
The Armored Seven



"You ready, V?"


It's the first time he's been called by that name in a long time instead of a mere number. 757. Especially by a peer. It feels bizarre, a strange warmth blooming from his core.


He nods wordlessly and Namjoon claps him on the shoulder to guide him outside through the steel doors of the warehouse.


They flinch when they seem him, the first thing he notices.


The boys are gathered outside in the trainyard, grouped amongst themselves, chatting, laughing, shoving each other playfully. The sound of their cheerfulness, simply enjoying each others company, washes over V like white noise. Buzzing in his ears. He can see that Jungkook is firing what looks to be a homemade slingshot against a boxcar, shattering pop bottles with a triumphant smile. His whole left forearm is wrapped in gauze and bandages, sporting a busted lip. Despite all that, a particularly good shot causes glass to explode and he pumps his fist with a youthful cheer. Seokjin sits beside him, a quiet smile on his lips.


Then it all stops, like the sound cuts out of the whole universe and they’re all staring at Namjoon.


“What the is he still doing here?” Seokjin snarls.


“V here has no family, no home,” Namjoon says smoothly, calmly, “he’ll be with us from now on,”


“Like hell he is,”


Seokjin rises with hands clenched into fists at his sides, jaw set. Jungkook just keeps aiming at the glass bottles.


"Did you smoke too much of Yoongi's pot or something, Namjoon?" he snorts with a malicious glint in his eyes. V can't help but feel surprised that within the five minutes he's been around Seokjin, he managed to piss him off so badly that he looks so foreign now compared to the picture in the files. Charming flower boy now a bloodthirsty beast dead set on snapping his neck. It gives him an odd sense of satisfaction for being responsible for that change.


"You really think having him hanging around is the brightest idea?"


"No," Namjoon chuckles back and V does a double take.




"The kid almost took us down with just a ing knife, if it weren't for Jimin," Namjoon continues.


There they go again, talking about him like he isn't even here. V feels the twitch return below his eye.


"Which means he's got stealth, he can fight, and he can sure as hell kick your , Seokjin. He's a valuable asset with nowhere else to go, even if he did stab your little boyfriend,"


Hoseok chortles and bites his fist, going to hide behind Yoongi when Seokjin shoots him a dirty look. He's blushing furiously, face beet red with embarrassment or rage, he can't tell.


"Fine. Whatever, throw a goddamn party for him while you're at it," the young man spits. He rushes up to V who just looks up vacantly, "just know that although you may be with us, you're not one of us. Creep,"


Seokjin brushes past him with a rough jolt of his shoulders and goes to hop into a sleek, black sedan parked beneath the overpass. He peels out of the trainyard, a rough squeak of tires and a cloud of dust in his wake.


"What are we, in ing junior high?" scoffs Jimin as he watches the tail lights disappear from view.


"Well, that went well. Nice one, Namjoon," someone mumbles.


"Shut up, prick,"




The fire spews white hot ashes into the air, showering sparks into the night sky. It's his first time around a bonfire. He's not sure what to do, how to act, carefully watching the others. The Union forbids it for fear of safety. He stares into the flames for a long time, until the smoke makes his eyes water.


The Union is protective and caring of its Primes. The Union is watchful...




Hoseok's voice and he's waving a hand in front of his face.


"Hot dog?"


He holds out a roasted sausage dressed in a white bun and piled high with ketchup, mustard, and some toppings he doesn't recognize. It smells sweet. V takes it from him with both hands. He bites into it.


The first real food he's had in weeks. In fact, he can't remember the last time he's had actual food in his stomach aside from the energy bars he had been given earlier with the white pills he had always swallowed instead. Juicy, tender, flavorful. He takes another bite, and another and another, ignoring the sauce dribbling down his chin to shove the end of the bun into his mouth.


"You ever had relish before?" Hoseok asks him with a smile as he hands him another hot dog. V shakes his head as half the sausage disappears in seconds.


He's never had a hot dog before.


"I owe you," V muffles and smacks his lips, his fingers. The best thing he's ever had.


"Dude, chill. It's just a hot dog," snorts Yoongi and starts to prod at the logs with a stick, "you don't owe him anything,"




Seokjin returns the following morning, tired and grumpy as he tosses the keys to Namjoon, wraps himself in a cocoon of blankets and collapses onto one of the couches. He falls off to sleep instantly with soft snores. Even after he wakes up hours later, he only spares a mere glance in V's direction as he goes to fix himself a bowl of cereal despite it being late evening.


V helps out the others however he can. Changing oil and repairing the other cars with Namjoon, checking their supply of dry and packed foods with Yoongi. Inventory of pistols and bullets with Hoseok. Even sparing with Jimin during their down time in the little training area he has set up in the corner of the warehouse, releasing stress and tension alike.


"You sure pack a punch," Jimin laughs, grunting at a particularly strong left hook, "remind me not to get on your bad side. That along with your knife ,"


Sweat glistens his forehead and V uppercuts, another gasp from Jimin as he smoothly steps out of the way. He's fast, faster than him.


He'd be a suitable Prime.


Trust is essential in building friendships, V remembers reading in a textbook.


what do you guys think of V's character? I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback <3

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windinmyhair #1
Hey, i've finished reading this in one go and oh Lord, i loved it. I love how you focus more on their friendship and most probably on the message rather than romance, but still, grace us with a hint of it. It was all around a very good story with a nice pace, a wonderful narration and left us readers crying happy tears. Well done there :)
Chapter 9: Awww shoot!! Way to write dystopian my favorite genre and way to go with the ARMORED SEVEN... I kind of got it from the very beginning but I was curious on how it will all work out :) I wish this was longer but it's perfect in it's own way. Love it... I'm a fan now of your stories :)
alexandra22 #3
Chapter 9: i love gang stories!!! BTS!!! hahaha cuz imma HUGE ARMY. and how about ot7?? of jinkook or sugakookie??? kkekekek sorry just love dem ships
Chapter 8: Love this <3
aspidochelone #5
I like your story. The world is well thought out and Ilike how the different characters interact and influence each other.
alexandra22 #6
Chapter 6: Wow this was awesome. Ill ne honest i came to this fic looking for jinkook but i am totally satisfied. I hope u update soon
Chapter 3: This is amazing. I love the idea you've come up with and you're writing is pleasing! I can tell Namjoon is going to be shielding V for a while (especially from Jin lol).
ShazamJusticeLeague #8
Chapter 3: Another update? Is it my birthday today or what??? I hope this story gets more recognition because,no lie, this story is awesome. Angry Jin.... Lol I hope he becomes nicer