
Forgotten Blood


Seoul, South Korea

Leaning against the doorframe as he watched Jieun – his girlfriend – pulled the cover up around Amber’s tiny frame. She brushed strands of lose hair behind the sleeping girl’s ear. Bending down she gathered up the bloody clothes beside the bed. She turned around and jumped when she saw him, most likely startled by his presence. She frowned and the area between her eyebrows creased. Grabbing hold of his right hand, she pulled him out of his own bedroom.

Gently she shut the door behind them, “You scared me. When did you get back?” She said as she walked toward the living room. 

“Just a few minutes ago,” he answered. “How is she?”

She turned away from the living room and walked over to the kitchen instead. She rummaged through the cabinets and pulled out a plastic bag, which she placed the clothes in before returning to him in the living room, “I did the best I could with what I have on hand. I stitched up the wound on her leg and treated the minor wounds. I gave her some anti-biotic and some painkiller to take away the pain. She has been sleeping for an hour now due to the effect of the pills. I left a bottle of painkiller on the bedside table. Are you sure you don’t want to take her to the hospital?”

 He nodded and gave her a weak smile. He could the curiosity written on her face. She wanted to ask him, but she was holding back. He reached for her free hand, the one without the plastic bag. He held it up to his lips and placed a kiss on her palm, “Do you trust me, Jieun?”

There was a moment of silence. He intertwined his fingers with hers. Tension had built itself at the pit of his stomach. He was afraid of what she might say.  She bit down on her bottom lip before looking back at him, straight into his eyes, “Of course I trust you.”

A smile escaped his lips. What anxious feeling he had disappeared. He placed his arm around her shoulders, leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, “Thank you. It’s for the best that you know as little as possible about the situation. I know you’re curious and I promise you that one day I will explain everything to you.” He pulled her closed and whispered into her ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Yong Guk,” she leaned in to kiss him on the lips and then pulled away. “I better get going or else I would be late for my shift at the hospital. I’ll see you tomorrow at your house.”

“At my house?” his brows creased with confusion.

“Yeah, you mother invited me over for dinner,” she smiled, because she must have noticed how his face had contorted at the mention of his mother. “Don’t worry. I didn’t say any to her about this. What reason did you give her for staying here tonight?”

“I told her that I had to catch up with a case and since this apartment is closer to work, I’m staying here,” he explained to her. She nodded and started for the door. He looked down at the plastic bag in her hand and the question popped into his mind, “What are you doing with the clothes?”

“This?” she looked down at the bag in her hand. “I was going to throw it out on my way down. Why?”

“It’s better if we burn it,” I reached for the bag, but she pulled away.

“Okay,” she looked back at him with sparkled in her eyes that indicated that she had an idea. “I’ll throw it in the incinerator at the hospital then.”

He raised his eyebrow, a little taken aback by her suggestion, “Are ... are you sure? I think it’s better if I get rid of it myself.”

She tilted her head to the side and smiled, “Where are you going to burn it? Here in the apartment? The smoke will attracts attention and worse, the fire department might show up because of it. I’ll take it.” She stepped outside and gave him a little peck on his cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll be discreet about it.”

He watched Jieun disappeared into the elevator and closed the door, making sure that it was locked. He ran his hands through his short blonde hair. He heard a faint guttural whimper from his bedroom. He opened the door to find Amber crumbled on the ground. He rushed over to her side, scooped her up in his arms with ease and placed her back on the bed.

Her eyes were glazed over. Her short brown hair stuck to her forehead from the perspiration, “Don’t move too much. That huge wound on your leg is going to take a while to heal.” She opened to argue, but he silenced her by placing his index finger on her lips, “Don’t be so stubborn, Amber. Rest and we will talk about it when you wake up. I took care of everything.” He lied. He would tell her the whole story once she wakes up.

He leaned down and placed his forehead on hers. It was just like how he used to do it when they were younger. It was their way to test if the other person has a fever or not when they were sick. Her skin burned against his. She blinked at him a few times and then closed her eyes. The remnant of the drug took over and dragged her back into the dream world.

He got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen. He came back into the room with a chair in his hand. Placing it next to the bed he sat there and watched her. He remembered the first time they met. She was only two years old then. He was four. Back then they were too young to understand their status, the fact that they were born to be enemies. She was the daughter of one of the biggest Triad boss in China. He was the son of the Chief of Police.

Their mothers were friend before his mother met his father and married him. His mother knew who Amber’s mother was, daughter of one of the greatest Yakuza’s boss. However, that did stop them from becoming best friend. One of the greatest lessons in life his mother had taught him, never judge a book by its cover.

Amber was a sister that he never had. Once every year their mothers would plan a trip to Hawaii and that is where they would spend their time together. The trip would last for two months and then it was back to normal life for each other them. Neither of their fathers knew about the trip between their mothers and them. Yong Guk wondered, sometimes, what would happen if their little gets together was found out.

Amber was a sweet little girl. With her tiny little hand she would on tightly to his large one, as they walked along the white sandy beach together. She would smile brightly when he helped her build a huge sand castle. She would laugh freely as they splashed the salty ocean water at each other. She’s a little sister that he would protect for the rest of his life.

However, time passed and she changed as she grew. The sweet little girl disappeared each year, being replaced by a cold girl with a hard exterior. He tried so hard to get the sweet little sister back, but to no avail. There were times when she would smile or laugh for him, but that was a rarity.

He knew why thought. It was because of her father. As she grew she understood who she was. She understood what her future might be like. Then there were people that kept her at arm length, because they knew who her father is. They didn’t want to get close to her. They were afraid that if they did something wrong around her they may end up dead. They just don’t understand that Amber is not that type of person. She’s not a spoiled princess like everyone thinks she is.

As they both grew they began to opted from their mothers’ little trip. They grew apart, but he always kept an eye on her. He would pry for information from his mother. When she mentioned that Amber started to see someone, he beside himself with concerns. It was worse when he found out who that person was. Kim Jaejoong, the heir to the Kims Empire, the largest and strongest crime boss in South Korea.

Yong Guk had to tell Amber who Jaejoong was. He knew it would hurt her, but it was for her own good. It was plain to him that Amber was hurt when he told her the news, but he had to do it. Maybe it was because of him that she pulled away from Jaejoong. Maybe it was him who had started that crack in her broken heart. She thanked him thought.

The door bell ranged, which brought him out of reverie. He wondered who it could be. There was only two people that knew he was here tonight, one being Jieun and his mother would never interfere with his work. Jieun must have forgotten something. Slowly and quietly he made his way to the door. To be sure he checked the security camera and was surprised at the person that was standing in front of the door, “Who told you I was here tonight, Junhong?”

The young boy with bleached blonde hair smile brightly back at him, “Mom told me that you wouldn’t be coming home tonight. I came to my own conclusion that you would be here. I brought some pizza. Let me in and we can share some.”

“Go home,” he growled at the young boy. “I have my hands full with work. I don’t have time to entertain you tonight.” He knew he was harsh, but he can’t let the boy see Amber. Things will get more complicated if the two met each other.

The boy pouted. His large eyes staring at him through the security camera “Come on hyung. I came all the way here from home. The pizza is going to be cold before I get home and I can’t finish it all by myself.”

That ended is resolve. The boy really knew how to get his way around him, “I’m letting you in, but you have to be really quiet. I have a guess.”

Junhong raised his eyebrow with curiosity. Yong Guk opened the door and ushered him inside that apartment. He checked the hallway before closing the door and locked it again, “Who do you have here, hyung?”

He chewed on his lips as he followed the boy into the kitchen, “Let’s eat first then I’ll tell you.”

Junhong face lit up. He placed the box of pizza on the kitchen table; eating directly out of the box he passed Yong Guk a slice. Once, Junhong found out about who he had here as a guess he would most likely jump up with joy, until he see how hurt Amber is.

Junhong and Amber, there’s a history between the two of them. The last time she saw him was six years ago when she showed up with the boy in front of Yong Guk’s house. Who Junhong really was, she never explained to him, but she said that his life would be better with him than with her.

Junhong was ten years old then and Amber, the mature little girl, was only fourteen. However, every year on Junhong birthday and on Christmas there would be a present from her. He looks forward to those days the most. How Junhong – his little adopted brother – reacts when he finally reunited with his saviour is a mystery to Yong Guk.

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@Mahalia1012 my story usually write itself. I think it really depends on my mood.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 29: just finished this, can you please update again author-nim ㅠㅠ
renshy143 #2
Chapter 29: Just finished in 1 sitting reading this. Cool fic. Aww I don't think u need to rewrite it. You can maybe change some of the feelings 4 some characters into more of a brother, have some guy bow out or realize there is nothing there. Up to you really. Just want to read more soon. LOL :)
Chapter 29: awww.. still hope to see more Amber n Jiyong collab :p
Chapter 29: Ouch... i thought this story also forgotten...

Glad that u didn't stop and think about re write this all over again... its better than remain forgotten hehehe...
Looking foreward ...
mipomipo #5
Chapter 29: please dont leave gdber .. hehe.. jiyong amber foreveeer
Chapter 29: Patiently looking forward to the new version!
Chapter 28: so painful for Jiyong, but Amber suffer too...
this love is really hard on them..
i love this couple, and the way you write them down. hope there's a path where they can be together :)
I love this story!!! Update more authornim!
alergiechueekh #9
Chapter 27: this stort really good! i can feel How Amber's feel.Update please!! ^^
dblaze #10
This story is awesome everyone has there own plans and need amber. i reread the Tags to make sure "angst" wasn't one and I'm glad but this story has so many 's. I'm like will amber find love? will she get a happy ending or is there a lot of bloodshed and backstabbing? OmO can't wait for more.