"Thank you for coming."

-untitled- (still searching. ^.^")
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"I don't like you." Is the first sentence he could hear from the younger for him.

"Uhh... Me?" The ever clueless Baekhyun points at himself.

"You're dumb or what? Who else if not you? It's not like I'm talking to myself." Chanhyun whispers sarcastically. He rolls his eyes.

"W-why would you n-not?"

"You, stutter dumb hyung, are a nanny. And I don't like nanny. Eventually, I don't like you." Baekhyun furrows his brows. "Don't make that face."

They make a staring into each others eyes contest before Baekhyun could see the grumpy face Chanhyun changes drastically to a happy one. Overly happy, actually.

"Have you eaten, Chan?" Chanyeol's voice booms through the kitchen hall, yes, hall. It's not an apartment room. It's a mansion on the apartment building. Chanyeol appears fully clothed. A formal clothes.

"Ah... Not yet." Chanhyun smiles sweetly to his brother. Baekhyun is confused.

"You need to eat quickly. I'll send you early today. I need to meet an important person soon." Chanyeol pats his younger brother's head. He then looks at Baekhyun who is frowning, on the floor right next to his brother. "Baekhyun? What are you doing down there?" He questions.

"Huh?" Baekhyun snaps from his trances. He could see that Chanhyun twitches his eye, indicating that you'll dead if you tell. "Oh... I'm just... Ah!" He pretends to pick up a tiny thing on the floor. "I'm picking up something small and maybe sharp. It's dangerous for Chanhyun-goon." He takes a glance to Chanhyun who rolls his eyes, annoyed.

"Oh. Probably pieces of broken vase yesterday. The previous nanny broken it up and leave without trace." Chanyeol sighs before takes a seat beside Chanhyun and eat the served pancake, followed by Chanhyun. Silently, Baekhyun turns around to the sink and washes his hand. He then walks pass the siblings to the living room and sits on the comfy couch.

He never knew that Chanhyun's eyes glint brightly at the taste of the pancake. Within fifteen minutes, Chanhyun had stuffed his stomach with five pieces pancakes and Chanyeol with four pieces. They never realized that it's the morning when they stuffed their stomach fully.

"I'll go down first, take your bag and let Baekhyun hyung lead you down, okay?" Chanyeol says before he walks to the living room while his brother walks to his own bedroom after nodding. "Baekhyun." The taller calls after the dazed Baekhyun.

"Huh? Me? Yes?" Baekhyun stands up. Chanyeol takes out a card.

"This is the card for the main door. The pass word is 0627. Swipe the card and punch the password, okay?"

"O-oh..." Baekhyun reaches for the card. Chanyeol never smiles. At least never shows his sweet side to anyone else but his younger brother. He genuinely loves his own brother. Who is not?

"I'll be down first. Lead my brother down." With that, without any goodbye bid, he gets out from the apartment, leaving flabbergasted Baekhyun.

"Hey, stutter dumb hyung, let's go." Chanhyun says harshly. Well, wow, he's really not liking any bit of the nanny.

"A-ah... Yeah."

As they're now in the elevator, the silence is heavy. The trip down to the ground floor is long. Well, its thirty five floor building and the apartment is just at the very top of the building. "No need to fetch me at school. If you are there, you'll face your difficulty of life after."

"What's wrong? I'm just fetching you from school. Hey, maybe we could be friends?"

"No. I don't want to have a friend like you. I want you out from the house." Chanhyun holds out a palm.


"The card. You're going home after we're gone."

"No way. Who's going to clean up the apartment?"

"It's none of your business."

"Well, based on your attitude, the previous nannies were running away because of you." Baekhyun says thoughtfully. "And your brother did not even know that his baby brother is a devil." Chanhyun frowns. He lets down his hand.

"I am not."

"So... why were you chasing the others nannies away before?" Baekhyun look down to the younger. A frowning younger.

"They're weak. Besides, I'm not a baby to have a nanny."

"Well, its true. They're all women. Well, I am a man though?"

"It's because you are a man. That is why you're no need to be a nanny for me. I'm old enough to take care of myself and the house." He could hear the older chuckles. "What are you laughing about?!" He snaps.

"Oh... Nothing... You're just reminding me of your brother. You're cold hearted. Same as him." Baekhyun swears he could see the younger blushes lightly.

"I-I... I am?" Chanhyun looks down. Baekhyun smiles warmly. He pats the younger's head just like Chanyeol did.

"Yes, you are." Suddenly, his hand is being swat away by the younger roughly. Baekhyun startles at the sudden action.

"You're not allowed to touch me."

"Oh... Sorry."


"Still, don't fetch me. I know my way home."

"It's the order from your brother. I must obey." Chanhyun looks up to the older and scoffs.

"You're annoying." Baekhyun grins.

The door of the elevator opens after a 'ding' sounded. Chanhyun expertly changes his facial expressions.

"Morning, Soo hyung!" Chanhyun waves excitedly towards Kyungsoo at the reception desk.

"Ah! Morning Hyun-ah. Ready to school?"


"Take care then! Have a good day."

"Thanks!" With that, Chanhyun rushes out to his brother's car while Baekhyun stays at the building entrance. He watches as the car drove away and disappear from his sight.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Kyungsoo asks as he watches the older does not move from the spot after the car disappear five minutes ago. A sigh escapes from Baekhyun's lips.

"It is... I suppose." Kyungsoo arches his brows. "Thanks for your concern by the way." As Baekhyun turns around, he tilts his head to the side. Still can not decide on something. "Erm... Kyungsoo?"


"Can I know where is Chanhyun's school?"


Baekhyun enters the apartment again. This time, he heaves a big sigh. He looks around. Many things to do it seems.

He fishes out his phone and set an alarm to one thirty in the afternoon. With that, he begins his chores.

After somewhat four hours spend on cleaning the living room, kitchen, laundry room and the dining room, he proceeds to the younger's room. He needs to do a laundry. As he opens the door of Chanhyun's room, a gasps could be heard from Baekhyun.

It's a total mess. Clothes are everywhere. The duvet that supposedly on the bed is now on the floor. The various types of books on the shelves are not arranged tidily. The pillows were everywhere. Game controllers still connected with the Xbox which connected with a television changes on the wall right in front of the bed. Baekhyun began to walk in and looks over the walk-in closet.

It's like a ship that had sinking to the depth of sea.

Baekhyun shakes his head before he picks up the cloth that laying on the floor beside his leg. Without much thought or talk, he continues with his jobs. He changes the bed sheets. Rearranges books and tools. Unconnected all the wire that is still plugged in.

A total of an hour and thirty minutes spends on the room alone. Baekhyun wishes he could make it to clean up Chanyeol's room before one thirty. As he put all the clothes needed for laundry from Chanhyun's room into the laundry room, he proceeds to the older sibling's room.

A relief sigh escapes his mouth as soon as he opens the door. It's much cleaner and tidier. He just needed to take the used clothes for laundry. A lingering smell of Chanyeol's colognes in the room makes Baekhyun smiles discreetly. Grinning lightly, he picks up the laundry basket and went to do the laundry.


The doorbell rings indicating the end of the school hour at Gonguk Middle School. Chanhyun heaves a deep breath. He secretly hope to not meet with the same face he encountered that morning in front of his school.

"Chanhyun-ah! You're not going home?" Yookjae, his classmate asks at the front door. Chanhyun looks up.

"Ahh... Yes. In a bit."

"Ok. Bye." Yookjae leaves Chanhyun alone as he proceeds to make his way out of the school area.

"Sorry, may I ask something?" Baekhyun tries to attract a student that walking out of the school area through the main gate.

It's just has to be Yookjae who caught Baekhyun's discomfort face as no one would want to stop for him. "Hello? What can I do for you?" Yookjae questions as he approaches the older.

Baekhyun smiles gratefully. "Oh gosh... Thank god. I want to ask, do you know a student named Park Chanhyun?"

"What a coincidence! He's my classmate. But... Who are you?"

"Oh... I'm just his... Brother's friend. I'm here to fetch him up as

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Juliecutegurl #2
when do you want to update this story?? im dying to read more..
zengkelly #3
Chapter 2: can't wait for the next update though most importantly chanhyun to like baekkie
shahid #4
Chapter 1: Interesting...
please update soon
Chapter 1: Haha! I would love to read more! And I fall in love with this first chap already.