Finding Baekhyun (Again) Part 2

Mafia Boss and I

Chanyeol's mind is really chaotic. He didn’t think of any risks when he drove his car to his mansion. He left the hospital without anyone knowing, except Yixing. He asked Yixing to guard in front of his room as if he were still inside.

Along the way, his feelings were mixed. Angry, sad, disappointed, and other feelings that are difficult to describe in words. His eyes were teary, but Chanyeol was not the type to shed tears, even when he was alone.

He wasn't sure if he could blame Sehun for what had happened. The person who actually has the biggest responsibility in looking after Baekhyun is Chanyeol himself. He was the one who has decided to buy Baekhyun from his family, knowing all the risks he will face in the future.

But he couldn’t think clearly this time. What he had in mind was how he could track down Wu Yifan and save Baekhyun. It would take a while to find him because after the huge fight that took place that night between his mafia gang and Wu Yifan’s, he didn’t get any trace of Wu Yifan's whereabouts.

His brain kept forcing him to blame Sehun for all of this. Sehun knows very well how dangerous the outside world is to Baekhyun. With his common sense, he should have understood that he shouldn't have left Baekhyun alone. Especially entrusting Baekhyun’s safety to Luhan.

Yes, Luhan. That beautiful looking guy doesn't even look like he can protect himself, let alone Baekhyun. Chanyeol isn’t that close to Luhan. They were friends, but all Chanyeol knew was that Luhan was saved by Sehun on the night the gang fight happened.

When he arrived at his mansion, Chanyeol already knew that Sehun must have been inside. He walked very fast and anger were clearly visible on his face.

After greeting him politely, Minseok immediately blocked Chanyeol's way.

“I’m really sorry, young master. You should not disturb Young Master Oh,” Minseok said very politely.

“Move and get out of my way,” Chanyeol said in a very low voice.

But Minseok didn’t move at all from his position, still politely apologize to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol sighed as he closed his eyes, trying to hold back his anger, “I said, move away,”

Minseok is still in his position and bows again while apologizing to Chanyeol.

“I'm sorry, young master. But this time, I have to do this,”

Chanyeol who couldn’t hold back his anger anymore, then pushed Minseok hard while yelling at him, “I said get out of my way, Kim Minseok!”

Chanyeol then continued his steps towards the room where Sehun was. Minseok keeps trying to stop him, but failed.

He opened the door and a fight was inevitable. He was so overpowered with emotion that he said things that offended Sehun. He knew very well that Sehun never liked it when someone looked down on Luhan. But the words came out of his mouth accidentally.

The situation became awkward after the atmosphere cooled down. He and Sehun both already knew that the brain of all this was Wu Yifan. What they still didn’t understand was why Wu Yifan did all this. Is this merely to provoke Chanyeol and Sehun to look for him? Or is there another reason?

His feeling inside felt like this might have something to do with Luhan. Does he want revenge because three years ago Sehun killed one of his men?

“I think this has something to do with what happened three years ago,” Chanyeol said, furrowing his brows, thinking hard.

“You mean he wants revenge, hyung? Does he have to kidnap Baekhyun hyung to attract us?”

“Because he has no other way to get our attention. So I think he has planned this  very well, to kidnap Baek,”

"Hyung, I only killed one person out of the hundreds of subordinates he had. If he wants revenge, he can easily kill your men. But why does he have to involve Baekhyun hyung?”

Chanyeol sighed heavily. Sehun's words are true. Usually, if there’s a grudge because of the killing of a subordinate of one of the gang, then the gang that kills must also lose one subordinate, nothing more. But Wu Yifan even kidnapped Baekhyun, as if he knew that Baekhyun was Chanyeol's weakness. There must be a reason behind all this.






“Good morning, beautiful angel. Are you hungry?” Wu Yifan walked from the door towards the window. Opened it until the bright sunlight can lighten the dusty room.

The sun hit Baekhyun's face, made him frown and woke up from his sleep. Either sleep or faint, he didn’t know for sure.

He slowly opened his eyes and blinked, trying to get his blurred vision to focus. He could see vaguely Wu Yifan walking towards him. Then he felt Wu Yifan’s big hand gripping his jaw and pulled his face to look at him.

“Did you sleep well last night? You look more beautiful when you fall asleep,” Baekhyun looked at Wu Yifan's face with hatred. He really wanted to scream to vent his anger. But when he opened his mouth to scream, what came out was only a groan. Yes, his lips are sealed again with a tape.

“Ah, sorry I have to close your beautiful lips again. I don't really like noise, so I shut it down to muffle your voice,” Wu Yifan said with a smile.

Baekhyun is getting sick of looking at his face. He shouted again with his mouth closed, producing a groan louder than before.

“Shh, you can't be noisy, remember? If you're noisy, I'll give you a punishment. Don't forget that,” Wu Yifan Baekhyun's face, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

“Oh, I almost forgot. I will put a mirror in front of you so you can see how beautiful you are right now. Oh and I feel like you are a little bit too fat, so I won't feed you while you're here so you can look the way I want,”

Wu Yifan then put a mirror in front of Baekhyun. Within a second, a very loud groan escaped Baekhyun's mouth. He was very surprised to see himself. He looked very dirty, and to his surprise, his face was covered with cuts. Not so deep, but very painful and will certainly leave many marks. Baekhyun's face, which had been numb, felt sore again, and felt even more painful when Baekhyun's tears touched the scars.

Wu Yifan smiled mockingly while leaving Baekhyun. He walked into another room in the building. The room that he made as his personal place everytime he came to this building.

Inside, he saw another beautiful man asleep as well. Doing the same thing, he opened the window and said good morning.

The man's condition is not much different from Baekhyun's. Tied to a chair and mouth fully sealed with a tape.

Wu Yifan intentionally placed him in a private room.

He pulled a chair and sat in front of the man. He smiled softly as he the sleeping man's face, or more precisely, he made him sleep. Wu Yifan injected high doses of anesthetic into him.

“Luhan, I'm here. Do you miss your gege?”






After a brief discussion with Sehun, Chanyeol returned to the hospital and managed to enter his room without the nurses and doctors knowing. When leaving the hospital earlier, his body’s condition was still not fully recovered, the doctor said that he could be discharged tomorrow morning. However, it’s impossible for Chanyeol to wait until tomorrow morning to look for Baekhyun. Therefore he decided to sneak out.

After he arrived at his room, Chanyeol called Yixing and asked him to tell the doctor that Chanyeol wanted to go home because he felt his body was healthy enough.

A few minutes later, Yixing returned to Chanyeol's room. “In ten minutes the doctors and nurses will check your condition, young master,” Yixing said while standing next to the bed where Chanyeol lays down.

Chanyeol only replied with a nod and pointed to a chair next to Yixing, asking him to sit down.

Yixing bowed politely and sat on the chair next to Chanyeol's bed.

“Did Young Master Oh found any clue, young master?” Yixing finally broke the silence after a while.

Chanyeol shook his head, “We only know that the brain behind all this is Wu Yifan. But we still can’t track his current position,”

Yixing nodded slowly and sighed. Then another silence.

Yixing is a child of a family that was captived by other mafia gang. Like other cliché stories, only Yixing survived in his family. Chanyeol's father found little Yixing who was holding back his tears while hiding behind a pile of boxes.

Chanyeol's father decided to take Yixing home. He is a year older than Chanyeol. They often played together. Yixing then lived with one of Park's subordinates, but he was often invited to Chanyeol's house to play with him.

But their relationship was distant since Chanyeol's parents died. Chanyeol became very quiet and stopped interacting with others, including Yixing.

That’s why they aren’t as close as before anymore. And it became even more awkward because Yixing was trained to be Chanyeol's subordinate and bodyguard while he was growing up, not to be his friend.

The arrival of doctors and nurses broke the silence between them. They immediately checked Chanyeol's condition. After confirming that Chanyeol's condition had completely recovered, the doctor finally said that Chanyeol was allowed to go home.

A few minutes later, Yixing completed the administration and Chanyeol packed up his belongings.

Suddenly Chanyeol's phone rang. The name 'Sehun' was displayed on the screen. Chanyeol immediately picked up the call.

Before Chanyeol had a chance to say anything, Sehun's voice that sounded like  he was surprised, along with gasping for breath, like holding back anger.

“Hyung, Luhan is Wu Yifan's biological brother,”






Luhan opened his eyes slowly. The sun light from the window dazzled his view. He whimpered softly, his head felt very heavy, like it was hit many times.

He felt very guilty. If only he wasn't with Baekhyun, none of this would have happened. Because he knew that Wu Yifan was actually targeting him, not Baekhyun.

He looked around when his vision was no longer blurred. Then he caught the figure of Wu Yifan sitting before him, with a quite far distance.

“You're awake? Did you sleep well?” Wu Yifan stood up and pulled his chair closer to Luhan. Now he sat right in front of him.

“B-Baekhyun,” With all his might, Luhan tried to talk.

“Jeez, I really don't understand you two. The first thing you both asked was each other. Don't you care about yourself?”

“T-tell me where is Baek-”

“He’s fine. Now can you stop asking about him?”

Luhan fell silent. He was very sure that he could not trust the man who was now in front of him. He was sure that something happened to Baekhyun. But he really doesn't have the energy to do anything, even to talk.

“Tell me why do you keep running away and hide, Luhan?”

Luhan remained silent. However, he could see clearly in Wu Yifan's eyes, there were worries in it. And maybe, sadness.

“I’ve never done anything to you. I’ve never hurt you, Luhan. I always try my best to make sure that you’re safe, but why? Why did you disappear that night without a trace?”

Now sadness could be heard in Wu Yifan's voice.

“I-I don't want t-to be a part of p-people like y-you and your g-gang,”

Wu Yifan looked very shocked to hear Luhan's answer. Before Luhan ran away, he never showed any sadness or anything similar. He always looked cheerful and even almost every day thanked Wu Yifan for taking care of him. Luhan was very expressive whenever he showed his affection for Wu Yifan.

“We never hurt you, not even the slightest,” Wu Yifan's voice trembled. Like a mixture of anger and sadness.

“You have n-never hurt me p-physically. But y-you must have forgotten when you hurt my inner self by f-forcing me to continue your p-position as the boss of your m-mafia gang,” Luhan's breath is still short. It was very difficult for him to talk, but he still forced himself.

“Lu, I didn't mean to-”

“N-never mind. W-whatever explanation you give me, it w-won't change my mind,”






Baekhyun groaned softly. His head felt very heavy and like it has been stabbed. He looked up, then looked down again, repeatedly. Then he stopped and began to blink his eyes.

He was startled when he heard the sound of a phone ringing. The ringtone is very familiar. That’s the ringtone of his phone. He was surprised because it turns out that his phone was in the same room as him, and it hadn't even run out of battery. The phone is on the table next to the door. About ten steps from Baekhyun's current position. He couldn’t expect much even though his phone was still on, because both of his hands and feet are tied tightly.

Suddenly, Baekhyun could faintly hear the sound of people chatting right outside the door. He’s very sure that what he was listening to right now isn’t Korean or Chinese. Baekhyun closed his eyes to listen with more focus.


Yes, no mistake. Baekhyun understood Japanese well enough because his father used to work with Japanese mafia gangs more often than Korean.

If he didn't misinterpret, Baekhyun caught a few words which then surprised him.

‘Luhan’ and ‘Wu Yifan’s younger sibling’ were the words that he could catch.

Does this all mean that Luhan is also the mastermind behind all this? Was Luhan intentionally tried to get closer to Sehun and Chanyeol so he could give their information to Wu Yifan?

Baekhyun closed his eyes again. All of this is too difficult for his brain to process. Shortly after, he heard the voice of Wu Yifan speaking in Japanese, telling the people who had been chatting at the door to go away. It seems like those people were Wu Yifan's subordinates. However, why did they use Japanese?

A second later, the door opened and showed Wu Yifan’s figure.

“I know you must be sick of this place. Don't worry, we'll be moving soon so you don't get bored. I’ll give you a new room, and a new location.”

Wu Yifan walked over to Baekhyun and knelt down, now his face was the same level with Baekhyun.

“Don't worry, my beautiful angel. I’ll make you happy,”






While on the other hand, Chanyeol and Sehun stared at the monitor screen in front of them. Trying to call Baekhyun’s phone is the last resort to track his location. Because the position of Baekhyun and Wu Yifan is truly untraceable.

Their eyes widened when they saw that the call was still connected. That indicates that Baekhyun's phone is still active.

“Quick! Track the phone now!” Chanyeol shouted a little. Deep down, he was very grateful because there’s hope to find Baekhyun. With his hands on his waist, he was looking down, sighing deeply in relief.

“Hyung,” Sehun called out to him, making himself immediately turn to Sehun. Sehun’s face looked very shocked and unable to speak.

Chanyeol’s eyes then turned to the monitor, his eyes widened when he saw the two words displayed there.

Hokkaido, Japan.


*** to be continued ***

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Shabz10 #1
Chapter 12: I would love to read more
Chapter 11: Ahh such a rollercoaster of a story! Poor Baek, I hope he is found in time!!
myung-yeollipop #3
Chapter 11: oh no! how dare he touched Baekhyun's face?! he will face the wrath!! >_<
myung-yeollipop #4
Chapter 10: i was shocked to see the last update was in 2017. lmao. but i was re-reading the previous chapter and was excited again. i will re-read this fic from the start again.
Yuiaya #5
Chapter 10: Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 2: So who hugged him? minseok? lmao
Chapter 9: Who is the guy in the last part? ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Chapter 8: Please updateeeee
Louwjones #9
Chapter 8: Update please
mollyaussie #10