Meeting our neighbour...

The Unseen Love

(Hyesu's P.O.V)                                                                                                                                                                      

The door swung open, revealing a young man with a bright smile on his face. His eyes were kind of small, and his hair was slightly messed up. He smelled like he had just taken a shower. Phew, at least he didn't smell like sweat. 

"Hey there, I'm Sunggyu, you guys are?" He said rather cheerfully.
You were already disliking this 'Sunggyu' guy, he seemed way too cheerful.
"I'm Yoona and this is my sister Hyesu! We're your next door neighbours!" Yoona pushed you in front of her, with a cheerful aura that could match up to Sunggyu's.
You sighed, was this one of her other match-making tricks?
"Hi." You said before walking away from the doorstep; you were in no mood to chat with a guy that was equally as cheerful as your sister you see every single day.
"HYESU-AH!" Yoona bowed to Sunggyu and quickly went after you.
"You know that was rude, right?" She chided you.
"Your point is?"
"Oh gosh Hyesu, are you really that hopeless?"
You just ignored her and entered your house, going up to your room. Yoona was keen on matching you with every guy she thought was 'cute' or 'handsome', which made you extremely frustrated at her acts. Seriously, just because she hadn't experienced love didn't mean she had to interfere with your love life too. Wait, you didn't actually have much of a love life.
(Sunggyu's P.O.V)
What was that? Did I do something to offend her?
Damn. I think I might've made a new enemy without doing anything.
Oh hang on, I have a good idea. I'll just confront them and apologize in case I did something wrong. Good thinking Sunggyu. :D
I went over to Yoona and Hyesu's house, though I was worried since I might've made the wrong decision.
"Ugh, why me?"
"Are you trying to disobey your mum's orders?"
I wanted to leave this place, right now, at least before an argument could start out between mother and daughter.
 As I was about to leave, the door swung open, revealing Hyesu with a blank look on her face.
 "What do you want, Sunggyu-shi?" She said rather coldly.
 "I want to know if I did anything wrong to anger you."
She blinked for a few seconds before replying, "You're the one that angers me."
The door then slammed shut, while voices could be heard inside. Did she really hate me that much?
I sighed and then left. I wouldn't give up on befriending her. Even if she hated my guts, I would never give up. 
(Hyesu's P.O.V)
"Who was that?!" Yoona popped up from behind you, rather excited
"Hm? It was Sunggyu-shi." You replied blankly, ready to go upstairs if it weren't for Yoona's strong grip on your wrist.
"What?! Why didn't you let him stay in?" She panicked, ready to go out the door.
"He just asked a stupid question, why should I let him stay?" You shrugged.
"Oh my gosh." Yoona facepalmed, not believing what you had just done. 
(Yoona's P.O.V)
"Hyesu. What. The. Fudge." I thought to myself. Right now I just felt like throttling her. I sighed. At this rate, my baby sister would be forever alone. Well I am too, but that's besides the point. I don't need a boyfriend. Yet. I opened one of the windows and poked my head through to see Sunggyu. "OI SUNGGYU!" I called out to him trying to get his attention. 
Sunggyu turned around. He tried to hide the sad expression on his face, but I could that he was filled with hurt.  Sort of like a puppy that got abandoned for no reason. Awwwww.  
I signalled to him to come back in the house. Sunggyu perked up a bit and nodded. 
 "Aww yeah go Yoona! You've saved the day mwuahaha!" I thought happily.
Quickly, before Hyesu could figure out what I was doing I went back to the kitchen.
(Hyesu's P.O.V)
You approached Yoona since you wondered what she was doing when she called out to Sunggyu.
 "Unnie, if you really have that much interest, why don't you go after him?" 
"Because he matches you more and look, he's coming right now!" She jumped like a excited fangirl, seeing Sunggyu walking up to the doorway.
 "You answer." You waved your hand dismissively, going back upstairs.
"Great, what a wonderful day," you thought wryly to yourself.
"I'm getting the door." You fought back the temptation to roll your eyes and opened the door.
"Hello, Sunggyu-shi."
"Sorry for interrupting you again." Sunggyu said, the smile never leaving his face.
 "It's okay." You shrugged, you were tempted to close the dor on his face again but Yoona was giving you the 'continue talking or I dob' look to you.
"Come in." Stepping aside, you allowed him to enter the house.
You looked inquiringly at Sunggyu, what did he want from you?
Yoona noticed that you were acting unusually hostile towards him compared to other guys, and that was saying something.
"Do you want some coffee Sunggyu?" Yoona offered.
"Nah it's ok."
"So, what school are you studying in?" Yoona tried to start a conversation after a few awkward silences while nudging you to speak.
"I'm attending Seoul National University next year, right now it's the holidays so I'm just taking a break."
Your eyes widened, while you nearly spat out your coffee. That was the same university you were going to attend when the holidays had ended.
"You're going to the same university as Hyesu! Take care of her okay?" Yoona hugged you tightly.
"I'm not a child, unnie." You muttered, with a small smile on your face. Yoona still cared for you a lot, that was good.
"Yeah, I will." Sunggyu grinned your way, while you distracted yourself with your family photos.
"Sunggyu, what are you trying to attempt?" You thought in your mind, still keeping your eyes on the photos.
(15 minutes later..)
When you Sunggyu left you said to Yoona, "Hey did you call him here?"
Yoona just smiled at you and said nothing. That really infuriated you, but you just rolled your eyes instead of getting aggro at her. "Sunggyu's ok i guess, but he probably has some secret motive since he's being so kind..." You thought.
Why was he so nice to you even though you treated him terribly? This Sunggyu character confused you to no end...

Phew and there's the second chapter. I've made a vow not to start more than 1 story before this one is completed. Otherwise you'll end up like Beautifulove (the co-author of this story) and have to put some of the stories on hiatus. Special mentions to Cookiepencil for giving me some ideas for this chapter. Thanks guys for reading my story and thankyou so much for subbing too. :D 

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pupils #1
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!
it's been a while..
Lol, update and apologize. The chain of our bubbly XD
Oh Sunggyu, so smooth *claps*
@Beautifulove, oh okay then~
I love this fanfic~!!
I sound like a jealous person a lot but i'm not really that extremely jealous ok Cookie?
And to new readers Hi, i'm the co-author but i'm just helping a bit! If you don't know I have 12 stories but I try my best to help bubbly here~! ^^
New reader~ woot you updated :D please update soon~^^
*Squeals* YOU UPDATED <3<br />
Haha, Hyesu's I am not amused face and APINK's curiosity XD<br />
Lol, regain some sanity by talking to Yoona XD<br />
Woot Woot, good luck~
Lol, have fun at camp, maknae XD (With lehh eldest unniehh XD)<br />
It feels like Eunji is closest with Hyesu ^^<br />
Now whenever I see the poster it feels so plain ;_; *stabs myself*<br />
Also, @beautifulove, as bubbly mentioned you have like 50 subbies, no need for jealousy XD