Chapter 6





Yeung felt like he should be angry. He should be sad, frustrated, and mad. There were so many things that he should be feeling, but yet he feels none. All that’s going through him is numbness; an endless numbness that runs through his body and mind.

His mind was void of any emotions, and the only thought that ran through it is that anyone and everything that he has ever loved always leaves him, one by one.
He wasn’t made for love. He wasn’t meant to be loved.

He laid curled up in the center of his bed under his blanket, the room dark and quiet as silent tears fell from his eyes. His purpose and will to live seemed to diminish by each passing day.
He’s lost so much and he can’t seem to get ahold of anything. Just when he thought he had finally managed to grab onto something, it disintegrates upon his touch and slips through his fingertips.

A soft knock at his door draws him out of his wallowing thoughts, however.

He slowly lifts the blanket off of him as he sat up carefully, reaching up with one hand to wipe at his tears. He turns to stare at the door blankly when another quiet knock echoes throughout the silence, curious who would possibly be bothering him.

“Yesung-ah…’s me.” A familiar voice calls out hesitantly from the other side of the closed door.

His heart skips a beat at the sound of the other’s voice — a voice that once brought him joy now brought dread and pain.

The boy stays silent however as he continued to stare at the door, not wanting to answer it. It has been several hours since their encounter, and the sun was beginning to set behind the horizon, but he was sure he was not emotionally ready to face the other yet.

“Please, Yesung, I know you’re in there.” Kyuhyun says. “I just want to talk to you.”

The younger slowly slides out of bed and makes his way to the door, reaching for the door handle. However, his hand stops before it actually makes contact, before he drew his hand back away again.

“I don’t want to talk to you.” he manages out hoarsely.

He could hear the elder sigh in frustration from the other side.

“I know you don’t want to.” Kyuhyun grimaced. “But I have something to say.”

Yesung reaches for the handle again, but stops once more, his hand resting lightly on the cool metal. “There’s nothing that I want to hear from you.”

“I just—” He starts, before a frustrated sound falls from Kyuhyun’s lips as he ran his long fingers through his hair tiredly. “Please, open this door. Let me talk to you.”

There was a solid minute of silence as Yesung just stood there, choosing to torture the other a little more before finally unlocking the door, opening it slowly.
He knew that he looked like crap with red, puffy eyes, disheveled hair, and swollen, bleeding lips from biting them in anger.

“Yesung…” Kyuhyun breathes in relief before reaching out instinctively to gently wipe away the others tears.

But the younger just tilted and turned his head away from the other’s hand, the long fingers stopping mere inches away from his cheeks for a few seconds before dropping back down after he realized what he was doing.

“I…..” Kyuhyun tries to start, but he seemed to be lost for words.

“Hurry up.” Yesung bites out, avoiding eye contact as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Kyuhyun was hurt, of course, but he had expected it. He came prepared for the cold-shoulder he would receive, along with hasty words to get rid of him.
“I’m sorry.” He starts, but the other just glares at him.

“I don’t want your ing apology, Cho.”

“I know,” the elder continued. “I know you don’t, and it doesn’t excuse me for what I’ve done. But  I just wanted you to know at least that I’m sorry. What I did was selfish. I let myself fall in love and drag you in with me, only to pull you along a hopeless path, knowing that I can never give you the attention and love you want, what you deserve. And even through my cold treatment and distant behavior, you still gave me your heart,” he whispers softly, his hand twitching a little by his side, wanting to reach out and touch him, to hold him, to comfort him.

Yesung didn’t respond, however. There were many things that he wanted to yell and scream at him, but he restrained, knowing that it was of no use anymore.
Kyuhyun seemed to have already made his decision final.

“I uh, I got you something.” Kyuhyun starts again, breaking the silence that Yesung created as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out something. “Despite everything, I still promised you a birthday present.” he said, opening his hands to reveal a small, velvet-maroon box in his palm. “Happy Birthday…” he finished hesitantly, the words feeling heavy on his tongue as he said it, the irony of it all weighing upon him greatly.

The younger still stayed impassive however, his eyes still staring blankly at the wall behind Kyuhyun with his arms still folded across his chest firmly, not accepting the gift offered.

Not knowing what else to do, he pushes past Yesung, who gave him a disgruntled look, and walks into the room to set the small box down onto the edge of his bed.

“Get out.” Yesung bites out angrily, irritated that the other had gotten past him so easily. “I’ve heard enough from you now. So get out.” His eyes fall upon the present on his bed, and he jerks his chin towards it, gesturing to it. “Take that with you too. I don’t want it. I don’t want anything from you.”

“I want you to have it though….” Kyuhyun whispers, Yesung detecting a hint of sadness in his tone. But he chose to ignore it.

“If you don’t want to hear me say anymore, that’s fine.” The elder sighs as he headed back towards the door. “But I want you to at least keep the present.”

Yesung didn’t respond, deciding to just accept it if it made the other leave faster, quickly trying to shut the door after the him but Kyuhyun turns around suddenly, surprising the younger a little when he presses a hand to the door to keep it open.

“If it means anything to you at all,” he starts suddenly, trying to get the younger to look at him, even going as far as to grab the boy's chin firmly to turn his face towards him. “I love you.”

Yesung freezes abruptly, his breath catching in his throat as their eyes finally meet.

“I love you,” Kyuhyun repeats. “I still do, and I always will.”

Yesung slaps him, hard. The sound resonates loudly and his nails graze the delicate skin on his face, successfully drawing three streaks of blood across his cheekbones.
And he knew Kyuhyun could have avoided it easily, but he didn’t, and just let it happen.

His hand stung from the slap, but he was sure Kyuhyun’s cheek hurt more.


“It means nothing to me!” Yesung spat out. “Is it supposed to?! What difference did you make by telling me that?! Stop giving me all these lies, Cho Kyuhyun!”

“I’m not lying,” Kyuhyun tries to reason, though he knew the younger believed him but wanted to stay in denial in order to protect himself from further heartbreak.

“Why would you say that!?” Yesung shouts, trying to stay strong but his voice betrays him. “Why would you say such lies just to torture me with false hope?!” he found himself crying all over again, and the numb feeling that was evident earlier was starting to dissipate, replaced by a blinding pain. “I wanted to hate you, Kyuhyun. I wanted to believe that you didn’t love me so that I could get over you faster — that I was chasing something unobtainable the whole time. That way I only have myself to blame. But now you’re giving me this…..this bull that you love me, leaving me with nothing but what could have been instead!”

Kyuhyun hung his head a little, feeling the warm blood trickle down his stinging cheek slowly.
“I just….I thought you at least deserved to know that.” he says softly.

“Get out of my sight.” Yesung whispers.
Kyuhyun’s jaw clenches as he looks back up at the younger, the boy refusing to meet his eyes again.

The elder finally releases a sigh of defeat “Happy birthday,” he repeats dejectedly, before releasing the door and turns away, leaving the scene quickly to avoid making the situation any worse.

Yesung quickly closes the door when he felt the first tear fall from his eyes, wanting to hide himself from the world once again as made his way back towards his bed and collapses onto it, trying his hardest not to break down again. His hand brushes against the velvet box that was set on the bed, bringing his attention to it briefly.

The boy picks it up gingerly as he eyes it warily, not really knowing if he wanted to open it or not. He does open it however, after several minutes of just staring at it while having a mental debate. Inside was a dark-metal ring with a single black diamond in the center of it, shining brightly even in the dark of the room. It was beautiful, to say the least. And he was sure Kyuhyun had gotten it with dark colors so it would match his attire for when he joined the Celestial Clan.

He closes it hastily and tosses it aside, watching it roll haphazardly across his nightstand. It slides and teeters a little before finally settling on the very edge of the nightstand.

Yesung’s eyes narrow in displeasure as he stares at it, before giving his nightstand a kick, causing the box to finally fall off and land onto the carpeted ground with a soft thud and rolls under the nightstand.

He leaves it there as he lays back down into bed, jerking the covers around him as he buries his face into his pillow, willing himself not to cry anymore. From then on, he promised himself to stop allowing people in…... to stop loving.





Kyuhyun was mildly surprised when he heard the training room doors swing open the next morning, followed by the small figure of the younger. He had honestly expected him to have skipped practice, considering what had happened yesterday and everything.

The younger though, had actually had a mental debate on showing up or not because he was half an hour late. He only finally decided to show up when he realized that he still needed the training.

“You’re late,” Was all Kyuhyun said as he stood up from the wall where he was waiting patiently from.

“Well you’re still here, aren't you?” Yesung snapped back, barely sparing the other a glance as he secretly rejoiced at his handiwork when he saw the bandaging on Kyuhyuns cheek and hand.

The elder frowns a little at his response. “That still doesn't excuse you for being late.”

“I had a very rough night. Is that a good enough excuse?”

“You need to keep your emotions in check. Especially as a Celestial Member.” Kyuhyun said pointedly, walking across the matted floors so that he now stood in the center of the training room, waiting for the younger to approach.

“Well maybe I’m not a heartless bastard like some people.” The younger says with a glare, taking off his shoes and socks before striding up to the elder, trying to appear just as menacing but the other still towered over him.

Kyuhyun suddenly reaches forward and grabs Yesung firmly by the lower jaw, forcing his head back painfully as he glowered down at the boy. “I’d rather die knowing that I tried my best as a warrior, and not an emotional mess who had failed his clan by letting his emotions cloud his judgement.”

Yesung quickly reaches up and grabs the other’s arm and pushes it away from him so that it twisted at an odd angle, successfully loosening the grip from around his throat. “So you'd rather break someone’s heart for...for what? Pride? Glory?” He swings a punch at the other who barely dodges it in time.

“No.” Kyuhyun answers shortly as he reaches forward to grab the boy by the front of his shirt and attempts to throw him onto the ground like he used to to restrain his movements. “Strength and power.”

The boy was quicker and more agile now however, and twists out of his hold. “Is it worth it?!” Yesung shouts, swinging a kick towards the taller’s legs to knock him over.
The kick manages to hit him, but it wasn’t strong enough to knock him over, only causing him to stagger slightly from the bruising force.

Kyuhyun uses that small moment of confusion to shove the boy onto the matted ground and pins him down, finally putting a halt to their fight.

But that's when he noticed something was off.

There was a small smear of blood on the back of his arm that he didn’t quite know where it came from, considering his hand and face were properly bandaged from when they were previously injured.          

“For sacrificing love, is it really worth it?” Came the small voice beneath him, bringing his attention back to the boy.

Kyuhyun’s eyes widen a little when he looks down at the blonde, quickly loosening his grip. “Yesung….you’re bleeding!” Blood was noticeably dripping from Yesung’s nose, and some were starting to seep out from the corners of his lips. The elder quickly gets off of the younger and presses the sleeve of his shirt to the boy's nose, trying to control the mess.

Yesung quickly pushes away the aiding hands though, trying to get up from the ground. “I’m fine.” He mutters, pushing the elder away again when he tried to help him up. “I just…I must have hit my face or something.”

Kyuhyun stares at the other doubtfully, considering that he never striked towards his face, or allowed him to fall face first.

“I'll just go...cleanup…” Yesung suddenly drifts off weakly and staggers forward as he pressed a hand to his mouth, Kyuhyun quickly grabbing the boy to steady him. The blonde lets out a few muffled coughs as he tries to straighten back up again, finally allowing the elder to help him now.

“I’m taking you to the infirmary.” Kyuhyun stated quickly when he sees that blood was seeping out from the cracks of the boy's fingers that were still pressed over his mouth.

Yesung was about to angrily retort that he was fine, not wanting to appear weak before the other, but his complaints were immediately drowned out when he suddenly coughed up a surprising amount of blood, the Crimson liquid now covering his hands, chin, and the front of his shirt. His whole body was starting to feel sore and weaker by the second, and his stomach and throat felt like they were on fire as he vomited more blood out onto the ground.

“.” Was all Kyuhyun said as he lifted the dazed boy up into his arms bridal style, rushing him to the infirmary once again.





“What the hell did you do to him this time?!” Amber asks exasperatedly upon seeing Kyuhyun aggressively kick open the infirmary door, nearly taking it off its hinges and scaring the poor boy she was trying to bandage up from an unfortunate tumble.

“Help,” Kyuhyun breathes out impatiently, “Please.”

Amber’s brows furrow in concern when she caught sight of all the blood covering both Yesung and his protector, quickly guiding him towards a bed to lay the half-conscious blonde down.

“Bring me some towels please, Ryeowook,” She asks the now confused boy who was trying to tack on the last band-aid to his scraped knee.

“Y-Yes ma’am!” The small boy stammers before stumbling his way through to one of the cabinets to retrieve said towels.

“What happened?!” Amber asks in shock as she began to inspect the boy, checking for any signs of broken ribs or punctured lungs, only to find none. “Why is there so much internal bleeding?”

“I-I don’t know!” Kyuhyun says, a bit taken aback himself. “We had barely started training when he suddenly started coughing up blood.”

Yesung suddenly lets out a pained cry as he clutches at his own chest, a burning pain seething within him as he tried to gasp for breath. More blood was falling from his lips and he was growing paler by the second as Kyuhyun tried to hold the writhing boy down so that Amber could treat him.

“God damn it Cho! Are you exhausting him again?! It hasn't even been 24 hours since he's been in here!” She screeches angrily as she yanked the towels out of frightened Ryeowook’s grasp, trying to wipe away as much blood as she can. “Go get the headmaster, I need him.” She says as she prepared a sedative.

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun glance at each other nervously, not quite knowing who she was talking to.

“ONE OF YOU JUST GO!” The nurse screams and the both of them immediately bolt out of there, frightened by the seemingly small but intimidating woman.

When Leeteuk was rushed to the infirmary, both Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were kicked out, neither allowed to go in.

“Should I stay?” The small boy asks, turning to look at the still blood soaked trainer beside him who was pacing back and forth by the doorway.

Momentarily forgetting about the other student, Kyuhyun looks up with a startled expression. “I….no, you don’t have to.” He says quickly, “Thank you for your help.”

Ryeowook shrugs a little before settling his back against a wall. “I’ll stay just in case.” He says softly, looking back up again when the elder returned to his nervous pacing. “Who is he anyways?” He asks.

Kyuhyun’s pacing finally comes to an end at the question. “Kim Yesung,” he responds shortly.

Ryeowook’s brows furrow together in confusion, finding the name a little familiar. “Oh...” He starts. “Jongwoon? The royal that ran away from the academy?”

The elder nods once, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Do you know what's wrong with him? I’m in the infirmary a lot because I’m clumsy as hell, so I see a lot of sick people come in and out of there, but I’ve never seen someone in that sort of situation before.” Ryeowook says.

Kyuhyun merely shakes his head. “I don’t know.” He answers honestly.

The door to the infirmary suddenly opens and Amber's head peaks out, glancing at the two of them before narrowing her eyes warily at Kyuhyun. “You both may enter again. The headmaster wants to speak to you though, Kyuhyun. As for Ryeowook, come in too and I’ll help you finish bandaging your elbow.”

Kyuhyun walks in after Amber and was slightly shocked by how much blood there was covering both the bed and Yesung, who was now sedated so that he was unconscious.

“Wh-What’s wrong with him?” Kyuhyun stammers, turning his attention to the headmaster who was attempting to wipe blood off of his hands with a towel.  “Is he all right now?”

Leeteuk nods once as he sets the towel down and reaches for another one to dip into a small tub of warm water by the bed. “Yes, he’s lost a lot of blood, but he's more stable now.” He answers, using the damp towel to wipe at the blood on the boys face. “This may occur again, though.” He warns, as Kyuhyun grabs another towel to help the headmaster in cleaning the bloodied Yesung.

“Why?” Kyuhyun asks, his movements halting as he stared at the headmaster, concern evident on his face.

“From what I understand, his powers are trying to emerge, now that he is 18.” Leeteuk starts, expression grim as the boy lets out a small groan of pain in his sleep. “His powers are trying to draw more energy in order for them to emerge, but his body cannot keep up with how much it is taking from him, so it’s been physically exhausting Yesung. That’s why he passed out yesterday.” He explains, and Kyuhyun couldn't help but to notice the troubled expression on the headmaster's face.

“It’s rare that this ever occurs — powers drawing their owners energy to the point where they pass out just to appear. I’ve only ever seen it happen in a few Royal Spellcasters since the spells are casted using their energy. The stronger they are, the stronger their spells would be.”

“Are you saying he's a Spellcaster then?”  Kyuhyun asks, a frown making its way across his face as he gently dabbed away the blood from the corners of Yesung’s lips.

“I don't know,” Leeteuk answers. “Because his powers are no longer drawing his energy anymore. Actually, it's depleted his energy and is now working on his life force.”


The eldest nods grimly as he pushes the unconscious blonde’s bangs back a little, checking his temperature. “That's why he's bleeding from the inside out.” He says quietly, glancing up at the other briefly, noticing how devastated the Celestial member looked.

“In a span of just two days, his powers have done this much damage?” Kyuhyun asks, disbelief evident in his voice,

“Yes, but something stressful must have triggered it to make it this bad. In less than a month, he can die.” Leeteuk sighs, “I’ve contacted an Eruditi Spellcaster who specializes in healing who can possibly help stabilize his condition. He’ll be here in a few minutes, so I need you to do me a favor,”

Regret and guilt settles at the pit of the trainer’s stomach.
He was the one who triggered it.
“What is it?” Kyuhyun manages out quietly.

“Find me something that he can wear all the time, an accessory of some sort, but it has to be strong. The Spellcaster will put a spell on it that will bind and restrain his powers for a bit to prolong his life, and hopefully allow him enough time to regain his energy and secure more strength.”

Kyuhyun nods once as he looks back down at the boy’s pained, sleeping face. He reaches up and gently caresses his cheek, the soft skin feeling awfully cold under his touch. “Alright, I know of something.” he says, before moving back away and leaves the infirmary.

Kyuhyun kind of made a mess, admittedly.
Clothes and books were strewn almost everywhere as he searched Yesung’s room, trying to find the item requested. He couldn’t understand how the younger was able to put it in such a difficult place to find already in less than 24 hours. The elder gets down onto his hands and knees to search under the bed, his hand reaching blindly in the darkness. His hand clasps around something, and he pulls it out, only to see that it was just a pair of headphones.

He chucks it back under the bed carelessly and tries to venture deeper under the bed when he accidentally slams his head onto the foot of the nightstand, immediately retracting back to rub at his now sore head. Kyuhyun turns to glower at it when he catches sight of a familiar maroon box.

He dropped it under his nightstand and didn’t bother to pick it up?! After Kyuhyun had to go out of his way to buy him it?!


Kyuhyun reaches for it and opens it to make sure the ring was still in the box, before sprinting out of the room back to the infirmary, nearly forgetting to close the room door behind him.  

When he enters the infirmary again, Amber was back to standing around the boy’s bed beside Leeteuk, along with a tall stranger.  

“Peculiar… peculiar….” The stranger repeated under his breath, not reassuring Kyuhyun at all as the strange man began to tap his chin thoughtfully, his eyes inspecting the unconscious boy before him.

“ I uh...I got what you asked for, Headmaster.” Kyuhyun says, bringing the three’s attention to him.

“Ah, yes!” The stranger says with a kind smile, before gesturing for Kyuhyun to come closer and opens his hand palm up for the item.

“This is ZhouMi, by the way.” Amber says from next to Kyuhyun as he reaches out hesitantly and drops the maroon box into the other’s awaiting hand. “He was my mentor back when I was still training in the Eruditi Clan. Not only is he the strongest spellcaster we have right now, but he’s a healer with many talents too. ZhouMi, this is Cho Kyuhyun, a rank 1 member of the Celestial Clan that I’m sure you've heard quite a lot about.”

“Oh yes, yes of course. Quite a talented young man you are,” ZhouMi says as he flashes Kyuhyun another bright smile.

“Will it work?” Kyuhyun blurts out, disregarding Amber’s introduction because he was just too anxious to care at the moment, earning a glare from the woman.

ZhouMi tilts his head curiously as he opens the small box to inspect the ring, before a grin suddenly splits his face. “Black titanium matched with a black diamond. This shall do perfectly!” he says as he plucks the ring out of its snug box.  “Must've costed you a fortune, Mr. Cho.” ZhouMi says with a knowing smile.

Kyuhyun, embarrassingly, blushed at the comment, not knowing how the other knew that it was he who had gifted it to Yesung.

“Now lets see….which finger do you think it looks better on?” ZhouMi asks playfully, bringing the dark ring down to the sleeping boys hand. “The ring finger will do just nicely, won't it, Cho?” he asks, slipping the ring onto the boy's finger.

The way Kyuhyun blushed was enough to put red roses to shame as Leeteuk and Amber side-eyes him curiously, wondering what ZhouMi was trying to imply at the moment that was causing the usually stoic trainer to flush such an endearing pink.

“Let’s get on with this,” Leeteuk sighs, having heard enough of ZhouMi’s playful remarks.

“Let’s see….” ZhouMi starts, cracking his knuckles a little before taking the boy’s hand that had the ring on it, and holds it between his own. “What were the words again?”

Kyuhyun frowns.
Leeteuk rolls his eyes.
Amber sighs.

“Ah, right!” ZhouMi chirped, before closing his eyes and a serious expression suddenly crosses his usually cheery face. He starts muttering under his breath, a chant almost, and Kyuhyun barely recognizes it as the lost language —a language even spellcasters could not fully decipher and translate properly, despite using it often for their spells.

ZhouMi’s clasped hands began to radiate a soft white glow as he continued to chant under his breath, the light soon travelling down Yesung’s arms, engulfing the young boy’s body entirely in its warm light.

Yesung’s eyes suddenly snap open as he takes in a stuttering gasp, Kyuhyun immediately rushing to his side and gathers him into his arms just as Yesung let out a pain-filled scream.
And just as quick as it had appeared, the light disappears and Yesung collapses limply into Kyuhyun’s arms, unconscious once again as ZhouMi released the boy's hand.

“Now, that should do the trick.” he grins.






A/N: Ayo its me again! (Disappointing, I know). I also changed my username....
I don't really have much to say besides that I like torturing KyuSung a lot. Most of y'all know by now that I'm an angst lover, and not much of a fluff person lmao. I tried to make this chapter longer, I swear, but I just at descriptions and so I'll just blame my rustiness again. I probably left out some stuff that I wanted to add to this chapter too, but I'm too lazy to double check lmao im a horrible author

I want to hopefully start a new story soon (no worries, I won't abandon this one), so that I am able to garner some subscribers for the new story before I actally post any chapters up. But who knows? I'm a lazy person so it'd robably be another good few months before that happens.....
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'd most definitely love some more comments, since I've been lacking some subscriber-love lately. Comments and upvotes would be absolutely amazing!
Love you guys~😘










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The next chapter's gonna be long lololol


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Chapter 20: I miss u T-T
Chapter 21: Man, I sometimes hate authors that write so good that I end up reading incomplete works, with no knowledge of when the story will proceed, or if it even will? Author-nim! Please have mercy!
Chapter 21: im in love with this story!!! your writing skills are in another level, writer-nim. Waiting for an update and hope things are going well on your side!! Good luck<333
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 21: Thoroughly enjoying this, what a very talented author you are. I read the whole 20 chapters with a break only at ch12, I .couldn't tear my eyes away from it, saying just one more chapter then starting another..very addictive! I really do hope you can return and finish this awesome fic. My Kyusung heart needs more!! <3 :D <3
vpurple #5
Chapter 21: this story is sooo incredible!! thank you for updating us regarding the hiatus, sorry to hear that you've been in a bad place, i really hope things have improved for you now ^^ but thank you so, so much for writing and sharing what you have done!! because this fic is really so phenomenal and well-written, i loved every second of it <3 <3
Jahnavi2002 #6
Chapter 10: It's amazing..I m loving it
you are an awesome writer
Chapter 21: Not here to tell you to update (although that's a wish) but please whatever you choose to do with this fanfic, please do not delete it! I love this fanfic so~ much, I will always love it even if it's not finished. (Just stopped by to tell you that :-) )
Serenademuzic #8
Chapter 21: This is such a gooood story. Will wait patiently for the next chapter.

BTW, this is the first time I left a comment. The story is just so captivating, great job!
394 streak #9
Chapter 20: I'm so lucky to find this story, it's so goooood~ I hope you'll be back to us soon, coz I'm dying to know the ending >0<
394 streak #10
Chapter 13: Woooooooooaaaa I love you author-nim~ You made a greaaaaaaat ty actions there~ I mean it's not all about , you put some comedy and fluffy things too between them, and that made my heart "awwwwwwwww"