
The Armored Seven



The tunnels that Namjoon finds only minutes after slipping into the safe house are damp and quiet, a sense of relief washing over V that he was indeed telling the truth of being familiar with Matoki's base. The four of them crouch low to the ground as they hurry down the concrete halls in silence.


The storage room they're looking for is tucked away behind a false metal bookcase that Jimin manages to shove aside with a loud screech. Namjoon curses. With no time to waste, Jungkook, being the smallest of all of them, slips in through the narrow gap they had managed to create and disappears. He emerges seconds later with a mask of panic he's fighting hard to control.


"They moved everything," he hisses, "there's nothing here." he moves out of the way so the others can see. Empty.


A female scream sounds suddenly, the echoes within the tunnels making it impossible to pinpoint the source.


"What the hell?" Jungkook's eyes widen, "you think a girl joined them?" Namjoon shakes his head and presses a finger over his lips in a motion to keep quiet as another shriek rips through the base. V sees the color drain from the youngest's face.


"Or they're interrogating."


Namjoon feels the edges of the bookcase to see if there's perhaps another passageway but takes a step back, running a hand through his hair in frustration.


"We'll have to find the main supply room."


"You know where that is though, right?" Jimin asks.


"Yeah, totally. Sure."


"Jesus Christ, Namjoon," he groans, "this is ing bad. Hoseok's probably ting himself wondering where we are."


"Then stop panicking and let's get the stuff and go," Namjoon growls. V silently drops to the floor then, instinct taking over when he spots an unusual seam in the concrete floor. He slips the blade of his knife into the panel and pries it open easily.


"Found it." he states. They stare at him in shock.


"Holy ."


They descend the staircase and the air around them seems to drop ten degrees as they travel further underground. Darkness swallows them, feeling blindly along the wall so as not to stumble when a distant glow of light guides them to a floor landing.


The supply room. Shelves upon shelves stacked with all the medical supplies, food, and ammunition they'd ever need. They work quickly, filling their backpacks to the brim when they step back out into the main hall and a voice resonates from another room, dangerously close.


"Please! Let her go! It was my idea to sneak in, not hers!"


Desperate pleading, sobbing. V feels Jungkook stumble into his back. All of them are stock still. A fluted laugh and a male voice this time as the sound of splashing water sounds from ahead.


"Still think your ROVIX will come save you? Maybe I'll dump your bodies on their doorstep as a little reminder to stop your stealing."


Spluttered coughing. More pleading.


"But you sound so nice when you beg like that, sweetheart," a sickening coo, "tell me more and I might change my mind."


His feet move on their own accord, the voice of the captive sending his feet in motion as he blindly pushes past Namjoon and through the doorway.


Six men clad with black facemasks stand about the room, the symbol of a bunny skull marking the cloth hiding their faces. One of them leans over a girl bound to a chair, inclined back with a soaking towel over and nose, dark bangs dripping. Her eyes are wide with raw fear as they flicker to him and he notices the pitcher on the table.




There's another girl in the center of the room also bound. Her delicate features are bruised and battered, face streaked with dirt and wet tears. The youngest looking male out of all of them has his fingers fisted into her brown hair, head yanked back and forcing her to watch. She's shaking.


The tension surrounding them comes to a crescendo when the others join V's side and the man tilting back the girl's chair steps forward.


"You picked a really bad time to pay us a visit, didn't you?" he says coolly.


"We'll make sure to drop in another time when you aren't ing torturing two adolescent girls, Daehyun." Jimin spits. The man called Daehyun his head to the side with a chilling smirk.




V notices the handgun he has pocketed in the front of his jeans. They all do, all armed. One wrong move means a lot of blood spilled, and not just their own. The girl in the center of the room whimpers softly, which draws an irritated tsk from the one who still has her head strained back.


"I see you were snooping around as well," he says and motions at their now heavy backpacks, "you can join Iseul and Chaerin here, we always have room for more rats." His eyes narrow suddenly and his tone turns acidic, "Junhong, take the bags,"


Junhong releases his grip and goes to do just that as the boys have no choice but to throw them at his feet. He kicks the bags to the center of the room.


"Can I have a glass of water?" V deadpans. Everyone turns to him, s included.


"V, shut up." Jungkook murmurs and eyes Matoki nervously. He ignores him as the rest of Matoki start to chuckle and the girls tense up.


"Who the is this kid?" chortles Daehyun, "I don't remember seeing you before. I guess you're really Seven again now, huh? How cute,"


"Four now, and six of us," smirks the man behind him, "soon to be zero."


"Give the kid his water, will you, Yongguk? I like him."


Yongguk goes to the table and pours a glass from the pitcher next to Iseul. She flinches at the sound of the liquid sloshing and V's eye spasms. Yongguk hands the glass to him.


"Cheers." V says and drains it in one gulp, letting out a sigh. There's a moment of silence before he smashes the edge of the glass on the table and brings it up to slash Yongguk in the shoulder. He recoils with a curse and the room erupts into chaos as V dives forward. He snatches the gun from his belt and squeezes off four shots before the chamber clicks dry, aiming at their legs to immobilize them. With the now empty gun in hand, he vaults over the table to whip the of the pistol into Junhong’s jaw. His head snaps dangerously far back and he crumples to the floor with a low moan, buying him enough time to cut Chaerin free of her restraints.


Jungkook tosses them their bags as Namjoon and Jimin take the two girls into their arms, too weak to stand on their own.


"Let's move!"


They don't need to be told twice. V cuts the wires of the circuit box as they book it out of the room to cut the entire base of power. Jungkook pulls out several canisters and two fluorescent red sticks from his backpack before shouldering it as they navigate through the tunnels, voices and curses echoing from somewhere behind them.


"Light it up, Jungkook!"


He yanks out the pin with his teeth and tosses it back as dense white smoke spills from the containers. Still sprinting, he passes the sticks to V.


"I'll let you do the honors." he laughs breathlessly as the smoke continues to roll down the passageway. V smiles. He knows exactly what these are.


He strikes the ends of the flares against the wall as they ignite with a shower of red sparks, hurling them into the smoke just as the fireworks go off with a deafening crack. White and red flash behind them as the ear splitting sounds of gunpowder reverberate down the tunnels, coughing and shouts of alarm eventually drowned out when they make it back to the main level.


Hoseok joins them, no time to explain their rescued hostages as they continue to sprint to the getaway car. Seokjin slams on the gas and they make it out with enough supplies to last them at least a year.


I love writing V so much like this omg.A big thank you to ppodae for the punctuation help! I hope I did it correctly ;v; I might have you be my future beta-reader if you're up to it <3

Thank you so much for the upvotes!!! I'm so happy that so many of you are enjoying this! I already have the the ending written out, so it's just a matter of uploading everything. Please anticipate c:

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windinmyhair #1
Hey, i've finished reading this in one go and oh Lord, i loved it. I love how you focus more on their friendship and most probably on the message rather than romance, but still, grace us with a hint of it. It was all around a very good story with a nice pace, a wonderful narration and left us readers crying happy tears. Well done there :)
Chapter 9: Awww shoot!! Way to write dystopian my favorite genre and way to go with the ARMORED SEVEN... I kind of got it from the very beginning but I was curious on how it will all work out :) I wish this was longer but it's perfect in it's own way. Love it... I'm a fan now of your stories :)
alexandra22 #3
Chapter 9: i love gang stories!!! BTS!!! hahaha cuz imma HUGE ARMY. and how about ot7?? of jinkook or sugakookie??? kkekekek sorry just love dem ships
Chapter 8: Love this <3
aspidochelone #5
I like your story. The world is well thought out and Ilike how the different characters interact and influence each other.
alexandra22 #6
Chapter 6: Wow this was awesome. Ill ne honest i came to this fic looking for jinkook but i am totally satisfied. I hope u update soon
Chapter 3: This is amazing. I love the idea you've come up with and you're writing is pleasing! I can tell Namjoon is going to be shielding V for a while (especially from Jin lol).
ShazamJusticeLeague #8
Chapter 3: Another update? Is it my birthday today or what??? I hope this story gets more recognition because,no lie, this story is awesome. Angry Jin.... Lol I hope he becomes nicer