The Big Day

Birthday Surprise

~MinAh's POV~

"Happy Birthday!" I gave Britt a big bear hug, and handed her gift to her. 

"Omo! It's a panda pillow pet! I have one that's bigger so now it has a junior! Ah! That's what I'll name it! Juju or Jujuie. You know because of being a Junior and SUPER Junior... yeah..." She smiled and hugged me not noticing the sketch pad that was also in the bag. "I love it thanks so much!" 

"Well, you want to go shopping like we planned?" I motioned towards the car behind me so we could get going.

"Of Course!" She hooked her arm with mine, and practically dragged me over to the car. We both got in and I drove to the mall for one awesome day of shopping.

-10 minutes later in the car-

Britt kept looking at her phone and sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked her even though I had a pretty good idea what was bothering her.

"Heechul hasn't called or texted me at all yet today. Maybe you were right, maybe he's not the right guy for me." She looked down at the picture of him as her phone background.

"Don't give up on him just yet. I know I said a lot of stuff about him, but maybe, just maybe, he'll surprise you." I was trying to keep a straight face so I didn't give away any hints. She looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, He probably has a schedule today so he can't contact me right now." She smiled still looking at the picture on her phone. 

I just smiled and kept driving the rest of the way to the mall.

-Inside the mall-

She was really excited when we arrived to the mall. 

"Where should we go first??" Britt was basically jumping up and down in excitement. 

"It's your birthday." She took that as the green light to start the race. She grabbed my arm and started for the first awesome store she saw.

-3 hours later-

Ok so we hit up just about every store in the mall, and now I'm carrying at least 15 bags in my hand that are hers, but it's her birthday so I'll let in slide. We were now in her favorite store. Papaya Clothing. It's a store that has pretty awesome clothes. She was like on sugar high or something because she was like at her top energy level. Even I haven't seen her like this before. While she was trying on the whole pile of clothes she found, I shuffled around the bags in my hands to try and get a free hand so I could check the time. Let's see we started at 1:00 p.m. and it is now 4:00 p.m. I wonder when Heechul will make his move. 

"Whatcha thinking about?" I jumped in surprise. Britt always pops out of no where when you're not paying attention. 

"Nothing, just seeing what time it is and how long we've been here." I slid my phone back in my pocket.

"You getting tired?" She calmed down a little to see if I was ok.

"No. So are you going to buy any of those clothes?" I pointed to the whole rack of clothes in her hand that she didn't put back.

"Maybe. I'm still deciding which color to get this top in." She held up two top the were the same style but different color. 

"I like the white one." I said, seeing if I could help out her decision.

"Then I'll get the white one!" She was back to high energy and basically ran somewhere to put the other one back. 


My text alert started ringing. 

I quickly got out my phone and looked at the text.

It was from Heechul. I opened the text.

'5 pm bring Britt to Gaylord Hotel.'

"Hey, who texted you?" Britt came running over. I quickly stuffed my phone back in my pocket.

"No one." I tried with all my might to keep a straight face.

"It was Leeteuk wasn't it?" She had this look like she completely figured me out, it was quite hilarious, but I went with it.

"Aish, You caught me." I was roliing on the floor laughing inside, but I kept a straight face. I was after all, training to be an actress. This was good practice.

She started laughing. "I knew it! You two should totally go out." A blush appeared on my face. 

"Wh-what are you talking about? We're just friends. Besides, he's too busy to have a relationship anyway." Ok, I admit it... I do have a slight crush on Leeteuk, but he didn't see me like that. We were really just friends. 

"Uh huh, sure. Well, I'm done in this store. It's getting late. You wanna get some dinner?" She started heading towards the food court. I started to panic.

"Wait!" I shouted to her 2 feet in front of me.

"What?" She had a confused look on her face. 

"Uh... I wanted to..." I looked around really quick to see what I could use. "... go into that store really quick." I pointed to... the pet store. Good choice MinAh!

"Ok!" She seemed all for it. I sighed in relief, and walked over with her to the pet store.

We walked into the pet store and right off the bat I heard some familiar voices. "Hey should I get the cute one on the manly looking one?" I turned my head to find none other than Yesung looking at turtles, and it looks like he dragged Sungmin with him. I looked over to find Britt occupied with the animals so I walked over and greeted Yesung and Sungmin.

"Annyeong Haseyo. Yesung-ssi and Sungmin-ssi." I bowed politely with the 15 bags hanging on my arms.

"Annyeong. MinAh-yah." They both said together. Yesung came up to me.

"Hey do you think I should get the cute one or the manly one?" He was taking this very seriously. 

"Don't you have enough turtles?" I asked him. He just looked at me and continued deciding.

"You have a lot of bags on your arms." Sungmin pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah, been shopping with Britt." Then I remmebered. I had to get Britt to the hotel restraunt at 5 p.m.  I quickly pulled out my phone and checked the time. 4:30 p.m. Oh Crap! I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and bowed to the two again. "Mianhaeyo but I got to go." 

"Ok, talk to you later?" Sungmin replied while Yesung was deep in thought about his turtles.

"Yeah. See ya." I turned and got Britt then quickly exited the mall, put the bags in my car, and drove quickly to the hotel.

"What's the rush?" Britt was confused about everything that just happened.

"Nothing I just want to give you a chance to wear that new outfit you bought." I kept looking at the clock, trying not to be late. Britt kept giving me weird looks, but I can't really blame her.

We drove for a little while, but then we finally arrived. Gaylord Hotel. 

4:45 p.m. 

Ok that's enough time to get her inside and changed and pretty before Heechul takes over.

I quickly got out of the car, and grabbed the bags with the pretty outfit and I grabbed my make-up bag. "Come on we got to get you pretty."

"You are acting so strange." Britt continued to give me weird looks, but forgave me a little because this is her favorite restraunt. 

We went inside and I told her to go change while I get things settled. The moment the bathroom door closed, I pulled out my phone and called Heechul. 

Ring Ring... Ring Ring... 

"Yebosayo? Are you here?" Heechul answered the phone.

"Yeah. She's in the bathroom changing right now. Where do you want me to take her?" I kept my eye on the bathroom door in case she comes out unexpectedly. 

"Take her up to the rooftop restraunt then I'll take it from there." Heechul sounded slightly nervous over the phone.

"Alright." I hung up the phone right as Britt walked out of the bathroom. She looked amazingly amazing. 

"Who was that?" She asked walking up to me and handing me back my make-up bag. 

"Uh... It's nothing just my mom calling in to see how I was doing." I gave her a normal smile. She bought it.

"How's your mom doing?" She asked.

"She's fine, now are you ready for your birthday dinner?" I asked walking towards the elevator.

"Of Course!" She walked into the elevator, and I followed her. While we were on our way to the rooftop, I thought of a plan to leave discretely. I got it.

"Hey Britt, I left something in my car so I'm going to let you sit down and start without me, Ok?" I pushed the button of the last floor before the roof. The doors opened. "Don't worry the waiter will show you to your seat." The elevator doors closed and I started for the stairs to get to my car and drive away. 

~Britt's POV~

The elevator doors closed.

"MinAh has been acting really strange since that text she got in the mall." I rode the elevator for one more floor then the elevator doors opened to the rooftop restraunt, and standing right there in fornt of the doors was none other than Kim Heechul.

"Good Evening Madme. I'll be your waiter for this evening." 



Well, Here we go... After all the planning, Britt finally arrives to have dinner with Heechul, but how will that dinner turn out?

Lol Happy Birthday Britt. Now it makes sense? I'm not done yet though. I still have at least one more chapter. So stay tuned. >:3

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PCbuhBAM #1
OMG so in the end I WAS SICK?!?! Oh well~ at least I had a great time with Heechul xD!!<br />
<br />
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Oh and I love how I x]<br />
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Btw, end this cuz it's just about my b-day so THANKSSSSSSSSS<3
PCbuhBAM #2
WAIT A SEC if this was #1... there's a #2??? <br />
I hate headaches though ;w; <br />
PCbuhBAM #3
Aish~ you two~ I'm so proud of you :3!!<br />
And you're right... I would be refusing to go home ;w;<br />
Aigoo~ Update soon kay~~<3?
ok did anyone notice the Before the Dawn thing???!!!! lolz it's a link to Before The Dawn by Infinite. One of my fave songs when I'm bored :3
PCbuhBAM #5
Also… Sry for mistakes… I'm on my phone so yea :P
PCbuhBAM #6
BTW I love the fact you didn't hesitate at all to kiss him. OMO ARE YOU TWO DATING FORREAL?!<br />
<br />
UPDATE SOON <3<br />
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And merry christmas~~
PCbuhBAM #7
I hate you so kuch… SO SO SO SO MUCH<br />
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DUDE! Aish, at least I read UR POV<br />
<br />
OMG Wat ever I still love u<3<br />
<br />
*throws every pillow from every room I can find in the Suju's dorm and throws them at you -.-!!*<br />
<br />
ARG I HA-Saranghaeyo~~
PCbuhBAM #8
<br />
… <br />
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just saying<3
PCbuhBAM #9
<br />
<br />
… <br />
<br />
Ur not right?? UR NOT RIGHT?!?!?!! O MAH GOODNESS!! U.ARE.NOT.RIGHT?!?! …<br />
Either tht or I'm thinking too fast e///e<br />
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<br />
Honestly… I did cry A BIT no… my eyes were sweaty… when I read tht Heechul gave me a rose ring ;w; SO PRETTY<br />
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And you knw what… tht Noona Naemu Yeppo thing… ROFL LOL AHAHAHAHAHAHA <br />
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<3 it ALL xD
Did you guys forget about me? T~T