It's a high school thing

Best Days

If anyone had seen Wendy now, you would think she bulldozed a litter of kitten and puppies with how hard she is bawling. Irene didn’t even know if there is anything to say or do that could comfort her. Irene knew she screwed up big time and she knew I’m sorry wouldn’t be enough to fix things right now. She was about to reach out and say it would be alright, but she doesn’t think getting a feet close to Wendy would be an ideal situation. Not when her mommy Jessica is watching her like a hawk as they’re driving to her home.


Her home, her luggage is probably waiting outside her home, ready for her to get kick out.


But if her parents won’t kill her, Wendy’s mom’s driving will.


Speaking of Wendy’s parents.


“What’s with all this, Fany?” Jessica says coldly, as she sees Tiffany just smash tons of concealer on her face.


“We are meeting Kwon Yuri again, Jess.”


“Okay…” Jessica replied unsure what her wife is trying to say, as this time, she starts doing contouring that will give Photoshop a run for their money.


“Do you remember who Kwon Yuri is back in high school?”


“She’s the main dancer?”


“She’s more than that, Jessica. She’s the hot girl everybody wants.”


Irene tries to fix her gaze out the window, suddenly feeling a sense of interest on the road. It was awkward, to say the least, to hear a conversation about her mother when she’s right there in the car with them. Her mommy Yuri, the one that fixes her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Her mommy Yuri, the one who goes to their every PT conference without fail. Her mommy Yuri, the one who goes to the beauty shop with her and her sister to get their haircuts. Her mommy Yuri, the one who argued with the saleslady when they were getting their first bras. Her mommy Yuri, the one who explained to her about the dreaded blood down there. (she could remember when Yeri first has hers, running to her parent's room screaming, her mommy Yuri called off work and stayed home just to pacify her little sister. Irene meanwhile took it like a pro.)


Now Irene heard another side, the Kwon Yuri before she became a mom. And Irene doesn’t know what she feels about that.


“Oh, so are you saying you had a crush on her?”


“Wait… No.” Tiffany lied, her face just sprouting a red blush.


“Ohhhhh… Tiffany I never heard that before,” Jessica’s lips curved into a diabolical smirk. “Why am I hearing this just now? Taeyeon, Khun, Sunny and now Yuri… Damn girl, if you were a garden tool, you would be a hoe.”


Tiffany gasps so loud; Irene felt the entire air in the car has been out.


For once in her life, Irene heard Wendy mumble a curse as she says oh , before covering her face.


“Did you hear that Irene? You and Wendy could have been sisters.”


“Mom please.” Wendy prayed under her breath.


“And? What are you trying to prove? That you still got it?”


“The point is, that was high school, this is now. I can’t face the iest girl in high school, looking like a just came back from a 12-hour flight.”


“Obviously, you’re still griping about something that happened over twenty years ago. But whatever floats your boat, Tiffany. And Wendy, enough of those tears.” Jessica says coldly, eyes glaring through the rearview mirror and Irene could swear, she could shoot laser beams through it. “You are just like your mommy Tiffany.”


“And what on God’s green Earth is wrong with that?!” Tiffany barks back, which sounded more like a Chihuahua yapping against a Doberman.


“Okay, you want to know, Miyoung? You are too soft.”


“And being soft is a weakness now?”


“It is in this world. Wendy you too! You are too soft! That’s why this happen… it’s disappointing!”


Wendy purses her lips trying to stop her tears.


“I-I don’t mind,” Irene wonders if her words barely made a dent in her girlfriend’s great stature, but at least she tried. “I like her the way she is. I like how she’s soft and fluffy. I like… I like everything about her.”


Jessica and Tiffany just exchanged looks that had Irene quivering in her seats. If Irene weren't too busy shivering in fright, she probably would have seen Jessica and Tiffany smile in approval.


“I- I’m so sorry mom… I promise it won’t happen again.”


“Wait wha-“ Irene almost reasoned out, but manage swiftly to catch her slip of the tongue. “Ummm ah yes, I’m sorry Ms. Jung, Ms. Hwang. It won’t happen again.”


God damn it!


“Damn right it better not. How could you be at the bottom?”


Wendy and Irene exchanged confused looks. Wait… all this anger wasn’t about getting caught almost doing it?


“W-w-wait what?”

“I didn’t work my off to build a fashion empire to hear that my daughter is being dominated in bed. Are you at least a power bottom?”


“W-w-what’s that?”


“Google it. Or ask Irene’s mommy Yuri. I’m pretty sure she’s one.”


Oh God… no, no, not her parents’ life. Irene sinks deeper on the backseat’s plush leather seats, begging for it to swallow her whole.


“Oh my God, Jessi.”


“What? It’s true! If things didn’t change since high school, then you know who is the daddy in the relationship.”


“Jessi please, this is not an appropriate talk for our daughter.”


Jessica let out a snort since when did she ever listen to her wife anyway?


“If I’m not going to give her the talk then who would?”


Krystal raised her hand without even looking at her phone.


“I have a copy of handmaiden if you like. Just… skip to the last part.”


“What the?” Jessica almost rammed into the vehicle ahead of them, as she saw her sister at the back. “When did you get here?”


“I have been here!” Krystal whined, if she weren't in the car, she would probably stomp her feet and walked away.


“Fany, did you let Krystal in here?”


“Now why would I even let your sister here?”


Wendy’s worried face quickly turned to embarrassment as her parents, and her aunt just continued arguing.


And here Irene thought that Joy and her aunt Sooyoung has a family dynamics that would be a reality show gold. Here is her girlfriend’s family who makes the Kardashians look like the Brady Bunch.


She looks at Irene from the rearview mirror before scoffing once again.


“I guess you’re the daddy, huh?”




Yuri held on to the kitchen counter like she’s holding on for dear life. She was nursing a headache and now here comes another one. She hasn’t even been on steady ground for more than three hours, and another trouble is heading towards her and her wife.


Her youngest is on the brink of repeating freshmen year and her eldest daughter well…what is there left to say, like mother like daughter I guess?


Gosh… if only her mom could see her now. She must be cackling somewhere while hoarsely whispering how karma is a mother ing .


To think her birthday will be in a couple of days, Yuri wonders if she will manage to live until forty with the amount of heart attack her daughters and wife was giving her.


“Here baby,” Her wife hands her a drink, the usual laidback tone turned mildly worried.

“How are we going to handle this?”


“Babe, I know you are still tired from your trip. Don’t worry I will-“


“Last time you said that Yoong, Yerim is about to fail her class.”


Yoona scratches her head, confused by what right word to say next.


“I’m sorry,” That was all Yoona could say. “I just feel that- I don’t know… I thought it was the right thing to do.”


Yuri could genuinely hear the apologetic tone of her voice. Her wife was actually trying, but as usual, she’s too wound up to say something.


“I’m sorry Yoongie,”




Even the apology was startling for Yoona, add to that calling her high school pet name.


“I’m just too tired. And it’s not about talking to Wendy’s parents that the problem, it’s talking to Irene.” Yuri takes a huge sigh. “Like now we have to talk to her about those things. And I’m not ready yet; we always worry about Yerim that we just… we thought that Irene would be okay.”


“I don’t think she did anything wrong.”


Oh great! Here we go again, the clashing of parenting style.


“Really?” Yuri raised a brow in both confusion and shock. “You don’t think our daughter did anything wrong when she get caught on to-“ Yuri could only heave a huge sigh. “when she’s caught doing it?”

“Almost doing it,” Yoona corrected. “Almost doing it, Yul.”


“No, Yoong. No excuses.”


“It’s like attempted murder and murder, aren’t those two different, Yul?”


Yuri places her drink on the kitchen counter, her face completely appalled on how her wife seems so laidback about the entire situation.




Uh oh- she called her Yoona.


“It doesn’t matter. A crime is a crime.” Yuri continues. “Regarding of the severity of it, it doesn’t make it right. If you caught them what would you do?”


Yoona just ended up mumbling, and that was more than enough for Yuri.


“Oh my God! I can’t believe you actually think that this is okay.”


“I didn’t say that,” Yoona waves her hand in surrender. “All I’m trying to say is that it’s not as bad as it seems. I mean we- we did it.” She whispers, hoping her youngest wouldn’t hear. “And we turned out okay. It’s- it’s a high school thing.”


“Stop making it sound like everything that happened is okay because she’s in high school. The point is we learn from what we did and try to teach our child not to do the same.”


“It’s not like she’s going to get pregnant, Yul.”


Yoona immediately cowered when she realized she hit a cord and had pushed every single button on Yuri. Her wife was about to explode, ready to go mad dog on her, but to her surprise, Yuri just pinches the bridge of her nose, while inhaling a shaky breath.


“I’m going up to our room, call me when they’re here.”






“Irene? What’s wrong baby?”


Yuri feels her heart turning into mush at the cute sight in front of her. Her adorable three-year-old, trying to stand on her tippy toes. She places baby Yerim back in her crib, which her youngest didn’t appreciate as she started gurgling real fast (Yuri swore if Yerim could talk, that she would be cussing right now, her baby has always been the feistier one).


She turns to her eldest daughter, her little arms trying to reach the top of the cabinet where Yoona had to place the iron. Irene turns to her, Yuri’s heart breaking at the sight of the pouting cherub.


“Iron pwease.”


Yuri never knew where this fascination for ironing came from. She thought it was super cute at first until she almost had a heart attack when Irene almost touch the scalding hot iron. When Irene frowned one time, complaining how the baby is wrinkly, Yoona hurriedly places the iron on the top cabinet before Irene could think of ironing her little sister.


“Come here, baby.” Yuri slowly tugs the tearful girl on her lap, before brushing those loose strands of hair from her beautiful face. “You know the iron can get very, very hot and it could burn baby Irene.”


Irene looks up at her mom, her cute face filled with horror.


“And mommy Yuri and mommy Yoona doesn’t want that to happen to Irene. That’s why we have to put the iron away, so it doesn’t hurt baby.”


“It’s hot like an oven?”


“Yes… very hot.”


“Oh no… Irene doesn’t want to get burn.” Irene lays her tiny head on her mom’s chest, saddened at her lost love.


“Don’t worry; mommy will do everything to protect her baby.” She promised her little girl. A promise that Yuri meant for a lifetime and the lifetimes after.


The sound of the front door clicks and both girls look up at each other. 


“Where’s baby Irene?”


“Oh look who’s here?!” Yuri squeals at Irene and the sound of the husky voice instantly made their baby smile. Even Yerim in her crib started gurgling happily at Yoona’s voice.


“It’s mommy Yoongie!”


Her parents and friends constantly warn her that Yoona wouldn’t be mother material. The girl is still practically a kid, hanging out in arcades and playing video games rather than focus on her studies to get her family a bright future. Yuri wonders what they would say now when they see the way Yoona just beams at the sight of their kids.


“Why is my baby girl so sad?”


The toddler was once again reminded of her lost and started pouting, before burrowing in her mommy Yoona’s embrace.


“I can’t pway with Iron anymow.”


“Oh no, remember me and mommy Yuri doesn’t want you to get hurt. But you know what?”


Irene peers up from the embrace and blinks confusedly.


“I have a surprise,” Yoona digs inside her backpack before pulling out a purple toy iron which had Irene squealing in delight.


“Is! That! For! Irene?” Irene was barely making a sentence with how excited she is with her new toy.


“Yes. It’s only for Irene.”


Irene jumps out of Yoona’s embrace, quickly tugging on Yuri’s jeans.


“Mama look!”


“I know, that’s awesome baby.” Yuri leans on Yoona before whispering. “Where did you get the money to buy that?”


“It’s less than ten dollars, Yul. Don’t worry about it.” Yoona reassures her with a huge grin. “I mean look at how happy she is.”


Soon, they heard two laughter echoing around their small apartment as their baby Yerim thinks it’s so hilarious to get ironed, while Irene looks determined to get all the wrinkles out of her sister’s onesies.


“I think we need to teach her to iron without the person on.”


Yuri smacks Yoona on the arm before Yoona caught her and kissed her on the cheek.


“You’re a great mom, Yoong.”


Yoona didn’t answer but instead replied to her with an endearing smile.


“You gave me great kids.”




Yuri shuts her eyes, feeling herself subsiding to tears any second. She used to be tougher than this, pushing back the thought of tears and melancholy deep inside her. It must be the signs of getting old; you are more prone to giving in to your feelings.


Maybe she was focusing way too much on her rowdy youngest daughter, always assuming that Irene is doing well which is why this all happened. Didn’t she promise that she’ll protect her always?


Where did time go? When she and Yoona were worrying about ironing and Yerim’s clinginess?


“Babe! They’re here.”




They saw them walk in and Yuri was once again, slap with the truth. Her Irene was not a baby anymore who always clings to her leg or her purple toy iron. She was about to be a woman, so gorgeous and so in love with the one whose hand is wrapped around hers.


“Mom,” Irene says, her head low. “I’m so sorry about this.”


“We will talk later.”


“I’m so sorry for what happened, Mrs. Kwon, Mrs. Im. I feel like I have failed you.”


Yuri and Yoona exchanged looks; Wendy looks more worried than their own child.


“I just want you to know that I love her with all my heart and we no I, I got carried away by her amazing beauty which leads us to this. Please don’t think that all I see Irene is a nice body that I want to get it on with because it’s not that. I absolutely love her. So, if it helps then…” Wendy is about to get down on her knees “I want to ask your permission to marry her.”


“Oh hell no you won’t!” Jessica drags her daughter back. “Sorry about that,” Jessica flashes the two with her smile. “She got Tiffany’s flair for the dramatics. How are you two doing? Long time no see.”


“Ahhh you too, unn- Jessica sunbae.” Yoona greets them with a polite bow.


“Look at you two, still together.”


“Yup. And you and Tiffany unnie too.”


“Well, you can’t get rid of her.” Jessica waves her wife off while following Yoona inside their home.


“Is that what you say about your wife?” Tiffany hissed. “Hello there, I’m Wendy’s mom. I’m the one who gave the world a wonderful gift, Jessica just paid the hospital bills. I can’t believe this is the circumstances to where we will see each other again.”


Tiffany stared at Kwon Yuri. Like really, really stared. And damn it’s like time only did Yuri good. In high school, when every girl wants to be skinny as , Yuri would walk in the hallways, with curves in all the right places. Yuri has the s, the slim waist, the , the honey thighs and those long legs that go on forever. A woman among all the little girls. She was always comfortable in her own skin, and it looks to Tiffany that nothing changed at all. Even in just a shirt and skinny jeans, and even close to forty, she was still the hot woman everyone is craving for.


“Yeah, we have kids now.”


“Yes, we have two girls, Irene and Yerim who's in freshman,” Yuri says, hopefully not stay a freshmen forever.


“Two?!” Tiffany gasps in her typical Tiffany way, “No way, you look like you still got it, Kwon.”


“Right, and you only gave birth to one, sixteen years ago.”


“I don’t want to hear it, Jessica.”


“So, this is who you end up with, Yuri. Im Yoona, the naughty angel of junior class.”


“Yup. That’s me before.” Yoona says embarrassed that her high school nickname had to be brought up.


“If I remembered correctly you write your name with YoonA, with a capital A.”


Yuri mentally slaps her forehead as she remembers how embarrassing Yoona was back in the day.


“It’s a high school thing. Just like your username in high school, was it… stepholicious?”


The entire room was flooded with awkward silence; Coincidentally it was Jessica who started to break down in laughter.


“Really?” Tiffany shot an angry look her wife’s way.


“You’ll be okay, Babyinnoncenz.” Jessica pats her wife in the back.


“I was in high school! In high school, okay! God Damn Jessie, you are never going to drop this!”


“Calm down, Abercrombie_Baby.”


“Alright! Enough,” Tiffany growls at how this was turning into her own roast. “We are here for our daughters, to figure out what should be the appropriate punishment for Irene.”


“Wait- Excuse me-“Yuri looks like she’s about to pounce on Tiffany, but luckily Yoona was holding her back. “Punishment for Irene?”


“Well, I don’t think Wendy has anything to do with this, since clearly, Irene is on top.”


“Mom please, Wendy cuts in before anyone gets cut. “I wanted this just as much as Irene. Mrs. Im, Mrs. Kwon, Please don’t make us break up! I can’t live without Irene.”


“Stop with the drama, Wendy. If I knew you were going to be this dramatic, I would have signed you up for acting classes.”


“I-i-it’s my fault,” Irene squeaked. It was barely audible, but it was loud enough for everyone to here. “Wendy has nothing to do with this.”


“N-n-no I wanted it to, Irene. I really, really, really, really like rea-“


“That’s way too many really’s, Seungwan.” Jessica stops her daughter. “Tiffany, I know you see our daughter as this perfect little angel, but she’s at fault too. She obviously really, really,really like Irene that she’s okay to do this. And just like everything else, this… what happened is a high school thing.”


“Why don’t you take Wendy outside on the porch, Irene?” Yuri says in such a cold tone that it had even the executives felt frozen with the voice.


Irene hurriedly took Wendy’s hand, dragging them to the back before her mom changes her mind.


“Okay, now that they’re not here we could really talk. As Irene’s mom, I want to apologize for all this, I’m pretty sure she started it. But I don’t think it’s right to put all the blame on her.”


“I agree, Stepho,” Jessica says. “Wendy might be an angel, but I don’t think she could resist someone like Irene.”


“Well-“ For once, Tiffany finds herself speechless. “What do you suggest we do?”


Yuri let out an exhausted sigh before adding, “What else is there for us to do? They already about to do it, and they will do it whether we like it or not.”


“Not if I lock up Wendy somewhere,” Jessica suggested.


“Trust me, there is nothing more I want to do than lock Irene up as long as I could, but the more we do that, the more they will want it. It’s a… ” Yuri take a huge breath. “It’s a high school thing.”


Yoona turns to Yuri, grinning at her choice of words.


“What we could do is just help them prepare. And tell them about the consequence.”


“That’s it? That’s your brilliant idea?” Tiffany asked.


Yuri raised a brow that had Tiffany clearing . “Do you have a better one?”


“Well, ummm… I’m still thinking about it.”


“Here,” Yoona hands everyone cans of beer. “Why don’t we all just calm down about this?”


Everyone stared at the cold cans in their hands, their throat slowly thirsting for the refreshing drink.


“Wendy is my little girl, you know.” Tiffany softly admits, her voice stripped away from the haughtiness that she always possessed. For once, she sounded vulnerable. She chuckled bitterly before taking another sip. “I know I’m not going to win any mother of the year awards soon. I have always been so into my career, and I know Wendy is always going to be there when I get home that I just took it for granted. But now, I see her with someone, and it scares me, you know? That Wendy… Wendy is not my little girl anymore that soon she will belong to someone else. But this, this is the only way I know how to protect her, so I’m… I’m…” She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry if I make it seem like it’s just Irene’s fault. When I could clearly see, how much they truly love each other.”


“I think you raised a great daughter, Tiffany unnie,” Yoona says before she takes a sip. “As far as I know, I have an awesome daughter,” Yoona says before taking a sip. “She gets good grades, she is captain of the dance team, although sometimes Irene could get savage she still takes care of her little sister, and she has always been respectful to my wife and me. She’s an ideal daughter, and I couldn’t have been happier that she had met someone like Wendy, who is just as awesome and who loves her like crazy.”


The rest of the parents looks down at their drinks, embarrassed that they were lectured on parenting by a hoobae.


“I think if we just talk to them like adults, they would learn more from it rather than us punishing them for something.”


Jessica was the one who let out a sigh before joining Yoona in enjoying the beer.


“I agree, now how about we enjoy this beer?”


There were crackles between Tiffany and Yuri, but it instantly disappeared when Yuri gives Tiffany’s can a toast before she started sipping hers.


“To our girls,” Yuri said before sipping her beer.


“To our girls.”




“Well, that was quite a day and night.”


Wendy smiles back at the girl who sat next to her at the doorsteps, offering her a can of orange juice.


“I would marry you in a heartbeat, you know?” Wendy confesses before taking a glance at Irene. Her girlfriend didn’t say a word, but she saw the quick smile while drawing hearts with a twig. “Even if your moms wouldn’t force me too, just say when and where Hyunnie, and I’ll marry you.”


Irene finally looks up, pressing her forehead against Wendy’s temple.


“I would too,”


Wendy looks at Irene with the brightest grin that put the twinkling stars to shame.


“About what happen, Wen. I’m… I’m…”


“I wanted it too, Irene. I do.” Wendy took Irene’s hand in hers, intertwining their fingers together. “It scares me, but if it’s you, then I don’t think I have anything to worry about.”


“I’m scared too,” Irene sheepishly admitted. “I wouldn’t know what to do.”


“Maybe someday then, when were ready?” Wendy asks softly.


“Yes. When were ready.”


“When that night comes, I promise you; it will be so good,” Wendy promises, and Irene couldn’t help but smile back at how innocent Wendy sounded.


“So good, huh?” Irene jokes.


“Maybe even too good.”


Irene ooohhh at the dare. It’s not Wendy to be so playful and cocky; this must be the effect of hanging out with someone as shameless as Joy. But unlike her best friend, Wendy’s little smug words as too adorable for Irene.


They confirm their confession with a sweet smile before Irene leans over about to lay her lips on Wendy when…


“Are you ready, Seungwan?”


“Oh ah… yeah, mom.”


The two looks befuddled to see their parents chuckling and joking. If Irene heard it right, they were talking how their aunt Hyoyeon got high on sharpies and how she hadn’t changed at all.


“Ms. Jung, Ms. Hwang,” Irene bows down. “I’m sorry again.”


The two exchanged glances before saying,


“You are good, Irene.”


Her girlfriend's parents turn back to her mom, mentioning something about getting together sometime before saying their goodbye, but before they leave, Jessica Jung left one message to Irene.


“Lock the doors next time.”




The car ride back home was more peaceful than Wendy anticipated. To be honest, she didn’t know whether to get freak out or calm down at the silence.


“Here you go, sweetheart.” Her Mommy Tiffany spoke first, before handing her a paper bag.


“Mom, this is your album,” Wendy says as she pulls out the album.


“Not just an album, sweetie. It’s an autograph album, go ahead. Look at it,” Her mom said with a twinkle in those gorgeous eye smile.


To Wendy,

May you and Irene dance the night the away.


Love, your better mom.


“Mom this is-“


Wendy continues to hold on to the physical album, the weight of it getting heavier by the second.


“No need for words, Wendy. I know, and you’re welcome.”


“Thank you mom; you shouldn’t have. I got all your songs. I downloaded it on Itunes.”


“I just listen to it on youtube.” Krystal shrugs. “I place some comments there too. Let’s all wear neutral colors and not tell Tiffany.”


Tiffany rolls her eyes at her sister in law, “What’s a better album to put you in the mood but my songs?”


“That’s a great idea, Steph.” Jessica agrees as she continues to drive. “If we want our daughter to be celibate all she has to do is to put your album on to turn her off.”


“Excuse you? Have you listen to my album?”


Krystal flips the magazine. She fits in so perfectly with the car seats; they barely notice her existence.


“You should change the lyrics to I just wanna the night away.”


“Ohhhh… how scandalous. I need to make a note of that.”


“That was a joke.” Krystal rolls her eyes before returning to the magazine.


“All I wanna do is make love to you, love to you, babe. Ohhhh wow… all these brilliant ideas.”


Tiffany shakes, giddy with excitement about her new album.


“Oh my God! My entire album could be the next babymaking anthem of this century.”


“No, no… Wendy if you want a good babymaking music. You need to pick something that can make you fly into Wonderland.”


“Fly into Wonderland?”


“Yes.” Jessica’s lips curve once again before adding. “And I know just the right one.”








Irene smiles politely, before taking the seat in their porch swings next to her mommy Yuri. Irene took a deep breath, choking on this awkward silence. She was so used to her mom just getting on her about stuff that this silence was terrifying for her.


“Mom, I just want to say that- ummm…” Irene started saying. “I’m so sorry for what happened. I know you’re upset, and I know you’re disappointed in me.”


“I’m not, baby.”


“Wait…” Irene looks confusedly at her mommy Yuri. “You’re not?”


“Okay, maybe I am. I’m your mom, of course, I’m going to be upset.”


“I’m sorry.” Irene gazes at the ground, clueless on what the right words are there left to say. “I’m so sorry, mom.” She says once again.


“I love you, my baby.”


Irene looks at her mom, her eyes wide in surprise. Her mom just smiles back at her, one of those gentle, loving smiles that she remembered when she was younger.


“I love you so much, Irene and I just want the best for you.”


“I know you do, Mom.”


“I just feel like there are so many things that you could do and accomplish before thinking of doing… of doing it. I’m disappointed, but that doesn’t change how much I love you.”


She sees her mom took another deep breath, and she couldn’t help but appreciate how her mom was willing to bear out her weakness.


“When you think you’re so in love and you don’t think kisses are not enough. And you want something deeper or something more than what you have right now. These things, you don’t want it to be rushed. You would want to remember it as something special that you share with someone you love.”


“But it felt so right, then.” Irene softly admits.


“I bet it does.”


“Like the right person, the right moment.” Irene continues.


“I’m sure you love Wendy, right?”


“Ummm yes?”


Irene doesn’t want to sound so unsure in front of her mom, but the talk of relationships and is turning out more awkward than she thought. But if it’s awkward for her, she’s more than sure that it’s just as bad for her mom.


“Then, don’t you think she deserves something better than a spur of the moment thing, right?”


“She does.”


“Then, there is no reason to rush.” Yuri leans over to kiss her baby girl in the head. “There are so many things that you guys could still do, so many things you could accomplish. Trust me, when the time is right, you will know it.”


Irene looks up and smiles at her mom, to which her mommy Yuri replied with a smile back.


“I have a feeling you two will be together for a long time.”


Irene nods again, before smiling gently at her mom.


“Thank you…” And Irene wasn’t one who express her feelings in words, but this time, she knew what the right words to say.


“I love you too, mom.”




“Is everything okay now?”


Yuri could hear her wife, hanging nervously by the kitchen doorway, waiting for the right time to join her.




“Are we friends already?”


Yuri just rolled her eyes, ignoring the mischievous smirk playing on her wife’s lips.




“You’re not mad at me anymore?”


“Come here, Yoongie,” Yuri says impatiently before Yoona almost jumps down on the spot next to Yuri. They shared a laugh and a playful kiss before Yuri leans her head on Yoona’s shoulder.


“You are an awesome mom, Yuri. Sorry if I don’t say it that much, but I don’t think I would want anyone else but you.”


“You better not.”


“I don’t. I’ll be terrified of you if you’re my mom, though. Like scared . I’ll probably be a missionary if you’re my mom.”

“Alright, Yoong, I get it.” Yuri elbowed her mischievous wife in the rib. “Do you remember our first time, Yoong?”


“Ahhhh yeah, of course.”


“Let’s admit it Yoong, our first time was horrible.” Yuri winces hoping the blow of her words, won’t hurt her darling. But when she opens her eyes, she saw the spark of mischief that she loves about her girl. “I mean, we were awkward and unsure. It was not how I imagine it to be.”


Yoona just answered Yuri’s confession with a soft chuckle. “I was nervous as hell. I mean I was there with you, the most beautiful girl alive. And everything that I learn from Hyoyeon…”


“Everything you learn from Hyo?”


“I meant… ummm… well, me, Hyo and Sooyoung unnie sort of ummm… watch movies before it happened?” Yoona smiles nervously, to which Yuri just remained mummed to.


“Movies, you mean ?”


“Well, who was I going to ask?!”


Yuri tried to keep a straight face but burst out laughing at the thought.


“You’re terrible, Yoong.”


“In bed or as a person?”


Yuri rolls her eyes, “Whatever.”


Yoona’s lips spread wider, before inching closer to her wife. “Well, maybe you could teach me how to love, Yuri unnie.” Yoona press playful kisses along Yuri’s neck to which Yuri tries to ignore. “I… I don’t know what to do, but I’m willing to learn for you.”


“Cut it out.”


Yuri didn’t have to look twice to know that Yoona is still the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. She still had that twinkle in those gorgeous doe eyes that would give anyone symptoms of being in love.


“You still got it, Ms. Im.”


To which Yoona just answers with,


“Only for you, Ms. Kwon.”





Happy Valentine's day!!! or Valentine's day after... hehe. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter... Apologies for the late update. Have an awesome day!

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0 points #1
Chapter 10: OMYGOD this is so much heartwarming and fun to read! i enjoyed every chapter. congrats on getting featured! I'm so glad to read this story
Demima 0 points #2
Chapter 10: Hope u are doing well, author.. we’re waiting for you 🥹
reveluv316 806 streak 0 points #3
congrats on the feature
0 points #4
Congrats on the main page feature, author!
len_rinto 0 points #5
Chapter 1: Wenrene is so cuteee 😂😂
aesteen 0 points #6
Chapter 1: It's cute and well written.
109 streak 0 points #7
featured story 🥹
1106 streak 0 points #8
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 10: bismillah someday update
bluorange #10
Chapter 10: I always comeback here whenever I need comfort ☺️