2 cool 4 skool?

I am so not in love with you

No One POV

It’s already been a week since Taehyung came to Seoul and started his school. It has become a habit for him to wake up later than Jimin which annoyed Jimin to max.


Jimin screaming can be heard even from the kitchen which brings smiles to the family. They love to have Taehyung with them because they understand everything that happens to Taehyung and his family. His aunt was actually Taehyung’s mom little sister but he was born the same year as Jimin as they got pregnant at almost the same time. They were so happy to have children on the same year and overjoyed when they both learn that they were pregnant with a baby boy.

Taehyung was about to put on his tie but choose to ignore it and left it hanging as he heard his aunt calling them both to come down for breakfast. Jimin was finishing his last touch on his perfect comb hair and sweep the unseen dust on his blazer before turned back and looked at Taehyung.

“Hurry up will ya?” he said and head out first with his backpack in his left hand. Taehyung answered him with a simple ‘hmm’ and just comb his hair with his fingers as he hate styling his hair. He looked his face one last time and pick up his backpack before descend down from the stairs.

“Ohh, Tae hurry, you gonna be late my dear,”

“Omma, can I have another bowl of rice?” Jimin said and hold up his bowl towards his mother.

“Jimin-ah, are you that hungry?”

Jimin just smiled and nodded his head. Taehyung smirked and sat beside Jimin, eating quietly although he wasn’t really a morning person and usually back in Seattle they just had sandwich or cereal for breakfast. He picks up the rice by grain and started eating but then his uncle came down and saw his reluctantly to eat.

“Taehyung, what’s wrong? Not your favourite?” he said and looked at Taehyung.


Taehyung POV

“No, it just I don’t usually eat rice for breakfast,” I said, feeling a bit guilty for being picky and smiled at him.

“Do you want bread instead? Let me see…Omo! You’re lucky! Here some bread and strawberry jam,” my aunt said and hand those to me. Automatically smiled spread on my face as I took those items from her, pushing away the bowl of rice.

“Honey, next time just tells me what you want to eat okay?” she said and caressed my head. I nodded and thanked her.

“Omma, can I have Korean beef for lunch then?” Jimin suddenly interrupted and faced his mother. She glared hard and knocked his head hard with the spoon she was holding.

“Ouch! Omma what’s that for?”

“Stop eating and go get ready,” she said and motioned her head to the door. Jimin rubbed his head and chuckled.

“Omma, I’m still hot even though I’m chubby,” he said and shoved his hair backward. I shook my head and head out together with him when then I felt someone pulled my arm. I turned around and saw my uncle eyed me and pointed to my undone tie.

“Don’t know how to tie those?” he said and quickly turned me to face him. I was too startled to move that I let him tie the tie nicely then he patted my head and smiled.

“There. Have a nice day at school boys,” he said and waved towards us.

“Ney appa~” Jimin sing song and ran to the front gate waiting for me. We walked together and took the bus to the school. Actually my uncle offers to send us both to school but Jimin refused saying that he was too embarrassed to be send to school, which confused me because I rather ride the cool air condition car than the hot steamed bus. When the bus arrived we both got on it and sat side by side. The whole ride was calm but suddenly Jimin turned and faced me.

“Yah, how can you still wear those?” he said pointing to the ear piercings I was wearing, while plug in his earphone. I touched it and shrugged my shoulders.

“The teacher just let you keep those on? Seriously?” he said in disbelief tone, completely facing me now.

“Yes Jiminnie. Why are you so nosy?” I said and tried to sleep.

“Im not being nosy just..curious. Because the last time someone showed up with piercings the teacher make sure he removed everyyyyy one of it,” I opened my eyes and looked at him as he emphasizing on the ‘every’ word.


“What is your question?” I asked and he was about to open his mouth when then our high school building was on view.

“Oh, we’re here,” I said and immediately got up from the chair, dragging him together with me. People started eyeing us as they saw us coming together and I was now holding onto Jimin’s hands, well more to dragging him around.

“Yah,yah. Let go,” he said and yanked my hand away. I smirked and walked ahead to my locker. I turned the combination number and opened the locker when abundant of papers fallout from the locker. No, let me rephrase, not papers but letters. Colourful letters with love shape and drawing all over.

“Looks like someone got fan mails today as well,” I turned my head and saw a slightly shorter, blonde haired boy walking towards us.

“Well, Mr popular who is your new fangirl huh? Or fanboy?” he said as he picked up the letters, handed them to me and winked.

I just smiled and shook my head taking those letters from him and continue pick up my books from the locker.

“Hi Jimin, what about you? No letters?”

“None of your business Moon,” Jimin said putting up his hand as in surrender at the blonde boy, or Moon Jongup. According to Jimin they were quite close as they taking the same dance class at a private academy and also members of the dance club here in this school. He was friendly and although people said sometimes he is way beyond weird but he was actually not that different than me, though I choose to be silent most of the time.

After saying goodbye to we both entered our class and sat down. I looked at those letters and threw them under my desk drawer.

“You’re not going to read those?” Jimin asked as he eyed my desk and pointed to the letters.

“No, not interested,” I said and put my head on the desk but then I smirked as an idea came inside my head.

“But I better check right? Who knows one of these are from Jungkook,” I said and took out the letters, pretending to read the name and the content, when then Jimin snapped his head to me and without saying anything he snapped the letters from my hands and went through each and every one of it. I giggled and looked at him as he read each letter with caution.

“Is there any with ‘Jungkook’ on it?” I asked, placing my hand under my chin and watched him.

“No, there is no Jun-“ he stop midway and shoved the letters to me.

“No!” he said and then I saw his smiles.

“He is definitely have a crush on Jungkook,” I said inside my head and placed the letters inside the thick textbook, shoved it under my desk drawer.


Recess time

Jimin POV

“Yah Kim Taehyung! Are you coming?”

“No, go ahead,” I was about to call him again when then he vanished. It was weird when suddenly he doesn’t want to join us for lunch, usually he was the one who eager to come with me for lunch break, just to see Jungkook and kept teasing me about Jungkook.

Yes! I admit, I kinda like Jungkook but come on, I can’t just confess to him out of blue. Boy confessing to another boy? Come on, this isn’t a fanfiction story. Beside I didn’t know if Jungkook likes boy too.

“No Tae?” Jongup said as he saw it was only me who came. I nodded and walked with him when he continues,

“Is he alright? I mean he didn’t talk much today?” Jongup said as we queue in the line for the food.

“He never been talkative Jongup-ah,” I said and rolled my eyes at Jongup. We were still talking when Jungkook approached us.

“Hey Kook!” Jongup said and waved happily to Jungkook. Jungkook waved back and stood beside us, but then his eyes were wandering, like he was trying to find someone.

“Where is Taehyung hyung?” he asked and looked at us both.

 “He doesn’t feel like eating, that’s all.” I said and smiled at Jungkook. He nodded and makes an ‘Oh’ mouth. As he was asking about Taehyung, suddenly it makes my heart hurt.

“Does Jungkook like Taehyung more than me?”

“Why he ask for Taehyung?”

“Does Jungkook like ‘like’ Taehyung?”

Those thought suddenly makes me bloods boiled with jealousy but I shrugged it off and tried to calm myself down, thinking that Jungkook just asking and nothing more.


Taehyung POV

I wasn’t really felt like eating today, so I walked to the rooftop, trying to be alone for a while. Receiving those letters actually makes me sick, because obviously girls or even boys who send me those only wants me because of my face.

Pretty face. Beautiful boy. Flower boy.

The truth is I was sick and tired to hear those, which was why I started to rebel and act strong because I refused to be seen as a weak and sissy because I am still a boy and no boy like to be called beautiful. I walked up the stairs which connected to the rooftop, I turned the knob and smiled as the door was unlock. I pushed open the door and walked in but suddenly I heard soft voices, more to . I tip toed and saw a couple was making out by the wall. I rolled my eyes and walked to the other side of the wall. I smiled as I saw an empty spot there. I slide down the wall, loosened my tie and ready to take a nap but of course someone need to interrupt my sweet alone time.

“Hey dude, what are you doing here?”

I opened my eyes and saw about 4 boys standing before me and from the way they looked, they are older than me.

“Must be the seniors,” I said inside my head but choose to ignore them when then one of them walked to me and kicked my leg.

“Yah, you’re not moving? Don’t you know who we are?”

“Hey,hey relax.” Someone with glasses said, holding his friends back.

“Kid, are you new?” the same guy squat and faced me. I looked away and exhaled heavily, still not answering him.

“Yah! Cant you hear him asking you?” another boy with magazine on his hand yelled but stopped by the guy who squat in front of me, who I believe the leader.

“Daehyun-ah, relax. You scared the boy,” he said smirking and suddenly he raised his hand. I tried to stay as composed as I can if he attacked me but what I expected was differ from what I received. His hand suddenly caressed my cheeks.

“Well, aren’t you a pretty boy. What is your name?” he said as he lean closer to my face, whispering to my lips. I pushed him away and stood up almost immediately. I tried to leave the scene when then I felt a hand on my arm pulling me.

“I said what.is. your. name?” he said with his deep husky voice. I swallowed hard and yanked his hand hard. I walked as fast as I can but I was slow as all four of them ran and stood before me again but this time their expression was different.

“Do you really think you can walk away like that kid?” this Daehyun guy said and cracked his knuckles, ready to fight me. They smirked and laughed out when they already cornered me.

“Yeah, especially when you are ‘fresh meat’,” another boy said and lunged at me. I dodged his punch and send a blow to his stomach. They seem to be taken by surprise as they saw how strong that blow was, seeing that boy collapsed on the ground.

“Wow! A strong kid huh?” the leader said and came to me but I miscalculate his movement and end up on the ground with all them surround me and kicked me in all direction. I tried my best to defend but it was a bit difficult as they surround me.

“YAH!” someone shouted making them stopped kicking me and looked up. I thank heaven for that savior and quickly took this chance, got up and ran away from the scene. I was happy as none of them followed me but as I turned my head I saw them running towards me again.

“!” I said and hurriedly ran trying to lose them. I was fast although I haven’t being familiar with the whole school but at least I was free now from them.

“wow! That was close,” I said, sighing heavily with hand on my chest. I looked around and realized I was standing in front of the library. I walked in, looked around and saw some students inside, busy with their doings. I couldn’t returned to my classroom with these wounds I have, so I decide to stay in the library but first, I need to clean up these wounds so no one will be suspicious.


Jungkook POV


The bell rang stating that the school session was over. I quickly gathered my stuff and hurriedly to my locker, placing some books inside and only took those that have homework with me. As I close the locker door I ran to the library to start my duty as a librarian. I walked in and saw some students were inside, some were reading, some were doing homeworks and there were also some student who were dating. I shook my head and placed the books scattered on the table back on the trolley before organized them on the shelf.

Picking up the book, I placed the book according to their category, alphabetical orders and also the numbered printed out on the spine of book. I was busy organizing the book when then I saw a boy sat by leaning against the wall with book on his face, legs crossing with each other. I didn’t know who he was as his face was covered with book so slowly I tip toed and removed the book from his face.

Automatically smiles spread on my face when I saw Taehyung hyung beautiful face. He was sleeping peacefully with his mouth open a bit. I scanned his face from his forehead to his perfectly sculptured nose with a mole on it and then his pinky lip-

“Wait, is that dried blood by his lips?” I whispered in my head but I wasn’t aware that I was touching his face. Then slowly Taehyung hyung eyes opened and his eyes met mine and then I realized we were staring at each other for mere minutes.

“Jungkook-ah,” he said and sat up straight. I quickly removed my hand and smiled awkwardly at him.

“ Hyung, wh-what are you doing here?” I said and squat in front of him. He yawned and stretched himself before he looked around then back at me.

“Is school over?”

“Yeah, 15 minutes ago,”

“Really? Man, I fall asleep more than an hour,”

“Hyung are you here the entire time after recess time?” I asked and looked at him.

“Yeah, I better go now,” he said and stood up. Actually I was a bit sad because I didn’t saw him almost the entire day today and when I saw him now he’s already leaving?

I pouted and nodded my head at him before going back to the trolley, picked up the books to organize them.


Taehyung POV

I was about to leave when then I saw Jungkook placing the books from the trolley.  I stopped walking and took the book and organize them while standing beside him. He stopped and looked at me.

“Hyung, its okay this is my job,” he said and about to take the book from me but I yanked my hand away and smiled at him.

“Let me help you,” I said and started doing what he does. It doesn’t take long for both of us to finish organized the books, emptied the dustbin and organized the chairs and table. I don’t know why but I felt so happy and content just to be with Jungkook, it’s like he providing me the comfort I was seeking this entire time.

We both walked out from the library as the staff came and locked the door for us. We were both walking together when I decide to asked him,

“Why are you alone? I thought there are always 4-5 librarian right?” I said and looked at him.

“Yeah but they can’t come today, so I need to do it by myself,”

“Sounds like they bullied you Jungkook-ah,” I said and walked ahead of him.

“Well, this..always happen,” he said almost inaudible but I catch every word he said. I smirked and ruffled his hair.

“Next time, call me and we can do it together, okay?” I said.


Jungkook POV

I rolled my eyes when he said that. I snapped my head and looked at him.

“Really hyung? You will help me?” I said, can’t hide the happiness I felt within me. He nodded and smiled sweetly at me. Suddenly my eyes fall on his busted lips.

“Hyung, what happen to your lips?” I said and pointed to his lips. His smiles gone once I mentioned it but then he smiled and shook his head.

“Nothing. See you tomorrow Jungkook-ah,” he said and waved me goodbye. I was about to call him but stopped myself.

“Did someone hit him?” I wondered but choose to ignore it, walking home by myself.

I was leaving quite a far from the school and although it was faster to take the bus but I decide to walk my way home sometimes. It wasn’t a luxury condominium or nice apartment, it just a shabby housing projects we lived in, me and my older brother Seokjin hyung.

Our father died when I was only 6 years old and my brother was only 10 at that time. Our father died due to the car accident, leaving us and our mother but 2 years later, mother found another man and married that man but she didn’t took us with her as her new husband gave her a condition, which was to leave us. So she did and I hate her knowing that fact. So basically me and brother we were grew up by ourselves with the mother I know was my older brother as he provide me with shelter, food and also pays for my education by sacrificing his chances to enter university.

Seokjin hyung worked 3 works just to ensure that I stay in school and went to the academy after school but I told him that going to academy was too luxury for me and I rather studied myself than let him died from exhaustion. I was working part time after school and on weekend before but he said he will handle all the money problem and all I need to do was concentrate on my study but I wasn’t that cold hearted so I persuade him by saying that I can help him on weekend to lessen his burden.

“I’m home!” I said but there was no reply. I knocked my head as I forgot that Jin hyung was still working at Aunt Im’s barbecue restaurant. I removed my shoes and closed the door. I removed my backpack and opened the refrigerator and smiled as I saw notes on the pot.



Make sure to eat before you go to bed. Don’t sleep with empty stomach,arasso?


Jinnie Hyung


I smiled as I read his notes. He always cooks before gone to work; just so I didn’t skip dinner because he knew sometimes I didn’t ate during recess hour. I took the pot and placed it on the stove to heat it up. I took my backpack and walked to my room, removing my blazer. I went back to kitchen and planned to eat, shower and do my homework, and maybe study a bit.




“Nae Imo?” I shouted and ran to Aunt Im when she called me. She smiled and hand me an envelope. I knitted my eyebrows and opened the envelope only to be met with 6 pieces of 50,000 won notes. I covered my wide mouth and looked at Aunt Im.

“Imo, isn’t this too much?” I said and blinked rapidly, thinking she might mistakenly give me that money.

“No, this is exactly your pay for this month,” she said and patted my hand.

“But this is too much Imo. No, just pay me the usual pay,” I said and placed the money inside her hand.

“Jin-ah, I know how hard you work and sometimes Jungkook stopped here to help too. This is the least I can give you,” she said and placed the money inside my palm.


“No but, just take it. Beside we have more customer now because of you,” she said and patted my . I chuckled and moved as she touched my .

“Thanks Imo,” I said and blinked rapidly as I felt tears on the edge of my eyes.

“Its nothing Jinnie. Now, back to work!”

“Nae, sergeant!” I said playfully and got smacked by Aunt Im.


“Jin-ah, are you coming?”

“Of course hyung, where is it again?”

“Hongdae, Modem Beat Club,”

“Okay I’ll be there in 5,”

I hung up and quickly change my clothes as I smelled like barbecue meat now. I locked the locker and quickly ran outside after greeting goodbye to Aunt Imo and the other workers. I took the bus and looked around when I was around Hongdae, I got off and looked for the club. It wasn’t that hard when there were a big LED board in front with ‘Modem Beat’ on it. I took my phone and the clock showed it was 6:30 pm now. I walked in and looked around. There was no one inside except a few staff. I bowed and tried to find the owner.


“Anyong, are you Jeon Seokjin?” a man said, while pointing at me. He was tall, with a beautiful face and milky white skin. He was wearing a pair of torn skinny jeans with white tee inside and a black jacket and though that look simple but he still looks hot.

Wait! Stop it Jin!

“Yeah, I’m Seokjin,” I said and smiled at him.

“Oh, Yunho is waiting for you inside his office, come let me take you,”

I was surprised as he seems to know Yunho hyung and I never heard Yunho hyung mentioned about this guy before. I choose to ignore my thought and followed him. I looked around and can’t stop awing the whole decoration and concept the club has. It wasn’t gory or smells awful as I imagined it will be but instead it was neat and almost clean, maybe because they already clean the whole place up. But I can say it was nice here.

 The man opened the door and let me entered before close the door and walked to the desk, which the chair faced backward to the glass window which happened to show the entire club. A perfect view to watch the whole club from a VIP-seat is what I called it.

“Yunnie, Jin is here,” the guy said and then the chair turned showing a man with suit smiling to me.

“Jinnie!” he said and walked to me, before hugging me. I hugged him back and saw the man who brought me here glared hard, almost like shooting dagger to me.

“Hey hyung,” I said and patted his back. The man walked to Yunho hyung and wrapped his arm around his waist.

“Not going to introduce me?” he said and pouted cutely at Yunho hyung.

“Of course honey bunny. This is Jaejoong, my wife.”

“Nice meeting you Jin,” he said and shook his hand with me. I almost choke myself when I heard that.



“So,you are going to work from 9pm to 4am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Is that okay Jin? I mean if that too long we can just give you two days per week trial, then we see from there?” Yunho hyung was explaining my work schedule and also the payment they are paying me.

“No, I think I’m going to be fine hyung,” I said and smiled at him.

“Hun, don’t you think that we can try first then ‘upgrade’ him?”

“No, don’t do that Jae,”

“But he is perfect for it,”

I wasn’t really understood what they are referring to so I decide to interrupt.

“Sorry, but what are you hyungs talking about?” I said and eyed them then I saw Yunho hyung expression change but Jaejoong hyung expression was a different story.

“W-Would you like to try to become a host?” he said full of hope in his voice.

“A H-host? What is a host?” I said not sure what he is talking about.

“Well, its like when you want a dance partner in a club but instead of becoming dancing partner you are.. Companying the customer,”

“Like a call girl? e?” my eyes grew large and swallowed hard.

“No,its not like that Jin-ah. You just company the customer, talking to them not sleeping with them,” Jaejoong hyung said and laughed as he saw my surprised expression.

“Hurm..I-I don’t t-think-”

“Okay, no Jin. Jaejoong here is just kidding. You are just going to work as a bartender and nothing much, okay?” Yunho said and looked at both of us.

“But if you change your mind-“

“Jae please,” 

I giggled and shook my head as I watched them both arguing.


“When can I start?” I said as we walked out from the club after Yunho hyung introduced me to the other staff.

“Well, you can start today but I want you to rest and come this Saturday, sharp at 7pm. Got that?”

“Ney hyung.” I said and greeted him and Jaejoong hyung goodbye. I walked to the bus station waiting for the bus. I know Yunho hyung when I was only 15 and working part time at the convenience store owned by the Jung family. Yunho hyung was 20 then when he came to the store but instead of being an arrogant spoilt rich kid, he was a sweet and kind hyung to me. He always came to help me and naturally we become close. I was always thankful to him and also Aunt Imo because they have help for such a long time.

I reached home at about 8:00 pm. I unlocked the door, only to greet by the darkness.

“Jungkook-ah,” I called my brother, removing my shoes and touched the wall to find the switch. I walked to Jungkook room and opened the door.

“Jungkookie~” I sing song and smiled as I saw Jungkook already fall asleep with books underneath his head, a pen in his hand. I walked to him and shook his shoulder.

“Jungkook-ah,Kookie~~” I whispered inside his ear and he started to steer and raised his head.

“Oh, hyung. You’re home?” he said and yawned.

“Sleep on your mattress Jungkook-ah,” I said and started to close his books but then he stopped me and shook his head.

“No, I still have homework to do hyung,” he rubbed his eyes and started writing. I ruffled his hair and walked out from his room. I walked to my room, removing my jacket and collapsed on my mattress. I didn’t have energy left to unfold the blanket and just lied on my side before sleepiness overtook me.


Taehyung POV

“Where were you?!” I was greeted by question as I entered my room.

“Hello to you to Jimin,” I said sarcastically and walked to my bed before lying on it.

“Yah, I am asking you. And you were missing the entire class, you are not eating with us and you just came home,”

I looked at Jimin with blank stared, not replying him.


“Jimin-ah, I’m not your boyfriend so I don’t need to tell you,” I said and sat up, planning to take a shower.

“Of course you’re not because even if you are I’m going to kill you- but anyway, that’s not important. I don’t care what you do but omma keep asking me just now and I have to make up excuses and I hate make up excuses especially for you and-“

“I went to the library,” I answered him short making him speechless as he kept sighing.

“That’s all?”

“Yes Jimin.” I got up from my bed and took the towel to shower when then I remembered about Jungkook.

“By the way, I saw Jungkook just now,” I smirked as I successfully got Jimin attention on different matter now. He rose immediately and eyed me.

“Where? When?”

“Library. Why you never tell me he’s a librarian? Now I have more reason to go to library,” I said teasingly and walked away only to hear Jimin shouting my name and few curses. I laughed out and high five myself for making Jimin going mad again.


a/n: so 2nd chappie.. Thank you to all subbers!!! im so over the moon when i saw the number of subs..thank you so much! and do leave comments love love 

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lianaidayu #1
Chapter 2: Great story authornim.. keep on updating!!! Love it
AkaReikou #2
Chapter 1: Im liking this story so far!!!! Update soon!!~