ஜ Kiss on the neck ஜ

❥ K ⅈ S S ⅇ S

ஜ Kiss on the neck ஜ



Youngjae was standing in the small kitchen of their dorm, concentrated, making dinner for him and his other five band mates ーit was his turn that nightー when he felt a hand caressing down his arm. He didn't need to look back to know exactly who it belonged to.

“Not now, Daehyun. I'm busy.”

He heard the boy's chuckle and felt the hand retreating, but not after long there was a pair of arms encircling his waist from behind. The busan boy placed his chin on top of his left shoulder and, with his peripheral vision, Youngjae could see the kind of feline smile he was wearing, with his eyes closed and his lips forming something that resembled the number three.

“Daehyun, please. I'm trying to work here,” said the younger again but was completely ignored as the other boy pressed himself even more into him.

Really, usually he wasn't bothered when the older boy got touchy-feely, he was just like that; but right now he had a task at hand he had to finish.

He couldn't be distracted.



He couldn't get distracted... So why was that just till now he noticed the feathery touches of the other's thick lips against his nape?!

He squirmed, trying to ease himself off that embrace, but the other didn't budge.

“Come on, just for a little bit,” Daehyun said after letting out a small laugh at the efforts of the younger to get free.

The cuter boy didn't respond and kept on trying to escape those muscular arms of his, however, Daehyun was really difficult to shake off.

“Daehyun, I swear, if you don't let me go this instantー”

He started hissing, but the other cut him off with: “I just want a moment with you, Jae,” which sounded pretty much like a whine. He began to place soft kisses on his nape, his neck and his shoulders and, even though Youngjae wasn't one to give up, he kind of lost focus of his surroundings for a moment, enjoying the sweet caresses of his mate's lips even against his will.

When the older boy started with the open-mouthed kisses, Youngjae let out a small moan, but no matter how lost he may were, he would never be too far gone as to miss the lopsided grin he felt against his skin.

Daehyun was mocking him.

He thought he had won.

But, oh how wrong he was.

Yoo Youngjae never looses.

Taking to his favor the fact that Daehyun himself was seemingly entranced cherishing every inch of his body, he gave his partner an elbow to the ribs. The jab was strong enough to make him go away, but not hard enough to really hurt him.

The older boy huffed and immediately his grip around the younger loosened, giving the latter the chance to finally escape.

“Why would you do that?!” The older wheezed, like he was struggling to get air into his lungs. Youngjae rolled his eyes.

“I didn't hit you that hard,” he retorted.

“How would you know?" said Daehyun, his eyes huge, staring at him accusingly. “You weren't the one who got attacked!”

“I didn't attack you,” replied the other, offended. “In any case, it would be self defense.”

Daehyun looked at him bewildered.

“The only thing I am guilty of here, was wanting to be with you.” He told the younger, in a soft tone of voice and watching him with a longing gaze.

A gaze that made Youngjae felt a bit of remorse.

But he was clear with the older since the beginning. It was him the one who wouldn't understand.

“Well, I already told you I'm busy,” he told the older, now feeling quite bad but not enough to actually say something about it. “Don't you want to eat?” He asked, trying to shake off that feeling, after all he was right, he had to make dinner. And Daehyun really loved to eat. Why would he interrupt him while he was making something he loved so much.

“Well... of course I want food,” the busan boy answered, remarking what he had just thought. “But I want to eat you more.

The look he sent him, along with that stupid smirk on his stupid face made Youngjae's face heat up and his mouth start to gape like a fish out of water. It succeed, altogether with his words, to make his heart flutter.

And how he hated that power the other had over him.

“Wh-what are you saying!” He hissed, trying to hide his embarrassment with a scowl showing on his forehead, but he still stuttered and his cheeks were still red.

The other chuckled at this.

“Alright,” he said suddenly, confusing the flustered boy. “I'll let you alone while you finish. But later... I'll have you for dessert.”

And then he launched forward, so suddenly Youngjae didn't even have time to react, he merely felt a pair of lips posing on his neck, right on his beauty mark, and then Daehyun's teeth grazing slightly on his skin, giving him a small nip.

When he finally realized what had just happened, the older boy was already running out of the kitchen.



Jung Daehyun!

An angry shriek was heard throughout the apartment, followed by a mischievous chuckle, while the owner of the happy sound sneaked away from the owner of the not so happy one.






How the heck they didn't hurt themselves while trashing around like that inside a kitchen, I don't even know myself.

I feel like I made Youngjae too shy e.e

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Chapter 3: TOO SHY? NU, THIS IS PERFECT *,.* omg are you interested in doing a sequel? /goes to open a window
Chapter 3: Omgg.. daejae just too cute>0< my fave otp<3
Chapter 4: This is really cute!! My top OTP!! Daejae & Yoonmin!! ^^
For me: Kiss on forehead- mean sincere
Kiss on neck- y (bcoz 'eat' right)
Kiss on lip- declare i love u
almighty_bee #4
Chapter 4: It is really cute...
Chapter 3: Omg daejae so cute im dying HSHSHSHSHAHS
CalamitousKing #6
Chapter 3: They're so cute wtf, so is this plot omg
CalamitousKing #7