Good Girl. Bad Boy.

I spent my time with those three boys. They are all full of surprises. Their different personalities when in school and when they're together and with close friends. I felt kind of special being treated in a sort of nice manner as I hang out with them. They can be mean at times, with all their teasing and such. From one day, I learned that Taehyung and Jimin can be playful and really cute. Meanwhile, Jungkook is kind of the same as always. Besides being like the mean guy at school, he's just sort of quiet. Jungkook doesn't show much expressions, but when he does, it's actually really cute. I really wonder how it'll be if he was like Jimin and Taehyung. 

"Let's go to Namsan tower!" Taehyung suggested out of nowhere. 

"Are we allowed to go this late?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Jimin said. 

"Well... Never mind, I don't know." I shook my head. 

We took a bus and I sat next to Jungkook, which was no fun at all. Taehyung and Jimin was messing around in front of us and it seemed fun. But Jungkook was just staring out of the window with his earbuds in. I sighed and leaned back. The ride will be kind of long, so I guess I can take a small rest. I usually just go straight home and sleep after washing up. I'm even more tired by just hanging out with them. I closed my eyes to rest for a bit. 

Without realizing, I fell asleep. 

Taehyung looked back at us, only to see me bobbing my head up and down as I slept. He signaled Jungkook, causing him to look at me. Jungkook reached over and tried to prevent my head from going down. I stayed still for about a minute. But then the bus made a slight abrupt turn and I slid over to Jungkook side. My head leaning on his shoulder. 

"Oooo~ Jungkookie~" Jimin said, both him and Taehyung looking back. 

"Shut up, hyung." Jungkook said. 

Jimin laughed, "Yah. Is that how you talk to your elders? 

Jungkook stuck out his tongue at him and Jimin rolled his eyes. Jimin turned back around and everyone was silent. The bus was quiet. Jimin pulled his hoodie over his head and snuggled up next to Taehyung to take a quick nap as well. Meanwhile, Taehyung pulled out his earbuds and listened to music, he leaned his head on top of Jimin's. Jungkook put in the other earbud and stared out the window. There was not much people on the bus, so it was just a silent bus ride. 

I sort of stirred in my sleep, slightly grabbing onto Jungkook's arm for warmth. His eyes widened a bit and he looked down at me in surprise. Jungkook could've just shaken me off of him or pulled his arm away, but he didn't do anything. 

After a while, I slowly started to wake up...

My eyes slowly opened, staring at the back of the seats and heads of the other two. As I was about to sit up, I felt something heavy on my head. I looked to the side, seeing the reflection on the window, and saw that Jungkook head was on top of mine as he slept. 

Should I move..? But he's sleeping... I fell asleep on him and he didn't wake me up, so I shouldn't wake him up... But is this comfortable? Wait a second..

I then noticed what I was holding onto... 

I looked down to see that I was holding onto his arm. 
Oh my god. I must've done this in my sleep. I do this to my pillows all the time. 

I released his arm, but my arm was still linked with his because I can't move. Will he wake up if I move...? This is sort of uncomfortable now, actually. My neck is somewhat hurting. 

I then had an idea. 

I tried moving my arm out, which I struggled to do. I managed to get it out, and then I slowly moved my head, supporting his head with my hands as I did so. When I was finally free, I gently positioned his head onto my shoulder. I looked at Jungkook's peaceful face. I slightly smiled and leaned my head back onto the head rest. I stared forward, seeing Taehyung and Jimin whispering to each other. 
I actually still feel a bit sleepy. Should I go back to sleep? Once we get there, my energy would most likely be drained because of Taehyung and Jimin. They're like older versions of the twins, when they're all childish. 

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. It feels nice going out. 

Next thing I knew, I was being shaken. 

"Yah. Kang Hye Mi. Wake up." Jungkook called. "Kang Hye Mi!"

I opened my eyes, only to meet with Jungkook's. 

"We're here." He said. 

I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. I slowly stood up, Jungkook helping me up as I was slightly unstable. 

"Wait for meeee..." I slightly whined, still half asleep as I saw them already ahead of me. 

I caught up to Jungkook and held onto the back of his jacket. 

"How cute, you're like a little kid." Jimin ruffled my hair as I got off the bus, trailing behind Jungkook. 

I ignored him and stretched my arms up. After releasing the slight tension I had in my body, I felt relieved.

"Where are we going now?"  I asked. 

"Wait here. We're going to check if the cable car is still open." Jimin said, pulling Taehyung along. 

"Why can't we just go all together?" I said, watching them leave. 

Jungkook shrugged and headed for the nearest bench to sit down. I followed and sat down besides him, stretching my arms out and leaned back. My head dangled and I just stared up at the night sky. I looked to the side and stared at the side of Jungkook's head. 

"Wae?" He said, looking over at me. 

I shook my head, "Nothing." 

Jungkook leaned back as well, eyes closed as he let out a sigh. The slight breeze made me just want to sleep even more. I shivered a little and sat up, putting on my jacket, which didn't really help because it was quite thin. I didn't expect to go out after work. I wrapped my arms around my body to attempt to keep myself warm. 

Jungkook suddenly stood up and began to strip off his jacket. Before I can say anything, he tossed his jacket at me, the jacket landing on my head. I took it off and slightly glared at Jungkook, but he was looking the other way. 

"I'm not going to give this back." I said, getting up to put it on. 

"I gave it to you for a reason." Jungkook mumbled.

I grinned as I pulled on the jacket, his body warmth lingered, warming me up right away. I zipped it up and looked down at myself, bursting out into a laugh. Jungkook looked over at me. 

I stretched out my arms, "Your jacket is so big." 

The sleeves passed my fingers and the end of the jacket was at my knees. Jungkook stared at me and I can see him crack a smile. 

"You look like a kid." Jungkook chuckled. 

I laughed and flapped my arms, accidentally slapping myself in the face with the sleeve. 


I shot him a small glare and flipped my hair out of my face. 

"How cute." I heard someone say behind me. 

I turned around to see Jimin and Taehyung, grinning at how small I looked in Jungkook's jacket. 

"I never noticed how small you were." Jimin said. 

"You're smaller than Jimin hyung." Jungkook grinned at him. 

"Aish, this kid." Jimin raised a hand as a threat to hit him. 

Jungkook laughed and put up an arm as a defense. 

"The cable cars are down because of some difficulties, so they're not allowing people to go on for safety purposes." Taehyung said. 

"What now then?" Jungkook asked. 

"Should we just walk around?" I suggested. 

"Arasso." They all agreed and we just walked off to who knows where. 

We walked and enjoyed the night just by talking with each other. 

"Do you want to go in and rest?" Jungkook asked, looking down at me. "You're shivering still, even though I gave you my jacket." 

I didn't really notice it, but after pointing it out, I was shaking from the cold. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me, squeezing me tight in the middle of their hold. My face buried into one of their chest. My face scrunched as I tasted cloth in my mouth. 

"Aish! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung!" I popped my head out. 

"We're trying to keep you warm." Taehyung grinned, his mouth forming into a box shape. 

I let out a little laugh upon hearing that, "You guys don't have to make me into a sandwich though!" 

They released me and I fixed myself and turned back to Jungkook, who just watched in amusement. 

"If you guys don't mind." I replied. 

We headed for the nearest cafe, the warm air thawing my cold cheeks. We headed to a table and sat down. I put my hands to my cheeks in attempt to warm them up. 

I heard the click of a camera shutter and I looked up. I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw Taehyung grinning as he looked down at his phone. I reached over to grab his phone, but he moved his arm out of my reach. 

"Yah!" I grumbled. 

His boxed smile became bigger as he laughed, showing me the phone screen, "Look how cute this is." 

I stopped and looked at his phone, my eyes slightly widening and I attempted to snatch the phone away. But again, he jerked his arm back. 

"Delete it! I look like a dead fish!" I exclaimed. 

"Let us see~!!!" Jimin said. 

"Aniya! Yah! Kim Taehyung!" I struggled to grab for the phone as he was trying to show it to the other two. 

Jimin took the phone. Jungkook restrained me as he peeked over Jimin shoulder to look at the picture too. I let out a frustrated groan and sat down back in my seat, arms crossed and slouching. 

"Awww. Is Hye Minie mad?" Jimin grinned. 

"Don't push it." I shot him a glare. 

"Wae~? It was just a picture." He said. "It's cute too."

"How is that cute?!" I sat up straight. 

Jungkook slightly chuckled, "Calm down. What do you want to drink?" 

I sighed and stood up along with him. "I'll pay." 

"Yay~ Hye Mi's treat." Taehyung grinned like a kid. 

I let out a small laugh, "It's still hard to believe that you three are the people lots of students fear at our school." 

"There are always two sides of a person." Jimin grinned. "And being cute is my other side." 

I pinched both of his cheeks and pull them, "Yeah. Annoyingly cute." 

"You too. Miss student council president." He grabbed my cheeks too. 

I let go and pat at his hands to let me go, "Apa!" 

Jimin released my cheeks and I rubbed at them, slightly pouting as it stung in pain. "I'm not buying a drink for you anymore." 

"Mianhe~" He said in a cute way. 

I rolled my eyes, a grin breaking out. "Mhm. Sure. Now what do you guys want?" 

They told me their drinks after they scanned the board that listed the things they sell. Jungkook and I headed to the counter and waited in the small line. 

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and I took it out, looking at my screen. Wait. Whose numbers are these? I unlocked my phone and opened the message, seeing that photo that Taehyung took. I let out a surprised gasp. I turned around and shot a glare at Taehyung. He was already looking at me, grinning. I rolled my eyes, turning back around. 

I heard Jungkook chuckle a bit and I looked over at him, seeing him looking at the picture. I snatched the phone from his hand and locked it. 

"Hajima!" I pouted. 

He looked at me and chuckled again. "Can I have my phone back now?" 

"Will you stop looking at the picture?" I raised an eyebrow. 

He nodded and I eyed him, slowly giving him his phone back. I looked back to my phone. 

"Whose number is whose?" I asked him. 

"That's my number." Jungkook pointed out. "That one is Taehyung hyungs and that's Jimin hyungs." 

I saved them into my contacts, specially naming them. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he saw them. 

"Jerk face?" 

I stuck out my tongue at him, "Cos you are one."

"I gave you my jacket." He said. 

"Your point is?" I asked. 

"Like twice." He said. "Or was it three times?"

I laughed, going up to the register and ordered the drinks. We headed back to the table with the others. We chatted for a bit until our drinks were ready. Jungkook and Taehyung went to go get them and brought it back to our table. 

"Now that I think of it." I said as I took a sip of my drink. "How did you guys get my number?" 

"What do you think they were doing with your phone earlier?" Jungkook said, leaning back into his chair as he looked at his phone. "Now what should I put as your contact name? Miss attitude?" 

"I do not have an attitude." I said. 

"Have you heard yourself?" 

"Are you guys going to start that again?" Jimin laughed. 

"Start what?" 

Taehyung and Jimin chuckled, "Nothing." 

"You two are so cute." Taehyung said. 

We both furrowed our eyebrows and looked at each other. The two of us looked at each other with a disgusted expression. 

"You call that cute?" We both pointed at each other. 

Jimin and Taehyung laughed at the both of us. We sat there for the rest of the time chatting. Until I realized how late it was getting. 

"I'm going to go," I said as I stood up. "It's already past midnight and I should be getting home."

"We'll drop you off." Jungkook said, standing up as well. 

Jimin grinned and nudged him on the side, "Aww." 

"Aish. Hajima, hyung." Jungkook grumbled as he walked ahead. 

"What?" I looked at them. 

"Nothing." Jimin waved it off. 

We headed for the bus stop, the cold taking the heat away from us again. Well... Mostly me, I guess. When the bus finally came, we sat with the same pairs as last time. But Taehyung and Jimin were sitting behind us this time, and I was sitting in the window seat. 

The first to knock out was Jungkook. I was pretty awake after the coffee. Taehyung and Jimin soon followed Jungkook to sleep after as well. So I just sat there, staring out the window. A couple of minutes passed when I felt something constantly tapping at my shoulder. I looked next to me, seeing Jungkook slouching over and his head bobbing to the side. I gently pushed his head up. But his head eventually went back down. After a couple of tries to keep it up, I sighed and positioned his head onto my shoulder. 

I put in my earbuds and played some music to entertain myself. I eventually joined the boys and fell asleep as well. 

I heard the bus driver saying that this was the last stop as I slowly woke up. I groaned as I felt my neck start to hurt a bit. At the same time, my mind was processing what the man said, which caused me to jump up in surprise. Jungkook jolted up, since his head was on my shoulder. I leaned over the seat and shook the other two awake. 

"Yah! We missed our stop!" I exclaimed. 

"What?!" They both shot up after fully waking up. 

Jungkook was still waking up, but I grabbed his arm and dragged him off the bus. 

"What the hell?!" Jungkook grumbled, scratching his head. 

I sighed as I looked at where we were, "We're not that far from our original destination. We'll just walk." 

The three groaned from their tired state. I laughed and walked ahead, waiting for them as they trudged behind me. I turned around to look at them, grumbling to themselves as they walked. 

"Come on sleepy heads. You can sleep when you guys get home." I said, turning back around. "Oof!"

"Oh look. It's the little princess and her three knights." A somewhat familiar voice said. 

I moved back and looked at the face, frowning a bit. My eyes widened as he took my arm, pulling me close. 

"What's with that look? Not happy to see me?" He said. 

"Let go of her." Jimin voice went cold, sending shivers through my spine. 

He spun me around, now facing the three as the man held me close to him. 

"I just want to be friends with your lady friend here." He grinned at them. 

"Go find your own friend." Jungkook said, eyes dark. 

The guy grabbed my face, squeezing my cheeks together. I moved my head back, trying to wiggle out of his cold grasp. 

"Let go of me!" I tried to pull away. 

"It's just amusing seeing you struggle like this." He whispered in my ear. 

I shivered in disgust. 

"This is your last warning, Sung Min." Taehyung said, his voice dark and cold as well. 

I definitely like their cute side better. My mind went back to the Sung Min guy as his grip around my wrist. 

"Make me." 

I pulled on my wrists, "Oh, I'll make you." 

I stomped on his foot and kicked my leg back, hitting him in the shin. His grip loosened on my wrist, which allowed me to move around a bit. I jabbed my elbow into his stomach. He finally released me and I quickly went towards the three boys. 

"Nice job." Taehyung said, holding up a hand for a high five. 

I smiled and gave him a high five, "Can't always be vulnerable. A girl can fight back too." 

"Now, what do you want, Sung Min?" Jimin asked. 

"Oh nothing. It was your little friend there that ran into me. What's her name again? Hye Mi, right?" He smirked. 

"H-How do you know my name?" I asked, never recalling that the boys or I saying my name in front of him. 

"I just know." He said. 

"If you don't need anything, then leave." Jungkook coldly said. 

"I actually have some things with you to deal with." Sung Min smirked.

A/N: ANNYEONGGGGGGGGG. I FINALLY GOT THIS CHAPTER UP.. Sorry if this chapter is a bit of a mess. I honestly don't know anything about Namsan tower, so I just changed the whole plot. I had a little writers block and finals are coming up. But I finally managed to get it. It's one in the morning right now TT-TT But I hope you guy like it! 

And we got 27 subscribers to this story! Thanks for subscribing!!! I appreciate it! And leave a comment down. I love to see your guys responses to what's going on. I use them as motivation at times xD xP Thanks again!

Saranghae~! ❤​

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lovelyday123 #1
Chapter 8: New reader here.......I like you story very much author-nim......I'll be waiting for the New chapter.
Haruxuann #2
Chapter 7: THE STORY ISH AWESOME!!!!!!!! I'LL BE WAITING FOR UPDATES!!!!:) <3 [sorry for the caps LOL]
Kpopfan2406 #3
Chapter 5: I love this story so much! Kamsamnida! Hope u update soon author-nim!
chocobin22 #4
Chapter 3: Why I feel hyun Ae looks a bit suspicious haha maybe not :D
keep a great work authornim ! Fighting ! ^^
dyqakim #5
Chapter 2: Hmmmmm..how sweet they're ...jungkook hyemi ahhhh my heart.. i really love your story ❤ author-nim.. i think my heart is going to ahhhhhhhhh ok sorry author-nim huhuhu
sitisabirah95 #6
Chapter 2: So sweet :-)
Ilikefoodz #7
Chapter 1: Ahh~ author-nim!! I am hooked already! I also loved your other story