Chapter 2

Life As BTS' Stylist

After I got to my station I observed the makeup kits and everything there was name brand. Even the blending sponge for Gods' sake! "Okay... Hello everyone! I'm Sarah the director of these tryouts." Said the tall lady wearing a black pencil skirt and a white shirt whom called out my name and directed me here with two other girls that I didn't really notice before. "As you can see here, this is the make up station. Glamorous, isn't it?" Sarah said as everyone laughed at the last part she said. It was true though, I couldn't wait to use the makeup. "The head mannequins you see on each table will obviously be for you to use to impress Ms. Lee with your astonishing makeup skills. Ms. Lee will be observing every little detail of your work so you might want to be careful and detailed." Explained Sarah. "The theme chosen for you today is a fancy dinner night with your boyfriend."

Wow, that sure is convenient... something I have experienced... Expect my EX-Boyfriend never actually showed up and instead broke up with me through a damned phone call. Didn't even have the guts to ing tell me in person. What a loser.



"Hey Oppa! Have you seen my socks anywhere?" I practically yelled at my childhood friend, currently known as my boyfriend, from my room while searching everywhere for my socks. Hehe! I can't believe he actually confessed to me last year! I've had a crush on him since middle school but it seemed like he only saw me as a friend form how he acted around so I only kept my feelings in my heart.

"I saw them under the sofa so I just put them in the laundry room because they're dirty" He yelled back from the living room. "Oh thanks!" I took out a white pair of socks to go along with my black leggings and a grey TNA hoodie. I attempted to put my brown hair into a messy bun but I looked like a crazy person attempting to make a normal bun so I just tied my hair up into a high ponytail.

I headed to the living room. "I'm Done! Let's pick the mov-" I stopped midway through my sentences to see someone cleaning the living room. "Excuse me, I don't think I ordered room service, Jin umma." I said sarcastically as I stood leaned against the door watching him amusingly. "Though I don't really mind someone doing my chores for me." I seriously don't mind though, I hate chores. "First of all, stop calling me Jin umma. It's Jin OPPA not Jin UMMA. Second of all, don't act like you were gonna do it anyways so you are welcome. God, this house looks like a mess all the time." Jin scolded me as if he was my mom or something.  "Except when you clean it, the house becomes squeaky clean, and why are you being so sassy. Jin Umma." I teased as I emphasized umma. "Why do I even try?" sighed Jin.

I walked over to him and hugged him. I looked at him with my hands around him. "Fine, fine. Don't be mad at me oppa~ Sorry, okay?" I said cutely and flashed him my most adorable smile. I know this beautiful smile can crack his nagging mom mode. He looked down at me in disbelief for a good five long seconds then started laughing and hugged me tightly. "Aigoo! I just can't seem to stay mad at you." Jin said as he was about to break the hug. "Just stay like this for a bit longer please." I said as I dug my face into his chest. I really did love it when he hugged my like this. "This room isn't going to clean it's self up." He said as he chuckled. I looked up at him trying to make puppy eyes but he just gave me a peck on the lips and went back to cleaning. So I basically just acted cute for nothing? But hey, that peck was okay too I guess.

I sat on the couch and waited for him to finish. We are supposed to watch a movie in my apartment today and cuddle because he knows that's my favorite thing to do. I chose a movie and he finally came back after like 10 minutes and sat beside me. "Finally." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Jin just laughed but for some reason it felt off, like it was forced or something.  "You okay?" I asked with concern. Jin wrapped his arms around me, "Yeah I'm fine, play the movie, let's see what you picked." He said with a smile.

'Whatever?' I just played the movie and grabbed the popcorn he made while I was probably looking for my socks. I leaned my head onto his chest and watch the movie. From time to time I'd look up at him and it didn't even look like he was paying any attention and has a weird expression on his face I couldn't quite explain. He definitely was not happy nor mad, it was like something was bothering him but I didn't ask because I didn't want to be nosy and maybe it's something I didn't need to know. Basically it's not my business. I don't exactly need to know everything about his life. I turned my attention back to watching the movie. The movie finished and Jin didn't even seem to notice as he was lost in his own world.

"Hey, Wake up." I said and clapped in front of his face. "Huh? Oh. That sure was a funny movie! Loved it!" Jin said awkwardly. "Oppa! It was a freaking action movie!" I stated. "Well... I found it pretty funny at some parts so bleh." "Yeah sure you did Jin, I bet you don't even know the main characters names." is what I wanted to say but kept it to myself. "Oh. It's already 7 p.m! MinAh, I need to meet up with my friends now to hang out!" Jin said as he stood up and stretched. Heh. I saw his a tiny bit of his tummy. Cute. OMG I'm such a weirdo what the hell? "MinAh, you there?" Jin asked and waved his hand in front of me. "Yeah! have fun okay?" I really did want him to have and relax right now. I followed him to the door and handed him his coat.

"Don't forget our date at Lara's Restaurant tomorrow at 8 p.m." Jin told me. "I know, umma Jin, but I wonder what's so important that we're going to a fancy expensive restaurant." I said and Jin gave me a half smile with somewhat sad eyes which broke my heart to see. "You'll know... See you." Jin kissed me on the forehead and then hugged for what seemed the longest time. Jin eventually broke the hug and waved bye and left. I don't know why I felt so sad all of a sudden. A feeling of uneasiness and fear rushed over me for some reason.

I went to my room and started studying to get my mind off of Jin and also keep a good pace with my studies. I honestly didn't understand why I need to learn all this chemistry and math bull when I'm going to be a freaking makeup artist. I studied for about 6 hours so I can just study for 4 hours tomorrow morning. I thought I'd finally get to rest after high school but that is clearly not the case here. If anything, its even worse. I washed up, brushed my teeth and checked my phone hoping for some texts from Jin but none. I just texted him goodnight and went to sleep. I am excited but feel scared and uneasy for tomorrow. Let's hope it goes well and I'm just over thinking things.

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RachieTheWriter #1
Chapter 4: Yay :) Loving the story so far!