Welcome to Seoul

I am so not in love with you

Chapter One

No One POV

It was way past 3 o’clock in the morning when Mrs Kim got a call from the police station. Panicked rushed inside her as she drive more than the speed limit, not that she care about the police since she had millions of thought running inside her head now.

“What happened to him?”

“I knew this is going to happen someday.”

More and more negative thought passed her lips as the police department building coming into view, she parked her car and ran inside, eyes scanning for her son.

“Taehyung! Kim Taehyung-ah!”


She heard someone called her, made her snapped her neck to her left side. There stood her son with several other men. She ran to him and turned his face side and side. He pushed her hand away but she was getting angrier as she saw the bruised on her son’s face and few cuts on his lips and dried blood on the side of his forehead.

“What happen?” she asked but her son ignored her, making her more furious.

“Please, take a sit Mrs Kim,” the officer said and gestured her to the sear beside her son. Her eyes never left her son as she sat next to him, though her son looks elsewhere.

“Ma’am, Mr Kim Taehyung here was involved in fighting scene with these fellows here. But when I asked him, he said he’s trying to save a lady from getting rapped but there was no one there but them,”

“She ran away,” Taehyung said after a while, facing the detective.

“We’ll confirm it though with those guys but they said there’s no lady and he just came up to them and starts hitting them,” the detective continues, glaring at Taehyung and back to his mother.

“But detective, don’t you think you should investigate before taking any action on my son?” Mrs Kim said, tried to hold Taehyung’s hand, only to be pulled back by Taehyung.

“Yes, we will but in the meantime I think it best that someone keep an eye on him,”

“w-what are you suggesting detective?” Mrs Kim started have panic attack.

“I suggest sending him away would clear him from the juvenile. He’s only 17. And I hate to send youngsters to juvenile more over a prison, ma’am,” the detective said almost whispering. Mrs Kim nodded her head, understanding the request.

Hearing those from the detective only makes Taehyung more furious.

“Im not going anywhere,”


Taehyung rose from his seat and glared at the detective and his mother.

“Are we done?” he said and quickly dashed out from the police station.

“Taehyung! Kim Taehyung!” his mother shouted at him as she ran after him.


Taehyung POV

I ran outside, ready to leave the police station when my mom grabbed my arm from behind.

“Stop right there!” she shouted and yanked my arm.

“You heard what the detective said just now, didn’t you?”

“Omma, Uncle Alex is exaggerating,”

 Yes. That detective just now is my uncle, in other words my mother brother-in-law or to be more specific ex brother-in-law.

“Oh,really? Then explain all this?” Omma said and started pointing towards my face, specifically my wound I presume. I pushed her hand away and tsked.

“A few bruises won’t kill me mom,” I said and rolled my eyes.

“Of course not but this attitude of yours will,” she said and pulled me towards the car.

“Get in!” she said as she got into the driver side. I sighed and opened the door on the passenger side. As much as I wanted to run away from my mom but my inner side told me otherwise. The ride home was quiet, which surprised me because usually my mom would ranted about it non-stop until a few days later but she was only focused on the road. It scares me actually but I just ignored her.

Once our house on the view, I was happy because finally I can be alone in my own room, hoping my mom won’t bang on my door. I ran upstairs, kicking my converse high before jumping on my bed. With one hand covering my eyes, slowly I started to feel the sleepiness overtake me but of course I wasn’t fully in dreamland when then my mom bang on my door.

“Tae,are you sleeping?”

I ignored her,hoping she would give up but boy I’m wrong.

“Taehyung,open the door. We need to talk,”


“Kim Taehyung,”


I was smiling happily thinking my mom leaving me alone, for tonight but then I heard clicking sound.

“Damn those spare keys,” I cursed under my breath and close my eyes.

“Taehyung,” this time I hear my mom’s clear voice, indicating she’s already inside my room. I felt the bed sunk and I felt her hand on mine, removing my hand from my eyes.

“You are leaving tomorrow to Seoul,”



­Taehyung POV

“So, I already told your aunt about your plane schedule. She will be waiting for you at the airport. Don’t worry okay honey?” my mom said and caressed cheek but I moved away from her, making her sigh.

“Honey, I’m only doing what best for you,”

“Yeah, sending me away is the best for me. Great,” I sarcastically said and smirked.

“Tae baby, its either Seoul or London,”

“I hate both,” I said and quickly heading to the departure gate as the announcement made through the speaker.

“Call me!” She shouted and waved at me. I looked at her and waved at her. As I walked inside the tunnel heading to the plane, the reality is getting more and more real to me. I showed the air attendant my ticket and she kindly showed me my seat.  I thanked her and placed my bag on the upper storage part, taking my ipod with me. I put on the headphone, buckled up my seatbelt and planned to just sleep my entire flight, hoping going back to Seoul is the right decision.


Taehyung POV

“You are leaving tomorrow to Seoul,”


I sat up almost immediately when I heard that coming out from my mother’s mouth.

“Why?” I asked her and saw her expression soften much more than she looked like when she pick me up from the police station.

“Taehyung-ah,” she said and took my hand in hers.

“I’m sorry. I know I failed you. I’m a terrible mother. I never home for you, I rarely talk to you and..I don’t want to see you ruined yourself because of me,” she said caressing my face. I kept quiet and listened to her. Just then I saw tears filled up her eye sockets as she continued speaking.

“Look, if you don’t want to go to Seoul, your appa-“

“No! I’m not going to live with appa and that ,”

“Tae,language!” she warned me with a stern look on her face.

“Yeah, like you never called her that omma,” I chuckled and pulled my hand away from her. She sighed and smiled sadly at me. She wiped her eyes and chuckled.

“Yeah, she’s a and your appa a jerk. But that doesn’t give you a permission to talk that way young man,” she said and playfully punch my face. I smiled and giggled when she does that. I miss talking to her honestly. These past few years after she signed that divorce paper with my dad, we never goof around anymore and kept arguing, bickering almost everyday.

“I miss your smile,Taetae,” she called me with my nickname she used to called me ever since she was pregnant with me, that’s from what she told me. I looked down and bit down my lip as she suddenly pulled me into a hug.

“I’ll go to Seoul,”                                                          

“Mwo?” she said and pulled me away, facing me.

“I’ll go to Seoul,” I repeated and looked at her, this time with smile on my face.

“Really Tae? Omo! Thank you my son. Thank you,” she said and hugged me again.



“We just landed on the Incheon Airport. The local time is 5:30 pm. The weather is 20°C. This is your pilot Lee Jungmin and co-pilot Edward Handerson and the crews thanking you for flying with Korean Air. Until we meet again. Welcome to Seoul, South Korea.”

Hearing that I remove the eye mask I wore and got up from my seat, gathering my bag from the upper storage and got out from the airplane. I stretched myself after that long hour of flight.

“Ouch! My back!” I said and twisting my waist. I feel like an old man already after that 14 hours flight, I mean who wouldn’t right?

I quickly went to fetch my bag and walked out scanning for my aunt, although honestly I really don’t remember her face. Removing the sunglasses I put, I saw an enthusiastic middle age woman look alike my mother with her hand waving and a banner on another hand with my name on it.

“That must be her,” I said and walked to her.

“An-Anyonghaseyo,” I greeted her only to be enveloped in her embrace.

“Aigoo! Taehyungie!!! You’re all grown up now!” she said patting my back. I smiled as she pulled back and scanned me up and down.

“Wow! You really are good looking,”

I only smiled shyly at her when then a handsome middle age man came to us.

“Yeobo, its Taehyung. He’s so handsome right?” she said to the middle age man, which I believe her husband. I quickly bowed and greeted him. He smiled and hugged me as well.

“How’s the flight?” he asked and took my bag from my hand.

“Oh, it was alright,” I said and about to pull my bag away from him, only to be meet his hand.

“It’s okay I got it,” he said and led us to the parking area. A little girl suddenly walked by my side and eyed me weirdly.

“Hi,” I said and waved awkwardly at her.

“Oh, Jisoo-ah, greet your cousin. You never met her I believe right Taehyungie?”

I shook my head and then the little girl bowed her head greeting me with her still in baby talk accent.

“She’s 4,”

I nodded and smiled. No wonder I never saw her, since it was exactly the time when I moved from Seoul to Seattle 4 years ago after omma and appa got divorce. I lean my head on the window, admiring the view of Seoul, trying remember even a piece of memory the whole time I grew up here but my reminisce soon interrupt with my aunt’s voice.

“Ooh, Taehyung-ah, do you wanna grab a bite before we head home?”

I was about to answer her when then she continue.

“But I cooked up a feast for you at home, in case you miss the authentic taste of korean food. But if you wanna hamburger we can do for a drive thru here,” she pointed to the Burger King joint at the left side of road, but I refused thinking she already cooked for me, though I already miss the juicy burger and crunchy French fries of Burger King.

The ride home wasn’t quiet, unlike what I always experience with omma, but full of laughter and singing, making me cracked smiles few times. Suddenly the memory with appa and omma filled up my mind.

“Maybe, if omma and appa were still together we will be this happy,”

I whispered inside me but then shook my head. I hate when I remember all those sweet sickening memory because it only makes my blood boils even more. The car entered neighborhood where most all the house were double story and seems like a perfect house for a perfect family.

“I am so unfit here,”

I whispered inside my head and got out from the car when the car park in front of a grey double story house.

“Here we are!” my aunt said and got out from the car carrying her daughter in her arms. I sling my backpack and about to take my luggage when my uncle already dragging it to the front door. I entered the house after them and can’t help but gasped at how nice and cozy the house looks, almost like going back to your grandma’s house.

“Well, let’s take you to your room, Taehyung-ah,” she said and guided me upstairs. I nodded and followed her suit. Along the staircase were filled with family photos and they looks so happy in the picture. I was so immersed in those pictures when suddenly she stopped midway and turned around facing me.

“Well, Taehyungie actually you are going to share your room. Is that okay with you?”

“Ey? Yeah, sure no problem,” I said and smiled at her. She smiled and we both stopped in front of a door on the left side of the floor.

 “This is your room,” she said, opened the door. Inside there are two beds, one by the window and another on opposite it, beside the closet. Although the room was crowded but the room was well organized and neatly arranged, making me hard to believe that it was actually my male cousin room.

“Well, I left you so you can unpack and settle down. By 7 we will have our dinner okay?”

I nodded my head and she left right away, closing the door before leaving. I sighed heavily and threw my backpack on the bed beside the window. I threw myself and lied down on the soft mattress, smiling happily.

“This is not bad,” I said and sniffed the nice flower scented pillow case before closing my eyes, slowly sleepiness overtakes me but as I was about to fall asleep suddenly the door jolted opened with a loud bang sound.


I opened my eyes and sat on the bed with both my hand by my side.

“Hello cousin,” I greeted a fury-unhappy looking Park Jimin. He walked to me with hands crossed on his chest.

“What are you doing on my bed?” he said and stood beside me.

“I believe I can choose whichever bed I want right?”

“But this is MY room,” he said emphasized on the ‘my’ word. I chuckled and rubbed my temple.

“There is no name on this bed,”

“Just off,” he said and about to push me away when then my aunt comes standing on the doorway.

“Jiminnie, let Taehyung sleep there,”

“But omma-“

“Jimin-ah, there are two bed,”

“Yeah, but this is my spot,”

“JIminnie, please.. it’s not that different anywhere you sleep right?” she said and I swear I saw her glared hard at Jimin. He cleared his throat and glared hard at me and then back to his mom.

“Fine!” he said and threw his backpack on the bed opposite to mine.

“Taehyung-ah, go wash up and the dinner will be served in 10 minutes,”

“Ney, aunt,” I said and smiled sweetly at her. She closed the door and I was about to get up when then I heard Jimin said something to me.

“So, why the sudden return to Seoul?” he said and removed his school blazer. I looked up at him and opened my luggage as I speak.

“Well, a change of scenery I guess,”

“Really? Not because you cause another problem Tae?” he was smirking as if he knew everything about me. I choose to ignore him and continued to gather my toiletries and head to the bathroom.


The dinner wasn’t so awkward though I didn’t really speak much with Jimin as earlier I choose to ignore him beside we weren’t that close anymore. When we were just little kid we were quite close, we even sleep on the same bed before but as we grew older, I guess we just grew apart and no longer seeing things in same aspect, especially when he was being the smart one and I am the trouble one. We were always being compared together with other cousins and it just drifts me and Jimin more apart.

“Goodnight, Taehyung-ah, Jimin-ah,”

“Goodnight omma,”

“Goodnight aunt,” we both said almost the same time. He quickly climbed the stairs, closed the door of our shared bedroom. I can guess what he is up to but decide to ignore it. I put my hand on the handle and try to open the door but it was locked.

“Just like I guess,” I said and continued to play with the knob, trying to annoy him.

“Yah, Park Jimin, open this door,” I put my ears on the doors but there was no noise. I sighed and knocked the door, softer at first but then I smirked and banged the loudest until my uncle opened their bedroom door and eyed me.

“What is that?” my aunt said as she ascend the stairs and saw me in front of my shared room with Jimin.

“Nothing omma,” Jimin opened the door almost immediately and smiled widely as he gestured for me to enter the room. My uncle shook his head and glared at Jimin.

“Don’t lock your door Jiminie. It is now yours and Tae’s bedroom, arasso?”

“Ney appa,” he said and about to close the door when then he walked to us and called my name.

“Taehyung-ah, tomorrow I will take you both to school okay?” he said and patted my head. I eyed him blankly and blinked.

“You are going to the same school as Jimin. I hope you are put in same class so you can take care of each other,”

“Yeah appa. That will be great,” Jimin said sarcastically but I guess his dad couldn’t tell or he chose to ignore Jimin’s mood swings.

“See you boys tomorrow,” he said and closed the door. I walked to my bed and lie down when then Jimin sat up and looked at me.


“Nothing, just please pretend you don’t know me at school okay?” he said and lie down, covering himself with the blanket.

I lied on my right side and eyed the moon outside my window.

“I hate my life,” I said inside my head and close my eyes.


The next morning

Taehyung POV

“Aww!! Your first day of school,”

“Omma, its not like we were 6,”

“Well I was talking to Tae not you,” my aunt said and poked her tongue out. I giggled and shook my head. Jimin seemed to hear me as he turned his head and eyed me sharply. As promised, uncle drove us both to school and then I felt the car stopped when a nice big building was on view.

It was a big and spacious school compound with the bicycle stands on the left side and the teachers were standing before the gate watching the students outfit with rattan in their hands. To be honest I almost forget Korean school scenario as the last time I was only 12 and school back then was different than high school and of course high school in America was much more opened and differ than here.

“This is so embarrassing,” I heard Jimin said and he face palmed before he walked with me beside him and his father walking in front of us.

“Well, you can go if you want to,” I said then I saw his eyes grew large.

“I can?” he said and I nodded at him. He smiled and sprints right away as we walked past the post guard.

“Yah! Park Jimin!” my uncle yelled out but Jimin seemed to ignore him and sprint as fast as he can.

“That boy! Aish~ Let’s go Taehyung-ah,”

The intake process wasn’t that hard as my uncle explained that I was staying with them as my mother was too busy and nothing about the police record was mentioned which relived me because I don’t want to start my school with people judging me. After that registration I was taken to the store for my school uniform and honestly it was weird to wear uniform after being in high school where I can dress up however I want. I was asked to change directly to my new uniform, took off some of my piercings and after told my locker position and combination number, I was taken to my assigned classroom. I glanced to the door and saw 4-3 which I believe the grade and class number. I only heard the teacher voice when then a knocked on the door stopped him and makes him glanced outside the classroom.

“I am so sorry Mr Baek, we have a new student,”


Jimin POV

I was staring outside as the class on Korean poem started. It was so boring with the teacher kept reading from the text and all difficult words only make my headache worse than before. I put my head on the table when a knocked on the door startled me.

“I am so sorry Mr Baek, we have a new student,”

“Yeah, please come in,”

My eyes grew large as I saw Taehyung walked in with Miss Song.

“No way!”

 I screamed in my head but all the students definitely have different reaction than me. The girls were giggling and smiling so widely to see such a handsome boy walked in, the boys were whispering with each other as well.  I admit Taehyung is good looking that he can wow the whole crowd, but does he really need to be in the same class as me?

“Silence class!” Mr Baek said as he gestured Taehyung to stand beside him.

“Please, introduce yourself,” he said. Taehyung was calmed as he faces forward and flashed his best smiles.

“Anyonghaseyo, my name is Kim Taehyung and I’m from Seattle, USA,”

“wooooo~” as he mentioned USA, everyone was making noises. Mr Baek slammed his fist and eyed Taehyung to sit wherever he wants. He was scanning the floor that I saw most girls starting to push their partners away to give seat to Taehyung. I giggled and faced outside but then he walked and stopped beside me.

“Hello tablemate,” he said and sat.

“!” I said and looked at him.

“Do you really need to sit beside me?” I leaned and whispered to him.

“Well, we don’t know each other, remember?” he said sarcastically and smirked at me. I chuckled and put my head back on the desk.

“Park Jimin, please pay attention,” Immediately my head jolted up and faced in front. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.


During recess time, I was so happy as this is the only time I can meet my friend and be Taehyung-free, hopefully. I was about to run to the cafeteria when then I heard someone shouting my name.

“Jimin-ah! Jimin-ah!” I glanced and saw Taehyung ran to me. Guess I can never run from him.

“Yah, didn’t I said to pretend to not knowing me?” I said getting annoyed with Kim Taehyung already.

“Yeah, but we are classmate now, so officially I know you now,” I was about to counter attack him when then a sweet voice calling me.

“Jimin hyung!”


Taehyung POV

I smirked as I saw Jimin priceless face as he was about to talk back to me suddenly someone called him.

“Jimin hyung!”

I turned and saw a boy maybe younger than us but similar height with me, black hair, cute button nose and pink lips walked to us with banana milk in his hand and a packet of bread in his other hand.

“Jungkook-ah, are you eating those again?” he said and eyed the boy with so much concern.

“Ah, ney hyung,” he said and scratched his head.

“No, come with me, let me buy you a lunch box,” he said and started to pull this Jungkook guy with him.

“Anni, its okay hyung. I’m fine with just bread,”


I cleared my throat and eyed them both with smiled on my lips.

“Jimin-ah I want a lunch box too,” I said and pouted cutely at him. He just scrunched his face in disgusted and pushed me away.

“Go away,”

“Hyung, wh-who is he?” this cu- I mean Jungkook asked and eyed me with his innocent eyes. I pulled out my hand and tilted my head at him cutely.

“Kim Taehyung,”

“J-Jeon Jungkook,”


After that recess time we head back to our classroom but none of us spoke anything, so I decided to break the ice.

“So, you and Jungkook are friend?”

He didn’t reply and keep walking faster, so I decide to say something else just to trigger him.

“He is cute,”

“Yah! Don’t even think-“ he stopped midway and quickly walked to the classroom. I smirked in victory thinking I might have the upper hand in this matter.

When we entered the classroom, the students were still talking and laughing with their friends, so I took this as my opportunity and tried to pester Jimin about Jungkook again. I dragged my chair closer to Jimin and whispered inside his ear.

“Tell me more about Jungkook,”

“Why?” he answered me short and furrowed his eyesbrows at me.

“Well, if he is my cousin’s friend, he is my friend too,” I said and give him my famous rectangle smiles.

“What’s with the sudden friendliness?”

“Or is he..your boyfriend?” I smirked as I saw his face blushed.

“N-no! No he is not!” he said and quickly ran out from the classroom. I chuckled and smiled as I think I might know something about Jimin’s little crush.


Jungkook POV

I was on my way to teacher’s room when then I walked past 4-3 classroom. My eyes immediately scanned the entire classroom when then I spotted one person I wanted to find so much.

Kim Taehyung

I only know him today but I cant seems to forget him at all. To say that I fall in love at first sight is overstatement but I really like to see his face. Never in my life had I seen someone as beautiful as him, well aside from my older brother Jin hyung. I know guy hate to be called beautiful or pretty but those words fit him so well. I smiled as I kept replaying his image in my head.

“Maybe I want to know him more,” I whispered in my head and ran to my class as I was late for my biology class.



a/n: here is the first chapter.. please, do comments and subs..i hope i can get lots of love from army yorobun~ =))


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lianaidayu #1
Chapter 2: Great story authornim.. keep on updating!!! Love it
AkaReikou #2
Chapter 1: Im liking this story so far!!!! Update soon!!~