Just One Day

I am so not in love with you

Taehyung POV

We were lazing, well actually I was lazing around while Jimin was concentrating writing for the last 45 minutes. I count it as I almost finished level 12 playing the clash of clans with my fingers almost numb.

“Yeah!!!” I screamed out loud and punch the air as I reached the next level but my enjoyment was interrupt by Jimin as he threw a pillow to me, landing straight on my face.

“Yah! Do your homework!” He said and turned back around trying to concentrate again but then I threw the pillow back at him but pretend I didn’t. He turned around and sends me his glare. I looked up with amusement on my face.

“Bwo?” I said, still with a poker face on, but then he quickly got up, heading to his bed. I smirked and got my pillow as well. Suddenly we started hitting each other, giggling and next the giggling turned into laughter which we both didn’t stop.


My aunt’s voice stopped us abruptly and she put on her shocked face as she saw both of our messed hair and the messy room.

“I need both of you downstairs. Now,” she said and closed the door. I blew my hair and looked at Jimin.

“It’s your fault, Tae.” He said and took his phone from my bed. I poked my tongue at him and quickly head downstairs with him followed suit.

“What is it omma?” he said as he arrived at last step and head to the couch, sitting beside me. She picked Jisoo and placed her on her lap then she called up my uncle.


My uncle came with both his hand behind his back then walked up to me, showing me what he held in his hand.

“Here,” He said and sat beside my aunt. I was too startled to move but the box was heavy. So I opened it and saw another box with ‘Apple’ label on it.

“Ooh, it can’t be..” Jimin said and I quickly unwrap it and stunned as I saw the latest iPhone 6s inside.

“Oh my god!” I said and took it out.

“Omma, how can you give Taehyung the new phone but not me?”

Jimin pouted as he asked and jealousy was cleared in his tone.

“Because Park Jimin, Taehyung here doesn’t have any phone and beside it’s from his mother,”

I quickly looked up and stared in disbelief to my aunt as she said that.

“Yes its true Taehyungie. Your mom called me yesterday that she sending over a package. I wonder what it was and it was a phone, she told me,” she said and smiled at me.

“Oohhh..soooo can I have my iphone too mommy?” JImin said trying to act cute with both hands in front of him, as if asking a present from Santa Claus.

“Get a good grade and I gave you one,”

“Mwo? Ahh,Omma!” JImin whined and sighed out loud. My uncle just shook his head and looked at me.

“You better tell your mom about this Taehyung,”

“Yeah, call her or just skype her. I’m sure she misses you so much,”

I just smiled and nodded my head.


I walked up my shared room and hesitate whether to call my mom or not because we weren’t really on good term but maybe I should call her at least, to thank her for the phone. I downloaded ‘skype’ application and started adding my mom contact number. It was ringing and when the black screen turned to my mom face, I saw she was smiling so widely looking at me.

“Omo! Taetae! How are you? I miss you so much dear!” she said and smiled at me.

“I’m fine.”

“How’s Seoul? How’s your school? Tell me everything!”

The conversation was longer than I expected but I had fun talking to her. Maybe I did miss my mom, a little. We talked most about my school and how my first day at school though I wasn’t that enthusiastic to tell her about my incident with the seniors.

“So, you’re making friends there?”

“Yeah, some.”

Suddenly Jungkook cute smiles flashed inside my head.

“Why am I thinking about him suddenly?”

I whispered in my head and shook my head.

“Any girl you like?” she said teasingly.

“Omma, please.” I said and suddenly Jimin entered the room with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies in his left hand.

“Yah, don’t forget your homework,” he said with cookie still inside his mouth but I can still catch his words quite well. I rolled my eyes and turned to him,

“Yes mom!”

“Who are you talking to? Is it Jimin?” my mom said and asked me to show her Jimin.

“Jimin-ah greet your aunt,”

“huh?” Jimin was still stuffing his mouth when I turned the phone to him. He almost choked up when he saw my mother on the screen. She was laughing as Jimin coughing and tried to greet her with his full mouth.

“Aww, he is so big now!”

10 minutes later we end our call and I sighed as I rolled to my side, ready to shut the lamp when then Jimin walked to me and poked me.

“What now Jimin?”

“Your homework sweetheart,” he smiled widely making his eyes almost invincible and removed my blanket from me. I sighed heavily and rubbed my temple.

“I’ll do it before class tomorrow,”

“No, you can’t do that! I know you won’t do it, then you will have a detention and I hate waiting for you,” Defeated by Jimin ‘wise word’, I walked to my desk and opened my book.

“I didn’t ask you to wait for me,”

“Of course you didn’t! But omma will nagged me and I hate to be nag at and-“

“Okay,okay Jimin. I got it,” I said trying to stop him from talking non-stop.

“Good,” he said and ready to sleep but then something click inside my head.



“Can I have Jungkook’s number?”


Jimin POV

I was stunned when Taehyung was asking for Jungkook’s number. I mean, of course I can just give them to him because Jungkook isn’t my boyfriend or something and I am definitely not jealous at all with their close friendship.


He was stunned as I can see his wrinkled eyebrows.

“Because I want to text him,” he said as if I was being ridiculous here.

I didn’t move a muscle; everything was just frozen at that moment. I wasn’t even blinking my eyes and that’s when Taehyung snapped his finger in front of my face.

“Hello! Are you still in there?” he said, waving in front of my face and knocking my head. I yanked his hand away and walked to my bed, not even thinking of giving Taehyung Jungkook’s number.

“Yah!” he shouted but I pretend to be asleep and wished he would never ask me again.


The next morning

The alarm showed 6.30 am and I sighed as I woke up. I stretched myself and yawned, immediately my vision fell on Taehyung’s bed. I took my towel for a shower when I remembered about last night. I rolled my eyes and quickly took my phone.

“Wait, I suppose to check his phone, not mine,” I whispered in my head and tip toed towards his bed. Taehyung was snoring softly with his back facing me. I smiled and tried to search for his phone that was when I saw it on the desk.

“Great!” I yelled inside my head and took the phone. I walked further away from the bed and tried to unlock the screen but I gritted my teeth as I saw it was lock with password.

“Good move, smart ,” I said softly, gritting my teeth and tried to unlock with every possible number I can remember. Tae’s birthdate, his mother’s but then I stuck. Nothing is working and I need to stop before it was locked for good. I sighed and placed the phone back on the table, tip toed to the bathroom.


Taehyung POV


I covered my ears as Jimin was practically screaming to my ears. I pushed his face away and smirked.

“Go home and I tell Imo I was stuck in the detention, okay?” I smiled sarcastically at him and pushed him away from the detention room but Jimin was still protesting saying I should have done my homework last night.

“I thought you already done it, but no you just love to stay in the detention room don’t you? And now I need to wait for you un-“

I covered his mouth and put a finger on my mouth, to shush him up. He was about to speak but I placed my hand again on his mouth.

“Just go home. I hate to hear you nagging,” I said and entered the room. Jimin was still outside as I heard his mumbling and talking from the other side of door. The teacher and other students started to look annoyed that the teacher walked outside and said something to send Jimin away. I laughed out but stopped abruptly as the teacher walked back in. I cleared my throat and sat quietly. I touched my pocket and smiled as I remembered I have something to do.


Jungkook POV

“Jungkook-ah, thank you!”

“Yeah, we’ll buy you lunch tomorrow okay?”

“Ney,” I said and bowed as the other librarians ran out, leaving the work on me, again.


“Sounds like they bullied you Jungkook-ah,”


That voice suddenly echoed inside my ears as I was stacking the book on their right place. I always know they bullied me but I’m totally fine with that, besides it’s not like they were beating me to death, so I willingly to do all the chores without argument or protesting. I smiled just remembering Taehyung hyung sleeping face and his smiled as he was talking. He really got a nice- no scratch that. A beautiful smiles. I shook my head and continue my work when then I got a Kakao message from a number I don’t know.

From: 010-xxxxx

Hey Jungkook

Its Taehyung

In library?


I smiled as I saw it was from Taehyung hyung. I quickly replied him back.


To: 010-xxxxxx

Yeah hyung. How do you get my number?


I send and waited for him to reply me back. A few seconds later my phone ring. I was too stunned to see the same number calling me. I looked around and slide the phone to pick up the call.

“Yo-yoboseyo?” I said, covering my hand with the phone, afraid someone listening to us, although there was no one else in library beside me.

“Oh Jungkook-ah, its me Taehyung. Look I’m in detention right now, so I’m gonna be late. If you are finishing, you should just go home,”

“No-no .No, hyung I just started,”


I don’t know why but I was just happy to hear excitement from his voice-or is that really excitement?

“Y-Yeah. I still have plenty books here. But if you are late, it’s okay I can finish-“

“No, wait for me.”

“Hyung, hyung,” I didn’t manage to finish my words as he already hung up on me. I bit my lips and about to text him when I heard the door to the library open. I was so happy thinking that maybe it was Taehyung hyung but I was wrong. A student walked in to return the book, so I head to the counter to scan the barcode and registered the book, placing it on the trolley.

I laughed a little, as I was overthinking about my conversation with Taehyung hyung just now. I knocked my head and bring along another trolley full with books to the alley when then I saw someone who almost gave me a heart attack.

“Hyung! You scare me,” I said with hand on my chest, still trying to stabilizing my breathing.

“Hey, Kook,” Taehyung hyung smiled with his rectangle smiles as he waved at me.


Jimin POV

I was waiting for Taehyung for the last 1 hour as his detention will end in another 30 minutes, but I felt like I have been waiting for him for more than 10 hours, okay I exaggerate.

“ARGHHHHHH!” I screamed and pulled my hair, kicking the trash on the ground, and then I heard laughing beside me.

“What are you laughing at?”

Jongup looked at me with a bag of chip in his hand and he shook his head at me, putting chips inside his mouth and munching noisily.

“What is that smirked on your face mean?” I said, almost like threatening him, with both hands on his collar now. He pushed my hands away and continued laughing.

“It’s funny. You are funny,”

“I am not making a joke here,”

“No, you aren’t but you are the joke of the day,”

I send him a glare and then he immediately backing away from me and puts his hands as in defensive mode.

“Look, Taehyung said to you that you should go home, but no, you prefer to wait here and going home with him and now you are angry because you hate waiting,”

I wet my lip and cross my hand on my chest, sighing as I agreed with what Jongup was saying.

“Yeah, but actually that’s not the only thing,” I said the last words almost inaudibly, kicking the sand with my shoes.

“There’s other thing too?” Jongup asked as he placed the chips inside his bagpack.

“Yeah, but I’m not telling you anything,” I said, poking my tongue out at him.

“Oh come on, I tell you everything about my secret man,” he said and we were goofing around when then a group of seniors approaching us.

“Well, well. What do we have here? What are you doing here smurfs?”

I rolled my eyes as I saw ‘the most popular’ seniors walking towards us. There are four of them with Bang Yongguk as the leader, Kim Himchan as the Miss alpha of the group as he was like the second in command in the group, not so nerdy Yoo Youngjae and last the most annoying Jung Daehyun.

“Hey, move out of the way midgets!” Daehyun said and tried to push us away but I was quick and step aside so they can walk but seems like they don’t want to leave at all. They keep calling us names and at some points my blood started to boils that I held my fist beside me, ready to punch them straight to their faces. Jongup seems to read my expression as he caressed my hand and shook his head, muttering ‘let’s go,’

I followed and leave the scene hearing laughter erupted from those boys. When we were quite far away, I yanked my hand and glared hard at them.

“Jimin-ah, don’t stare,”

“I hate them! I seriously hate them! I really want to- arghhh!” I screamed and punch the tree in front of me, but soon regret it as my fist suffered the damage more than the tree.

“Ouchhh!” I said and started shaking my hand.

“I don’t know what you saw in him Jongup-ah,”

Jongup just smiled and looked down. I looked around that’s when my eyes fall on the big window by my left side. I walked closer and wrinkled my eyebrows as I felt I never really walked to this part of this school before.

“Hey what is that? Exam hall?” I asked Jongup while pointing to the big window.

“Oh, that? No, don’t you know? That’s the library,”

“Really? Why I never saw this before?”

“Because you never went to library unless we need to be there?”

“Well, I never know we have this view before,” I said pointing to the tree and back to the window.

“Well, congratulation Park Jimin, finally you saw this beautiful view,” Jongup said, mockingly with hands both on his chest. I hit him playfully and as we both laughed suddenly I saw someone by the window. From the side, it was like,

“Is that Jungkook?” Jongup beat me and spoke out my inner voice. I looked again and this time I saw he was smiling happily and then another boy was there and it was Taehyung. Seeing them both suddenly makes my heart races wild and the pain on my hand suddenly gone as my heart was hurting more now.

“Let’s go!” I said and started leaving the place; don’t want to see more of Jungkook and Taehyung’s closeness.

“You’re not going to wait for Tae?” Jongup asked.

“No. Let’s go!” I said and started to walk faster.

I hate you Kim Taehyung! I hate you!


Taehyung POV

“So, see you on Monday hyung?” Jungkook said as we walked to the front gate. I nodded and waved him goodbye as we parted on our own ways. I walked happily to the bus stop, waiting for the bus when then my phone was vibrating.


“Oh, Taehyung-ah, just wanna ask are you home yet,”

“No, I’m on my way,” I said, looking at my watch. I really wasn’t planning to lie to her.

“Oh, isn’t it quite late already Tae?” she asked, and I can sense the curiousness in her tone. I smiled and scratched my back.

“Well, I was helping a friend just now,” at least I wasn’t lying at her. I just didn’t tell her about the detention part.

“Oh, really? Is Jimin with you?”

“No,” I answered her short, though then I started to wonder where the hell Jimin is.

“Actually I want to tell you that I’m going to your uncle’s friend’s housewarming and there’s some food in the fridge if you both are hungry okay? We’re going to be a bit late.”

“Okay Imo,”

“Okay Tae, lock the door and don’t sneak out. Haha! Jimin didn’t pick up his phone; I think he put his phone on silent then. Anyway, be safe dear!”  She said and hung up on me before I could say anything. I shook my head and search for Jimin’s number.


I giggled as I waited on the other line, but I was directed to his voicemail. I wrinkled my eyebrows and shoved the phone back into my pocket.

“Maybe he is sleeping,” I said and get on the bus once it arrived.


“I’m home!” I shouted and locked the door. It was so dark that I almost tripped on my foot. I walked by the wall and turn the switch on.


I called my cousin name as I walked to the couch but there was no one there. I walked to the kitchen and still no sign of him. I walked upstairs and opened the door to our shared bedroom. I opened them and saw Jimin playing computer game with lights out, only lights reflects from his laptop with headphone on almost full blast as I can heard the sound from the door. I sighed and switched the light on. He was aware someone walked in as he turned around; removing his headphone and saw it was me.

“Oh, you’re back,” he said coldly and returned to his laptop.

“Yeah, your mom called me just now.” I said as I walked to my bed and lying on it.

“Yeah, what she said?” Jimin said with no interest in his voice.

“You ate already?” I asked him as I saw he was still in his uniform.

“Why are you acting like my mom now?” he said raising his voice a little at me. I was confused with his little outburst but pretend I wasn’t affected at all.

“Well, she said there’s some food in the refrigerator.” I said trying to get his attention but he wasn’t a bit affected. So I tried my last resort.

“I thought you are going to wait for me just now,”

Jimin was silent, not paying attention at all, so I cleared my throat and tried to provoke him again.

“I’m with Jungkook just now,” I said. I smiled in victory as my words seem to affect him a bit as he suddenly stopped but continued playing the game.

“Really? So what?” he said, trying to sound tough. I almost giggled but hide my laughed and tried again.

“I walked him home just now and we had a –“

“Stop it!” Jimin yelled as he stood up and faced me. I was a little amused with his action that I decided to continue although I was practically like poking a bee hive now.

“Why? Jealous much?” I said with both hands beside me, as I looked up at him.

“No I’m not jealous- No! I mean yes! I am jealous. I am ing jealous Kim Taehyung!” his sudden confession brought smiled on my face.

“Finally! You are admitting-“

“I know you always tease me but let me tell you something Kim Taehyung, I do like Jungkook.  More than a hyung should, a friend should but ever since you here, he- he always looking for you and do you know how much that drive me nuts? I almost telling him everything but I cant. I-“

“Why? Are you scared?”

“Yes, less! Because I don’t want to loss him. I rather be his friends than be nothing at all. So I appreciate it if you stop showing off in front of me,” Jimin said and tried to left the room but something click in my head suddenly.


Jimin POV

“I can help you,”

I turned and looked confusedly at Taehyung.

“I can you help you to get Jungkook,”

“How so?” I asked and then I saw him smirked and honestly I was a bit scared with what Taehyung was thinking now, although I don’t know what actually he has in his little head.



“Tell me again why are we doing this?” I said as we both walked out to the bust stop with me dressing in Taehyung’s outfit. It was a sleeveless oversize white tee with a black jacket and tight black trousers, to tell the truth I never dress like this. It was so uncomfortable especially with the special eyeliner make up, according to Taehyung but it surprised me how we are almost the same size. Taehyung was dress up identical with me except that he was wearing white top and tight black trousers.

“Because you need my help,” Taehyung said as we both get on the bus to the town.



“How so?”

“Well, how, when, what. Let’s left those questions aside. I can help you but.” Taehyung stopped talking and put his arm on my shoulder, bringing me to his bed and sat beside me.

“First, I need your help,” he said and smiled at me.

“Help? With what?” I asked as I looked confusedly at him.

“I need you to show me around town,” he said happily.


He nodded and smiled at me.

“But its almost 9 pm and all malls are mostly closed by 10 or 11, where can we go then?” I asked and looked at him suspiciously.

“I want to see that part of town,”

“What do you mean by that part of town?” I asked as I was more confused than before. Suddenly I saw sparkled in Taehyung’s eyes and I almost can read his mind right now. I gasped and tried to utter a word though no words come out.

“Yes, Jiminnie.” He said and immediately stood up and took his towel.

“Let me take a bath then we head out, okie?” he said happily. I sighed and collapsed on Taehyung’s bed, thinking what I have done to myself.



So here we are now, walking around Hongdae, to the part where the night was just the beginning of fun. We walked around the street and Taehyung had been searching for places or nightclub ever since he first came here but never got to do it as he cant find any ‘partner in crime’, he said. I sighed as I walked behind him, watching him gleefully walking from one stall to another for food. He decided to eat before we head to the club, but I just wished it was over sooner.

“I can’t believe I agree to go out with him,” I sighed and face palmed myself.

“Yah! Don’t do that. You’re ruining your make up,” he said and wipes the eyeliner that might be smearing my face. I pouted and pulled him away from the stall as he already stuffs his mouth with more than 10 sticks of fishcakes.

“Are you just going to eat?” I said and paid the ahjumma.

“No. But I’m hungry,” he was still munching the last piece of fishcakes and we both then headed to the first club we saw. We stood in front of it.

“Mirotic Club”

The big red sign glowing emphasizing each letter was so inviting though I’m a bit curious with the name. I looked at Taehyung and sighed.

“Are you sure this is not a strip club?”

“Why? You wanna go to strip club?” Taehyung asked me, taking out his phone. I pulled his hand away and shook my head.

“No thank you.”

“Wanna go in?” he said and point to the front door at me.

“Are you sure we can get in?” I said and saw Taehyung smiling.


Taehyung POV

“Ouch!” we both said as we were being thrown from the third club so far.

“Wow! That is one smooth move Tae,” Jimin said as he got up and brushed his . I puffed out my face and blew my hair as I got up as well.

“I don’t think he would ask for an ID,”

“Well, you said you will handle everything so I thought you have our fake ID, but no you don’t, then you think try hitting on girls will got us free drinks. No! Didn’t work either!” Jimin said and walked away.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Home!” Jimin shouted and walked faster. I quickly jogged to him and grabbed his arms.

“Wait! We still have one last place to go,”

“And what makes you think they will let us in easily?”

We were currently at the back door of the last night club I searched. I smiled and looked over my shoulder at Jimin.


“No!” he said but I was already jumped the fence and walked to the door which I believed the kitchen.



Tonight it was packed with people as it was Friday night. People started filling up the dance floor as the DJ started playing the latest track with remix version and a bit of hip hop style in it. I wasn’t really into club scene but the songs played weren’t that bad to my ears either. I was busy serving drinks went suddenly the gloom stage turned brighter as a man walked on the stage with a guitar in his hand.

“Anyonghaseyo. I’m Roy Kim,”

Applause and screams can be heard from every corner of the room as he walked up the stage. He sat on the bench and started singing.

“He is extremely popular here,” Junsu, the bartender said to me as I walked to him to take the drinks.


“Yeah, see that tonight was packed with ladies?” he said and pointed to the crowd that gathered near the stage. I nodded and that’s when I realized that most of the customers tonight were ladies.

“Why I didn’t notice it before?” I said almost to myself but seem like Junsu hyung heard me and smiled.

“Well, not only because of him but also..” he paused and fixed his collar. I smirked and nodded my head.

“Yes hyung. I know it because of you too,” I said and deliver the drinks according to the table.


Jimin POV

“Yah! Why I don’t hear any music here?”

“What do you mean?” Taehyung said as he walked before me and we both entered the club together. I gasped as this was my first time inside a night club. It wasn’t as gloomy as I imagine, although the strong alcohol smell was a bit overwhelming and made me a bit sick but I can still bear it.

A man with a guitar was performing on the stage as we walked to the middle of the dance floor, we tried to walk through the crowd as walking on the empty side might drew more attention to us. Taehyung spot an empty spot as he dragged me with him. We sat and enjoyed the music. It was mostly ballad song and although it was good but it started to sound like a lullaby to my ears.

“This is so not what I want our night to be,”

“What?” I asked as I barely heard him. He leaned closer to me and whispered,

“I said this is not what I want our night to be,” I nodded and looked around. I swallowed hard as I saw many drinks were left quite full on many tables. I poked Taehyung arms and pointed to the drinks. Taehyung smirked and walked to the bar. I smiled and waited if he can really get a drink this time, but I was stunned as Taehyung walked back to me with drinks on his hand.

“I did not ask you to take other peoples drinks!” I said, almost yelled at him. He just smiled and finished those drink in one shot.

“Just drink,”


Taehyung POV

After the ballad performance finally the DJ played the club songs. I opened my arms and inhaled, exhaled heavily.

“Finally!” I said and grabbed Jimin’s hands. We both stand in the middle of the dance floor and dance like there’s no tomorrow. I was for once was having a great time with my cousin. We were too busy dancing that we didn’t realized what time it was. Jimin looked at his watch and pointed to me.

“Let’s go home,” he mouthed to me and started dragging me outside. I stopped him and said I was going to the bathroom for a while. He nodded and I asked him to wait me by the door.

I walked to the bathroom and about to enter the stall when someone grabbed my hand from behind.


I turned and gasped.

“Suga hyung?”


Jimin POV

I looked around and back to my watch, feeling worried as it was nearly 3.00 am. I never stayed out this late before and the thought of my mother opening the door to my room was haunting me.

“Did I lock the door?”

“Did she believe we were sleeping?”

All this thought are killing me. I was too busy worrying that I don’t realize someone was watching me from afar. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, thinking it was Taehyung I turned,

“Finally! W- J-J-Jin hyung!” I said swallowed hard as I looked at Jin hyung in front of me.

“Jimin-ah, what are you doing here?”


a/n: hey guys!!! im so sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for the late update~~ thank you to the new subs and comments~ please, do comments~ because comments make my day! yeah!~~~ so already introducing Suga here but cliffhanger at the end? hehehe~ curious now? why suga call Taehyung V? hehe~ find out in next chapter .. enjoy~ =)

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lianaidayu #1
Chapter 2: Great story authornim.. keep on updating!!! Love it
AkaReikou #2
Chapter 1: Im liking this story so far!!!! Update soon!!~