
The Fortune Teller

Chapter 2


One day before Christmas, few hours before Christmas Eve but Minseok is still at Yixing’s company doing the year-end audit, although he can’t really complain. Today is the company’s Christmas party and their work was put on hold early after lunch and until the next three days. Minseok is already free but he’s still at the office for the follow up procedures and of course because his Yixing asked them – together with his manager Junmyeon – to attend the party.

“I have a big announcement to make and I want you to be there.”

That was his words and it will be a lie if Minseok would say he isn’t excited. How important is it that it creates a huge smile on the Yixing’s face and moreover how important it is that he needs to be there.

Everything’s not about you Minseok.

He tried to remind himself but he can’t also help but hope. In the last few weeks that he stays at their company, he and Yixing had gone closer to the point that they are already addressing each other on a first name basis even though Yixing is still his senior. They had gone on few dinner dates – Minseok wants it to be dinner dates – and talk about things other than work. His hopeful heart wants Yixing’s announcement to have something to do with their growing relationship. He wanted it so much.

His felt his phone vibrates. It was a message from Sehun, the lanky boy living in the third floor of Black Pearl Heights.

.. hi hyung! Sooyoung noona wanted to know when are you coming back? ^^

Right. Tonight was also their apartment’s Christmas Party. Black Pearl Heights has this tradition of inviting street children inside for the Christmas Eve dinner and some fireworks. It was one of the reasons why Minseok had chosen that apartment apart from security and privacy purposes.

I’m not sure when exactly but of course I won’t miss the Christmas Eve dinner. Tell Sooyoung noona pizza’s on me. Just order it and put it on my tab. J

Luhan hyung already ordered pizza. ham and bubble tea would be good.. kekeke..

..bubble tea? Brat stop pretending that is for the children. but since it’s Christmas alright..

Thanks hyung XOXO..

So Luhan decided to remain and celebrate Christmas here, huh. So much for wishing a peaceful holiday.  After their fiasco in El Dorado, Minseok avoided Luhan like a plague. The weight of what he did just sink down on him after he left the restaurant. He tried so hard to forget the kiss, keep reiterating on his mind that it never happened but everytime he did, it will only remind him how Luhan’s lips felt and how aggressive he is. He doesn’t want to admit having dreams about it. Not in this lifetime. Never. But damn the deer for being a good kisser.

He should have just left after Yixing decided to sell him off to the younger. Him and Luhan in one place would never result in anything good. And with Yifan’s curse – yes it was never a good fortune, damn that thick eye browed fortune teller – looming around them, Minseok 200% wished what Yixing’s will say has something to do with them being official. Or at least getting official, if there’s any difference. He’s excited to get back to the apartment and make his own version of the announcement and to finally get rid of Luhan from his life for good. The ‘curse’ is only effective until New Year’s Eve and if he managed to be Yixing’s boyfriend even after the New Year then the curse is broken and he will never be Luhan’s husband. Even if he suffers bad luck as a consequence of not following what was foreseen for him, at least it’s in the company of the love of his life.

“A penny for your thoughts?”

Minseok looked back and saw Yixing smiling at him in his immaculate three piece suit. Minseok bite his lower lip to make sure he’s not gaping and ended up looking like a fool.

“Uh.. You look great today. Not that you didn’t in any other days.” Yixing chuckled and Minseok blushed upon realizing that what he said was not the answer to his question. “Erm.. I’m good. Thank you for inviting us again today.”

“Thank you Min.” Yixing gave him a smile. “Where’s Junmyeon shi by the way?”

He called me Min.. Ah what is life?

He composed himself and looked around. His manager is currently seated with the Board of Directors also present in the party. “Guess he’s still working.” He gestured his manager who is busy talking.

“Junmyeon shi never changed.” He shook his head as if he’s already used seeing Junmyeon like this.

Minseok stared at him for a while and then frowned. Yixing is fidgeting so much that the hem of his suit is already crumpled. “Are you alright? You seemed nervous.”

The fidgeting stops for a moment before it return, this time on his neck tie. Minseok hates seeing him like this – distressed and nervous – so he grabbed Yixing’s hand and squeezed it.

“Is the announcement you’re making really that life changing?” he tried joking, ignoring how his heart hammers wildly inside his chest because damn Yixng is squeezing his hand back and smiling at him.

“It is. I hope this will turn out good.”

Minseok flatten his crumpled tie. “It will be.”

“You’re so kind Minseok. Anyone will be lucky to have you as their partner.”

Minseok blushed for the nth time that night. He didn’t want to put meaning on what he just said but is getting serious right now his heart could only hope. He retrieved his hand from Yixing’s grip, afraid he can’t let it go later.

“Now go make your life changing announcement.”






“Yah! Park Chanyeol, stop ing screaming. You’re not even singing, give the mic to Baekhyun!”

“Let’s light up some fireworks, man!”

The rooftop of Black Pearl Heights, once the children finished their dinner and left to play on the wide garage downstairs was turned into a bar. Minseok upon entering immediately search for Jimin, the petite girl who always do the bartending if their apartment has celebration of the sorts.

“Oh hey Seok. Want a drink?” she gave him her trademark smirk.

“Yeah.” He nods back. “Give me the strongest you have in there. Something that would make me forget this night.”

“Ooh~ Someone wanted to get wasted, huh.” her eyes flashed in amusement before she motioned for someone to come. Minseok doesn’t pay attention, instead he focus on the mass of bodies dancing in front of Hyoyeon and Hyejeong while the two DJ-ed.

Few seconds later, a bottle whose brand was scratch off from the surface was presented to him. He look up confused at Jimin but the latter just gave him a wink. Whatever that means, he doesn’t care. He grabbed the questionable bottle and gulps the alcohol until its half empty. He coughed for a bit before he starts to feel the effect of the drink, mind going numb and his body felt light.

He sniffed and he realized that he’s actually crying.

"Yixing ah…why…?" He whispered his name and buried his face between his folded arms on the table.


Yixing nods and smiled at him before stalking off the makeshift stage. Minseok’s heart pounds faster and faster inside his chest as he watched Yixing reach for the microphone. The music suddenly stopped and everyone’s focus is on him.

“Good evening everyone. Sorry for the interruption but I just wanted to make an announcement.” Yixing catches his eyes and Minseok nodded while clutching his chest tighter.

“If this is about you becoming a partner, I think everyone already expected that Zhang.” Their CEO joked and everyone laughed including him.

“Ah, thank you Mr. Shin but it’s not about that.” He gave a sheepish smile before facing his left that Minseok has to crane his neck because right now he can only see Yixing’s back. The latter reached out his hand and seconds later a slender arm reached back before the owner was pulled up into the makeshift stage. Yixing then got on his knees and that’s all it takes before Minseok bolts out of the room hands coming up to his ears.

He didn’t want to hear about it. He didn’t need to hear; just Yixing getting on his knees is enough for Minseok to know that he will never ever have a chance with him.

For the second time, he gets his heart broken by the same person.


Few miles away from here, Yixing and his fiancé are also probably celebrating their Christmas. The thought of Yixing and his dimpled smile and that it would never be directed to him again, that he would never have a chance to even convey his feelings to the older make his heart clench painfully. He wonders, what if he actually confessed to him back at high school, even before Luhan beat him to it, Minseok thought on the possibility that he could be the one at Yixing’s side now.

So this is heartache?

So this is heartache?

All this pain in the chest, my regrets, and things we never said oh baby

So this is heartache?

So this is heartache?

What we meant, what we said that night.. Why did I let you go?

I miss you


“Yah! What kind of music is that? It’s Christmas for ’s sake! Not All Soul’s Day.”

He heard Henry shout from behind him and he can’t help but laugh. Laugh while crying and drinking some unknown beverage which taste like 90% alcohol and 10% death. Just like how he likes it.

He ended up drinking four more bottles until Jimin forcefully snatch away the fifth one.

“Are you crazy? Heechul doesn’t even make it to the third one and he’s already he strongest drinker here in Black Pearl. Jesus, Minseok, are you trying to roast your liver.” Jimin scolds him while he tried to reach for the bottle again.

“Don’t care.”

“Leave him be, he probably broke up with the pretty boyfriend of his. They were arguing last time I see them.”

Minseok turned around and saw the blonde girl who handed Luhan his blankets last time. Or was it yesterday? He can’t remember and he didn’t bother remembering. He frowned at her, nonetheless.

“I don’t have a boyfriend.”  And I’m never going to have. Ever.

He tried reaching for the bottle again but Jimin handed it to another man on her left, completely ignoring him in favour of gossiping with the blonde girl. They talk loudly and animatedly and it makes his head throb more. Groaning he slumped further on his seat and face his other side.

Why can’t all these people leave him alone? Is it that hard to ask? He just wanted to mourn his broken heart. Alone.

Glancing back at the mass of bodies dancing in the middle of the dance floor, Minseok suddenly felt like he wanted to be there too. He shouldn’t dwell on things that aren’t possible anymore. If Yixing could find his happiness, he could too. Spotting the lanky Sehun between the mess, Minseok make his way towards him, albeit with more stumbles and tripping. He giggled to himself. He never got drunk this much since his alcohol tolerance is high. He didn’t know it was quite this fun. It seems like Jimin really gave him the strongest alcoholic drink she has.

He tripped on a stool – as why it was in the middle of the dance floor he didn’t know – and bumped on someone’s back. Hard. If it wasn’t for the guy’s quick reflexes, Minseok’s face would kiss the floor. He distangled himself on the said guy and continued walking.

“Hey. Are you alright?” the guy called back and he made a mistake of looking back because he found himself staring back at Luhan’s surprised doe eyes.

“Minseok? Are you drunk? Why the hell are you drunk?”

In a blink of an eye – or whatever his inebriated mind could conjure – Luhan was in front of him. But instead of answering, he brushed him off and his eyes wander to find Sehun. Pretend you didn’t know him. But that poor excuse of a deer is nothing but persistent.

“Yah! I’m talkin to you, Kim Minseok.”

“Leave me alone. Or you’re going to face my wrath, Lu.”

“What? Here I am being courteous and that is what you would say? For God’s sake it’s Christmas today, can we leave all that bickering some other time?”

But he would have none of that. Luhan is the one to blame in all this heartache he’s been experiencing. If he didn’t steal the love of his life back then, Minseok won’t be nursing a broken heart right now.

“Yah. Baozi.”

“Dumpling face.”

“Little fattie.”

At the mention of his old nickname, Minseok snapped and turned around. He marched towards Luhan and pushed him on his chest.

“This is all your ing fault!”

“For what? I didn’t trip you. You decided to dive head first on my back and me being a good citizen-

“It’s all your fault if I’m not going to have a boyfriend and end up marrying you!”

A chorus of ‘oh’ echoed throughout the whole roof top and it was then they both realized they already have an audience. Or rather they are already the show of the night. Minseok blushed at the attention he was receiving. And the stupid audience they have decided they could only hear the last words that escaped his lips.

“Oh nice. Here we thought you were just ex boyfriends trying to rekindle their love. Man! You’re actually in the marrying stage.

“We’re not marrying each other!” They shouted in unison, stopped and then glared at each other.

“Oh boring.” He heard Heechul said before their audience decided to leave them alone.

Minseok spun around and suddenly he felt dizzy and he felt his stomach revolting. He tumbled down into the near chair and the prick only manage to catch the sleeve of his polo shirt.

“. How many bottles did you even drink to get you this wasted?”

“Shut up and leave me alone, you insensitive brat.” He get up started walking to the entrance of the rooftop. Luhan followed him.

“Oh wow, I’m the insensitive one now. Guess who came here past the Christmas Eve dinner, forget their gifts to the children, even just a simple greeting Minseok, and all we got is your drunk sorry .”

Minseok didn’t like explaining and he doesn’t understand why Luhan is following him. He groaned and fasten his walk, as fast as a drunk man could. The last thing a heartbroken man need in this situation is the sermon of how ungrateful and rude he is.

“Sehun was expecting you, Sooyoung noona as well. Is this because of Yixing’s engagement?”

He suddenly stopped in his tracks. How the hell Luhan did knew that? As if the younger read his mind, he look at Minseok smugly.

“Yixing tells me everything. We didn’t date for years for nothing.”

He glared at him and before he could thought of pushing Luhan off the stairs because he really wanted to, he walked away instead, heavy footsteps echoing down the stairs and into the hallway.

“What did I tell you, baozi, hmm? You would never get Yixing ah. You were so confident of yourself and it’s not like he would fall for someone like you.”

He just kept on walking and walking, ignoring Luhan blabbering. No, Luhan won’t, can’t destroy him. He would not let the younger hurt him anymore. More than when he learned Luhan and Yixing were boyfriends back in high school.

“And it’s not like you love him, you were only looking for someone who could be together with you until the year ends and it’s not like I have a problem with that. It’s just that Yixing is my friend I don’t want you to use him just to spite that stupid fortune telling.”

“You gave a different meaning to his kindness when it was clearly platonic and all business.”

Minseok who’s now slumping on the baluster of the stairs glared menacingly at Luhan.

“Are you done with your ing speech?” he growled. Luhan met his stare.

“No. If I want to tell you what I had in my mind right now, you will have to wait until the year ends.” His tone was cold, clipped and his stare is boring into Minseok’s inner walls. Like he would snap any moment now if Minseok ever decided to move a muscle.

But he won’t be deterred, whatever happened between him and Yixing in none of Luhan’s concern. He didn’t understand why the younger is so adamant on lecturing him about his feelings for the older. Why every time he associate himself with Yixing, Luhan is there, like an antagonist in a soap drama his sister likes to watch.

He clenched his hands in order to control his raging wrath.

“And may I remind you whose idea is this?” he seethed.

“No. My idea is that you get yourself in a relationship before this season ends, not act like a lovesick fool ready to open his legs if ever asked.”

This time Minseok snapped but before he could land a punch on Luhan’s face, his grip on the baluster slips. The next this he knew, he was on the floor and a searing pain on his left ankle enough to make him go faint. The last this he hear is Luhan shouting his name.



“Hey man! What was that?”

A sixteen year old Minseok watched nervously as the object of his affections flip back and forth a simple baby blue envelop between his fingers.

“Nah. Someone left this in my locker.”

“Oh? Is that a love letter? Aw, how cute.” His friend cooed but to Minseok’s surprised the other one just scoofed.

“Cute? Huh, things like this are stupid and people who did these kind of things are equally stupid.”

Minseok watched in horror as the blue envelop he spent so many nights to write was tossed into the nearby trash can.

He wanted to pretend it wasn’t the same letter he had slip into his locker but as the hamster art on the front of it tells otherwise.

That day Minseok experienced his very first heartbreak.



He opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the dim light of the room. Where was he? He scanned the room but he can’t seem to recognize the place.

“You’re in my room.”

His head snapped at the sound of the voice. Luhan was sitting in chair beside the lamp holding a book. This is the first time Minseok saw him wearing eyeglasses and he wonders if Luhan looked good with it before.

“What happened?” He tried to get up only to wince at the immediate pain he felt on his ankle.

“ that hurts.”

“Stop moving.”

He glared at Luhan. Before he could respond, the door to his room open and a man in white coat entered.

“Oh, I see you’re already awake Mr. Kim.” He placed down into the bed a box full of bandage and pain killers. “How was your ankle? You twisted a tendon due to the fall and although it doesn’t cause an internal bleeding, the swelling would last for days. I suggest you get help in removing and replacing the cast on your ankle from someone who knew how to fasten the healing.”

“Thank you, Doc.” Minseok recognized him as their apartment’s resident doctor.

“No problem. I would really like to help you in your recovery but I’m going to visit my family for New Year.”

Minseok shook his head and smiled at the old man. “No. It’s alright. Thank you for the help.”

The doctor patted his shoulder before turning to Luhan.

“I’m counting on you Mr. Lu to take good care of Mr Kim.”

Wait what?

“W-wait.. I can handle myself.” Minseok protested. The last thing he wanted is to spend more time with Luhan. He’s maybe drunk yesterday or was it the day before yesterday, but he could still remember how their conversation went on the rooftop.

“Oh its okay I already instructed your boyfriend here on how to replace the cast. No need to worry.”

Minseok gaped at the old man.

“B-but but.. but..”

“So I guess, I’ll see you soon when you’re healed enough, Mr. Kim.”

The door closed with a small thud.

Minseok blinked once before turning to Luhan who was now walking towards him. “You..” Minseok seethed but Luhan just sighed.


“You’re a pain in the , do you know that?” Luhan picked up the first aid kit and placed it on the bedside table.

“Well I didn’t ask you to do this!” He snapped.

Luhan stared at him for a moment and Minseok squirmed in his seat. If Luhan is having guilty feelings right now then he could rot in hell and die.

“It’s not my fault why you’re like that, though. I’m just being a good human being.”

What a shameless prick. He then he handed him a robe. “Change your shirt first before I’ll change the cast.”

His brow furrowed and looked down. His cheeks immediately reddened at the fact that he’s only wearing his boxer and the white long sleeve he had during the party.

“You changed.. I.. my dress..” Oh god. Kill him now.

Luhan snorted. “As if you had anything to hide. I’ve seen better bodies and it’s not like I don’t have what you had in there.”

“Oh dear God shut up and tell me where is the freaking bathroom is before I decided to throw you the first aid kit.”

Luhan looked smug the whole trip to the bathroom and Minseok really wanted to plummet his face.




Minseok wanted to roll on the floor because his ankle freaking hurts! It’s already enough that he has to wear Luhan’s robe, had to shower inside Luhan’s bathroom, and had to use his things. The last thing he wanted was to be in debt of gratitude with the younger.

He glared at the strutting fat black cat as it made its way out of the bathroom and leaving him a mocking and judging glare. Seconds later its owner appeared from the door.


Luhan found him sprawled on the bathroom floor. He looked up to glare at Luhan when he saw the younger one immediately averting his eyes and a hint of pink on his cheeks and ears and its only when Minseok recognize the state of his undress. His slip had made the robe to loosen, exposing his chest down to his waist, hiked up enough to expose his legs.

He scrambled to cover up himself momentarily forgetting that his ankle is swollen and a pained shout escaped his lips. That seemed to snap Luhan out of his reverie and immediately kneeled down beside Minseok.

“Where the hell are you touching?!”

“Oh sorry!” Luhan immediately removed his hand that was clamped on Minseok’s left thigh.

He groaned at the throbbing pain in his ankle and if this was another day, he would have already laugh at how Luhan looked flustered and panicking.

“Would you make yourself decent first?” the younger was looking at anywhere but him.


“I said.. oh never mind.”

Minseok let out another shriek as Luhan snake a hand under both his legs holding the robe in place before lifting Minseok up.

“Hey! Let me down, er.”

“Shut up.”

The trip to Luhan’s bedroom was not an easy task as Minseok kept clawing at every furniture he could see, not wanting be carried bridal style.

MInseok was unceremoniously dumped on the bed and before he could even react Luhan was nowhere in sight.



Luhan immediately closed the bathroom door after leaving Minseok to his own devices in his bedroom. He wanted to bang his head on the cold tiled sink. It’s not even an hour with the older and Luhan already wanted to hang himself.

And to address his more serious problem at the moment, he glanced south and groaned at the tent on his pants. He really wanted to curse the older and so he did.

“ you Kim Minseok.”

A/N: Uwu~~~ I’m back. ^^ I was really surprised when I logged in on my account yesterday and saw 69 (really guys, 69?) subscribers already. Where are the subs coming from? I only posted one chapter and it’s not even that good. I feel guilty because I was having a writer’s block and I think it will be going for a long time but then one of my favorite fic updated and I had so many feels right now I decided to write this on a whim. So sorry for the grammar and spelling errors, all of them are mine. I will probably edit this chapter when I update the next one.

Enjoy and sorry for the crappy chapter.


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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 4: Senpai pleaseeee updateee huuuuuu T.T
zandy151 #2
Chapter 4: I love this story, please continue ♥
Xiuhanisloveok #3
Chapter 4: Yo dude I reread this dude I love this so much aaaaa
gooddyoctor #4
Chapter 4: Finally i got to read this fic again from the beginning continuously till the latest chapter so i will ‘refresh’ every thing. Even for the second time reading i still teared up unconsciously because poor minseok ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the update!❤️❤️
qxcqxc #5
Chapter 4: Ahhhh!!! I enjoyed this fic so so so much. This is so well written and everything is so satisfying. Love hate xiuhan with a past is life. Glad you regain your muse back^^
Xiuhanisloveok #6
exodaily #9
Chapter 4: THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!! this was seriously a good chapter!!!
jennifer_yuki #10
Chapter 4: Wow, you two just SMASH already!!!lol
I miss this story you better not taking another almost a year to update next chapter haha (v)