Earbuds and Jungkook

Mr. Jeon and I

     I quietly walked home after Jungkook left so abruptly. I hoped nothing unpleasant had happened to him, he seemed pretty shaken. I sighed and picked up my pace. It wasn't really any of my business, right? I turned the corner and saw a little store. I always passed by it on the way home from school, but something caught my eye. On display were these cute earbuds in different designs and colors. I decided to take a look around. 

     Actually, I wanted to get Jungkook something for tutoring me for free like that. I always felt so bad and this was a small compensation of my continuing debt. I nodded in confrimation to myself and headed inside. I was going to find the perfect set of earbuds. I looked through all the products. All of them were so pretty and I I debated on my options. Green, oh what is that? Hmm, black. Seems nice, Blue. Wow, what a pretty color. Gray... Red! My eyes widened in excitement. I remembered the time where Jungkook and I had our first tutoring session. He had told me his favorite color is red, right after I had told him mine was a dark shade of blue. I smiled as I picked up the red earbuds which happened to be next to a pair of dark blue ones. I then went over to pay.

    I came home and gave my mom and hug. She asked me her usual quesitons about how school and I responded with upmost honesty. Well, except the part about Jungkook. Heck, even I was confused about that still. I finished my homework over a period of a couple hours and decided to take a wash up for the night. I the warm water and closed my eyes. Truth was, I was never good with boys. What if his confession was actually... I angled my head so the soap could wash off. How was I supposed to react? 

    On the flip side, he could be talking about something way different and I would be stupid for expecting the impossible. Still, was there really no hope for us? I quickly rinsed once more and stepped out. I dried my hair with a towel and changed into comfortable clothing. I stared at myself in the mirror. Yeah, there was no way he'd actually take a liking to someone like me. Once again, I was overreacting. 

     I opened my textbooks to review the concepts and lessons I learned today. I was moving some folders aside when something fell to the ground. I picked up the paper and realized what it was. It was the essay I went over with Jungkook. I stared at his penmanship as I observed the notes he had left for me. I smiled to myself. His handwriting was semi-cursive and it was very neat while unruly at the same time. 

    I studied for a little longer and decided to call it a day. Tomorrow was another tuoring session with Jungkook and I wanted to be alert and prepared. I stared down at my little gift and smiled, hoping that he would like it. I yawned and climbed onto my bed, closing the lights along the way. 

   Yes, Jungkook was once in a million and I was thankful he was my tutor. Because if he wasn't my connection with him would be lost. It scared me to think that our bond was so weak. But then again, he was my star and I, his pupil. I guess that's the only thing that matters to him. And on this note, I fell asleep. 

   I awoke to a bright and cheery morning. My mom prepared me breakfast and afterwards, I packed my things for school. As I buttoned on my uniform, I made sure that the present was safe inside of my bag. When all was perfect, I closed the door to my room and hugged my mom goodbye. 

   "Have a nice and exciting day. Ilyeon." She called from the kitchen.

   "You too, Mom." I called back. 

    I checked the time and realized that I was earlier today. I made my way to the bus stop and wondered if Jungkook was there. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him standing there. He was leaning against the pole of the bus stop as I quietly drew nearer to him. He noticed me approaching and gave me a smile and a wave. I noticed that he seemed a little unsettled. By what, I did not know. 

    "Hey, Ilyeon. Sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean to rush out on you like that." He apologized. 

    "It's okay. I can walk home by myself too, you know." I jokingly said. 

     He smiled, adding more color to my cheeks. "In compensation, I shall teach you extremely well today." He said with mock confidence. I laughed.

    "I actually really meant it though."

     We arrived at school about 20 minutes later and we walked to my locker together. I was afraid I'd stupidly forget my combination in front of him. 

     "Wow, you're so organized. It's quite impressive. You should tutor me in cleaning." He said. 

      "Haha, it's nothing. This is just a fluke, actually." 

      "No way. Then I guess you're just clean by nature." 

      I couldn't help but to smile at his joke and he returned the expression. I was actually quite surprised when he escorted me to my locker even though it was far from his. I stole furtive glances as we headed towards his locker and realized that something must be really bothering him. He had a subtle pained expression on his face. Though his face didn't succumb, his eyes gave it away. There was this sorrow aura to it, one that baffled me.

      "Hey, Jungkook. Is everything okay?" I asked as he stopped.

       He turned to look at me and he seemed surprised. Perhaps it was because he had thought that I hadn't noticed anything different or he was surprised at my annoying nosines. I hoped it was the first option. 

       Jungkook let out a small laugh. "Actually, it's with my dance academy. Apparently one of the guys on my team got seriously injured. That's why I went in such a hurry the other day. I'm just really worried about him. He may never be able to dance again." Jungkook pushed his bangs out of his eyes. 

       So that's what it was. It touched me to think that Jungkook was so considerate. "Jungkook, even though your friend is going through a rough time, he's lucky to have someone like you by his side." I said and blushed involuntarily.

      A smile crept on his face. "Ah is that so, Ilyeon. Strange, you seem to have this ameliorating effect on me. I can't quite explain it." He gave me one of his naughty/cute grins. 

     He stared into my eyes and the moment was broken by the ringing of the bell, signalling us to go to class. 

     "Well I'll see you later then, Jungkook." I waved, my heart still pounding. 

     He nodded. "Meet you later, Ilyeon." He said and gave me an air high-five. 

      Class dragged on as I took notes, solved problems, discussed with my classmates, and so forth. I was ecstatic about my tutoring session with Jungkook and my little gift for him. I made sure it was still there and anticipated the end of school. 

      About an hour later, the bell finally rang and students filed out. I was too when I saw Jungkook coming my way.

      "Ilyeon, how about studying at my dance studio?" He asked. 

      "Won't there be students practicing. I don't want to be a bother."

      "Most of the teams went off to compete so the building is pretty vacant. It makes a great area for studying, surprisingly. Take it from a veteran."

       Wait, so Jungkook and I were going to be in a building together? Just the two of us? 

        We took the bus there and I grew uneasy. It was strange, going to another realm of Jungkook's world. I smiled at the prospect. 

        Jungkook dropped his stuff down on the floor and I did the same. The practice rooms were quite nice and there were huge mirrors reflecting the other side. The Big Hit logo was on the center off the side. 

        Jungkook gestured to the mini table and we sat down. He explained more about the different approaches to writing and I paid close attention. This went on for about a few hours and the sky grew dark. We decided to call it a day and Jungkook some music. 

       "My favorite thing to do is to just lie on the floor while music is playing. I close my eyes and drift away for a moment." He said.

        I smiled and decided to give him the present. "That's an interesting notion."

        I headed towards where our stuff was, which was near the door. I was stopped when Jungkook suddenly grabbed my wrist from behind. I let out a small gasp and turned to face Jungkook who had a worried expression on his face. He must have thought I was exiting the building. 

       "Wait, will you stay with me?" Jungkook asked. 








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Chapter 6: The story is so cute. Young love. :)
Chapter 5: aw jungkook is such a cutie
T.T arghhh damn u whoever is calling jeon jungkook!! /sorry~ :3
Chapter 3: omg omg omg i smiled SO widely when he said the last sentence ><
Gotta subscribe!!! <3
Chapter 3: "Do you want to be my secret friend?" is that a confession, Jungkook? asjfjssdksksk
I like that Ilyeon acted normal while talking to Jungkook and doesn't seem like a freaky fangirl haha I can't wait for their tutoring session!