I Met You

Be the Moon to my Night Sky
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Your POV

I was a new student at a school in korea, I was very shy and I barely could make a move into making friends or socializing so I was always alone so I never spoke to anyone in the school. Althought I did only have one friend but he is an idol and his other friend that comes with him is also an idol but, I only hung out with Sungjae. He is a sweet person who never judged anyone thought I was never able to talk to his friend Ilhoon.He was a really funny guy, sweet, cool, and gwiyomi. He was really handsome Sungaje too but I don't know why I'm feeling this way everytime I see Ilhoon. Sungjae would always ask me if I'm okay, I would say yeah but he would never believe me and would be serious and wants me to tell him to truth, yes it was about Ilhoon but reacently I'm being bullied by a bunch of prep girls and getting beat up by them just because they don't want me to sit with the two idols and that I wasn't worth it for them. I took a big sigh and I told Sungjae about it but, I didn't told him about the Ilhoon situation, he wanted to help and Ilhoon was listening to are conversation but I said I'll be fine which I wasn't and something happened.

I was walking out of school happy that I'm going home ,thankfully its over, until I felt someone hit the back of my leg. I fell down in pain as my hands hit the jagged ground. It was the preps, looking at me very furious with her crewd behind her as if there were waiting for her command to do something. She laughs at me ,lying on the ground hopless wishing to be home and not here in the situation, she walks up to me as my tears were coming out.

"You just don't listen do you?'' she said giggling.She gets up and walks a little bit away from me,"I told you to stop hanging out with them but you didn't stop hanging out with them!"as she said that she was pulling my hair which made me cry even more. Then gives an evil smile and looks at the other prep girls.

"Girls you know what to do give me the knife." they looked at her with shocked eyes.

"Are you crazy?!" said one of the girls.

"Your going too far with this."said another girl. The leader looks at them very furious ,she yank the knife out of the bookbag of the girl who always carries it for peeling her apple. As she looks back me she stood there starting to think.

"You know what instead of stabbing her as her punishment I'll hit her with the bat" she said smiling," Give me the bat." The girl who was carring her bat from her baseball practice hesitates. The leader turns around and yells.

"I said give me the bat!" she said angrliy. The girl frighten hands over the bat I try to get up make a run until the leader hit me very hard in the stomach with the metal bat.

"AHHH!" I scream in pain it was so painful all I could do was just lay on the concret ground helpless hearing her laugh, she hits me again but harder and I scream in pain like if someone landed a 90 pound weight on me. As she swings the bat back to hit me again I shut my eyes until the leader gasped I opened my wet painful eyes to find Ilhoon grabbing her wrist tight and pulled the bat hard away from her and pushed her to her crew which they were terrified as he threw the bat on the floor. Ilhoon walks up to me but I couldn't respond I was in terrible pain, thank god I didn't get my ribs broken

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