

It was a starry night, just how they liked it.


It was one of the nights where they were free from everything; the tight schedule, the continuous training, the paparazzi and the sasaengs. It was insanely serene and peaceful that Baekhyun couldn’t help but to enjoy it to the fullest.


He was lying down on a mat at the rooftop of the building of their dorm, tracing and joining the dots of the stars in the sky, just like what he used to do when he was a cute, little boy.


He snapped out of his own world when someone blew hot air into his right ear, startling him.


“Ugh Park Chanyeol, you shocked me!”


Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrowed, not liking it a bit but the playful grin plastered on the giant’s face managed to calm him down.


Just like how he always does.


Chanyeol let out a tinkling laugh, shrugging while uttering a small “I can’t help it,” before lying down beside Baekhyun and pulling the smaller close to him. Instinctively, Baekhyun let Chanyeol’s arm support his head and he snuggled closer to the male’s broad chest.


“You come on the right time. It’s starting to freeze out here,”


Baekhyun mumbled against Chanyeol’s clothed chest, making the taller chuckled once again. Baekhyun smiled when he felt the vibration of Chanyeol’s laugh.


“I always know when you need me, Baek”


Baekhyun just hummed in agreement and he pulled his face away from Chanyeol’s chest, turning his gaze back to the glittering night sky. Chanyeol slowly hummed into a tune which Baekhyun wished to hear for forever.


But, Chanyeol just had to crash his wish into dusts when he suddenly stopped humming. Baekhyun groaned slightly, as a sign of disapproval but Chanyeol didn’t continue. Instead, he asked,


“Baek, do you believe in wishing on shooting stars?”


Baekhyun glanced up at Chanyeol to look into his eyes but the male was staring straight into the sky, showing Baekhyun his perfect jawline and slightly chubby cheek. Baekhyun was lost in staring at Chanyeol’s face that he didn’t realize that he still didn’t answer his question.


Baekhyun finally snapped when Chanyeol looked down to him, raising his left eyebrow.


“Baek, you haven’t answered my question yet,”


Baekhyun chuckled as Chanyeol pouted, an attempt to make a sulky face.


“No, I don’t. Why? Do you?”


Yes, Baekhyun did love the stars. He loved how they were so kind to accompany the dark, night sky and how they decorate the dull sky. But, he didn’t believe in wishing on shooting stars. It was all mythos for him.


Chanyeol smiled and shook his head, turning his attention back to the stars.


“No, I don’t believe in them either. But after I met you, I found myself keep on waiting for shooting stars just because I want to wish for a happily ever after with you.”


Baekhyun felt heat crept up his cheeks at Chanyeol’s words. He somehow felt relieved that Chanyeol’s gazes were fixed on the stars, and not him.


Damn, he always makes me blush.


“Cheesy much, Park.”


Chanyeol’s laughed at Baekhyun’s remark and they fell into silence again, completely enjoying their alone time together.


After a while, Chanyeol’s deep voice was heard again, asking another question that caught Baekhyun off guard.


“Then, do you believe in magic and fairy tales, in a happily ever after?”


Baekhyun once again shook his head, saying that they were not even true, that they were just tales and didn’t apply in the real life.


“I beg to differ,”


Chanyeol spoke and tore his gaze away from the stars, looking straight into Baekhyun’s brown orbs instead. He still couldn’t believe that a person as breathtaking as Baekhyun did exist in this world and was perfectly secured in his arms.


Baekhyun’s eyebrows scrunched up, clearly disliking the fact that Chanyeol was not thinking the same way as he was. Chanyeol smiled and leaned down to kiss his eyebrows, successfully removed the frown on Baekhyun’s face.


Baekhyun looked flustered but he quickly composed himself, waiting for Chanyeol’s explanation.


“I do believe in magic, fairy tales, a happily ever after and so on. Well, I have to believe it whether I like it or not, because..”


Chanyeol trailed and Baekhyun was so eager to know, staring intently into Chanyeol’s eyes, waiting for him to finish his words.


“.. I am a prince of a faraway kingdom.”


Baekhyun hissed and slapped Chanyeol’s chest hard, annoyed that he was tricked by the giant. He pulled away from Chanyeol and sat up straight, crossing his arms on his chest.


Chanyeol laughed loudly at Baekhyun’s sour face, internally cooing at the adorable sight of the male. Chanyeol stopped laughing after a whole minute and sat up, crossing his legs, facing the angry male.


“Hey Baek, don’t be mad. I was just joking,”


Baekhyun ignored him and looked away. Not wanting the older to sulk, Chanyeol cupped the smaller’s cheeks with his large hands, turning Baekhyun’s face to look at him.


Baekhyun was still pouting and Chanyeol pinched his cheeks hard, earning another slap from the smaller.


Chanyeol stopped laughing and his gaze on Baekhyun turned serious, the type of gazes that drew Baekhyun to be lost into his stares. Baekhyun blushed slightly when Chanyeol caressed his cheeks with his thumbs, that loving stare was still there in his eyes.


“I do believe in magic because the magic is right in front of me. I do believe in fairy tales because my love story now is better than any fairy tale. I do believe in a happily ever after because my happily ever after is here in my arms. I believe in them, because I’ve got you, Byun Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun’s eyes went teary at Chanyeol’s words and he slapped Chanyeol once again,


“Can’t you be any cheesier, Park Chanyeol?”


Chanyeol chuckled and pulled Baekhyun into a hug, his face buried deep in Baekhyun’s soft locks and Baekhyun hid his red face at the crook of Chanyeol’s neck, inhaling his sweet scent that Baekhyun had grown fond of.


“Of course I can, because I’m a prince. And my princess is here, clinging tight onto me because he is blushing furiously right now,”


Baekhyun flushed a deeper shade of red and playfully bit hard onto Chanyeol’s neck, making the male let out a whine.


“You’re lucky that I love you, or else I would have to lock you up in a jail for hurting a prince,”


Chanyeol whispered into Baekhyun’s ear, earning a giggle from the man in his arms. Chanyeol felt Baekhyun’s soft lips on his neck and the hot breath of the smaller, whispering,


“I don’t care because first, you’re my prince and second, I am you princess, as you said and third, because I love you too,”


Baekhyun joked and closed his eyes, relishing the warmth of the taller surrounding him, hearing Chanyeol’s fast heartbeats beating in sync with his.







Somehow, Baekhyun started to believe in shooting stars, magic, fairy tales and a happily ever after. Because it was proven to him that they were true, that they did exist in real life and they were not some mere mythos.

Because Baekhyun’s wish did come true, he had the magic in his arms, he had his own fairy tale and he got his happily ever after;


In the form of Park Chanyeol.










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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Diabetes, this will give me diabetes. Arrrrghhh too sweet🍩🎂🍰🧁🍫🍬🍭🥰
Chapter 1: I got enough cheese for 10 large pizzas
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 1: Yes yes i keep on wishing Chanbaek will always be happy together
Chapter 1: This made me so soft *uhuhuhuuu* baekhyun biting chanyeol is actually a major kink (and mood cuz who doesn't wanna bite chanyeol amirite)
veronicaB #5
Chapter 1: That is so beautifully written.
This is adorable
Chapter 1: im grinning madly and soooooo falling for this asdfghjkl this is so lovely
Chapter 1: Huhuhu... so cute~ >< I do believe in magic and fairytales. Now can I get my own Park Chanyeol? ^w^
Chapter 1: awww. i really hope they are real. this seems just so real!
thank you for this author-nim! baekhyun and I had the same reaction in this story because ugh park. he's too damn irresistable.
stupidtaehyung #10
Chapter 1: this was rly fluffy and cute, great job^^