Sick Day #2

Birthday Surprise

~Britt's POV~

I don't know what time it was. The only thing I remember was MinAh walking into my room, and while I was still more than half asleep, telling me something that I made out to be 'I have to go to my schedule, so someone was coming over to take care of you.' 

I didn't make out who that someone was so I thought it as like a doctor or something. After she finished talking I easily went back into the dreamland I was mostly in.

After a little while, I woke up. I sat up in my bed. 

'Ah, my head still hurts a lot.' I sniffled and sneezed, while coughing slightly. Aish... I hated being sick. 

I wanted a drink of water, so I got out of bed and walked out of my room into the kitchen and grabbed a cup. On my way there I noticed a person sitting on the couch, but decided to ignore them for a second so I could get my drink. 

After my thrist was quenched, I decided to acknowledge the person on the couch. When I looked over I saw none other than...

Kim Heechul. 

In my mind I was yelling 'What are you doing here? why are you not sick? how did you get in?' ,but instead of yelling all those things; my still sleepy self started walking back to my room. 

"You're not going to say 'hi' or 'omo! what are you doing here?'?" Heechul spoke up to break the silence. Aish... now I guess I have to really acknowledge him.   

"Annyeong. What are you doing here?" I was still half asleep and my head hurt a lot so I didn't feel like doing anything like I usually would. 

He had a worried look on his face. He got up and walked over to me and rested his hand on my forehead. "Omo! You're hot!" 

"Why thank you. I'm glad you could notice my new pajamas and how they make me look hot." I said that jokingly. I knew what he meant. But I did want to show him my new pj's. 

He gave me 'seriously?' look. "I meant  your temperature. You feel really bad." 

"Well thanks for the boost of confidence. You didn't answer my question though. What are you doing here?" I asked while holding my head. I don't like headaches.

"I'm surprised MinAh didn't warn you that I was coming." 


"Britt, I have to go to my schedule now. Heechul's coming over for a while to take care of you and make sure you're okay. I'll be back later." 

~End Flashback~

"Oh..." I realized now what she said. 

"So, she did tell you?"

"Neh... I was half asleep when she told me." I started sneezing and coughing a little bit. Heechul immediately went to grab some tissues. "Ugh... I hate being sick."

"Mianhe. I didn't mean for this to happen." Heechul had a sad look on his face. It made me smile ever so slightly. 

"Saranghaeyo, Oppa." I made him look up to see my smiling face. I probably looked kind of strange. With my face being red from sickness, and I probably looked a little tired from the headache.

I got him to smile slightly.

"Do you need anything?" He asked me. "Did you eat?"

"Aniyo. I don't have much of an appetite."

"EH?! You must be really sick! Here sit on the couch and I'll make you something to eat." Heechul went crazy after I said that.

"Are you trying to say that if I don't eat all the time, then I'm really sick? Are you calling me fat?" I started questioning him. I was half way teasing him to see what would happen.

"Ani! It's just... Well... uh..." He didn't know what to say.

I started laughing. I thought I laughed ugly, so I stopped quickly. He sighed.

"Aigoo... Why did you suddenly stop laughing?" He sat down next to me on the couch.

"Because I laugh ugly." I looked away from embarrassment.

"Ani. I think your laugh is very charming. It's like Leeteuk's laugh. It's really strange, but yet if he didn't laugh like that, then it wouldn't be him." Heechul tried to give an example. I took the chance to again.

"Are you saying my laugh is weird?!" I yelled at him.

"Ah! Ani! Aish... I can't win today." He had his hand over his face. I started giggling.

"Can you make me Macadamian Nut filled waffles?" His face was like 'What in the world is that?'.

"Uh, sure. Wait here  I'll go buy some ingredients." Heechul replied while putting on his shoes.

"We have the stuff to make the batter, we just need the nuts." I told him so he didn't waste too much time.

"Arruso. I'll be right back." He put on his shoes and walked out the door after grabbing everything he needed. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be seeing him for a good while. I got out my phone and tried calling MinAh to see when she would be home.

~Heechul's POV~

Ok. I got to find Macadamia Nuts. Where would I find those? I guess I could try a market that's close by.

I put up my hood and put on sunglasses, so that not a lot of people would recongize me, and it wouldn't be as much of a hassel.

The nearest market was in walking distance from the apartment complex, so that was a good thing. I started walking.

It was a very quiet day. It was cold because of winter, but it was a surprisingly warm winter day. The sidewalks and streets were clear of snow so it was easy to walk, but I had to becareful of...

Slip! and... Fall.


Ouch... "Are you ok?" A woman came over and helped me up. Ok Heechul play it cool.

"Neh, I'm alright. The ice just caught me by surprise." I got up and brushed myself off. I looked up at the woman.

She looked back at me with a smile. After a moment, she had this strange look on her face. "Do I know you? You look familiar."

"A lot of people tell me that. Most say that I look like Kim Heechul from Super Junior. I honestly don't think so." I tried to lead her on that I wasn't myself. It seemed to work.

"You do have a striking resemblance to Kim Heechul. Well, I have to get back to what I was doing. Try to becareful with the ice." She bowed then walked away.

That's was an interesting conversation. I kept on my way towards the market. I walked up to the first place I saw that sold nuts.

"Excuse me. Do you sell Macadamia Nuts?" I asked the woman behind the boxes of nuts.

"Macadamia Nuts? Sorry we just sold the last bunch. Could I interest you in some almonds or something else?" She her salesperson attitude.

"Aniyo. Go Mapsumnida." I bowed and continued on my way looking for another place.

"Wait! I know of one more place that sells what you're looking for." She tried to keep my interest.

"And where is this other place?" I asked wanting to get back as soon as possible.

"It's about 5 miles from here. My sister owns the shop." She handed me a piece of paper with all the information.

"Go Mapsumnida." I bowed and left towards the place on the paper. I called a taxi over to take me to the place so that I wouldn't take as long. When did MinAh say she'd be home? I don't remember. I better hurry so I don't make Britt wait too long.

After a couple minutes of driving, the driver stopped in front of the place that the note described. I paid the driver and got out. "Go Mapsunida." I ooked at the store. It looked... fun. It was very creative. It kind of had that feel of a candy store. 

I walked in and it basically was a candy store. There was a little section where they also sold nuts. I made my way past all the children running around trying to get to the section where the nuts were and the peanuts too.

"Welcome, can I help you find what you're looking for?" A woman walked out from the back. She looked like the other woman he talked to at the other shop.

"Neh, I'm looking for Macadamia Nuts." I stood there while she looked around for them. While I was standing there, a little girl came up to me and pulled on my shirt. She was probably 3 or 4 years old, and she held a piece of paper and a pen in her hand. i kneeled down to her level.

"You're Kim Heechul from Super Junior, Neh? Can I have your autograph?"  She held out the piece of paper and pen. She was so adorable so I took them and signed it then gave it back. She had the biggest smile on her face. She bowed. "Kamsahamnida." and she ran back to her mom. I stood up watching them. The mom bowed to me and I bowed back then they left the store with their bag of candy. I got to say that seeing that made my day happier.

"Here you are. Macadamia Nuts." He handed me the nuts and I handed him the money to pay for them.

"Go Mapsumnida. Have a nice day." The woman said. I bowed and left to start my way back to the apartment.

I looked at my phone as I exited the store. 11:00 a.m.

Aish... I got to hurry back she's probably starving. I quickly called a taxi.

It took us a couple minutes, but I finally arrived back to the apartment after paying the driver and going up the elevator. I unlocked and opened the door to find Britt and MinAh sitting there eating Macadamia Nut filled waffles.

"Ah! Heechul, welcome back. Thanks for watching Britt while I was gone. She seems a lot better." MinAh said when I walked in.

"I thought there wasn't any Macadamia Nuts here." I stood there confused.

"There wasn't, but there is a market close by and I happen to buy the last bunch of nuts from them. Isn't that lucky?" She had this accomplished smile on her face. Aish... Luck had nothing to do with it. Karma was just getting me back for not getting sick. I looked over to see Britt trying to hide her face from me by eating her waffles. Well, at least she was happy and eating. I went over into the kitchen and dropped the nuts on the table, and started heading for the door.

"Oppa, where are you going? Don't you want to eat waffles with us?" Britt had the most innocent look on her face.

I went over and kissed her head. "Not this time. Maybe next time, arruso?"

"Neh." She continued eating her waffles. I was relived that she was feeling better.

"I better get back to the dorm before they send out a search party." I started walking towards the door.

"Bye bye, Oppa. Come back soon, arruso?" I couldn't understand how she could act that innocent. I nodded at her as a reply.

"Hey Heechul. Could you say hi to Leeteuk for me?" I turned around right before going out the door.

"Sure thing." I closed the door behind me, and started on my way home.

It made me laugh thinking about it. MinAh's face was slightly red when she asked me to say hi to Leeteuk for her, but I couldn't object. MinAh was the one who introduced me to Britt. Britt isn't famous, but she isn't ordinary. She's just the right mixture of everything that I like in a girl. i hope she fully recovered soon. Maybe next time I'll be more careful with where I take her for her birthday.



Thank you to all my subscribers. You have no idea how happy I am when I see "New subscriber". I also like the button that says "New story comment"

Lol but thanks for sticking with me till the end. I didn't think it was going to be this long, but well... sorry I'm not one of those people who plan what they were going to write about. I'll plan what the story's going to be about but that's about it. I take it chapter by chapter and see where it goes.

But anyway... Happy Birthday Britt. This was ultimately a birthday present for you. Even if your actual birthday was a while ago. Still...

I'll try and see what story I'll write new will be about. But please check out other stories I've written, and also check out my friend PCbuhBam.

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PCbuhBAM #1
OMG so in the end I WAS SICK?!?! Oh well~ at least I had a great time with Heechul xD!!<br />
<br />
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Oh and I love how I x]<br />
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Btw, end this cuz it's just about my b-day so THANKSSSSSSSSS<3
PCbuhBAM #2
WAIT A SEC if this was #1... there's a #2??? <br />
I hate headaches though ;w; <br />
PCbuhBAM #3
Aish~ you two~ I'm so proud of you :3!!<br />
And you're right... I would be refusing to go home ;w;<br />
Aigoo~ Update soon kay~~<3?
ok did anyone notice the Before the Dawn thing???!!!! lolz it's a link to Before The Dawn by Infinite. One of my fave songs when I'm bored :3
PCbuhBAM #5
Also… Sry for mistakes… I'm on my phone so yea :P
PCbuhBAM #6
BTW I love the fact you didn't hesitate at all to kiss him. OMO ARE YOU TWO DATING FORREAL?!<br />
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UPDATE SOON <3<br />
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And merry christmas~~
PCbuhBAM #7
I hate you so kuch… SO SO SO SO MUCH<br />
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DUDE! Aish, at least I read UR POV<br />
<br />
OMG Wat ever I still love u<3<br />
<br />
*throws every pillow from every room I can find in the Suju's dorm and throws them at you -.-!!*<br />
<br />
ARG I HA-Saranghaeyo~~
PCbuhBAM #8
<br />
… <br />
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just saying<3
PCbuhBAM #9
<br />
<br />
… <br />
<br />
Ur not right?? UR NOT RIGHT?!?!?!! O MAH GOODNESS!! U.ARE.NOT.RIGHT?!?! …<br />
Either tht or I'm thinking too fast e///e<br />
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Honestly… I did cry A BIT no… my eyes were sweaty… when I read tht Heechul gave me a rose ring ;w; SO PRETTY<br />
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And you knw what… tht Noona Naemu Yeppo thing… ROFL LOL AHAHAHAHAHAHA <br />
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<3 it ALL xD
Did you guys forget about me? T~T