Chapter 4

What You Cant Tell Me

I don't think I ever expected it to be like this. Sure we could never be a real couple, going on dates or even spending a lot of time together, but this was getting ridiculous! I haven't seen him in over two months now! 

Sure, I mean, we text often and we see each other on certain variety shows and music programs, saying the occasional "Hi," trying not to give too much away to the lurking eyes. I just needed to see him for a little bit, it's just that neither of us had the time. My KARA members and I have been preparing for our new comeback and I've been in the studio practicing every day, all day. He's been busy with his GOT7 members finishing up their promotions. There was no end to the spinning craziness of idols and managers that was our life.

A little after two months I got a text from him. 

All it said was "Hey ." Well that's a way to reply to the girl you confessed your love to. My response consisted of texting Bambam "Hey tell loudmouth to leave me alone." 

Not even five seconds later I received a "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HEO YOUNGJI?" 

I couldn't help but laugh silently to myself and I thought of him scrolling through Bambams text messages fuming over why I decided to text Bambam over him. 

"Heo Youngji, lets hang out today." Was the next text I received from him. 

"Mmmmmmmm don't really feel like it." 

"Well I'm coming over to your dorm, so you better feel like it." 

"I'm locking the door." 

"I'll kick down the door. I'd love to see you explain that to Hara unnie." 

"Unlocking the door now."

That's when I realized he was coming over. Like right now. At the moment, I was currently wearing sweatpants, no makeup, and I hadn't showered yet that day. Great. Just my luck. As quick as humanly possible I got ready. Which didn't consist of much, just a little makeup, the mess that is my hair, and trying to pick out a cute outfit in a matter of ten minutes. 

Then the door bell rang. Crap. 

Well I was as ready as I was ever going to be, so I opened the door. 
There he was standing there with his usual dark hair, snapback and sweatshirt, looking stunning as usual. What a surprise. 

I thought at least I would get a "Wow you look good today" or at least a "Pretty" comment, but all I got from Wang Jackson was a "What are you doing wearing makeup?" 

"What do you mean?" I said my breath hitching. 

"You look absolutely ridiculous, you look so much better without makeup." "I don't know why you do this to yourself." 

That little comment was the reason my heart stopped and why I couldn't catch my breath. Why was I like this around him? Because of comments like that. Well I mean, right after that he barged into the dorm right past me and just plopped himself on the couch, throwing is hat on the floor so, I mean, Prince Charming right there.

"Hey loudmouth, I thought we were going somewhere?!" I said.

"Who you calling loudmouth, loudmouth?!" He yelled back, creating a tiny smirk on my lips. 

"Fine then get out." 

"Get out?" He said standing up and walking towards me. " Why would I get out when you promised me we could hang out together?"

"I have no relocation of that promise."

"Well,"  he said "I promptly remember that promise and I hope you don't intend on being called a promise breaker for the rest of your sorry life." 

"My WHAT?!" 

"Uh nothing." "I take it all back." "So what do you want to do tonight then?" He said, looking at me like he kinda missed me. 

"How about we just stay in for the night, that way we can at least spend a little time together without having the fear of the paparazzi swarming us." 
"Alright sounds good, I will make us dinner!" 

"Um what?..."

"I will make us dinner." 

"That's sounds horrid. Do want to know why?" 


"Simply because you're a terrible cook, and I don't want to die." 

"I am not." 

"Says who?" I fired back. 

"Sunny Unnie." 

"Exactly my point." I said smirking. 

"You know what Heo Youngji, you just wait and see, I will make us such an amazing dinner  that you will cry tears of happiness." 

"Ok sure and as soon as that happens, Joon Oppa will be married." 

"Sure, sure" he said, walking away with that signature hyena laugh of his. Just you wait and see redhead." 


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