To endure, staying strong is so hard

Even if the end is visible

"You want to be allies? With me?" Jimin repeats once again, just to be sure. 

"It's still a yes. I want to be allies with you", Jeongguk says, he's obviously getting impatient. The boy keeps sighing and he's now pushed himself off the wall and is standing straight. Jimin feels a little anxious looking up at the tall boy. 

"What for?" He just won't go for it if it's something like hunting down zombies and killing them. Not that the hunting down part would be hard at all, it's harder to keep away from them, but the killing part... God only knows how many have tried and terribly failed. Failing meaning death. Jimin doesn't want to die yet. No, he can't die yet. He has to find Taehyung first. 

"God knows I'm an introvert but even I'm starting to get a little lonely. Besides I feel like all of this won't be so horrible with you", Jeongguk's answer surprises Jimin. This weird boy comes in and asks him to be allies and now he's acting like they've known for a long time. 

"Why me?" Jimin asks.

"I don't know. You seem like a good person to be around. Before all this you were such a bright person and back then it annoyed me to death how you were always jumping around and never shutting up but right now I think I need that, your company would be good." Now this Jeongguk person is really starting to creep Jimin out. 

"Wait, what the ? Have you been stalking me for over a year?"

"I'd hardly call it stalking since we were in the same school. I used to sit behind you in biology class", the taller says with a smug smirk on his stupidly cute face, making his stupidly cute face even cuter. Not the time, Jimin, not the time.  

"Oh. But still... Ever since all this happened you've been following me?" Jimin asks a little confused. He probably would've noticed somebody following him for so long, right? Of course he would've. But then again... Jeongguk seems like a shadow, such a quiet person to begin with. Would Jimin really have noticed if Jeongguk was following him for so long? He doesn't even remember the boy from school.

"Only for a few weeks now. I was with my brother before until he ditched me", there's really no sadness or any emotion in Jeongguk's voice, his face doesn't give away anything either but Jimin is sure that the boy is just really good at hiding his feelings.

"I never saw you at school though", Jimin says, trying to change the subject. It's not like he wants to be here talking to this creepy kid from his biology class who's been stalking him for a few weeks now.

"It's no wonder. You were always occupied with your friends and studying and I liked to keep to myself", Jeongguk shrugs.

"Oh my god." An image suddenly pops into Jimin's head.


"You are that emo that always stole my pens, aren't you?" Jimin asks with his eyes wide and pointing an accusing finger at Jeongguk who frowns. A memory of a young boy sulking in the last row suddenly pops into Jimin's mind. If he remembers right Jeongguk never answered, never said a word, never had a book  and never made notes in the class but still got an A. Like that's even possible.

"I wasn't an emo but I did actually steal your pens", the younger laughs at the memory of stealing the older's pens. Oh how Jimin misses the time when this quiet emo kid stealing his pens was his biggest problem. God only knows how much Jimin would give to go back to that time. Everything was still fine then. He didn't need to sleep in abandoned houses with his jacket as his blanket and his backpack as a pillow.  

"You were an emo", Jimin says. 

"I wasn't."

"Yes, you were."

"So, allies? Yes or no?" Jeongguk seems annoyed once again. So it's true, Jimin realizes, he really used to annoy the crap out of the younger just by being himself. Then again, if he remembers right Jeongguk used to annoy him too so they were probably even. There was no way this would end well if he agreed to Jeongguk's offer.

"With a guy who used to steal my pens? Hell yeah."



Hell no. What the hell was he thinking? What in God's name was he thinking saying yes to Jeongguk's offer? If the kid annoyed him a year ago when he was still innocent and hadn't really seen life, god does he annoy the out of Jimin now. Jeongguk is so bratty, so self-centered and he has such a bad humor. It's like teasing Jimin has become the new reason for his whole being.

"Hyung, I was wondering. I remember you being short but did you actually get shorter from all this hiding?"

"No, Jeongguk, it's just you who's going through puberty and some massive growth spurt", Jimin sighs when Jeongguk mentions his height for at least the 28th time. It feels like he's spent an eternity with the younger even though it probably hasn't been more than 24 hours. They decided to stay in the house for at least a few days since it's in such a good condition and there's lots of food for them to eat. And they get to sleep in a bed. That's the biggest reason Jimin doesn't want to leave to go look for Taehyung just yet.

"Could be that too. Oh my god, I can't take it you're so small", Jeongguk looks at Jimin like he's a little kid and Jimin rolls his eyes for the 29th time today.

"You again are so annoying that I can't take it", Jimin says and sighs. Who's this brat to say whatever he likes?

"Aw come on, I haven't been around people so my social skills are very rusty", Jeongguk sighs, obviously irritated as well because of Jimin's lack of humor,

"Anyways. Where are we going? We can't stay here forever, they will come here one day and you know that."

"I do. Do you think I'm stupid? Besides we're not even gonna stay together for long", Jimin says and stands up. They cleaned up the kitchen so it's not so messed up even though it still looks like a tornado happened inside it. Jimin walks to the food storage to take out a can of something that's edible but can't quite figure out what it is.

"What do you mean? Why the hell not?" Jeongguk sounds even more pissed off. Jimin doesn't get why the younger wants to be around him so much if he annoys Jeongguk so much.

"Because. I need to find a friend who might be in trouble and you annoy the out of me", Jimin sighs and turns around to look at the younger. He has a look of hurt on his face. Jeongguk actually looks hurt. This surprises Jimin.

"I'll help you find Taehyung. I'm good at this stuff, you know. Besides I know a few people who might be able to help. Hoseok hyung is annoyingly bright so I think you'll get along with him but Yoongi hyung is cool", Jeongguk promises. How does he know it's Taehyung who Jimin needs to find?

"How did you know it's Taetae?"

"You were only with him in school. Do you think I'm completely stupid?" it's Jeongguk's turn to roll his eyes.

"Not stupid but a little bit creepy now", Jimin says. Either this kid has one hell of a memory or he's been stalking Jimin for many years. Jimin wants it so bad to be the first. Having a stalker sounds so... Well, not good. Then again thinking that a stalker only stalks you and doesn't eat you doesn't sound too bad anymore. 


"Okay, you can help me", Jimin doesn't want to admit it but as much as Jeongguk annoys him, he still kind of adores the younger. Kind of. A little bit? Or maybe he's just been alone so long that he's actually gone crazy.





"I don't know what you might be feeling right now since I've never had friends so I can't imagine what it might feel like to loose them. Also please don't enlighten me on that, I'm not in the mood to hear you cry or something. But I promise we're gonna find him", Jeongguk says quietly when they're lying in the darkness that night, trying to sleep. Jimin's once again surprised by Jeongguk showing some emotion. It doesn't seem like him at all.

"Go to sleep, Jeongguk", Jimin says quietly and turns to face the wall. He has all the time in the world tomorrow to try to figure this kid out.



// why do i always have such a hard time writing the first chapters? it feels like i can't really capture the characters or the world well at all lol anyways how did you like it? what do you think about jikook annoying each other? also yoonseok in the next chapter! i'm actually kinda excited to include them here xD just a warning that my exams week is coming up so i need to start reading so i probably won't be able to update for a while. i'll try to update as soon as possible tho! thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it ^^ 

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Chapter 3: Yoonseok is life!
Really relly like iiiit~ and can't wait for the next chapter! :)
namgyu4ever #2
Chapter 3: yoonseok and jikook is too much together!
oh, are u ending this quick? ;-;
namgyu4ever #3
Chapter 2: Finally hahhahah, I waited like forever for this chap xD, im really lobving kookie's character as a "emo kid that stole his pens" OMG I LAUGHED OUT LOUD AT THAT. Good luck on ur exams.
Chapter 2: yeeees! New chapter!! ^^
I like Jimin and Jungkook together and I hope, they will find Taehyung!
Can't wait for the next chapter AND yoonseok!!!!!!!
Oh and good luck with your exams! :)~
ilikekpop4 #5
Chapter 1: Oh s*** damn! I'm already loving the story line and the characters. I found myself smiling when jungkook was smirking, keep it up and update soon! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: Love love love it! :D You should definitly write more I will read it!
Your description of what is going on there and so on is good and realistic (well as realistic as an apacolypse with Zombies can be ^^) I would really like to read more about the world they are now living in and how you see it (if that makes sense ^^')
So pleeeease write more :)
namgyu4ever #7
I can't wait to see some action/coolness/fluffy :3 pretty pleaseu!!!!
Make them eat food everyday,.. ;-; u made my babys hungry alot u devil!