
Royal Love Story
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After the class before lunch time finished, I went to the faculty office since I had some business to settle there. It didn’t take so long, so I rushed to the café after that or else, I would miss my lunch. I knew my friends might be waiting for me there, I didn’t meet any of them yet since I wasn’t in the same class with them earlier.

As I got into the café, there was an unexpected scene I just witnessed. My mouth immediately parted when I saw vocal team and performance team members were all sitting on the same table together, no; they actually had to combine two tables because there were so many of them.

I walked closer to them and stood at the end of the table “do I miss anything?” I asked.

They all now were looking at me and laughed after that. “No one mind to explain?” I looked at them strangely. “And your hair… all of you changed your hairstyle at the same time?” I asked.

That was when my eyes landed on Jeonghan… “Your hair… how could you cut them short?” I pointed my finger to him.

He then cackled “I look more handsome right?”

“B-but… I love your long hair… all these times I always want to call you eonnie!”

He looked at me with his eyes widened “WHAT?! YA! I’M A GUY! A MAN! Aish…”

I just cackled at his respond “I’m just joking… yeah; you look more handsome and manlier now… but still… I will miss my eonnie…” I pouted.

“YA!” he shouted.

We all laughed after that. “But… how you guy can sit together like this? How could I miss this big thing?!” I hissed.

Before Soonyoung took my hand and pulled me to sit next to him. “You too don’t care to tell me what had happened?” I asked him and pouted.

He just smiled “aish… we’re buddies now…” he replied.

“I don’t know since when these two leaders become so close… and they want both teams to settle” Chan who sat in front of me barged in.

“Ahhh…” I said. “It’s a great decision! As expected… the leaders are the best!” and I showed two thumbs up to the both leaders. 

“Yeah… our leaders!” the others said at the same time.

Soonyoung and Jihoon looked a bit red from the cheers “ahhh… how?” said Jihoon shyly “I’ll buy you all food today…” he said and we started to cheers once again.

“Eeiii… half-half” added Soonyoung.

The others were now jumping around while doing ‘manse’ not to mention, I was with them doing those things.

As the vocal team and performance team were together, the loudness was also doubled.   


I was at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to go home before Soonyoung came and sat next to me. He didn’t say a thing since he arrived, he just sat quietly and it was weird. We were like in an awkward silence.

I looked up to see him, noticed me doing that, he also turned to face me at the same time. I saw his face suddenly turned red and I bet mine too. We immediately turned away.  

“Ahem” he cleared his throat. “Ahh… why are we like this?” he started the conversation.

I just looked down and played with my own fingers “who knows” I shrugged.

And the awkward silence between us started again. We were like avoiding each other gaze.

“Aya” he called me after we were like in mute for few moments. “Mianhae…” he added.

I looked up to him in wonder “Why?” I asked.

He shrugged “If I make you uncomfortable… sorry…” he apologized again.

“You not even making any mistakes, why apologizing?” I asked. Yeah, it wasn’t like he forced me to kiss him yesterday, the fact is, we were kissing.

He shrugged again. “Just because…” he sighed.

I smiled to him “since when you and Jihoon start getting close?” I asked, changing the topic.

“Yesterday evening” he finally smiled cutely with only his two upper central teeth were showing.


“I invited him to our dance studio, and we had dance battle… I challenge him before, remember?” he explained, and now he was like back to normal.

I nodded to him like asking him to continue. “He was pretty good, my friends said so… and we also fit well, I mean our interest, and yeah… we were talking about each other after that. He’s great.” he made a long story short.

I smiled widely as I was happy listening to his story “that’s totally amazing! I’m so happy to see both teams are friends now” I added.

He just nodded to me and we smiled to each other.

“Your hair… it suits you well… I like it” I praised his new hair; yeah he looked really good with the new hair style and dark hair color.

“Ahhh… my friends said so…” he grinned widely.

A familiar car suddenly stopped in front of us. In no time, Seungcheol already stood before us and he took my hand, tried to pull me with him. “What are you doing?” I asked as I struggled to release my hand from him grip. 

Soonyoung immediately grabbed the collar of Seungcheol’s shirt “Let her go!” he warned.

Seungcheol surprisingly followed what Soonyoung said, he let go of my hand. But then he grabbed Soonyoung’s collar too instead. 

They were now staring at each other’s eyes furiously and I started to get panic. Not only because they were like fighting because of me, but also all the people around us were looking at our direction.

“Stop it please… don’t make a scene, people are looking at us!” I said and tried to separate those two.

“I let you know now… she’s mine! She’s my fiancée! Look at her finger…” said Seungcheol.

“Tssk… fiancée?” Soonyoung hissed. “Then, you’re her fiancé?” he cackled after that. “Someone who can’t even choose… you’re more like a loser!”

Listening to Soonyoung words, Seungcheol tightened his grip “Whatever you say, she’s already mine!” he smirked.

“I said stop it you two!” I said in a shouting manner.

But they didn’t listen and keep staying in that position. “I won’t let you hurt her!” added Soonyoung.

I sighed. “If you two still like this, go on… I’ll leave!” I said and took my steps away before Seungcheol caught my hand again. 

“We need to talk…” he said.

“YA!” Soonyoung yelled and walked towards us.   

I just sighed. “As you wish, I’ll go with you… let’s go” I replied to Seungcheol.

I glanced at Soonyoung, he looked so disappointed. “I’ll meet you at home later…” I said to him and walked towards Seungcheol’s car.

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exoxo8 #1
I discovered the story just yesterday and it's great! Am I the only one who's #TeamSeungcheol ... lol I wish they ended up together instead as much as I love hosh lol. Still a great story, thanks! :)
Chapter 36: You better treat Sara right Choi Seungcheol
Najatt #3
Chapter 36: to be honest was a pain in my chest, a ride full of emotions... I really wanted #teamSeungcheol but you write it so smoothly that was perfect... *thumbs up*
Chapter 36: Haha. It's alright that Seungcheol didn't end up with Aya, but it was fun reading it. I can't believe Hansol did that! How could he?! But good job! You finished it! Thanks for your hard work!
Whitebread312 #6
Chapter 36: Woah o.O thumbs up (Chuck lol)
Kim_Kristal #7
Chapter 36: I cant believe ut ended T.T
Chapter 36: i'm shock when saw new update of this story marked as completed. woahhhh its beautiful ending. even aya not married with coups atleast coups have new fiancee. my baby vernonnnnnn how loyal you are to coups. i love his character here ugh. beautiful ending for an amazing story. hope i can read your new story with coups in it ㅋㅋㅋ
nastiush310 #9
Chapter 36: I cant believe the story is over already :((((
Thank you so much for this amazing story,easily one of my favorites <33