Even if you already knew, we couldn't stop

Even if the end is visible

The end of the world looks exactly like you'd picture it. Fallen trees, empty messy houses, roads filled with abandoned cars. However, it doesn't happen like you'd picture it to happen. It just doesn't end one day, no, it takes a long, long while. Jimin thought that the end of world means the day the earth is swallowed by the sun and it just simply stops existing, that there's no more life, no more earth long after Jimin's died. It was a good, peaceful thought. But that is not how the world ends. Jimin's realized that the end of the world doesn't necessarily mean that the earth stops existing but more like the human species stop existing. The end of the world means a total chaos filled with nothing but death.

"Which way are we going?" Jimin asks once they step out of the white house in the middle of the woods. Most people avoid the woods in the belief that the infected spend more time there. That's bull. The woods are as safe as a city, almost safer. The infected go where there is a lot of people, so even though it might seem like they would feel cosy in the woods where it's dark and creepy, they don't.

Identifying them in the woods is harder. You see, the infected are not what you'd picture either. They're not like from zombie movies, there's no ripped flesh or missing limbs and they walk normally. They're not vampires either, no fangs or red eyes. So how do you identify one? Firstly, they can't really speak well enough for you to make anything out of it. Secondly, their skin is a little grayish which is caused by the sudden change in the genes. It's not gray at first but the more humans you eat or bite and the longer you live as one of the infected, you'll lose color. Jimin's not sure but he thinks it's partly because of a big part of the brains dying. It would be easier to figure it out if he knew where the virus originates. Thirdly you can identify them by their eyes which are with no known exception bright blue, almost glowing, the kind that's almost see-through.

"This way", Jeongguk says and starts to walk to the right. It's night time because the infected aren't sensitive to sun so the dark will help Jimin and Jeongguk hide better. Both of them are carrying backpacks filled with food and a change of clothes and some necessaties for surviving, like knives and a first-aid kit Jimin found in the house and stuff. Of course the gun doesn't do much good to Jimin unless they face a threat who's not infected.

How do you kill an infected? It's simple, a shot through the brains will do, but hitting an arm won't make them even flinch. There's also the cut-the-head option but that's once again a theory of Jimin's since he doesn't know of anyone who's succeeded and. There's a problem with the shooting, you have to hit one specific spot of their brain, it has to hit a certain spot on the left side of the brain and Jimin's not sure which spot it is. For him there's also the problem that he's never used a gun.

"What are your friends like?" Jimin asks just to break the silence.

"Yoongi hyung is cool, kinda quiet and really introverted and grumpy. He's short like you but he's a badass, I haven't seen anyone mess with him. Hoseok hyung again is the total opposite. He's always smiling and always nice to people, even now just like you. I don't really know how he does it", Jeongguk smiles.

"So why did you come to me for company if you have friends?"

"Oh that's just... Well, they are involved and I don't like being the third wheel", the younger shrugs.

"They're dating?" Jimin asks. It's kind of weird for him, not because it's two guys but because it's humans in love. He can't remember when he saw something like that after the end started.

"I'm not sure if you can call it that. They flirt with each other and make out and but I don't think they ever talked about it", Jeongguk says.

"Wait, how do you know they have ? Did they tell you?" to Jimin that's just... If he's correct, Jeongguk's only 17 years old so he would never ever talk about his life (if he had one) with the younger. No, Jimin would try to protect whatever is left of Jeongguk's innocence with whatever means.

"No. I kinda walked in on them. It wasn't my fault though. They had been drinking the whole night and went to Yoongi hyung's room while I was just watching TV in the living room and then I heard someone scream and I went to check up on them and well, nothing was wrong", Jeongguk explains. Jimin's quiet for a while. He can't believe someone would be so careless around someone so young.

"That's horrifying."

"I'm used to it by now", the younger says and Jimin understands completely why Jeongguk came to him instead of those so-called friends.

"So you coming to me... Could it be because you've always had a little crush on me?" Jimin asks with a teasing grin that Jeongguk can't see just to change the subject.

"In your dreams, maybe", the younger huffs and their way to Jeongguk's friend's place goes on like that with no visible threats or reason to use the gun.



"Kiddo, what brings you here?" a short guy with gray hair asks before hugging Jeongguk. He doesn't seem to be full of joy to see his loner friend alive but Jimin figures that's Yoongi and his happy face. The odd hair color doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin either, there shouldn't be any hair dyes around in the end of the world, right?  

"I think I need a little help", Jeongguk simply says.

"Where's your brother?" Yoongi asks.

"He's dead." What? He told Jimin that his brother left, didn't he? Jimin shots a shocked look at the younger whose expression is totally blank. Yoongi sighs, pats Jeongguk's shoulder and doesn't say anything. He must know something Jimin doesn't or just can't express his feelings well for him to be so emotionless about it. Is this where Jeongguk learned it from? Then the older's eyes find Jimin.

"Hoseok, can you come here?" Yoongi slightly turns his head to call for Hoseok but still keeps his eyes on Jimin.

"What is it, babe?" Hoseok comes out of the bedroom, stops for a minute to stare at Jeongguk like he's seeing someone rise from the dead. and sprints to hug the younger. He's taller than Yoongi, and more muscular and he has black hair. Very good-looking but still not nearly as handsome as Jeongguk.

"Oh my god! I thought you were dead! Never, never disappear for such a long time again, okay?" Hoseok yells at Jeongguk while hugging the life out of him. So Jimin sees what the younger meant about Yoongi and Hoseok being total opposites.

"Okay, I won't", Jeongguk says with a smile.

"Babe, can you look after the toddler over there? I need to go talk about something with Guk", Yoongi asks and nods towards Jimin. Toddler? Really, Yoongi-who's-not-even-one-centimeter-taller? Hoseok only then seems to notice Jimin who's been standing by the door the whole time without saying a word.

"Yeah, sure. What's your name?" Hoseok smiles at him.

"He's Jimin and hyung, he's really sensitive about the height thing so maybe come up with a different nickname, okay?" Jeongguk says before Jimin has time to even open his mouth. Yoongi doesn't seem to quite give a and so he walks to the bedroom with Jeongguk following him and they shut the door. That gives Jimin an uncomfortable feeling, thinking about the story of how Yoongi took Hoseok to his room and Jeongguk walked in on them. He wouldn't do anything to Jeongguk, right? Wait, why is Jimin even worried about that annoying kid who just follows him everywhere?

"Don't worry, hyung won't do anything to Guk. Guk's like his little brother besides it's me who he gets everything he needs from", Hoseok says with a big smile.

"Excuse me?" Jimin's just confused.

"Your face gives a lot away. So I take it that Gukkie told you about how he found out about Yoongi and me? I can't think of any other explanation for a face that shocked", Hoseok asks still smiling. Jimin looks down a little bit embarrassed. Isn't this guy a little too straight-forward, even if his smile is friendly and bright?

"Yeah, he did", he says.

"I feel a little bad about it", Hoseok says, "But so, Jimin, tell me something about yourself. I can't let you hang out with Gukkie if I don't know you."

"Oh, I know him from school. I don't really know what to tell you since I don't really do anything besides surviving", Jimin laughs. Slowly he starts to feel more comfortable at the sound of Hoseok's laughter and friendly voice.

"What about before? Any hobbies? Dreams?"

"I danced and sang, still do sometimes when I know there's nobody. I guess I have to work on that since I just found out I don't 100% know if someone's there", Jimin says refering to Jeongguk stalking him, "But um... Yeah, nothing too great in my past either. I wanted to become a doctor and actually on my free time took courses and read books about it so if you need stitches, ring me up."

"I'll remember to do that", Hoseok smiles.

"He didn't scare you off, did he? He tends to be hyper", Jeongguk suddenly comes out of the bedroom with his eyebrows furrowed but in one piece and for some reason, Jimin feels like sighing in relief. Relieved of what? That Jeongguk's not hurt? Jimin can't figure himself out.

"No, actually. Unlike some people he's really nice", he says snarkily.

"Kiddo, is he talking about me?" Yoongi follows Jeongguk.

"No, hyung, he's saying that I'm not nice", the youngest just laughs it off and once again Jimin feels annoyed by him, "However I got us a place to sleep and since Yoongi hyung is badass, we can have a warm meal today too, so if I were you, I'd be kissing my by now."



"What did you talk about with Yoongi?" Jimin asks later that night when they're sitting on the bed in the guest room. It's Hoseok's room originally, Jeongguk told him, but now since Hoseok sleeps with Yoongi it's as good as a guest room. Not like there's many guests besides Jeongguk. The house is in a surprisingly good shape, there's no broken windows or a mess inside. Jimin guesses it's because the house is so deep in the woods that there's no people and so there's no people-eating-monsters. Jeongguk shifts, crossing his legs and leaning back.

"I told him about the situation and he said he'd help us", he says.

"Thank you", Jimin's sincerely surprised at Jeongguk's desire to help him find Taehyung, "But can I ask you... Why are you doing this for me?"

"To feel more human", Jeongguk shrugs.

"You don't feel human?" Jimin asks, now even more surprised. The younger just looks at him with those big, dark eyes of his and Jimin feels like he's really, really underestimated Jeongguk. 

"Do you?"

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it", the older says. It's true, ever since he first saw his neighbor bite off Jimin's father's head, he hasn't thought about anything. He guesses that it's an instinct, not to think.

"You never thought about anything", Jeongguk says with a silent laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess you did", Jimin huffs.

"Do you mind repeating that? You're so down there that I can't hear you."

"You know what, Jeon? Calling you satan would be offensive to Satan", the older shakes his head in disbelief. That's a sentence he's started to use after they left the house this morning to go to Yoongi's, probably would be offensive but since Jimin always smiles when he says it it doesn't come off as mean. Besides the no-feelings-Jeongguk probably wouldn't be offended anyways.

"I know you like me", Jeongguk just smiles widely and Jimin starts to wonder if the younger is actually more right than he believes. Jeongguk's not right. He can't be right. There's no way Jimin would catch feelings for someone when there's no guarantee of tomorrow. The end of the world might mean a total chaos, but the end of the world also means that nothing is for sure.



// yeees i'm back with a longer (?) chapter!! i hope this didn't bore anyone to death because i had to explain so many things in it... also just decided how this is going to end and it's so wonderful i can't wait to write it xD anyways how did you like this? what do you think about yoonseok? (there will be more of them, like in action rather than just kook talking about them) what about jikook?

i hope you enjoyed it and thank you for readingg ^^

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Chapter 3: Yoonseok is life!
Really relly like iiiit~ and can't wait for the next chapter! :)
namgyu4ever #2
Chapter 3: yoonseok and jikook is too much together!
oh, are u ending this quick? ;-;
namgyu4ever #3
Chapter 2: Finally hahhahah, I waited like forever for this chap xD, im really lobving kookie's character as a "emo kid that stole his pens" OMG I LAUGHED OUT LOUD AT THAT. Good luck on ur exams.
Chapter 2: yeeees! New chapter!! ^^
I like Jimin and Jungkook together and I hope, they will find Taehyung!
Can't wait for the next chapter AND yoonseok!!!!!!!
Oh and good luck with your exams! :)~
ilikekpop4 #5
Chapter 1: Oh s*** damn! I'm already loving the story line and the characters. I found myself smiling when jungkook was smirking, keep it up and update soon! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: Love love love it! :D You should definitly write more I will read it!
Your description of what is going on there and so on is good and realistic (well as realistic as an apacolypse with Zombies can be ^^) I would really like to read more about the world they are now living in and how you see it (if that makes sense ^^')
So pleeeease write more :)
namgyu4ever #7
I can't wait to see some action/coolness/fluffy :3 pretty pleaseu!!!!
Make them eat food everyday,.. ;-; u made my babys hungry alot u devil!