Minimal Yet Meaningful


"Look he's with someone new already." Whispers erupted as the newest couple walked down the hallway.

"Yeah, I heard he got asked out right when he got to school."

"Poor guy, falling for that ."

"Don't say that! Seungcheol's really nice. You went out with him! You should know how it feels."

"Yeah but he's not even sad when you break up with him! I mean I swear someone asked him out the second I dumped him and he said yes."

"Why did you even break up with him? He's super caring and fun to hang around. Not to mention that he'll spoil you completely."

"Same reason you did."


"Choi Seungcheol, will you go out with me?" He looked at all the decorations, the banner, the small amount of confetti on the ground, how could he say no?

"You know, I would have said yes with a normal proposal." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Of course, but I really like you, I think you deserve a proper proposal."

"Doyoon, I think this is more than a proper proposal."

"Whatever you see, you deserve it." Seungcheol took another look at the banner. The question he was asked a while ago was hand painted onto a white canvas surrounded by hearts of many colors. Everyone looked at it too, then turned to whisper amongst each other. He could say he wasn't used to all the attention, and he doesn't like to brag, but he was well known.

"What a lie," Seungcheol took his hand with a smile, "how did you even get that banner up there?"

"Well, you see, the janitors like me." Seungcheol knew Doyoon, with the way he opened the bag of chips the day before, he wasn't believing that statement.

"Stop lying, how did you really do it?"

"Fine, I slipped George a twenty." Doyoon shrugged as if it was nothing. Seungcheol's jaw dropped.

"A twenty?! Doyoon you've been asking me to buy you lunch for how long now but you can slip a janitor a twenty?"

"Ah... Well, you see..." Doyoon used his other hand to scratch the back of his head. Seungcheol shoved him playfully.

"You're buying me lunch today."


"Ah, and so it begins." A pretty face framed by silver hair grinned from across the table, "honestly, it's been a while, I thought Seungcheol made around with everyone already." The boy sitting next to him nudged him with a shoulder, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"Jeonghan don't be mean, Seungcheol and Doyoon are both happy, don't bother them." The one speaking was looking down at his food the whole time, digging through the almost empty bag of chips.

"It's a light teasing Jisoo, nothing too harsh. You guys are really cute together and I had a feeling. You suit each other." Jeonghan leaned his head against Jisoo's shoulder, opening another bag of Lays and offering him some.

"So that's why the rumors started up again." Another voice came from Jeonghan's other side. The owner had brown hair and a red-flannel covered arm draped across the shoulders of a blond guy. "It happened today?"

"Before school."

"When I stepped on the lawn, did you know he paid the janitor twenty bucks yet I've been buying him lunch for two months now?" Seungcheol leaned in as if he was whispering but the statement came out anyway but quietly.

"Snazzy," brown hair bobbed slightly, "and smart. I have to try that out sometime." Doyoon smirked and gave him a high five.

"None of us will fall for it, you just told us you would do it," the small remark came from under the other's arm.

"You would still pay for me, though, right Minghao?" A pout formed on the speaker's face and he leaned down to peck a kiss to the top of the blond's forehead.

"You know," Seungcheol started using Doyoon's hand as a blindfold, "sometimes I regret getting you two together when you're all lovey-dovey like that."

"Says the man who's not even using his own hand as a blindfold."

Seungcheol heard the slight snicker to the right, "Hey Doyoon who's side are you on?"

"Well I mean, Jun does have a point..." Despite what was saying Doyoon gently tightened his hold on Seungcheol's hand and brought them back down to their sides.

"What a great way to start our relationship Doyoon~!" Seungcheol forced a smile then dropped the act before taking a chip from Doyoon's bag.

"Hey, I actually bought those with my own money this time!"

"Slowly pay me back by letting me take a few bites." Seungcheol reached for another but the bag was pushed away.

"What if I pay you back with some dates and kisses?" Doyoon wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I'll take the chocolate but dates are a horrid excuse for a fruit." A grin spread across the cheeks of a very playful Seungcheol and a tongue came out to tease just the bit more.


"Seungcheol," the sad voice came. Seungcheol knew what was coming, it happened several times before he had lost track. It was still sad to be dumped. "You're the perfect boyfriend, I mean, you've brought me out on dates, surprised me on special occasions, and you make the perfect cuddle buddy," two smiles showed up on two faces but both were bittersweet, "but I think we both know it's not real."

"I promise you I put my all into every relationship I've been in and I'll continue to put my all in the further relationships I have. I haven't cheated on you if that's what someone said. I would never cheat on you. I wouldn't cheat on anyone." Seungcheol held his hand over his heart, it was getting harder to keep the smile on his face.

"I know you didn't cheat on me, and I know you wouldn't think of doing that to anyone. Don't you think that you do it, you put your all into the relationship so the other person is happy? Haven't you ever thought that all the people before me broke up with you because they wanted you to be happy with someone you truly like back?"

"I do like you Wonwoo. I've known you forever, I love you." Seungcheol took a step forward, the other male's cheek gently, staring at the small speck of moonlight that his eyes caught.

A separate hand came up to hold the one on his cheek, he leaned his face into it one last time and enjoyed the warmth coming from Seungcheol's palm. "I know you love me, and I love you enough to know you don't love me the same way you love him." Wonwoo brought the hand away from his face and slowly, finger by finger, let it go.


"Seungcheol~" a voice cooed into his hear. He shook his head slightly and tried to focus on where he was.

"Yeah what's up?" He looked to Doyoon.

"What are you thinking about?" He felt the side of Doyoon's head rest against his shoulder and he automatically rested his own on top.

"Nothing bad, just calculating all the money you owe me." The head shifted from underneath his but didn't completely move away.

"Hey~" the whine came and Seungcheol's grin got even wider than before. He let go of Doyoon's hand so he could wrap his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder.


"Hey Mingyu," Seungcheol piped up from within said male's arms.

"Yes, Seungcheol?" Mingyu responded playfully.

They were sitting down at the park one random weekend in one beautiful afternoon. A few clouds were in the sky, providing a cool breeze against the beams of sunlight. The two sitting under the tree knew it wouldn't be good to ignore a beautiful day like so.

"Do you know a Jeon Wonwoo? He goes to our school."

"Yeah I know him." Mingyu was resting his chin on the top of Seungcheol's head and softly applied more pressure as he thought about who Seungcheol brought up. "Didn't he break up with you like, last week?"

"Yeah, but it was on good terms. I'm sure that we both knew our feelings towards each other was never one of romance. Anyway, I think you two would be a great couple."

"Isn't he a senior? Would he really be willing to date a junior?" Seungcheol knew Mingyu was thinking about it, it brought a smile to his face.

"Hey, I'm a senior too you know, I'm even older than him." Mingyu squirmed when Seungcheol motioned to pinch his thigh.

"Yeah but I'm not dating you, I'm just here for the hugs." The arms around Seungcheol's torso tightened and Seungcheol nodded.

"I feel like that would be an insult if it weren't to me, but yes I think he would date you. Seriously you guys' actions would work together great.

"He seems really cold, always wearing dark clothing. I wouldn't be surprised if he had to tell his mom 'It's not a phase' every day," Mingyu snickered before actually receiving a pinch on his leg. "Ow, I was kidding!"

"He doesn't like emo jokes, keep that in mind when you talk to him. He wears black because he's convinced it's the only color that looks good on him. Which is really weird because he looks great in blue."

"Dang okay, are you sure there weren't any romantic feelings? In my opinion, I think white would look great on him." Mingyu poked his sides playfully, enjoying the way Seungcheol laughed.

"Hm, I think I like blue better. When you date someone, or you're just around them the whole time, you get a sense of what they look good in and how they act. Just trust me on this, you two would hit it off. He's actually a lot softer than you think."


"Where have you guys been?" Jun asked, averting his rolling eyes away from the hypocrite to the pair making their way towards the table.

"Wonwoo's a slowpoke," one mentioned as they sat down together. The same guy's shoulder brushed against Seungcheol's a bit forcefully, knocking two heads together.

"Oops sorry Seungcheol, Mingyu's just being annoying. My teacher had to tell me something, by the way."

"It's fine, you're okay right Doyoon?" Seungcheol turned to his significant other, tilting his head in a concerned manner.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What did your teacher want Wonwoo?"

"He was wondering if I was performing in this week's show. I swear ever since I made an appearance my English teacher's been on me about my writing skills, telling me about how I could do 'so much better' considering that one time. Frustrating really."

"You were amazing! I would do the same. If you can make a simple rap that good then why can't you write an essay?" Jeonghan mentioned.

"Because writing lyrics is fun and could be about anything I want. When I have to write an essay it's about the same boring topics we've been writing about for the past 6 years."

"He has a point there." Jisoo tilted his head in Wonwoo's direction. "How many times do we have to write about how dangerous the internet is?"

"Okay that makes sense, are you performing, though?" Jun entered the conversation, feeling just the slightest bit left out.

"No, I haven't really thought of anything new."

"Mingyu don't you write lyrics too?" Minghao chimed, "I remember you wanted to perform one week but you didn't think your work was good enough."

"Maybe you two could bounce ideas off of each other," Doyoon suggested.

"You could even perform together if you wanted. I mean shows happen every week and I'm sure at least half the school is ready to hear the hottest couple rap together."

"Only one thing is wrong with that sentence." Jun's finger caught all of their attention, "Minghao and I are the hottest couple."


"Jeonghan I don't think this is such a good idea. I don't think Jisoo is the jealous type." Seungcheol held onto the white fabric of Jeonghan's shirt.

"Trust me, he'll drag me away and ask me out. This plan is foolproof. Now, my hair I just got the text from Jun saying he's coming."

Sungcheol gulped, he wasn't a big fan of the jealousy card, it usually always ended badly. Nonetheless, he was never one to say no. He brought his hand up to the brown locks of hair, they were really soft and Seungcheol hoped that if Joshua really was the jealous type, he wouldn't cut off any of the hair on Jeonghan's head. Like Jeonghan would let him, though.

"Jeonghan!" A voice called from the end of the hall, both heads turned to see a slightly red-faced Jisoo, hands fisted at his sides and shaking slightly with anger. He steadily made his way over to the two, facing Seungcheol he put on the fakest smile he could possibly muster and politely asked, "May I please take Jeonghan for a moment?"

Seungcheol wanted to smile with how cute the moment actually was but he had to stick to the script. His eyes flashed toward the long haired male for a moment in fake suspicion before stepping back. He watched them turn down the hall before breaking into a huge grin.


"You're wrong too Jun, Jisoo and I are the cutest couple!" Jeonghan caught everyone's attention with his finger, copying Jun for a while before smiling down at Jisoo, "right?"

"Actually, I think that one sophomore couple is cuter than all of us."

"But Vernon completely stole my idea!" Jun whined. Everyone looked at Jun before turning to Seungcheol with a questioning look, waiting for his take on the statement.

"I actually gave Vernon that idea too, and not completely. He sang, oh so terribly, just for that proposal." This time, he was the one to lean his head on Doyoon's shoulder, laughing when Jun pouted and Minghao had to comfort him.

"I think the funny thing is that everyone started asking their crushes out through Friday Frienzies after that and yet none of them lasted but Jun with Minghao and Vernon with," Mingyu paused for a moment before finally recalling the name, "Seungkwan."

"I really like how Soonyoung and Seokmin got together." Jisoo brought up.

"You mean how Seungcheol just told them they should go out and so they did?" Doyoon questioned amusedly.

"Yeah, it was simple and they're still together. Where are they anyway?"

"Practicing probably, when I looked at the signup sheet this week, I saw their names."

"So you were thinking about signing up?" Mingyu made himself the third person to ask Wonwoo the question.

"No, I heard that someone was performing and I just wanted to see if it was true or not.

"Who's performing?"


"Will you marry me?" The pronunciation was wrong, the 'r's sounded like 'w's and there was another 'w' added between the letters 'm' and 'e'. Four-year-old Seungcheol held out a Funyun ring and offered it to the boy across him.

With the shake of his head, the boy refused, "No."

"But," the Funyun fell to the floor as tears welled up in Seungcheol's eyes, "why not?" Another adorable 'w' was added between the 'o' and the 't' but the boy clearly wasn't finding it cute.

"No," the response came again, this time making the poor baby Seungcheol angry. The toddler made his way over to the three-year-old and took the squishy cheeks in his hands before planting a sloppy kiss on top of them.

Shocked, the three-year-old began to cry, throwing his fists at Seungcheol repeatedly as hot tears ran down his face and screams erupted from his throat.

The outbreak was sudden enough to get Seungcheol to step back and call for help. Adults came running in, asking what happened and if anyone was hurt. Seungcheol felt so guilty he began to cry as well. The adults took them into arms and tried to calm them down.

The experience Seungcheol had that night was one he wanted nobody else to feel, no one.


"You know who's performing right?" Wonwoo came up to him later that day as they were walking out of school.

"I don't want to but yeah, I know. I overheard the rumors during my first period."

"Why are you still dating people you don't like?" Wonwoo's question made Seungcheol stop.

"I like Doyoon."

"It's still not the same, and you know it." Wonwoo stopped with him, waiting for the reply.

"I want it to be the same, let me believe it's the same, just this once." Seungcheol stared into his eyes, begging, pleading and Wonwoo could see the desperation, but he can't let Seungcheol do this to himself.

"Seungcheol you know I can't do that."

"Wonwoo! Seungcheol! Hurry up you slowpokes!" Mingyu and Doyoon's voices reached their ears in harmony, Seungcheol flashed them a smile before holding up a finger and letting them know it would take a while longer.

"Please, it makes me happy when other people are happy. As long as they want me, then I want them. Wonwoo please, just this once. Just this last time I think I really do like Doyoon."

Wonwoo's eyes moved from Seungcheol to the two down the walkway. He repeated the motion several times, fighting himself in an inner battle about whether he should be okay with Seungcheol's decision or not.

"I've known you for how long now?" The random question made Seungcheol's mouth twitch and barely form a smile.

"Since the womb, my friend, since the womb."

They began to walk again, in a happier mood than before.

"I really care about you Seungcheol, I don't wanna see you do something you don't want to do," Wonwoo stated while they were still out of hearing range.

"I want to do this Wonwoo, I like helping others like this. I like all the hugs and relationships I get with this." Seungcheol gestured with his hand, laughing at the insignificance.

Wonwoo smiled too, patting Seungcheol's shoulder comfortingly, "I know, but it's okay to refuse, you know that right?"

Seungcheol shook his head still smiling, "I don't want anyone to feel rejection from me. I've experienced it at such a young age, it's horrible I tell you!"

"What's horrible?" Doyoon's voice interrupted the last part he was going to say.

"The fact that Mingyu was right when he said Wonwoo's a slowpoke," Seungcheol grinned and welcomed Doyoon into his arms.

"Choi Seungcheol you have 5 seconds before I show you who the real slowpoke is." A dark aura surrounded Wonwoo and he cracked his knuckles for emphasis.

"Doyoon save me!" Seungcheol took off running, his backpack was slowing him down so he threw it off, hoping it would land in Wonwoo's path and make it harder to be caught.

"You're on your own!" He heard the laughs coming from his and Wonwoo's boyfriends and for the smallest moment he was able to fully convince himself that he was over the memory.

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Chapter 6: It's beautiful.. even tho I got lil confused on the flashbacks part.. but it ended up well..
I love it (‘∀’●)♡
lefthandednerd #2
Chapter 6: Thank you for the beautiful ending ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: I'm glad no one lied~ And Doyoon low key became a JiCheol shipper I'm laughing. I feel so bad for him though I hope he ends up happy. TT^TT But Jihoon and Seunghcheol deserve to be happy too. I'M JUST. TOO MANY EMOTIONS AS OF RIGHT NOW OKAY. I HOPE JIHOON EXPLAINS AS TO WHY HE'S BEING SO DISTANT UGH.
Chapter 5: Don't tell me that note was from jihoon. If my cute tsundere fluff of a boy got the courage to confess and got so dramatically let down im gonna cry in korean TT
I'm looking forward to the next chapter ~
lefthandednerd #6
Chapter 4: 4: Why are you doing this to me?
Chapter 4: I - along with like almost everyone else - CALLED IT! Some comments are saying that Doyoon might lie and here I am thinking Wonwoo was going to be the one that will lie. All of Cheol's friends might lie actually... in order to help him. Since they all told him to give up on Jihoon right? Makes me wonder if Jihoon will approach Seungcheol first. I kind of thought the story would change and Jihoon would be the one to go after Seungcheol instead but it didn't go in that direction. Whatever, I'm interested to see what you have in store~ I'm sure it'll be amazing.
Chapter 4: huhuhu... *cries*
*stop crying*
*cries again*
author why you do this? *sniff, sinff*
Chapter 4: the person before me said it all- *nodsnods*
and I hope doyoon wouldn't lie or make up things about jihoon :(