Forgotten Blood


Hyunjoong grabbed HyunAh by the elbow as he pulled her out of harm’s way. The glass vase shattered into tiny sparkling pieces where HyunAh had stood just a moment before.  HyunAh had horror and fear in her eyes as she staggered behind Hyunjoong and Kibum.

  “That’s not really the way to treat you children is it, father?” Hyunjoong said calmly.

Their father’s jaw was clenched tight and his face was flushed with anger, “How should I treat you when you can’t even take care of a comatose girl?!”

“It’s not their ...” Kibum started but stopped when an object whizzed past his head and landed behind him with a loud thud.

“Stay out of it, Kibum,” their father said through clenched teeth. “Actually get out! This has nothing to do with you.”

Kibum looked over at his two siblings with fear and pity in his eyes. Unable to do anything to help them he turned around and walked out from his father’s home office. Hyunjoong watched as the door shut behind him, “We did not expect them to know where the girl was.”

“That’s just an excuse!” he clenched his hand over his chest, as his body shook with anger. “I thought that your hospital has the best security in this country, HyunAh.”

The younger girl flinched at the mention of her name. She clenched her fists around his arm and looked up at him. She may act tough, but this time she was really afraid of him. It was understandable, because she never saw this side of him, but Hyunjoong saw it so many times that he became numbed to it.

“It’s supposed to be,” he answered for his little sister. “However, it seem like they had better resources and was able to disabled all the security cameras and taken that woman out of the hospital before any of us was notified.”

Their father slowly sat down, “They always get the better of us, always.” He lowered his voice, but his eyes were still full of rage. “HyunAh, get your people to find her. They couldn’t have gotten far.” HyunAh nodded and scurried out of the room. His father then turned his attention on him. “How could you let this happen? How could I let you succeed me if you can’t even control such a small matter?”

“I never wanted to succeed you, father,” he was surprise at how bitter his voice sounded. “It was never me who you wanted to succeed you it was always Jaejoong. Remember? You told me that I was a mistake.”

His father massaged his temple with the palm of his hand and clenched the shirt above his chest tightly, “Pour me a glass of whiskey and get my pills from the drawer behind me.”

He did as he was told, but couldn’t quite understand how what is going on with his father. He poured his father a glass of whiskey and set it on his table and proceeded toward the drawer behind his father’s desk. He opened it to find the bottle of pills that his father was looking for, but beside was picture of a woman, a woman with green eyes like the triad princess, “Who’s this?”

His father spun his chair around to see him hold the picture of the woman and snatched it away from his hands, “Don’t touch that!”

Against his better judgement he said the name that he knew he shouldn’t, “Josephine?”

Pure surprised with a mixture of shocked was written all over his father’s face, “How - ?”

“Mother told me about her,” he handed him the pills, which he accepted with shaky hand.

He took his pills and drank all the whiskey and set the glass down on his desk with a loud thud, “What did she tell you about Josephine?”

“That she was the only woman you ever loved.”

His father nodded and his eyes soften, “She ... was a special woman.”

“What happened?”

The corner of his mouth lifted and formed a thin smiled, but that smiled never reached his eyes, it was a bitter smiled, “Everything happened. She stared it all. What is going on right now, she is the cause of it; this war between us and them, between me and him.”

Hyunjoong eyebrow lifted into an arch from confusion, “You telling me that your hatred toward the Triad started, because of one woman. How can she do something like that?”

“We are friend once, all three of us, but she choose him over me,” his father coughed, a dry hacking coughed. “She spurned my love for her and chooses to love another married man instead. Of course, I was married to Jaejoong’s mother at the time. It’s was a business marriage and there was no feeling of love between us.”

“Love?” he said coldly. “That’s a stupid thing to start a war over. There are so many women in this world why do you have to linger on one person, a person that you can’t have. There got to be more to the story, why don’t you tell me the whole story?”

His father ran his hand through his salt and pepper hair, Hyunjoong noticed that the grey had overtaken the black, “I guess it’s time to tell you the whole truth. The reason for everything was not because of just her, but it was because the man she loved killed my father, your grandfather. By choosing him over me I see that she also had a hand in my father’s death. Revenge has always been my motive, but he was always a step ahead of me – always.”

Hyunjoong turned toward and started to walk toward it. He felt his heart clenched tight by the pain. Without looking back at his father, “We all want revenge, father.” He opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. He made his way down the stairs and into his car. He heard Kibum calling after him, but ignored it. He sped through the street when the ring of his phone brought him out of his reverie.

“She’s out of the country,” her voice was muffled by the pasting traffic, but he heard her perfectly. “Thanks for your help.”

“No problem princess,” his voice came out colder than he wanted to.

“Is there a problem?” she asked, noticing the coldness in his voice.

“My father almost killed my younger sister,” he frowned, remembering the incident that happened earlier. “If I wasn’t there I don’t know what would have happened.”

“It was unfortunate that she had to take the blame,” she said matter-of-factly. “You kept your word and now it’s my turn to keep my. What do you want me to do?”

“Where are you right now?”

“I’m near Hongdae.”

“Wait there I will pick you up and we can talk about my plan.”

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@Mahalia1012 my story usually write itself. I think it really depends on my mood.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 29: just finished this, can you please update again author-nim ㅠㅠ
renshy143 #2
Chapter 29: Just finished in 1 sitting reading this. Cool fic. Aww I don't think u need to rewrite it. You can maybe change some of the feelings 4 some characters into more of a brother, have some guy bow out or realize there is nothing there. Up to you really. Just want to read more soon. LOL :)
Chapter 29: awww.. still hope to see more Amber n Jiyong collab :p
Chapter 29: Ouch... i thought this story also forgotten...

Glad that u didn't stop and think about re write this all over again... its better than remain forgotten hehehe...
Looking foreward ...
mipomipo #5
Chapter 29: please dont leave gdber .. hehe.. jiyong amber foreveeer
Chapter 29: Patiently looking forward to the new version!
Chapter 28: so painful for Jiyong, but Amber suffer too...
this love is really hard on them..
i love this couple, and the way you write them down. hope there's a path where they can be together :)
I love this story!!! Update more authornim!
alergiechueekh #9
Chapter 27: this stort really good! i can feel How Amber's feel.Update please!! ^^
dblaze #10
This story is awesome everyone has there own plans and need amber. i reread the Tags to make sure "angst" wasn't one and I'm glad but this story has so many 's. I'm like will amber find love? will she get a happy ending or is there a lot of bloodshed and backstabbing? OmO can't wait for more.