
Drunken Description
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''Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to be human?'', a pretty doe-eyed boy with translucent porcelain skin turns away from the antique ruby encrusted mirror perched atop the marble vanity to speak to a pale skinned boy strewn across a velvety red ensconced bed and had his pale legs dangling over the edge.

said pale skinned boy brings his hand to his face in a gesture of thought.

''Well, I guess I only think about it sometimes, like sometimes when I see them running around without a care in the summer sun, sometimes when I watch them live and die with a loved one within a century, when I watch them truly shiver from the winter cold with the puffs of air leaving their mouths warming the winter sky, when I hear their heartbeats thrum fast and strong, when I watch them wear vibrant colours on a warm spring afternoon, when I watch them savour the taste of a tender steak, when I watch them welcome tiny bundles of joy into the world, when I watch the warm embrace shared amongst families, when I weigh the scales of immortality versus mortality, only then do I think about it'', the pale boy replied.

''That's a whole lot of times Sehun-ah" said doe eyed boy replied.

Sehun shrugs before letting his eyes trail up to study the intricate designs painted onto the ceiling.

''When do you think about it Lu?" Sehun asked after a momentary silence.

Luhan let's his eyes wander from the speaker of the words to the black damask blinds hanging over window on the right side of the room before settling back once more on the object of his utmost want and desire perched atop the marble vanity.

"Only when I stare into the mirror" he stared with somber eyes at the mirror which reflected an otherwise unoccupied bed with only creases in it.

"I've always wondered what my face looked like" he continued as he trailed long dainty fingers across the length of his face.

"I find myself asking why I'm holding onto immortality with hands as frail as spider webs when I could disappear into oblivion like wisps of smoke from a flickering candle"

"Don't go all philosophical on me" Sehun rolls his eyes before quipping in.

"Shush,its not like you are of any help,I can't rely on you for any sort of description,because neither are you gifted with the sense of detailing nor can you draw to save your life and your sense of perception is minus infinity multiplied by zero" he concluded.

"Gee thanks deer han" the pale boy drawled sarcastically.

"At least I can make recognizable drawings unlike Yifan hyung, I mean have you seen his drawings, they are out of this world; what with his four legged duck and all".

Luhan chuckles quietly.

"You'rejust jealous, I personally think his level of artistry is simply ahead of its time that's all, the world is not ready for such genius acts"

Sehun scoffs.

"Sure Lulu sure, just like how you're the manliest man to have ever manned on planet earth". He ducked his head from the flying jade brush headed in his general direction.

''Don't call me that, you have no respect for someone who is a hundred and seven years older than you, now do you?'' The milky skinned boy asked.

"Nope I don't have any for a vampire who looks like an eighteen year old kid". Sehun retorts.


Luhan returned to staring at his non existent reflection in the mirror, after a few minutes of companionable silence between the both of them, he spoke up again.

"Sehun-ah, tonight is the exodus of the black pearl moonlight, do you think we should visit the crystal sea?" (Note: exodus means departure)


"Yes I think its time we finally did hyung, we won't get the chance again until the next ten centuries, besides I couldn't be more sure of what I've always wanted".

Luhan finally stops staring at the empty reflection in the mirror to take his place beside Sehun on the bed.

"You only call me hyung when you really want something. I guess its settled then, crystal sea tonight". He smiles into Sehun eyes.

Sehun sits up before taking Luhan's hands into his. "Hyung, what should we do till then?"

"Well I don't know, maybe go jump off a tall building before I lose the ability to do so or maybe scare a bunch of people by impaling myself with a sword, or better still set myself on fire or....." Luhan railed on.

"Real ingenious ideas hyung, real ingenious" he said as he delivered mild slaps to the back of Luhan's head.

"Hey, not my precious big head" the doe eyed boy mutters as he wraps his arms protectively around his head.

The pale boy smiles before continuing.

"Lu, I have an idea. How about we get drunk instead?" Luhan sits up with sparkling eyes.

"That my friend is a splendid idea, let's go".

He leapt off the bed and shuffled over to the closet which held an array of colourful apparels as well as plain black apparels neatly sectioned in half. He stares wistfully at the colourful clothes before settling on a pair of black pants, black t-shirt and black leather jacket like he usually does before tossing a similar array of clothing at Sehun, who quickly climbed out of bed to change into it. Luhan slipped off the ring on his third finger and places it side by side with sehun's atop the vanity, taking a long look at it before walking out of the bedroom.

They trudged silently down the corridor side by side into the large and spacious sitting room. Luhan let his fingers trace the patterns in the old tapestry which adorned the walls before lifting his eyes to study the protraits hung onto them, which contained the faces of the people from his past generations, people he never met and probably would never see again. He stood in the middle of the large spacious sitting room for thirty seconds simply staring at everything that surrounded him, the portraits, antique vases, treasures worth millions which have being accumulated over the centuries. At the corner of the room was a polished mahogany desk and atop it was a brown envelope ensconced in a transparent waterproof jacket, the doe eyed boy lightly places his hand at the tip of the envelop before picking it up.

Inside the envelop laid what he and sehun had longed for all their lives. He took out his cellphone, typed in a message, pushed the send button and then replaces it with the envelope initially placed on the table. He slipped all his hopes and dreams into the inner crevice of his black leather jacket. They finally walked to the huge black double doors which marked the entrance of the mansion, simultaneously placing one hand each on the door handles, they pulled open the doors and stepped into the quickly setting sun.

Luhan takes one last look at his home '黑 大厦'(Hēi Dàshà-Black Mansion),the place he and those before him had called home. Turning his eyes away he then fell in step beside Sehun as they walked down the road.



Luhan found himself observing the mundane things that defined life itself, things like the brightly coloured birds fliting from one tree to another, settling into their nests probably to slumber the night away or maybe searching for what to satisfy their hunger with, to the mail boxes adorning the fronts of well manicured lawns lining the streets forming a perfectly vertical strip across the neighbourhood, to the stray cat tinkering about in the refuse bin probably in search of a worthy meal, to the orange streaks lining the dark blue sky creating a beautiful canvas with God being the artist, to the gentle breeze dancing through his ash gray locks.

They trudged down the well worn path, which has been walked through over the years and which has also housed an ever changing variety of abodes over the centuries, which was now currently housing a certain Byun convenience store flanked by other stores on each side. To the left was a white and lilac quaint looking store called 'Do confectionary', with the slogan 'home to all sorts of cakes and sweets' written below the store's name in little cursive writing. To the right was another store of similar size with red flashing neon signs which read Yifan Fried Chicken with the slogan 'chicken is my style' (luhan thought it was absolutely cheesy), and right across from the chicken place was a dance studio called 'Kkamjong dance studio' with the slogan 'home of dance' written in slim tan lines. He had caught Sehun glancing at the studio several times, and everytime he catches the pale boy in the act, he wishes in his heart that the boy gets to live his dreams.

They entered into the store and made their way through familiar aisles lined with all sort of articles of wants before making their way to the liquor aisle where they picked up three bottles of fire brand sailor whiskey before making their way to the cash register. Manning the cash register was a raven haired boy with small droopy kohl rimmed eyes whose name tag read 'Byun Baekhyun', standing next to him was another boy with twinkling eyes sporting a teeth rich smile capable of rivaling those of models in toothpaste ads.

Perched by the sides of the teeth rich guy's face were large pointy eyes which reminded the milky boy of a green alien creature he once saw in a galactic movie which had several weird looking alien races in some kind of war or something.(Luhan honestly didn't understand what was going on with the white headed robot looking guys who wouldn't speak, like were they dumb or something?) The pointy earred boy whose name tag read 'Park Chanyeol' stood several inches above the raven haired guy who was talking animatedly, gesticulating and flailing around like a fish fresh out of water. Luhan found himself watching the interaction between them with keen eyes and felt very hesistant about interupting the obviously interesting conversation, but he knew he had no choice as the window behind the conversing duo presented him with the sight of a waning red sun dipping completely into grey clouds and giving way to a spotless grey slate.

With Sehun by his side, he stepped forward and then cleared his throat to make his presence known. Looking away from his partner, the pointy earred boy bestows Luhan with a sheepish smile before folding his hands primly across his stomach.

'Good evening, how may I help you?'. He spoke up in a clear deep baritone voice. (Luhan thought his voice didn't match his bright curly copper hair as well as his warm wide brown eyes) 'I'll like to buy this please'. He replies placing his merchandise atop the counter. The boy across the counter skeptically eyes the bottles of whiskey placed in front of him before trailing his eyes upward to Luhan's face and then back to the Baekhyun boy beside him, whose face was sporting an identical expression. The doe eyed boy could clearly understand what they were thinking and he already knew what was going to come out of the teeth rich boy's mouth, as he had countlessly found himself in such situations.

'I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to present your ID because we don't sell alcohol to people younger than twenty years old'. He says. Sehun snickers from his place beside Luhan and was rewarded with a sharp jab to the side which causes him to double over clutching his side in pain.

'You don't have to be so salty over it, its not like he'

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naimiestrella #1
Chapter 1: Wait, they were immortals and after they jumped at the lilac moon they became mortals?
BlackisBlack #2
Chapter 1: Whoa, this is just- amazing! I so get the title now, and the title does have a ring to it. The story was no joke, this is just incredible. I love it! Thank you so much for writing this, author-nim! ^^
BlackisBlack #3
The description has much more depth than my maturity (which I'm not sure I still have XD)
Chapter 1: So the exodus of the black pearl moonlight (I see what you did there) has something to do with Luhan's, um, thingy. But wait- the translation of the Chinese characters means "Black House". Why is there too much black? XD Sorry for the lame joke XD
Although some parts weren't clear to me (like WTH happened to Luhan), I like this story. God bless your hands for writing this! ♥
This totally doesn't have any connection but, I love the pink touch on the font! Pink is awesome XD

But are they both vampires or is Sehun human?
Chapter 1: When I read this, I remembered OT12... then I keep hearing the song El Dorado on my mind, which kinda made me sad. But this is just too good! Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story!
The description is just beautifully crafted- I love how I get shivers, this is real OMG. Anyways, I'll be reading this ^^
Chapter 1: I love this, this is just beautiful. Although I don't understand, is this related to the wolf drama version mv. Did Luhan turned human? What happened? Nevertheless of the questions, this story made me cry...
I am in love with your description (for some unknown reason)
This is off-topic, but can you link me the contest? Oh- good luck with your story, I'm sure it'll be a treat to read! ^^