boys do fall in love ...

how deep is your love??



i made a lot of short coming today. i didn't mean to stir a commotion, but it's my nature. i look at the list of cupid's target.

and this is the weirdest list i ever saw, MEN FALLING FOR THEIR BRETHREN !!! their brothers in arm.

i already ask cupid about this, guess what he said with swag as the humans call it "love does not consider , gender, social status, nationality religion what soever in other words love knows no boundaries"

cheezy but the fact that their feelings exist. is enough for mr to believe.


"whatcha looking at??"

i lost my balance and my ipad almost fell from my hands at the question. i look at the man who disturb me ... i lock gaze with him


"you look lost"

"i'm not ..."


"yes" i assured him..... "and you are??"

"jung byunhee, you're classmate" he answered ... oh right ... the guy who ask about the blond locks of mine ...

i ran my hand through my hair  "it's nice to formally meet you " i said. you're on the list jung byunhee, be ready ....

"so what were you doing??" he's closing in, i side step. "nothing" i answered. he pulled away...

"well, it's lunch so wanna go to the cafeteria with me??" he offered, i may look so human. but i'm not....

"catch up later, i need something from my locker" i said, running away. i went up the stairs to the less populated floor.

"bye junhyung ... hello othello" i said, i change form right there. physical appearance plus i'm invincible to them now.

i took a look at the list again ...  lucky first couple ... 

the american boys ....



the social groups of the student body began to flood the doors of the cafeteria ...

on related fact ... the jocks are the brawn, the dancers, the musicians and the student council seals the four huge tables at  the huge pavilion.

"hyung!!!!!" jinki called byunhee, waving like he just don't care. byunhee chuckled at the action of his friend.....

he noticed kevin wasn't there yet .... very not like the kid to be late "where's sunghyun??" he asked them, onew shrugged while the others play their instruments... 

junhyung sat at the farthest table from the crowd nearest to the glass walll. sipping coke, he's anticipating something very entertaining ....

suddenly, kevin walked pass students. he look so damn irritated ...

"kevin!!!" byunhee called him , totally ignored. he walk pass taemin's table. the boy stared at kevin. "kevz?"


minho notice kevin walking towards their table "you're friend's crossing over??" he asked eli as he points at kavin. every body knew the story of the american boys, nonetheless be forgotten due to the social rule. eli walk to meet kevin half way. he was greeted by kevin's fist. every body was like "ow!!!!"

junhyung spit his coke clearly not what he was waiting for. taemin immediately restraining his friend "calm down kevz" he said. but his friend was simultaneously roaring "DAMN YOU !!!! KIM KYOUNG JAE!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!" in english.

"what's your friend's problem taemin!!!???" minho rored taking a step forward but eli stop " i believe this is my fight" calmly ...

"not all fights are yours froggy " taemin insulted minho, who hissed "start your own"

Eli sighed the duo is doing it  again... "what's wrong ?"

"you filthy little mutt!!!! who the hell sign us here!!!??" kevin shoving a piece of paper to eli ... "chill kevz" taemin caution his friend.

eli read what was written on the flyer " WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS???"

minho snacth the paper from eli " it's obvious you did it kevin, girly " minho said, kevin lost it at he kicked minho at the you know what.

the kick send minho on his knees, jonghyun came to the boy's side "enough kevin " he warned the boy 

taemin was bittersweet but then again. "serves you right"

"what's with the comotion???!!!!!" a voice so loud it pierce the ears of those who are near him... "finally, stundent council ..." jonghyun muttered.

president key glared at him "so the jocks did it again..." key said, hands on his waist. dongwoon look at mir, "innocent" mir defended hands raised, thunder chuckled at the action. making mir's face a little flush and doojoon jealous  " so not ... "minho said, strain voice . he point at kevin "he started it "

kevin was about to hit minho again but taemin caught him "keep calm kevz, where did you get that swag??"

"L.A still in me...." he said.

"what's the porblem??" key asked, taemin pointed at the paper... key pick it up ... "oh my"

he looked at kevin "you have every right in your own justice to beat eli up" he sincerely said. that mad doo  joon angry and stole the paper from key...

"that ain't fair," he accused key " just because you hate my taem      jonghyun i mean you shouldn't allow violence, you're the president" he explain

"that's how you'll run the school??" jonghyun ask him, key ignored him "vice care to explain this" he called dongwoon.

"could i??" he ask doo joon, the captain gave the paper "this partially my fault" he said, minho and jonghyun move closer to him

"MINHO!!!" mir yelled, he's not the type to be mad, but he didn't like what's gonna happen. minho move away ...

"you're fault, fix it ..." eli demamded, dongwoon sighed .....

"i said partially." he said "this is the work of the club at school...." he added, minho looked eli " let's take them down"

"compose of girls" park sang hyun said "you would beat up girls??"

"so what's that about??" doo joon ask, stern voice. he must keep the facade. 

"love game, best couple contest"

"can't we back out??" eli asked. kevin made a sound of disgust "are you using your brain??" he asked eli. the boy was taken aback ... such sharp words

"i wouldn't be this if that was an option"

"this is a joke!!!??? how can you approve of this!!!!" doojoon accidentlly shouted at dongwoon. mir didn't like it but he can't do anything. dong scoffed "is your common sense still intact??" the vice sneered " it is a couple thing nobody said about, , gender, status and social group". he crumpled the paper, pulled doo joon's hand place the paper on it and close the hand. "so you'll participate" said key, kevin looked at him begging ...

"i can't do anything ... rules are rules"

"but president?"

"is there anything we can do??" everybody looked at dongwoon. though his the vice in internal affairs, he still can't stand the attention .. he shook hi head "just participate "

"or beat up each other so you don't need to take part" sanghyun suggested, that made mir laugh.


"shouldn't we be there??" onew asked, byunhee is worried but this isn't his fight. he stood up and walk to kevin ... 

the boy is still ranting things "i don'tcare  about the participation i wanna know who the hell entered my name!!!!"

byunhee clapped his hand on kevin's shoulder. "are you okay??" his voice sounded sad, kevin huffed and look at his hyung "not really" and smiled.

that made eli felt a pang of     no, he feels rage. how could kevin act like that to him?? and be calm to this dude!!????




what a total failure. didn't see that coming.... 

i took a sip of coke and watch the commotion die,  when "could i sit with you??"

i look up to see seungho. this feels really weird, but i can sense that i knew him from somewhere.


"you look so sad"

"is that why you came here??"

"partially, i want to sit my legs hurt"

i chuckled at the statement ...

"mind telling me something ..." 

and we talk and talk and talk




i can't help but feel cheated. i don't know who did it, but it made the situation a lot worse.

i still can't figure out my feelings...

do boys really fall in love??

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ILBYJH712 #1
Chapter 24: When are you gonna continue? I really love this....junhyungie being an angle......