Ongoing Confusion


"Did you hear what happened?" The rumors started up again, another regular Monday at Yennin High.

"What?" They spread like a plague, one moment one person suspects it, the next person makes it a statement. They go off to tell their friends and their friends tell their friends and an exponential growth of lies takes place. Though, at rare times, they can be true.

"Seungcheol didn't go to Friday Frenzy, and lost his memory in a car crash." Gasps from the circle of girls could be heard down the hall and caught the attention of those eavesdropping.

"Really? Did he forget about-"

"He didn't see him perform?"


Seungcheol groaned, trying to let his eyes relax enough to put him to sleep. Ever since he's been discharged from the hospital 3 days ago all he's been allowed to do is sleep and eat. His mother had taken away anything that caused extra work for his brain.

"But Mom, if I work out my brain don't you think I'll get better at a faster pace?" He heard her moving around the room and opened his eyes. She picked up the dirty laundry from his carpet and tossed them into the bin next to the door. She stood by the exit, hands on her hips and a stern look painted on her features.

"I don't think texting is something that can help your brain. If you want to work out your brain I would recommend reading. Don't read in too dark of light because it could strain your eyes and make your head worse. Don't even try to start with your phone either mister," she waved her finger in the air slowly and his eyes were fixed on it as if he was hypnotized. "Reading text messages are not the same as reading a book," she took a step out the door and it began to swing closed, "and the bright light from your phone could strain your eyes as well."

Seungcheol resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how his mother was treating him. It was nice to have his room cleaned without having to move but the constant exiting and entering along with no entertainment or much freedom, he was beginning to become bored with the routine. She was right about reading, if he was really bored he could do it, but he wasn't bored to the extent he would read outside of school.

His mother brought out all thirteen books from The Series of Unfortunate events. He remembered the frustrations trying to figure out what VFD was supposed to be and to the other side of his bed wondering what to do. His head wasn't in pain anymore but he wasn't about to spend his time off school reading.

Closing his eyes, he thought of the fact his hyperthymesia was gone. The doctor said it wouldn't be much of a big deal but he felt off about something and it's been bothering him ever since he woke up but he didn't want to bring it up if he couldn't explain it.


Seungcheol was sitting in class, his heart was racing and he couldn't stop looking up from his paper to the person in front of him. He had a feeling the other person was famous and found it weird how no one else was looking at him.

He examined the pink hair on the top of the famous person's head, something in his heart made him feel warm and he ended up smiling. The pink hair shifted and Seungcheol noticed that the object of his attention had eyes too and stared back at him. He played with his lips and his eyes went back to his paper. He looked at one number before looking up again and repeating what he was doing before. The events repeated themselves several times but Seungcheol couldn't find it in him to stop. It was like looking at the person was the only thing he was able to do.

The bell rang but Seungcheol never heard it, he just followed the actions of everyone else packing up their stuff. He was walking to his physical education class but before he could get into the locker room his teacher stopped him.

"Seungcheol, I need you to get the balls in the storage room for me, you don't have to dress out today, I just need you to do this favor." Keys were placed into his hands and he watched his teacher's back get smaller and smaller going into the field his classmates already began to jog on.

Looking down at the keys, he shrugged and did as told, walking towards the storage room he heard a child laughing. When he turned the corner he saw the same famous person from before playing with a familiar child. "That's so cute." He mumbled before continuing his way down the hall and getting the rack full of basketballs.

He was pushing them back down the hallway and peeked into the room from before. The two people were still there but instead of just playing with the toddler's hands the famous person was carrying the small child while playing with her hair. He brought his face closer the others and rubbed their noses together, smiling cheekily as the toddler let out a happy giggle.

"That's so cute!" Seungcheol covered his mouth, cursing whatever possessed him to say those words in the first place. The creature possessing him held him in place even when heads turned in slow motion. His heart was beating rapidly and his breath was caught in his throat.

The famous person smiled at him. Seungcheol managed to wave just before waking up.


He scrunched his face up before relaxing and opening his eyes to see where he was. It was just a dream. He looked out the window to find an azure color peeking through the blinds. He threw his feet over the side of his bed and headed out to eat breakfast.

"Mom," he called, on his way to the kitchen he stopped by his parent's room to tell them about his plans.

"Mn... Yes, Seungcheol?" The sleepy reply made Seungcheol smile lightly.

"I'm going to school today so don't freak out when I'm not in bed. Since you won't be awake before I leave, bye and thank you," more groans from sleep and something sounding like an okay made its way through the crack in the door.

Parts of his dream came back to mind when he was eating cereal, he looked up and thought about how his eyes would catch the others and he wondered why no one else was looking at him. He looked at the bowl of cereal as if it were the paper he had in his dream. He couldn't remember the face of the little girl but he knew her from somewhere. Maybe it was his mother's face when she was a baby.

He looked at the empty bowl in the sink and wondered if he should wash it or not. If he didn't wash it, it would most likely remind his mother about what he said while she was half asleep but if he didn't wash it he could get in trouble later in the day and his mother would go off on the famous maid rap.

He guessed that he would just leave it, he figured she would check his room first thing after she fully wakes up then panics but once she sees the dirty dishes she'll calm down and know Seungcheol was fine.

He didn't know how thankful he could be for his parents. Through the 4 days he stayed home they got his car fixed from the crash and it looked brand new. He knew that he had to pay them back later in life which eventually lead to him thinking about which jobs he would get.

Whistling on his way to school he made sure to wait for a little while before pressing on the gas when the light turned green, you can't be completely calm when you drive after a car crash. He remembered freaking out the first time he got in the car. When he saw it after leaving the hospital his feet froze in place for a while and he was anxious the whole way home. He guessed that was why his mother kept him home.

He arrived at school safely and shook out all his nerves after getting out of the car. He only hit a single red light and it was before he turned into the street he parks on. It was always busy and there have been crashes before so he was a little on edge while turning.

"You actually drove?" Wonwoo's voice came from behind him right after he finished the little dance. He turned and saw both Wonwoo leaning up against his car and Mingyu getting out of another door.

"Yeah, my parents were sleeping and I woke up on time so here I am." He put his hands in the air and even made a jazz hand movement.

"Why would you go to school, though?" Mingyu shut the door and fixed his outfit. "I mean, it's," there was a short pause as he tried to find the right word, "school."

"You're all here, and-aw I forgot my phone..." Seungcheol felt his pocket holes and didn't find any cellular device. Sighing he continued, "I don't like going out alone, you guys know that, and I don't have my phone because my mom took it away since it might 'make my situation worse'" He exaggerated the finger quotes and almost hit Mingyu's face. "Oh sorry."

"No problem. I still would have slept in."

"Then I guess I'm weird." Seungcheol fixed the strap on his backpack so it was more comfortable. 

"Seungcheol we all knew that you didn't have to say it," Wonwoo teased.

"Then can I just say-"

"Seungcheol!" The familiar voice cut him off and they all turned to see a perky Doyoon walk down the hall.

"Doyoon." Seungcheol opened his arms as wide as he was allowed before enclosing them around Doyoon. He rested his cheek on the other's shoulder and brought him close.

"I missed you. Your mom finally let you out of the house?" Doyoon rested his lips on Seungcheol's cheek for a small moment before letting go and walking with the rest of them down the hall.

"She didn't really tell me I could go, I kind of just told her I was going to school today... When she was half asleep... But I'm sure she'll know I'm fine!" Seungcheol sped up the last part of his sentence when he saw Doyoon's facial expressions change with every word.

"I can't believe you."

"You know the car ride wasn't too bad-"

"No, not the car ride, the fact your mom might have a heart attack because of you." Seungcheol shoved him playfully, just enough to knock him off balance.

"Hey! I told you, I'm sure she'll be fine. She might freak out a little because I'm not in my bed but she'll be fine once she sees the dirty bowl of cereal in the sink she'll remember what I told her this morning." All three of them stopped to look at him for a moment.

"Seungcheol when they released you from the hospital did they say anything about your logic and reasoning being damaged?"

Seungcheol looked at all of them with a raised brow, was there really something wrong with what he did? "No, why?" The three of his friends exchanged looks then laughed in unison, slouching at the exact same time. "What?"

"Seungcheol, you know how to write." Mingyu held his hand out but it wasn't for Seungcheol to shake.

"Yeah and?" He looked to Wonwoo in the middle.

"You have some paper at your house right?"

"Yeah, of course." His eyes landed on the last person, his significant other.

"Seungcheol," Doyoon took his hands gently, squeezing them then letting go. "Seungcheol you could have written her a note..."

The three let the words sink in for three seconds before they burst out laughing again. Seungcheol flushed red and shoved them all down the hallway.


"You're so stupid." Jun shook his head then bit off the ketchup-covered end of his fry. Minghao gratefully accepted the few offered to him and Doyoon reached for some but instead he got a slap to the top of his hand.

"It was early in the morning and the only thing I've used my mind for since the crash was to make sure the spoon made it to my mouth, don't judge." His arms crossed.

"You're the eldest here right?" Jeonghan's laugh followed his question successfully contributing to Seungcheol's frustrations.

"Awww, don't let the meanies make fun of you," Doyoon cooed, brushing his nose over Seungcheol's shoulder repeatedly and wrapping his arms around Seungcheol's middle. Seungcheol smugly turned towards Doyoon to ignore all the other people at the table.

As his head rested on Doyoon's shoulder the dream he had came back and he noticed there weren't any butterflies in his stomach at the moment. His heart rate wasn't speeding up, he didn't see it as an overly-happy feeling, he was happy but in the dream and he was happy right now but when he saw the famous person, the feeling then could be described as happier.

Disguarding his thoughts, he told himself that it was just because it was a famous person and Doyoon has been a close friend since ever so he felt it was normal.

"Hey, are you okay? You know we're just kidding right?" Mingyu caught the sullen expression on Seungcheol's face, he looked up at Wonwoo to try and figure out what was happening but he saw Wonwoo hadn't figured it out either.

"Huh?" Snapping out of his thoughts he looked around at the table and saw everyone was looking at him. "What? Oh, yeah I'm fine sorry. My head just kind of started hurting a little. It's nothing too bad, promise." He made eye contact with everyone and kissed the top of Doyoon's head to calm his worries.


"So what really happened earlier at lunch today?" Hopping on the chance right away, Wonwoo nudged Seungcheol's shoulder to catch his attention.

"My head hurt..." Seungcheol shied away and fixed his backpack strap.

"Seungcheol." The two stopped before the turn, Seungcheol sighed and walked back up the hallway to get away from all the rushing students.

"Are there any famous people that go here? I think I forgot about them."

"People that go here become famous if that's what you're asking." Wonwoo's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Right I know that. Hold on let me think of another question." Seungcheol pinched the area between his closed eyes. "Do I admire any celebrities? I had a dream last night that I was sitting across from some famous person and I was freaking out because they saw me and smiled and stuff."

"You don't admire someone famous perse," he tilted his head to the side and the pitch in his voice changed in pitch enough to make Seungcheol ask the right question.

"What do you mean?"


"Seungcheol!" "Wonwoo!" Two voices echoed down the hall where they were supposed to turn earlier.

"Why are you guys so slow?" "Seungcheol are you okay?" They called for their significant others after each other in a pattern. "Oh, there you guys are, what's taking you so long?"

"Seungcheol said that he was confused about something and I was just helping him remember." The older ones of the pairs began to walk again so the younglings didn't have to walk anymore.

"Oh, what were you confused about? Where we meet up? If you have to do any after school things..." Mingyu's suggestions continued for a while before Seungcheol shook his head.

"I was just wondering if I idolized anyone before the crash, I had a dream about some famous person but I don't know their name."

"Oh well you always used to- Doyoon!"

Seungcheol quickly caught his significant other before he could get too close to the ground. "Are you okay?" Seungcheol checked the other's face and looked into his eyes. Doyoon could feel guilt laying in his gut but he would ignore it for now. Nodding his head he fixed himself onto his feet.

"I'm fine, I wasn't paying attention. I'm fine really." He rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding Wonwoo's piercing look. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"You didn't have a ride home? What were you going to do if I didn't come to school today?"

"I would have just walked..."

"Yeah, I'll give you a ride. Anyway, later Wonwoo, I think my mom would want me home as fast as possible and we already took our time talking. See you tomorrow!" He held his hand up and brought Doyoon towards his car. Before he got too far he could hear Mingyu whining about how Wonwoo wasted the appointment they had in the recording studio and he only signed up for an hour.

"Are you sure you're not hurt anywhere?" Seungcheol gave Doyoon a once over when he got into the car.

"I'm fine, Seungcheol. Are you sure you're okay driving?" He looked at the shaky hands on the wheel with concern, they waved him off and moved towards the gear shift to exit the parking lot.

"I made it to school fine didn't I? Plus if I don't drive now I might never drive again."


Seungcheol looked at his recent messages, wondering if he forgot any important events. His mother had finally given him his phone back once finishing his homework. He had some new messages from Doyoon, asking if he made it home safe and requesting a message once Seungcheol got his phone back. He laughed when he read the messages his mother sent to his friends the first day he got out of the hospital.

Moving to the next set of messages, his brows were brought close together after seeing the heart next to the name. He moved to Doyoon's contact name and found not even a single emoji next to it. He looked at the two names in confusion.

If Doyoon was his boyfriend why didn't he have a heart next to his name like this Jihoonie person?

Reading the previous messages from 'Jihoonie' something clicked in his head and he remembered liking someone other than Doyoon but he dated Doyoon because he wanted the other to be happy.

Was Jihoon the one he liked? Was Jihoon the one from his dream?

A knock came from his door and he turned to see his mother's head peeking through the small crack.

"Seungcheol, I don't want you staying up too late after recovery, I'll let you keep your phone but don't stay on it too long. Sleep soon okay?" He nodded towards her without really moving to drop the phone. "I mean it Seungcheol."

"I promise I'll sleep soon, I'm just confused about a few things and I'm asking Wonwoo about it." The door was closed after one more nod. Normally he would have felt guilty for lying like that to his mother but confusion still filled his brain. He really did end up texting Wonwoo, about talking to him tomorrow before school.

He lay in bed thinking about who Jihoon could be. It was familiar and something in his gut told him the person was important. There wasn't a picture to go with the contact so Seungcheol searched through his gallery for anything to refresh his memory about the person. All he found were pictures of him and Doyoon, that's right, Doyoon wanted a text once he got his phone.

He knew the message he sent wasn't one Doyoon would exactly want at first but he promised his mother he would sleep soon and small talk would require long hours of replies.

"I'm sorry if this ruins your day Doyoon," He whispered to the phone as the message changed from 'sending' to 'delivered'

'Hey Doyoon, I need to talk to you tomorrow about some things, or rather, someone, I forgot but, for now, I hope you're sleeping well. Goodnight.'

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Chapter 6: It's beautiful.. even tho I got lil confused on the flashbacks part.. but it ended up well..
I love it (‘∀’●)♡
lefthandednerd #2
Chapter 6: Thank you for the beautiful ending ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: I'm glad no one lied~ And Doyoon low key became a JiCheol shipper I'm laughing. I feel so bad for him though I hope he ends up happy. TT^TT But Jihoon and Seunghcheol deserve to be happy too. I'M JUST. TOO MANY EMOTIONS AS OF RIGHT NOW OKAY. I HOPE JIHOON EXPLAINS AS TO WHY HE'S BEING SO DISTANT UGH.
Chapter 5: Don't tell me that note was from jihoon. If my cute tsundere fluff of a boy got the courage to confess and got so dramatically let down im gonna cry in korean TT
I'm looking forward to the next chapter ~
lefthandednerd #6
Chapter 4: 4: Why are you doing this to me?
Chapter 4: I - along with like almost everyone else - CALLED IT! Some comments are saying that Doyoon might lie and here I am thinking Wonwoo was going to be the one that will lie. All of Cheol's friends might lie actually... in order to help him. Since they all told him to give up on Jihoon right? Makes me wonder if Jihoon will approach Seungcheol first. I kind of thought the story would change and Jihoon would be the one to go after Seungcheol instead but it didn't go in that direction. Whatever, I'm interested to see what you have in store~ I'm sure it'll be amazing.
Chapter 4: huhuhu... *cries*
*stop crying*
*cries again*
author why you do this? *sniff, sinff*
Chapter 4: the person before me said it all- *nodsnods*
and I hope doyoon wouldn't lie or make up things about jihoon :(