried out and she paused for a moment before continuing on as she had been.

"What, do you want me to fall?" She asked, dusting herself off. 

With her standing before him, Yoongi noticed that she was quite small. She was much shorter than him which wasn't something that happened often, especially with American girls.

"Are you going to stare or are you going to explain yourself?" She huffed, placing her hands on her hips in a way that was both childish and strangely intimdating. Although physically smaller than him, Yoongi felt that she could definitely win in a physical fight between the two of them.

"I'm more interested in your explanation as to why you're climbing up a building," Yoongi said, looking down at the fiesty girl in front of him.

"Wanted to get to the roof," she explained briefly, pointing above them to add emphasis. "Has the best view of the sunset which I will miss if you keep taking forever to explain what you're doing in this suppopsedly empty room."

"Look, I don't expect you to recognize us, but I'm part of a pop group from Korea. Our manager wanted our stay here to be on the down low so it would be harder for crazy fans to find us," Yoongi sighed. He knew that this girl wouldn't leave him alone until she got an answer she found satisfactory.

"That sounds so crazy it might actually be true, but..." She squinted her eyes at Yoongi. "Prove it."

Yoongi stopped in his tracks. What could he possibly show her that would utterly and indisputably prove that he was indeed an international musician? He could have her meet the other members, but she might think they all had a lie ready in case someone caught them. He was going to need cold, hard facts from a credible third party.

"Google me," he blurted, excited by the solution he had thought up.

"Name?" She raised an eyebrow as she ped the pocket on her jacket and took her phone out.

"Min Yoongi," he answered before adding, "also known as Suga."

She typed for a moment before holding up her phone next to Yoongi's face and squinting. After a moment of scrutinization, she nodded with what seemed satisfaction and put her phone back in her pocket.

"You're not wearing makeup, but that's definitely you," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

There was a moment of silence and Yoongi wondered if she was waiting for him to say something. He didn't really have anything to say, but for some reason he wanted an excuse to prolong this exchange. Yoongi liked the way she spoke to him. Granted she hadn't known he was an idol, but she treated him like a person who could take risks like breaking into a hotel room.

"Well," she huffed with a sort of finality as she rubbed her hands together and began to boost herself up onto the edge of the balcony.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi took a step forward, worried she would fall but unsure what action he thought he would take if she did.

"I already told you." She reached up and grabbed the edge of the roof. "The view of the sunset is best up here and I'm running out of time to watch it."

She was already crouching on the edge of the roof before Yoongi could even thing of what to say. He watched her carefully crawl towards the top which was out of his sight.

"Wait!" He called out, hoping he wasn't so loud that the others inside heard him.

"Yeah?" She turned just her head to look at him.

"Can I come with you?" He asked timidly, unsure if he was asking to encroach on a secret place of hers.

"If you can brave the climb." She smirked with an air of amusement in her eyes before carefully making her way back down. "Give me your hands, I can hoist you up."

"Are you sure?" He raised a skeptical eyebrow. Sure, she looked strong, but could she really deadlift over fifty kilos?

"No, but we'll see." She shrugged, reaching out her hands.

Timidly, Yoongi reached out and grabbed her calloused hands in his. He had somewhat expected her hands to be soft, dainty, but he wasn't quite sure why. He watched as she pulled him up with Herculean effort, trying his hardest to be helpful as she hefted him up onto the roof.

", you're heavy," she sighed, letting go of him as soon as he was safely on the roof. "Now let's go before we miss the sunset."

Without looking back, she quickly made her way up the roof. It seemed so easy the way she did it, but Yoongi quickly found it to be a difficult task. By the time he reached the top where she was alread sitting and staring out at the ocean, he was breathing heavily.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked, jerking her chin out towards the view.

"It is," he breathed, still trying to catch his breath.

He couldn't deny that the view was probably the best in the city. The orange glow of the sun reflected off of the calm waters in a way that seemed to light the world on fire. Though he would never do it again, he could see why this stranger had risked her life to climb up here.

"I don't know your name," Yoongi said quietly.

"Yeah," she replied simply.

"Can you tell me your name?" He asked with a light laugh.

"No." She shook her head with a smile. "I like the mystery."

"I doubt I'll ever see you again," Yoongi said, "can't you just tell me your name?"

"Who's to say we won't meet again?" She turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "You're staying in the same hotel as me."

"I've got a busy schedule," Yoongi replied.

"Let me make a deal with you then." She smirked with a mischevious glimmer in her eyes that made Yoongi slightly worried. "Iwe ever meet again, you have to promise to go on an adventure with me. You seem the type to never take risks which is no way to live your life. And if you go on this adventure with me, then I'll tell you my name."

"I can't just go off with you on a whim." Yoongi shook his head.

"Don't you ever realize that you could do anything you wanted right now? The only thing stopping you is consequences." She had a small smile on her face, one that Yoongi couldn't quite read. "You could do anything in the world and you just resign to living a safe life. Don't you ever want to take risks?"

Yoongi turned to look back out at the ocean where only a sliver of the sun was left on the horizon. The red light bathed the world in a surreal filter that almost made Yoongi want to agree to this crazy deal. He was sure they would never meet again, so he shouldn't have been so scared to say yes. It was just that slight possibility, that one in a million, that made him timid. He wanted to see this mysterious girl again, wanted to go on an adventure. But realistically, he knew he could never do it. He had a job to do, expectations to meet. That didn't stop him, however, from saying what he did.

"Only if."

"Only if." She nodded with a smile.

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Chapter 1: Woah their meeting is totally unexpected haha climbing through the balcony? Wow.
Is the girl part of a gang or something?
There's no way an ordinary girl can casually climb up balcony like that.
It's not that min yoongi doesn't want to face a consequences, he's just lethargic kkk.
I think the boys are often feeling what yoongi feels in the story, it's just that they alway say they want to go travel if they ever have a free time.
I'm sure they'll meet again, will yoongi come along though?