
Tutoring Sessions
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C H A P T E R  T W O 


     For the rest of that week, Wonwoo went to Mingyu’s house everyday after school to tutor him. It was fun, Mingyu thought.       Even though he really hated mathematics and science or relearning everything from freshman year up, he liked Wonwoo's approach on the subjects. Only once in would he fall asleep. Hey! He couldn't help it sometimes-- Wonwoo had a lulling voice and sometimes he slept late to watch another episode of his favorite drama. After the first five or so times he dozed off, he had a feeling he gave the older the wrong idea because the next day, Wonwoo brought flashcards.

     He hated being tutored and he kind of didn't like Wonwoo in the beginning. Well, he still doesn't but he likes his company at the same time. Except, now, Mingyu was slightly less annoyed by him because he realized Wonwoo has a few quirks and he sees why all his friends talk about him. But even then, Mingyu was still jealous. He is being given help by someone whom his friends used to compare him too! That added some fuel to the fire that was slowly being extinguished but not enough to make it any bigger.


     It was Monday. Mingyu hated Mondays more than he hated the girl who chewed her gum loudly and obnoxiously and sat next to him in first hour. He hated them more than the loud bus rides every morning and he hated them more than the desert they served at lunch. Basically, Mingyu hated Mondays with a burning passion.
     That Monday, Junhui swung his arm around Mingyu's shoulders, cheerfully greeting, “Min Min!” It was only reflexive when he punched Jun in the face. Monday morning, touching and use of a hated nickname-- he just wasn't thinking straight.          

     However, as justifiable as his actions were, punching was out of line and he still had to apologize. Especially since that incident caused rumors to spead like wildfire. Thinking about those rumors makes the boy shake his head. They are friends so those rumors make absolutely no sense.


Meanwhile, Wonwoo was excited for Monday. A small adorned his face from time to time whenever he remembered that weekend. Last week, he met someone in one of his classes. Maybe “met someone” sounds like a way to introduce the love of your life to your parents for the first time but he really did meet someone new. Being so focused on his studies, Wonwoo naturally never paid any mind to anybody in his classes. But, when this girl dropped her books, he helped her pick them up. She was pretty and nice, to say the most but Wonwoo thought that was too frank. After that, he began greeting her everytime he saw her in class or in the halls.           Soon, they began to share small talk until Wonwoo finally worked up the courage to ask her on a date. Nothing big, nothing small but it did give him some hope that she could possibly return his small but growing feelings. Despite it being just a small crush, he felt somewhat giddy. It was a pleasant feeling and he wanted to feel like that for a longer while, at least.
      When he enters the halls, his eyes immediately search for the smaller girl and he hopes he doesn’t look too obvious.
      “Wonwoo oppa.” As soon as he hears her sweet voice, he turns around, eyebrows raised in surprised delight.
     His eyes crinkle with happiness. “Hey. I was looking for you.”
     “Were you? I was behind you the whole time,” she laughs.
     “Yeah. How was you weekend?” he asks as they start walking to their classroom.
     “It was really good. Thanks again.. For this weekend. That movie was really funny. I saw it again with my mom,” she says bashfully.
     Wonwoo's eyebrows draw together in confusion for a nanosecond before laughing again. “Really? That's good. I'm glad you had fun. It was really nice going with you.”
     She giggles. “Yeah. Thanks… Again. Again,” and they both start cracking up. They enter the classroom and it's get quieter but not completely silent. Only the girls she usually hangs out with fall silent, openly gaping at the couple.
     The male awkwardly chuckles and shyly waves before sitting in his usual seat, leaving the girl to giggle with the rest of her friends.

     It was lunchtime and Wonwoo was starving. He was contemplating whether he should ask the girl to sit with him and his friends but he decided that would be flat out awkward and he did not want to scare her off. Or ruin his miniscule chances. At least, that's what he told himself but who would be dumb enough not to revel in Jeon Wonwoo's advances? After paying for his food, he sat down at his table but not after passing her table and giving a polite smile. That shouldn't be too creepy. Unfortunately, it was-- if the slightly forced smile given in return was anything to go by.
     “Wonwoo. Bro. Yo. Sooo. How are you?”
     “What do you want, Seungkwan?”
     Seungkwan makes an offended expression, hand to his chest.        “What makes you think I want something out of you? Is that how lowly you think of me?” He scoffs.
     “I know you. And yes, as a matter of fact, that is how lowly I think of you, you shorty.”
     “OK! Fine. Fine. I admit it. I just want to, um, borrow some money. I'm running short right now,” the shorter male says, sighing in defeat.
     Wonwoo grunts, pulling out his wallet. “How much?”
     “What for, anyways? He tried asking me too, you know,” Vernon butts in.
     “Fifty thousand won. And nothing, really,” Seungkwan says, scratching his neck in a not so suspicious manner.
     “Fifty thousand?! What the heck? Do you think I'm made of money or something? Yah. You better be nice to me for two weeks and give me smoothies whenever I want,” the taller male huffs. He throws the bills across the table and runsa hand through his hair.
     “I bet it's for a fan signing,” Vernon teases.
     “I'm sorry but Kim Ji Won is having a meet and greet and is signing Descendants of the Sun posters and you know I can't miss out on this once in a lifetime experience. My favorite actress and my favorite drama. Thank you so much, Wonwoo,” Seungkwan says while glaring at Vernon who is laughing away and clapping his hands.
     “Hey, can I sit with you guys for today?” Looking down, there was Junhui standing sheepishly. The Chinese student had a sickly combo of violet and yellow on the skin around his eye. With shaky hands, he held on to his house tray.
     “Hey there Jacky Chan. What happened there,” Minghao casually greets.
     Jun slides in next to curly haired boy and begins to open his milk carton. “Mingyu punched me,” he replies curtly.
     “What?!” Wonwoo's eyes were bulging.
     With an odd smile if some sort playing on his face, he responds, “yeah. Here punched me. You should punish him out something later on. You know, when you guys have tutoring something. Give him extra math problems.” Still in shock, no one seemed to notice the weird smirk Jun had on his face. He has a bit of a sassy side so they all assumed it would be his way of getting back at Mingyu
     “Maybe I should, “ Wonwoo chuckles. “But why did he do that?”
     “It…” The Chinese fellow was deciding whether to tell them that he knew it was an accident or go along with the rumor. Probably not the rumor that was being spread because Mingyu would find out or one of the people currently sitting at the table would tell others. Either way, both would result in an angry Mingyu which is obviously not good, considering an angry Mingyu punched him in the face this morning.
     But on the other hand, he wanted Wonwoo to have his way with Mingyu. That sounds naughty but Jun had this gut feeling. People say listen to your heart or listen to your mind but Jun listened to his gut. (I honestly can't tell the difference.) It's what got him to pass the tests he never studied for, win the wrestling championships and helped him save a kid from getting hit by a car. His gut never failed him and it wouldn't now. Plus, playing matchmaker was fun.
     “I don't know, man. He just swung. Can you ask him for me later?”
     “Sure. What did you guys do? Fight over a girl,” Wonwoo jokes.
     “That would be a weird change.”
     “What do you mean?” Wonwoo tilts his head cutely. It was cute to Jun, at least.
     “Nothing. We never fight over girls, that's all. He has different tastes in romantic partners than me,” Jun replies.


     “Mingyu, what did you do to Jun. He's not even s

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 9: It@s okay dear, welcome back
Asassytree #2
Chapter 9: Thank you so much for returning! Don't stress over finishing it and take all the time you need to feel happy. I'll be here to read it whenever you're done!<3<3
vince1108 #3
Chapter 8: Dammi wonbaby why did u confess first haha anyways thank you for the update author ! Really loving it ❤❤
didkyungsoo #4
Chapter 8: omg i never expect wonu will be the one who confess first omooooo this is so cute♡♡ mingyu here is your chance!
Bubbaboo #5
Chapter 8: holy kimchis and bacon!!! uwaaaaaaaaaah! dugeun.dugeun.d
SkyishSora #6
Chapter 8: Aww meanie are being so cute and your writing style is so beautiful I love the small details you are using for places and clothes <3 god bless! and no worries be positive and everything will turn fine! you seem a strong person wish you all the happiness in this world stay healthy and happy c:
GoodLuck ~<3
dannaching11 #7
Chapter 8: I just wish you'll update more often authornim. Can't wait for the next one.. pls make it soon! Btw greetings on your birthday ♡♡♡
Chapter 8: This is so good, I swear. I love this story and I really enjoy reading it! I can't wait for new chapter~ ^_^