
The Armored Seven



"" Jimin gasps, hands in his hair in disbelief, "That was unbelievable! Where did you learn to fight like that?"


The others are struggling to draw in breath as well. Jungkook is leaning back in his seat with closed eyes and a tired smile. Namjoon quietly fusses over the battered and exhausted girls, shrugging out of his jacket to drape it over the two of them as they sleep, heads bowed together as the movement of the car leans them into each other. V just shrugs. Jimin shakes his head and chuckles as he glances out the window.


"Hoseok, I wish you could have seen it. V literally took down Matoki single handedly. ing insane."


Jimin continues to tell Hoseok the events that had happened, the brilliant idea of asking for a simple glass of water. The atmosphere gradually loosens of buzzed adrenaline and the comfortable rumbling of the car eventually lulls V to sleep.




Chaerin and Iseul are carried and laid out on the couches back in the warehouse while the others help in unloading the supplies. Seokjin gets to work on the dozing girls, gentle hands disinfecting and stitching carefully. Chaerin jolts awake suddenly, a soft yelp of pain when she's hushed by Seokjin.


"I'm almost done, you're doing great." he soothes her.


V studies him. The first time he's seen him so relaxed and composed. Namjoon enters then with several bottles of Coke in hand, prying off the cap to hand an ice cold drink to her.


"You deserve this."


She tips it back easily and chugs nearly have the bottle in one go, hissing as she sets it back down.


"Do ROVIX know you were taken hostage?" he asks her quietly after she takes another sip. Chaerin shakes her head.


"No, we were supposed to be back last night. It was supposed to be a quick run, like always, but that was before Matoki found us." she glances down at her hands before looking at Iseul. She's still unconscious, leaning heavily against Seokjin patching her up. "I'm really worried about my older sister, though," she gasps and her voice breaks, tears welling in her eyes, "Daehyun wouldn't stop even after she out the first time."


Namjoon wraps an arm around her shoulders to bring her into his chest.


"You're safe now, they can't hurt you anymore. We'll get you back to ROVIX in the morning,"


She nods, moisture slipping down her cheeks.




The night passes quietly. Chaerin wakes up a few times, crying out softly from night terrors until Namjoon is able to calm her down with quiet words and soft touches. She falls back asleep only when he fits himself against her side, running a hand through her hair. Morning comes with a soft glow of hazy sunlight.


Iseul regains consciousness and she quickly sits upright when she sees Seokjin dozing next to her with his head in his hand. She's about to bolt, V realizes, when Chaerin catches her by the wrist and the two break down in tears at seeing the other safe.


After Iseul is given an IV, Seokjin offers to drive them to the meeting point with ROVIX. Namjoon suddenly turns to V.


"You should come with," he says as he helps Iseul to her feet, "Hakyeon will want to thank you for saving his runners."




The car ride is a rather tense one when V suddenly asks about ROVIX.


"Namjoon, you accused me of being a part of them at the very beginning," he states matter of factly, "almost slit my throat because of it, too. Why is that?"


Namjoon shifts in his seat and clears his throat uncomfortably. On either side of V, the girls stiffen up and the air fills with tension.


"Well, we aren't exactly on the best of terms with ROVIX."




Namjoon laughs nervously and rubs his palms together.


"We're both very territorial. Let's just say something happened and a lot of people got hurt."


He pauses to glance out the window, his lips.


"I'm nervous," he sighs honestly, "this is the first time we've come face to face in years."


Seokjin pulls into what looks to be an abandoned shopping mall. Ahead of them, he can see a sleek, black sedan. Tinted windows, a flash of headlights.


"That's our cue." says Seokjin and cuts the engine. The five of them step out slowly with Iseul and Chaerin in front. The doors of the sedan slide open to reveal three young men who jog to meet them halfway.


"Thank god you're safe." one of them rasps and wraps the girls into a hug. He pulls back to smooth their hair with a protective aura and hisses when he sees their scarred and bruised faces. He ushers them to the two others standing behind him.


"I can't thank you enough, Namjoon." he laughs breathlessly and watches as the girls embrace their fellow members.


"Don't thank me," Namjoon replies and gently pushes V forward. He stumbles slightly, "thank V. He's the one that found them."


The man with tousled brown hair looks at him curiously, head tilting. His face lights up with a kind smile.


"V, is it? I'm Hakyeon. Thank you for bringing them back."


V nods, his ears burn. Hakyeon turns back to Namjoon as the sound of the others laughing washes over them.


"Listen, I know things have been rough between ROVIX and The Armored Seven for years. Taekwoon and I have been talking, and we're ready for a fresh start, if you're willing as well. We want to leave our history as history; in the past." he takes a deep breath and lets it out in a rush, speaking quietly, “You really, really saved our asses with this one. No doubt Matoki would have killed them, knowing how stubborn and loyal the girls are. Wonshik would have declared full out war, and that's the last thing I want."


Seokjin's wide eyed gaze flickers between the two of them, disbelief written all over his face. The corners of Namjoon's lips turn up in a gentle smile.


"I wonder where they get it from."


Hakyeon chuckles in amusement.


"Which is why I want to offer our services. If you ever need anything, ROVIX will be there to help."


He holds out a hand and Seokjin starts to splutter. Namjoon takes it without a second's hesitation.


"I'm counting on it."


Having finished their conversation, the girls start to cheer then. Iseul slowly jogs over to kiss V on the cheek, a quick peck of lips.


"Thank you."


He feels on fire, which is exactly why he stares at the pavement with a shy smile. No sooner have they said their goodbyes and piled into their respective vehicles when Namjoon lets out an excited whoop and pumps his fist.


"V, your incredible!" He exclaims, "Not only did we steal our biggest stash ever, but we completely wrecked Matoki and gained new allies."


He shouts again and he can see that Seokjin is grinning like an idiot over the steering wheel. Namjoon throws an arm over his shoulders.


"I ing love you, man."


looks like V is really making things good for everyone! But will it last??????? lol

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windinmyhair #1
Hey, i've finished reading this in one go and oh Lord, i loved it. I love how you focus more on their friendship and most probably on the message rather than romance, but still, grace us with a hint of it. It was all around a very good story with a nice pace, a wonderful narration and left us readers crying happy tears. Well done there :)
Chapter 9: Awww shoot!! Way to write dystopian my favorite genre and way to go with the ARMORED SEVEN... I kind of got it from the very beginning but I was curious on how it will all work out :) I wish this was longer but it's perfect in it's own way. Love it... I'm a fan now of your stories :)
alexandra22 #3
Chapter 9: i love gang stories!!! BTS!!! hahaha cuz imma HUGE ARMY. and how about ot7?? of jinkook or sugakookie??? kkekekek sorry just love dem ships
Chapter 8: Love this <3
aspidochelone #5
I like your story. The world is well thought out and Ilike how the different characters interact and influence each other.
alexandra22 #6
Chapter 6: Wow this was awesome. Ill ne honest i came to this fic looking for jinkook but i am totally satisfied. I hope u update soon
Chapter 3: This is amazing. I love the idea you've come up with and you're writing is pleasing! I can tell Namjoon is going to be shielding V for a while (especially from Jin lol).
ShazamJusticeLeague #8
Chapter 3: Another update? Is it my birthday today or what??? I hope this story gets more recognition because,no lie, this story is awesome. Angry Jin.... Lol I hope he becomes nicer