Purple Hair

Mr. Park Chanyeol [REWRITING]
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Wahhh thank you for all the support I've been receiving (•////•) Anyways here's the next chapter! Can you guys guess what it's about because of the title? =\



Chapter 2- Purple Hair



Chanyeol actually didn't really know what he was doing. 

The first time he spotted the small brunette in class, he simply couldn't get his eyes off of him. He'd fake looking at everyone just to stare at the boy for one second longer, watching him stare at something in a daze. 

Now, the confused professor was dragging the student through the hallways, listening to him speak out directions to get to the printer room. Chanyeol actually didn't need to go to the printer room, but when he spotted Baekhyun in the cafeteria eating with his friends, he approached unconsciously, listening into an amusing conversation. And when Baekhyun stomped off adorably, Chanyeol chased after him almost immediately, making up an excuse on spot. 

The two stopped in front of a big door with a sign that read: PRINTER ROOM 

"Here... You could have just looked for it yourself..." Baekhyun trailed off and Chanyeol grinned. 

"I surely would have gotten lost with all these random turns," he stated and Baekhyun laughed lightly, his voice resembling the twinkling of wind chimes during spring. Chanyeol committed the sound to memory, also keeping a reminder to make the student laugh much more. 

Chanyeol spotted a teacher looking at both of them weirdly and the professor let go of Baekhyun's hand hastily, almost as if it burnt him. "I'm going to go grab my-" nonexistent "-papers." Chanyeol pointed into the room and Baekhyun nodded, curious as to why Chanyeol had let go of his arm so quickly. 

Chanyeol turned around and opened the door, spotting the countless grey machines. He looked behind him again to see that Baekhyun had begun to walk away and Chanyeol sighed, walking inside. 

He fiddled around with the machines for a few seconds before walking out empty handed, heading to his class that was supposed to start in fifteen minutes. Chanyeol got his stuff from his office and bought a cup of coffee on the way, sipping on the tasty liquid as he entered the class. 

Right when he entered though, he bumped into someone and his drink tipped, spilling all over someone who let out a high pitched scream. 

"Oh my god! I can't believe you..." Her words died in when she spotted Chanyeol and she quieted, coughing awkwardly. 

"I'm so sorry," Chanyeol apologized, taking out a pack of tissues from his pocket. 

He usually carried tissues because he knew that he was mostly a clumsy person, and drinks were spilled very often. 

But this was the first time piping hot coffee was spilt all over one of his female students. 

He started patting at the coffee with his tissue, only realizing how awkward this was after a minute. After all, the coffee had spilt on her chest. 

Now it was Chanyeol's turn to cough awkwardly, ing the pack of tissues in her hand before walking past her to place his stuff down. 

"Sorry about that... Let's begin now shall we?" Chanyeol asked and begun his hour long lecture, taking a few sips of his extra water bottle. He noticed that Baekhyun wasn't in this class and made a memo to ask about his schedule sometime... Or he could just figure out by himself. 

Once class was over, Chanyeol was cleaning up his stuff to leave. 

"Hey, how are you going to make it up to me? You know, for spilling coffee all over my new coat..." The girl from earlier spoke up, motioning to the coat in her hands. Chanyeol looked away from his stuff and turned his head to look at her. 

"Oh... Um... Maybe I can buy you a coffee? What's your name?" Chanyeol asked and she grinned, strutting towards him. 

"Cha Han Na." She held out her hand and Chanyeol shook it, now only realizing her awfully purple dyed hair. Other than that, she wasn't bad appearance wise. "So when do you want to drink that coffee with me?" She asked and Chanyeol pursed his lips. 

I never said I'd drink it with you... Chanyeol thought to himself but he answered anyways, too nice to say what he was thinking. "Right now?" 

"Okay let's go." She grabbed his arm and dragged him away, almost making him drop his laptop. 

After the walk in the hallway, (and after Chanyeol pried his arm away,) they sat down in the cafeteria with their drinks, Chanyeol drinking his tea awkwardly.  

"So are you single?" She asked blatantly and Chanyeol nodded.

"Yup, I live alone for now." 

"That's nice, where do you live?" She asked and Chanyeol raised his eyebrow at her creepy question. 

"I live somewhere to the east." Chanyeol replied vaguely and his attention was drawn to something completely different as he spotted the person he actually wanted to talk to. 

The small brunette was laughing with his other friend from yesterday, Kyungsoo. While he walked, a pile of books was secured in between his arm and his waist, his backpack casually slung around his shoulder. 

He saw the boy trip and he half stood up from his spot; an instinct to catch him. But obviously he was almost completely across the cafeteria from Baekhyun, so Chanyeol just looked kind of stupid. 

"What are you looking at?" She asked and turned her head but Chanyeol cut her off from seeing anything by striking up a question. 

"Are you single?" He blurted out by

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Chanbaek be in'


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Chapter 9: yes, please continue writing this story! I will be waiting for the update
AnnaChatzi #2
Chapter 9: Please continue this
Chapter 9: Continue. Please...
Chapter 9: Hope you continue this fic :)
Chapter 9: I'm here and YES I WANT IT OMG !!!
Thank you for comeback!!
Double-A_Yo1Lvr #6
crazy_bookaholic #7
Chapter 9: Hope you will continue it^^
Chapter 9: Do continue. Legit just finished the story but I’m in love with it. I’ll wait for the update!
Chapter 9: I still read it!! Thank you for coming back and continuing this story! I'll wait patiently for you update!
I hope you will continue this story, I really love it ^^