It's risky again, dangerous

Even if the end is visible

The table in the kitchen has a hole right in the middle of it and the chairs around it have been thrown around the kitchen. There's dust everywhere and nothing seems to be whole, everything is broken. The whole house is like this, just like every house on this street. It's a chaos and it's dangerous. Whoever said they like chaos must be a total airhead. There's nothing to like about chaos. Nothing. The fridge is open and the food inside it looks like it went bad a year ago, which probably is the case, considering all this started a year ago.

At first they thought it was just another virus, a little like ebola or something. They thought it wasn't anything they couldn't handle. They thought wrong. When one patient eats their doctor, you can write it off as a mental sickness or something in his genes. A psychopath. Two cases, even. But third... That can't be a coincidence anymore. After that it spread like a wildfire: the patients got out and started going around biting or eating other people and infecting them and before he even knew it, Jimin was hiding for his life. And looking for food.

"Come on now", Jimin whispers. Even his voice has gotten raspy. For a whole year he hasn't talked to other people. He thinks he's going to go crazy if he won't find his best friend, Taehyung, soon. They parted ways so long ago and to be honest, Jimin's a little afraid he's not even alive anymore. Still, since he found a note from Taehyung a week ago, he's been on the move, trying to find the other.

Jimin carefully opens the kitchen drawer's door to see if there's anything eatable. He's lucky. Indeed there is a whole supply of food that hasn't expired yet. Nothing too delicious but for so long eating hasn't been about liking it. It's been about staying alive. 

"Thank you", he says, not exactly sure to who, since there's nobody in there and he doesn't believe in God. Not anymore. His faith was long gone the day he was separated from all of his loved ones.



He then checks the house. The upstairs are in a rather good shape and Jimin finds clothes, they're covered in dust but at least they're not torn and dirty like the one's Jimin wearing now. The bedroom looks like it wasn't touched even before the family that lived in this house left. It reminds him of his brother's room while he was studying abroad. The bed is still made and the things on the table are in perfect order. Everything covered in dust. Looks like nobody's been here and it surprises Jimin a little, since every abandonded house he's been in until now was clearly used before. Not this one. Maybe because you need to walk through a tiny forest to get here and everyone were too afraid.

Jimin puts on the clothes he found in the closet and even though he's a little on the short side, they fit perfectly. Who might've lived here? That of course doesn't matter now, since nothing is the same. He then checks the whole house and decides it safe enough to stay the night there. Jimin gets to sleep in a bed. When was the last time? He can't even remember what it feels like.



"Where are you, Tae? I need you so much", Jimin whispers at night when he's lying on the bed, hands crossed under his head as a pillow, "I've been looking for you forever. Are you alive? Why won't you come to me? You always came to me before all of this. Remember that one time when that ninth grader was bullying you when we were on the seventh grade? I remember trying to make him stop. God, I was such a kid, I thought that words alone would do the trick, that if I threathened him a bit he would stop. I was so ready to do absolutely anything to protect you then. Nothing's changed. I'd still do anything. Tae, where are you?" It's become a habbit. When Jimin can't sleep, he thinks about Taehyung, he talks to himself, pretending Taehyung's there listening to him. It's not like he doesn't think he's crazy. He probably is. But then again, right now who isn't?

"You do know that talking to yourself is a sign of craziness?" the cold voice that comes from the door scares Jimin to death. There was supposed to be nobody here. He checked it. Jimin quickly stands up to face the guy standing at the door. The boy has raven black hair and pale skin, he's leaning against the wall with his hands crossed on his chest and he looks bored. He doesn't seem to be even one bit threathened by Jimin, he doesn't look like he's living in an apocalypse. Then again, Jimin sees the dark look in the boy's eyes, this kind of look that shows the boy isn't innocent anymore even though he looks awfully young. It looks like he's killed people and like he wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

"Who are you?" Jimin asks, his whole body tense, ready to fight any given moment.

"My name is Jeongguk. What's yours?"

"I'm Jimin", Jimin answers and looks at Jeongguk's face a little more carefully. He's cute. Wait, no. This is not the time. Not the time, Jimin. "But what the hell are you doing here?"

"Same as you. Searching for food and a place to sleep. I figured this house would be empty because of the forest but I guess I found someone as stupidly brave as me", Jeongguk shrugs and smirks. What the hell is the kid smiling at? Does he not get that Jimin could just snap his neck any minute?

"Are you thinking about snapping my neck? Feel free to try but I don't think you'd have much luck with it", Jeongguk says and pushes himself off the wall so that he's standing straight and Jimin sees he's right. The kid is much taller. Well, maybe he couldn't snap Jeongguk's neck or punch that stupid smirk off his face, but he totally could knee the boy in the groin. That would hurt.

"Besides I'm not here to fight", the boy keeps on talking and Jimin starts to feel annoyed. Who is this to come and interrupt his life?

"Then what the hell are you here for?" he asks and crosses his arms, making Jeongguk smirk again.

"I'm here to make an ally. I've been following you for a week or two now and you seem like we'd make a pretty great team", he explains. Wait, what the ? This guy has been following him around? Jimin's more mad at himself than the boy because he didn't notice anyone following him. How could've he missed it? Also, allies? Jimin knows that some people have been gathering in groups to try to kill off the infected but that's never ended well. Jeongguk can't possibly want to do that.  

"So what do you say?" 



// i think i say this way too much but sorry for the short chapter. it's just for the first chap tho so i can kick things off and from now on they'll be a lot longer ^^ how did you like it? what do you think about kook wanting to be allies? i'll clear everything up in the next chap and explain everything thoroughly then so for now just tell me if you like the vibe and everything ^^ and also if i should keep writing this since i don't really know if i should xD

thanks for reading anyways and i'll hopefully see you in the next update! 

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Chapter 3: Yoonseok is life!
Really relly like iiiit~ and can't wait for the next chapter! :)
namgyu4ever #2
Chapter 3: yoonseok and jikook is too much together!
oh, are u ending this quick? ;-;
namgyu4ever #3
Chapter 2: Finally hahhahah, I waited like forever for this chap xD, im really lobving kookie's character as a "emo kid that stole his pens" OMG I LAUGHED OUT LOUD AT THAT. Good luck on ur exams.
Chapter 2: yeeees! New chapter!! ^^
I like Jimin and Jungkook together and I hope, they will find Taehyung!
Can't wait for the next chapter AND yoonseok!!!!!!!
Oh and good luck with your exams! :)~
ilikekpop4 #5
Chapter 1: Oh s*** damn! I'm already loving the story line and the characters. I found myself smiling when jungkook was smirking, keep it up and update soon! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: Love love love it! :D You should definitly write more I will read it!
Your description of what is going on there and so on is good and realistic (well as realistic as an apacolypse with Zombies can be ^^) I would really like to read more about the world they are now living in and how you see it (if that makes sense ^^')
So pleeeease write more :)
namgyu4ever #7
I can't wait to see some action/coolness/fluffy :3 pretty pleaseu!!!!
Make them eat food everyday,.. ;-; u made my babys hungry alot u devil!